• Title/Summary/Keyword: Criminalization Analysis

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Digital Prostitution: International Legal Experience of Criminalization and Decriminalization

  • Baranenko, Dmytro;Lashchuk, Nataliya;Vynnyk, Anna;Rodionova, Taisa
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.10
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    • pp.400-405
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    • 2022
  • Legislative approaches to regulating the digital sex industry are increasingly being debated at the international and national levels. There is a trend showing an increased interest in the decriminalization of sex work. At the same time, in many countries, activities related to digital prostitution remain criminalized. In this regard, it is important to analyze the international legal experience of the criminalization and decriminalization of digital prostitution, as well as to pay attention to the key problematic issues that arise during the criminalization and decriminalization of such an issue. The object of the study is the international experience of criminalization and decriminalization of digital prostitution. The subject of the study is social relations that arise, change, and cease during the criminalization and decriminalization of digital prostitution. The research methodology consists of such methods as philosophical, logical, special-legal, system analysis methods, and formal-dogmatic methods. Research results. As a result of the study of the international legal experience of criminalization and decriminalization of digital prostitution, it was concluded that the criminalization and/or decriminalization of digital prostitution is treated differently in different countries. Workers in this industry advocate decriminalization, not legalization, because decriminalization puts power directly in the hands of sex workers and creates no legal barriers. Countries that have decriminalized digital prostitution believe that sex work is real work and should be treated respectfully, and banning resources such as OnlyFans is not in favor of such workers. Regarding positions on the criminalization of prostitution, countries use different models of such criminalization, including the model of legalization of digital prostitution, which, on the one hand, allows prostitution, but establishes criminal liability for deviations from the rules established by the state.

Comparative Law Review and Human Dignity-Based Criminalization Analysis of Internet Gambling (인터넷 도박의 비교법적 고찰과 인간의 존엄성 원리에 근거한 범죄화 분석)

  • Shin Seungnam
    • Studies on Life and Culture
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    • v.54
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    • pp.31-50
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    • 2019
  • Internet gambling is to place, receive or otherwise knowingly transmit a bet or wager by any means which involves the use of the Internet. Internet gambling is a victimless crime wherein its characteristic feature is that the persons affected are those who take part in the act of their own free will and are responsible for the suffering which is self-inflicted. This article reviews the laws of Korea, United States and United Kingdom regarding internet gambling. Further, this article tries to perform criminalization analysis based upon the constitutional principle of "human dignity" in order to find out whether the alternative regulations rather than criminal law are better equipped to regulate internet gambling. Based upon the comparative law review and the criminal analysis, non-criminal regulation is recommended for internet gambling activities.

A Study on Legal Issues with Airline Over-booking Practice (항공권 초과예약의 법률적 문제에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Jun-Sik;Hwang, Ho-Won
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.143-166
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    • 2012
  • This paper deals in depth with airline over-booking practices and legal questions therefrom in the light of public interests. Chapter I as an introduction gives clear ideas of what are the over-booking, fact-revealing current state of denied boarding and nature of the problems inherent but veiled in those practices. In Chapter II, it is reviewed whether legal instruments for DBC(Denied Boarding Compensation) are adequately equipped for airline passengers in R. O. K. Upon the results of the review that international law to which Korea is a party, domestic law and administrative preparedness for the DBC are either null or virtually ineffective, the Chapter by contrast illustrates how well the U. S. and the E. U. safeguard civil rights of their passengers from such an 'institutionalized fraud' as the over-booking. In Chapter III on which a main emphasis lies, it is examined whether the over-booking practice constitutes a criminal offense: Fraud. In section 1, the author identifies actus reus and mens rea required for fraud then compares those with every aspect of the over-booking. In conjunction with the structural element analysis, he reviews the Supreme Court's precedents that lead the section into a partial conclusion that the act of over-booking judicially constitutes a crime of fraud. Despite the fulfillment of drawing up an intended answer, the author furthers the topic in section 2 by arguing a dominant view from Korean academia taking opposite stance to the Supreme Court. The commentators assert, "To consummate a crime of fraud, there must be property damage of the victim." For this notion correlates with a debate on legally protected interest in criminalization of fraud, the section 2 shows an argument over 'Rechtgut' matters specific to fraud. The view claims that the Rechtgut comes down rather to 'right to property' than 'transactional integrity' or 'fair and equitable principles'. However, the section concludes that the later values shall be deemed as 'freedom in economic decision-making' which are the benefit and protection of the penal law about fraud. Section 3 demonstrates the self-contradiction of the view as it is proved by a conceptual analysis that the infringement on freedom in economic decision-making boils down to the 'property damage'. Such a notion is better grounded in section 4 by foreign court decisions and legislation in its favour. Therefore, this paper concludes that the airline's act of over-booking is very likely to constitute fraud in both theory and practice.

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