• 제목/요약/키워드: Critical Work Model

검색결과 401건 처리시간 0.026초

Do good return policies work across cultures? Effect of lenient return policies on online shopper perceptions in Eastern culture

  • Yang, SuJin;Choi, Yun Jung
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • 제15권2호
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    • pp.75-97
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    • 2013
  • While good return policies are suggested as one of the critical services for e-commerce, ambivalence between the burden of the cost and shoppers' satisfaction may prevent e-tailers from increasing their level of leniency. Based on the S-O-R model, this study has attempted to develop a grounded theory to explain how lenient return policies shape online shoppers' perceptions and responses, with a focus on cultural influences in the relationship. In order to check the cultural effects of the lenient return policy, thirty two female and eleven male undergraduate students in South Korean shoppers, who are accustomed to strict return policies, participated in the semi-structured interview. A series of open-ended questions were designed to explore consumers' reactions toward four different levels of the lenient return policy: from the strict type in South Korea to the lenient type in the U.S. Using qualitative research methods, this research has defined three types of dimensions of lenient return policy: return possible period, complexity of progress, and other restrictions. While previous researchers did not pay much attention, the last dimension, other restrictions, is shown to be the most significant in influencing online shoppers' perceptions, especially in South Korea. Also, the impacts on online shoppers' perceptions from the three types of sub-dimensions of return policy were somewhat different. Whereas a longer return possible period was considered more favorable, a medium level of complexity and restrictions were considered more desirable. In summary, this result showed that shoppers in Eastern cultures, i.e. South Korean online shoppers, seem favorable to a medium level of lenient return policies, while allowing for taking precautions against possible fraudulent behaviors and setting other restrictions. Therefore, most of retailers in South Korea recommended that e-tailers who adopt the most lenient return policies raise the bar to guard ethical shoppers from fraudulent users. Next, lenient return policies can enhance ease of use, usefulness, affect, and trust while relieving perceived risk, which is connected to intention to purchase, satisfaction, and loyalty. Interestingly, lenient return policies are more likely to change the behavioral responses of online shoppers, such as return and purchase, rather than change their attitudes or beliefs such as image, satisfaction, and loyalty. This tendency can be seen more clearly in the direct influences of return policy on responses. The reaction to lenient return policy is mostly the intention to return or to purchase. This suggests that return policy serves the e-tailers as a powerful tool in increasing online shoppers' purchase intention at the moment of purchase. Therefore, e-tailers who plan to expand their market to eastern countries, including South Korea, have to build a shield of restrictions around their lenient return policy, rather than immediately applying their original liberalized return policy. Also, e-tailers in South Korea need to review their strict and undifferentiated return policies to deal with the unsatisfied reactions of online shoppers toward their normal return policies. Although the present study was confined to the return policies currently being practiced by popular e-tailers, it would be worthwhile to develop effective return policies separately for each country, especially South Korea, keeping the culture of the relevant country in mind.

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드론을 활용한 실증 서비스에 대한 인식 조사 (Perception Survey for Demonstration Service using Drones)

  • 옥진아;유순덕;정효진
    • 한국인터넷방송통신학회논문지
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    • 제24권1호
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    • pp.125-132
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    • 2024
  • 본 연구의 목적은 지역 특성에 맞는 드론 활용 모델 발굴 및 드론 활성화를 위한 수요조사 기반으로 드론 실증도시 구축 방향 제시 및 드론 활용 지원체계에 대한 활용방안을 제안하고자 하였다. 첫째, 설문자의 결과에 따르면, 드론 실증사업에 대한 이해도와 도입 필요성도 높고 특히 도시문제 해결에 많은 영향력을 주는 것으로 평가되었다. 둘쨰, 우선 순위와 장단기적 접근 분석 결과를 보면, 우선순위는 재난 관련 업무이고 중장기적 전략을 통한 접근이 필요한 것으로 평가되었다. 셋째, 사업 진행시 예산이 가장 중요한 이슈로 등장 햇다는 것이다. 실무자와 전문가들은 드론 기반 기술들이 예산과 기술이 준비 되었을때는 업무에 적극적으로 도입할 수 있다는 의사를 보유하고 있었다. 현재 적용이 제대로 이루어지지 않는 부분에 대해서는 예산 부족 문제가 가장 크게 지적되었으며, 이 부분이 해결되는 것이 필요하다고도 조사되었다. 넷째, 일부 영역에서 사업 발굴시 수요조사의 필요성이 조사되었다. 실증을 위한 수요조사는 반드시 필요하며, 공공에서 주도할 필요성이 조사되었다. 드론 기반 실증도시 구축에 있어서 대부분의 응답자가 수요조사가 필요하다고 답하였으며, 공공에서 주도하는 것도 필요하다고 조사되었다. 다섯째, 분야별 접근 방식에 대해서는 안전 재해관리 영역이 가장 적용이 필요한 부분으로 제시되었다.

Horst Klaus Berg의 성서교수학에 나타난 해석 다양성에 관한 연구 (A study on the diversification of Interpretation according to the Bible didactics by Horst Klaus Berg)

  • 안정도
    • 기독교교육논총
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    • 제77권
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    • pp.127-150
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    • 2024
  • 연구 목적 : 본 연구의 목적은 성서 교육과 학습을 위한 해석의 다양성의 중요성을 강조한 독일 성서교수학자 베르그(Horst Klaus Berg)의 교육원리를 소개하고 탐구하면서 기독교교육에서 다양한 성서해석의 중요성을 강조한다. 연구 내용 및 방법 : 오늘날 성서 읽기의 어려움은 복잡성에서 비롯된다 할 수 있다. 이 복잡성을 교육학적인 의미에서 다양성으로 이해하고 더 깊은 이해의 도구로 삼을 수 있다. 본 논문은 복잡한 성서의 다양한 해석의 당위성을 이해하기 위해 독일의 대표적인 성서교수학자 베르그의 이론에 주목한다. 베르그는 '기차 선로들'과 '자유 학습'과 같은 상징어로 성서의 다양한 해석과 방법이 학습자에게 전통과 경험 사이의 간격을 교육적으로 줄여야 한다고 주장한다. 이러한 다양한 해석에 대한 열린 자세는 성서의 광범위한 내용이 학습자가 삶의 현장과 연결되어 기초적으로 학습자가 인식할 수 있는 교육 기회를 제공한다고 믿는다. 결론 및 제언 : 본 연구에서는 베르그의 성서 교수학의 세 가지 과제: '상호 해석,' '성서 본문의 다양성 이해,' '자유 학습'이 불가분의 관계에 있다는 것을 확인한다. 이것을 통해 우리는 베르그의 성서교수학으로부터 어린이가 자신의 삶의 경험과 연결하여 성서 본문의 깊은 의미를 이해하는 주체적인 독자가 되도록 돕는 것이 기독교교육의 과제임을 다시 깨닫는다. 이런 의미에서 베르그가 주장하는 성서의 통전성과 다양성에 대한 이해는 오늘날 기독교 교육의 영역에 여전히 유효한 통찰을 주는 개념이다.

국가안전관리: 한국의 시민보호(위기재난관리) 체계에 관한 비판적 고찰 (Homeland Security Management: A Critical Review of Civil Protection Mechanism in Korea)

  • 김학경
    • 시큐리티연구
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    • 제26호
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    • pp.121-144
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    • 2011
  • 현재 우리나라의 국가안전관리(위기재난관리)체계를 지탱하고 있는 기본법은 '재난 및 안전관리기본법'이다. 이러한 '재난 및 안전관리기본법' 하에서 우리나라의 국가안전관리체계는 위기와 재난을 효율적으로 관리하기 위하여 이른바 삼단체계(중앙정부, 시도, 시군구)를 채택하고 있다. 통합위기관리체계(IEM)는 일차적으로 지역 대응기관의 조정과 협력(Coordination and Cooperation)체계를 중시하는 개념이며, 특히 서로 동등한 위치에서 기관과 기관 간의 협력을 강조하고 있다. 이러한 통합위기관리체계의 흐름에 발맞추어 영국과 미국의 국가안전관리체계는, 지역사회 내의 지역대응기관들이 중앙정부나 연방정부의 직접적인 개입없이 일차적으로 시민보호와 관련된 문제(위기 및 재난)를 관리하는 시스템을 구축하고 있다. 다시 말해, 영국과 미국에서는 위기와 재난의 범위가 아주 광범위하고 복잡한 경우, 이로 인하여 중앙정부의 조정과 협력이 절실히 요구되는 때에만 비로소 중앙정부의 개입이 직접적으로 이루어지고 있는 것이다. 이와 반대로 한국의 국가안전관리체계는 지시와 통제(Command and Control) 중심의 중앙집권화 된 시스템을 채택하고 있기 때문에, 위기재난 발생시(중요도에 관계없이) 중앙 정부가 쉽게 지역단위의 지휘체계를 무시하고 이를 통제하고 간섭할 수 있다. 현대사회는 불확실성, 비친숙성 및 비예측성이 증폭되고 있는, 이른바 '위험사회(Risk Society)' 또는 '포스트모던 사회(Post-modern Society)'라고 일컬어진다. 이러한 불확실성의 시대에서 과연 우리의 하향식 국가안전관리체계가, '위험사회(Risk Society)'와 '포스트모던 사회(Post-modern Society)'의 불확실성, 비친숙성, 비예측성을 효과적으로 관리할 수 있는지 의문점이 제기된다. 이러한 맥락에서, 동 논문은 한국의 시민보호체계도 영국과 미국의 위기재난관리시스템과 마찬가지로 분권화된 조정과 협력모델(Coordination and Cooperation)로 변화해야 한다고 주장한다. 이를 위해서, 현행 '재난 및 안전관리기본법' 체계 하에서 우리나라의 시민보호체계 및 안전관리체계를 비판적으로 검토하고, 이를 토대로 국가안전관리체계의 발전 방향에 대한 정책적 시사점을 제시하고자 한다.

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원대(元代)의 왕역(王繹)·예찬(倪瓚) 합작 <양죽서소상(楊竹西小像)> 연구 (A Study of Portrait of Yang Zhuxi housed in the Palace Museum in Beijing)

  • 장준구
    • 헤리티지:역사와 과학
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    • 제47권2호
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    • pp.114-131
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    • 2014
  • <양죽서소상>은 1363년이라는 분명한 연대를 지닌 원대의 희소한 초상화라는 점에서 유의미하다. 또 최초의 초상화 이론인 "사상비결(寫像秘訣)"의 저자이자 중요한 초상화가인 왕역(王繹)의 유일한 현존 작이라는 점, 대표적 산수화가인 예찬(倪瓚)과의 합작이라는 점, 그리고 산수인물화 형식 초상화의 이른 사례라는 점에서도 주목된다. 그림의 주인공은 본래 원대의 고관대작 양우로 알려져 있었으나, 이는 명대 이일화(李日華)의 오인에서 비롯된 것이다. 실제 피사인물은 송강지역의 은거 문인으로 강남의 문인 사회에서 명망이 높았던 양겸이다. <양죽서소상>은 소식(蘇軾)과 같은 은자의 도상으로 묘사되었는데, 이는 은거 문인 양겸을 표현하는데 있어 적절한 선택이었다. 또 예찬이 그린 바위와 소나무는 군자, 문인이라는 전통적 상징성과 맞물려 작품의 의미를 강화시켜 주었다. 양식적으로는 백묘법을 사용하였다는 점에서 동시기의 여타 초상화들과 차별화된다. 그러나 안면 표현의 경우 채색이 배제되었음에도 오히려 뛰어난 사실성을 보여준다. 반면 신체의 표현에 있어서는 단아하고 절제된 서예적인 선묘를 구사함으로써 작품의 격조를 높이고자 하였다. <양죽서소상>은 기능이라는 측면에서 보았을 때, 제의적 성격이 강한 여타 초상화들과 달리 감상적 성격이 강하다. 피사인물 자신과 친구들의 열람, 감상 목적으로 제작된 것으로 서로간의 교유적인 측면에서도 의미가 컸다. 그러나 여기에는 단순한 감상의 차원을 넘어서서 피사인물 자신과 친구들의 심회를 담고자 하는 의도가 컸다.

KODISA 연구윤리의 표절 판단기준과 글로벌 학술지 가이드라인 (The Standard of Judgement on Plagiarism in Research Ethics and the Guideline of Global Journals for KODISA)

  • 황희중;김동호;윤명길;이정완;이종호
    • 유통과학연구
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    • 제12권6호
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    • pp.15-20
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    • 2014
  • Purpose - In general, researchers try to abide by the code of research ethics, but many of them are not fully aware of plagiarism, unintentionally committing the research misconduct when they write a research paper. This research aims to introduce researchers a clear and easy guideline at a conference, which helps researchers avoid accidental plagiarism by addressing the issue. This research is expected to contribute building a climate and encouraging creative research among scholars. Research design, data, methodology & Results - Plagiarism is considered a sort of research misconduct along with fabrication and falsification. It is defined as an improper usage of another author's ideas, language, process, or results without giving appropriate credit. Plagiarism has nothing to do with examining the truth or accessing value of research data, process, or results. Plagiarism is determined based on whether a research corresponds to widely-used research ethics, containing proper citations. Within academia, plagiarism goes beyond the legal boundary, encompassing any kind of intentional wrongful appropriation of a research, which was created by another researchers. In summary, the definition of plagiarism is to steal other people's creative idea, research model, hypotheses, methods, definition, variables, images, tables and graphs, and use them without reasonable attribution to their true sources. There are various types of plagiarism. Some people assort plagiarism into idea plagiarism, text plagiarism, mosaic plagiarism, and idea distortion. Others view that plagiarism includes uncredited usage of another person's work without appropriate citations, self-plagiarism (using a part of a researcher's own previous research without proper citations), duplicate publication (publishing a researcher's own previous work with a different title), unethical citation (using quoted parts of another person's research without proper citations as if the parts are being cited by the current author). When an author wants to cite a part that was previously drawn from another source the author is supposed to reveal that the part is re-cited. If it is hard to state all the sources the author is allowed to mention the original source only. Today, various disciplines are developing their own measures to address these plagiarism issues, especially duplicate publications, by requiring researchers to clearly reveal true sources when they refer to any other research. Conclusions - Research misconducts including plagiarism have broad and unclear boundaries which allow ambiguous definitions and diverse interpretations. It seems difficult for researchers to have clear understandings of ways to avoid plagiarism and how to cite other's works properly. However, if guidelines are developed to detect and avoid plagiarism considering characteristics of each discipline (For example, social science and natural sciences might be able to have different standards on plagiarism.) and shared among researchers they will likely have a consensus and understanding regarding the issue. Particularly, since duplicate publications has frequently appeared more than plagiarism, academic institutions will need to provide pre-warning and screening in evaluation processes in order to reduce mistakes of researchers and to prevent duplicate publications. What is critical for researchers is to clearly reveal the true sources based on the common citation rules and to only borrow necessary amounts of others' research.

GPU Based Feature Profile Simulation for Deep Contact Hole Etching in Fluorocarbon Plasma

  • Im, Yeon-Ho;Chang, Won-Seok;Choi, Kwang-Sung;Yu, Dong-Hun;Cho, Deog-Gyun;Yook, Yeong-Geun;Chun, Poo-Reum;Lee, Se-A;Kim, Jin-Tae;Kwon, Deuk-Chul;Yoon, Jung-Sik;Kim3, Dae-Woong;You, Shin-Jae
    • 한국진공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국진공학회 2012년도 제43회 하계 정기 학술대회 초록집
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    • pp.80-81
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    • 2012
  • Recently, one of the critical issues in the etching processes of the nanoscale devices is to achieve ultra-high aspect ratio contact (UHARC) profile without anomalous behaviors such as sidewall bowing, and twisting profile. To achieve this goal, the fluorocarbon plasmas with major advantage of the sidewall passivation have been used commonly with numerous additives to obtain the ideal etch profiles. However, they still suffer from formidable challenges such as tight limits of sidewall bowing and controlling the randomly distorted features in nanoscale etching profile. Furthermore, the absence of the available plasma simulation tools has made it difficult to develop revolutionary technologies to overcome these process limitations, including novel plasma chemistries, and plasma sources. As an effort to address these issues, we performed a fluorocarbon surface kinetic modeling based on the experimental plasma diagnostic data for silicon dioxide etching process under inductively coupled C4F6/Ar/O2 plasmas. For this work, the SiO2 etch rates were investigated with bulk plasma diagnostics tools such as Langmuir probe, cutoff probe and Quadruple Mass Spectrometer (QMS). The surface chemistries of the etched samples were measured by X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer. To measure plasma parameters, the self-cleaned RF Langmuir probe was used for polymer deposition environment on the probe tip and double-checked by the cutoff probe which was known to be a precise plasma diagnostic tool for the electron density measurement. In addition, neutral and ion fluxes from bulk plasma were monitored with appearance methods using QMS signal. Based on these experimental data, we proposed a phenomenological, and realistic two-layer surface reaction model of SiO2 etch process under the overlying polymer passivation layer, considering material balance of deposition and etching through steady-state fluorocarbon layer. The predicted surface reaction modeling results showed good agreement with the experimental data. With the above studies of plasma surface reaction, we have developed a 3D topography simulator using the multi-layer level set algorithm and new memory saving technique, which is suitable in 3D UHARC etch simulation. Ballistic transports of neutral and ion species inside feature profile was considered by deterministic and Monte Carlo methods, respectively. In case of ultra-high aspect ratio contact hole etching, it is already well-known that the huge computational burden is required for realistic consideration of these ballistic transports. To address this issue, the related computational codes were efficiently parallelized for GPU (Graphic Processing Unit) computing, so that the total computation time could be improved more than few hundred times compared to the serial version. Finally, the 3D topography simulator was integrated with ballistic transport module and etch reaction model. Realistic etch-profile simulations with consideration of the sidewall polymer passivation layer were demonstrated.

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병원중심 가정간호사업 관리대상범위 확대를 위한 기초연구 (A Preliminary Study for Expending of Hospital-Based Horne Health Care Coverage - Focused on Accident Inpatients Who has the Workers Compensation Insurance -)

  • 이숙자;이진경;유호신
    • 가정∙방문간호학회지
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    • 제6권
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    • pp.5-18
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    • 1999
  • This study was attempt to encourage for developing on rehabilitation delivery system and programs as a substitute service instead of hospitalization for accident patients at work, such as hospital based home health care nursing service. It needs vary substitutes service of hospitalization to curtail the length of stay for inpatients who were hospitalized with workers compensation insurance. It focused on developing an estimation of early discharge day of accident inpatients based on a detail statement of treatment for 115 inpatients who were hospitalized at General Hospital in 1997. This study has four specific purpose as follows. First, to find out the status of health service utilization. Second, to estimate the early discharge days and income increasing effect based on the early discharge for those patients. Third, to identify the factors to affect total medical expenditure and the length of stay for those inpatients. Forth, to figure out the need of utilizing home health care nursing service for accident patients. In order to analyze of the length of stay and medical expenditure for inpatients who were hospitalized due to the accident, the authors conducted with micro-analysis and macroanalysis from medical records and medical expenditure records. Micro-analysis was done by nominal group discussion of 4 expertise with the critical criteria. such as a decrease in the amount of treatment after surgery, treatments, tests, drugs and changes in the tests consistency, drug methods, vital signs, start of ROM exercise, doctor's order, patient's outside visiting ability, stable conditions. In addition to identify affected variables for medical expenditure. the length of stay and income effect due to early discharge day, the data was analyzed with multiple regression analysis and linear regression analysis model by SPSS-PC for windows and Excell program. Results of this study as follows. First, the mean length of stay was 37.1 days, whereas the mean length of stay due to early discharge was 28.2 days at the hospital. The estimation of early discharge days were shown that depends on the length of stay. The longer length of stay, the longer length of early discharge days, such as under 7 days length of stay patients was to estimated the mean length of stay was 4.9 days and early discharge days was 4.6. whereas the mean length of stay was 122.6 days and early discharge days was 92.0 respectively. The mean medical expenditure per day were found to be 133.409 Won. whereas the mean medical expenditure per day was shown negative linear trends according to the length of stay at the hospital. The estimation results of the income effect due to 11 early discharge days per bed was around 2,150,000 won. However, it means not the real benefits from early discharge, but the income increasing amount without considering medical prime cost in general hospital. Therefore, it needs further analysis on the cost containments and benefits under the considering as well turn over rates per bed as the medical prime costs. The length of stay was most significant and the sign was positive to the total medical expenditure, as expected. Surgery and patient's residential area also an important variable in explaining medical expenditure. The level of complications was most significant variable in explaining the length of stay. The level of the needs on horne health care nursing service which can be used for early discharge accident patients were shown very high. The needs distribution varied from 65.5% of patients and 88.9% of caregivers, to 96.4% of doctors, and 99.1% of nurses. In addition horne health nurse responded that they can be managed the accident inpatients from early discharge. From these research findings. the following suggestions has been drawn it needs to develop strategies on rehabilitation delivery system in order to focused on consumer's side which is planned for 21 century health policy in Korea. Vary intermediate facilities and horne health care would have been developed in the community based for comprehensive rehabilitation services as a substitutes of hospitalization for shortening the length of stay of hospitalizations. In hospital based horne health care nursing service, it's available immediately to utilize for the patients who wanted rehabilitation services as a substitutes of hospitalization under the cooperations with workers compensation insurance company.

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국제프랜차이징 연구요소 및 연구방향 (Research Framework for International Franchising)

  • 김주영;임영균;심재덕
    • 마케팅과학연구
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    • 제18권4호
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    • pp.61-118
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    • 2008
  • 본 연구는 국내외 프랜차이즈의 해외진출에 대한 연구들을 바탕으로 국제프랜차이징연구의 전체적인 연구체계를 세워보고, 연구체계를 형성하고 있는 연구요인들을 확인하여 각 연구요소별로 이루어지는 연구주제와 내용을 살펴보고, 앞으로의 연구주제들을 제안하고자 한다. 주요한 연구요소들은 국제프랜차이징의 동기 및 환경 요소과 진출의사결정, 국제프랜차이징의 진입양식 및 발전전략, 국제프랜차이징의 운영전략 및 국제프랜차이징의 성과이다. 이외에도 국제프랜차이징 연구에 적용할 수 있는 대리인이론, 자원기반이론, 거래비용이론, 조직학습이론 및 해외진출이론들을 설명하였다. 또한 국제프랜차이징연구에서 보다 중점적으로 개발해야 할 질적, 양적 방법론을 소개하였으며, 마지막으로 국내연구의 동향을 정리하여 추후의 연구방향을 종합적으로 정리하였다.

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시맨틱 웹 자원의 랭킹을 위한 알고리즘: 클래스중심 접근방법 (A Ranking Algorithm for Semantic Web Resources: A Class-oriented Approach)

  • 노상규;박현정;박진수
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.31-59
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    • 2007
  • We frequently use search engines to find relevant information in the Web but still end up with too much information. In order to solve this problem of information overload, ranking algorithms have been applied to various domains. As more information will be available in the future, effectively and efficiently ranking search results will become more critical. In this paper, we propose a ranking algorithm for the Semantic Web resources, specifically RDF resources. Traditionally, the importance of a particular Web page is estimated based on the number of key words found in the page, which is subject to manipulation. In contrast, link analysis methods such as Google's PageRank capitalize on the information which is inherent in the link structure of the Web graph. PageRank considers a certain page highly important if it is referred to by many other pages. The degree of the importance also increases if the importance of the referring pages is high. Kleinberg's algorithm is another link-structure based ranking algorithm for Web pages. Unlike PageRank, Kleinberg's algorithm utilizes two kinds of scores: the authority score and the hub score. If a page has a high authority score, it is an authority on a given topic and many pages refer to it. A page with a high hub score links to many authoritative pages. As mentioned above, the link-structure based ranking method has been playing an essential role in World Wide Web(WWW), and nowadays, many people recognize the effectiveness and efficiency of it. On the other hand, as Resource Description Framework(RDF) data model forms the foundation of the Semantic Web, any information in the Semantic Web can be expressed with RDF graph, making the ranking algorithm for RDF knowledge bases greatly important. The RDF graph consists of nodes and directional links similar to the Web graph. As a result, the link-structure based ranking method seems to be highly applicable to ranking the Semantic Web resources. However, the information space of the Semantic Web is more complex than that of WWW. For instance, WWW can be considered as one huge class, i.e., a collection of Web pages, which has only a recursive property, i.e., a 'refers to' property corresponding to the hyperlinks. However, the Semantic Web encompasses various kinds of classes and properties, and consequently, ranking methods used in WWW should be modified to reflect the complexity of the information space in the Semantic Web. Previous research addressed the ranking problem of query results retrieved from RDF knowledge bases. Mukherjea and Bamba modified Kleinberg's algorithm in order to apply their algorithm to rank the Semantic Web resources. They defined the objectivity score and the subjectivity score of a resource, which correspond to the authority score and the hub score of Kleinberg's, respectively. They concentrated on the diversity of properties and introduced property weights to control the influence of a resource on another resource depending on the characteristic of the property linking the two resources. A node with a high objectivity score becomes the object of many RDF triples, and a node with a high subjectivity score becomes the subject of many RDF triples. They developed several kinds of Semantic Web systems in order to validate their technique and showed some experimental results verifying the applicability of their method to the Semantic Web. Despite their efforts, however, there remained some limitations which they reported in their paper. First, their algorithm is useful only when a Semantic Web system represents most of the knowledge pertaining to a certain domain. In other words, the ratio of links to nodes should be high, or overall resources should be described in detail, to a certain degree for their algorithm to properly work. Second, a Tightly-Knit Community(TKC) effect, the phenomenon that pages which are less important but yet densely connected have higher scores than the ones that are more important but sparsely connected, remains as problematic. Third, a resource may have a high score, not because it is actually important, but simply because it is very common and as a consequence it has many links pointing to it. In this paper, we examine such ranking problems from a novel perspective and propose a new algorithm which can solve the problems under the previous studies. Our proposed method is based on a class-oriented approach. In contrast to the predicate-oriented approach entertained by the previous research, a user, under our approach, determines the weights of a property by comparing its relative significance to the other properties when evaluating the importance of resources in a specific class. This approach stems from the idea that most queries are supposed to find resources belonging to the same class in the Semantic Web, which consists of many heterogeneous classes in RDF Schema. This approach closely reflects the way that people, in the real world, evaluate something, and will turn out to be superior to the predicate-oriented approach for the Semantic Web. Our proposed algorithm can resolve the TKC(Tightly Knit Community) effect, and further can shed lights on other limitations posed by the previous research. In addition, we propose two ways to incorporate data-type properties which have not been employed even in the case when they have some significance on the resource importance. We designed an experiment to show the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm and the validity of ranking results, which was not tried ever in previous research. We also conducted a comprehensive mathematical analysis, which was overlooked in previous research. The mathematical analysis enabled us to simplify the calculation procedure. Finally, we summarize our experimental results and discuss further research issues.