• 제목/요약/키워드: Crime Prevention Technology

검색결과 84건 처리시간 0.028초

The Countermeasure to Explosives on World Cup Stadiums (월드컵 경기장에 대한 폭발물 안전대책)

  • Kim, Myung-Gon
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • 제2호
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    • pp.61-81
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    • 1999
  • While the progress of preparation for the 2002 World Cup games goes on the environment is changing by industrializations development of science and specialization of technology, because of that recently the crime has also became intellectual so the importance on countermeasure of safety has raised. The countermeasure for safety The stadium is a limited space where amount of population could be concentrated, so that in a moment there could be a great casualties by terrorism, specially there should be efficient countermeasures for bomb terrorism. So to be prepared for the problems that had been appeared on bomb terrorism activities of North Korea around the world, we should know about the inspection environment and special inspection environment, and for the prevention first of all I've studied on suitable way to inspect the stadiums secondly to plan on specialized training of the necessary personnel on inspection and finally efficiency of use on inspection equipment. With there following plans we could make perfect safety countermeasures focused on prevention for the successful World Cup games.

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A Study on the Countermeasures against International Computer Crimes - Focusing on The Police Investigation Procedure - (컴퓨터범죄의 국가간 대응방안에 관한 연구 - 경찰 수사절차를 중심으로 -)

  • Oh Tae-Kon
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • 제10권3호
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    • pp.287-295
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    • 2005
  • A Study on the Countermeasures against International Computer Crime focusing on the Police Investigation Procedure. These days, much more intelligent, varied and advanced techniques for computer crimes have been used than for development of technology. In particular, it has been reported that the damages are enormous. Damages of some computer crimes can not be accurately reported. This study is to speculate specific types of computer crimes and obtain its prevention and countermeasures centering on the Police Investigation Procedure. In particular, it is to speculate international cooperation under the condition that global damages occur frequently due to preparation of advanced network environment.

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An Experiential Case Study of Cyber Financial Fraud: Focusing on specific processes and measures (사이버 금융사기의 체험적 사례 연구: 구체적 과정과 대책을 중심으로)

  • Han, Dong-Ho
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • 제4권1호
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    • pp.193-200
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    • 2018
  • This study is an experiential case study of cybercrime fraud that combines pharming and voice phishing in April 2017. Research on victims who have actually suffered in the study of crime or disaster is a very useful field in establishing crime prevention measures. This study is significant in that Korea is relatively poor in this kind of research. I got cyber fraud as a consequence of my loss of reasonable judgment due to mental confusion when a companion dog who was raised for 8 years was in a very dangerous situation with cystitis. Fortunately, I received all the damages in a quick report, but the period was eight months. It took too much time to get back all the damages, so I had to suffer another pain. Based on my experience, I suggest damage prevention measures. First, when a certain condition and a certain amount are transferred, the transaction is automatically stopped or a more strict confirmation procedure is added. Secondly, trafficking means to arrest the perpetrator without any harm to the victim is sought. Third, the victims of crime should be promptly reimbursed for damages or a system for lending their living funds to zero or lower interest rate.

A Research on the Renovation Situation of the Business Buildings (업무시설의 리노베이션 현황에 관한 조사 연구)

  • Lee, Hyun-Jeong;Shim, Myung-Sup
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • 제2권2호
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    • pp.121-127
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    • 2002
  • The functions and uses of existing buildings are not properly changing as modern life needs. As a result, the frequent reconstruction(construction after removal) of existing buildings have been done but it became more and more difficult because of strengthening of regulations and systems concerning construction. And also it has several disadvantages like lower plot ratio and site coverage than existed buildings, enormous construction cost, production of waste-construction materials and thoughtless consumption of natural resources, which gives rise to environmental pollution. Therefore renovation is brought to the fore. In Korea, many business buildings were constructed in 1960s-1970s, during the period of high growth. Such buildings needs to be repaired in whole. It is caused by the change of social, economic, and cultural conditions and deterioration of equipments. Therefore renovation meets some necessary conditions; recovery of building functions and extension of building life span. In case study, the present state of renovation in business buildings is 1) Basic safety, for example, fire prevention and crime prevention, is great important. 2) Advanced technology, INS(international news service), IBS(Intelligent Building System), and internationalization, is pursued for adapting to multimedia ages. 3) It tries to promote proficiency, and to save the energy using spatial environment and natural energy(light and sound). Also, improving comfortable level of users and installing equipments for physically handicapped person needs to be considered.

Demand Survey Method for Commercialization of Police Science Technology and Equipment

  • Myeonggi, Hong;Junho, Park;JeongHyeon, Chang;Seongju, Hong
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.609-625
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    • 2023
  • This study is a demand research for the selection of public safety science and technology equipment and suggests an empirical research method. The technology demand survey is the beginning of the selection of innovative technology. And it is the basis of collecting information required for the technology required in the market and helping to apply it to the field. The demand survey for police science and technology can reduce the uncertainty of crime prevention and help the smooth implementation of security policies. However, in Korea, adoption of security science and technology equipment was centered on social issues or researchers' opinions rather than the demands of field users. Until, there was no research has been conducted on the demands of field police officers for selection of security science and technology equipment in Korea. Also, there was no preferential study for the demand for security science and technology equipment. Therefore, this study proposes a methodology that can systematically identify the needs for the technology and equipment of field experts suitable for the public security situation for the selection of security science and technology equipment. Specifically, we propose a sample design for a technology classification system and a survey tool for technology awareness and satisfaction. It is expected that this tool will provide a classification system for security science and technology equipment selected for the Korean police and will help determine the priority of equipment suitable for the field.

The Authentication System using Facial Recognition Technology (얼굴 인식 기술을 활용한 인증 시스템)

  • Lee, Yongwhan;Kang, Changhoon;Shin, Jinseob
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 한국컴퓨터정보학회 2013년도 제48차 하계학술발표논문집 21권2호
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    • pp.295-296
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    • 2013
  • 본 논문에서는 얼굴인식기술을 활용한 인증처리 기법으로 범죄에 악용되고 있는 ATM 기기와 같은 자동화 기기들의 사용을 정상적인 얼굴 촬영이 가능하게 얼굴을 들어내어 보여주는 사람만 사용이 가능한 방법을 제안한다. 범죄자나 수배자의 경우 얼굴을 데이터베이스에 등록하여 카메라로 인식된 얼굴과 비교를 통하여 찾아내는 것으로 얼굴인식이 활용되며 ATM 기기와 같은 자동화기기의 사용자가 정상적인 사용자인지 아닌지를 판별하는 방법은 정확하게 얼굴을 인식할 수 있도록 들어내었는지 여부에 따라서 판별이 가능하다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 기존의 데이터베이스를 활용하는 방법 외에 정상과 비정상을 판별하는 기술을 제공하며 조명과 환경에 따라 변하는 인식률의 제고를 위하여 개선된 알고리즘을 제안하였으며 이를 검증하였다.

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An Empirical Study on the Development of Behavior Model of Insurance Fraud (보험사기행동모형 개발에 관한 실증적 연구)

  • Lee, Myung-Jin;Gim, Gwang-Yong
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • 제6권2호
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2007
  • Many researches have been done in insurance fraud as the amount and frequency of insurance fraud have been increasing continuously. In particular, the development of insurance fraud detection system using large database management techniques including data mining or link analysis based on visual method have been the main research topic in insurance fraud. However, this kinds of detection system were very ineffective to find unintentional insurance fraud happened by accident even though it was so good to find intentional and organized crime insurance fraud. Therefore, this research suggests insurance fraud as an ethical decision making and applies TPB(Theory of Planned Behavior) for the finding of reasons and prevention strategies of unintentional insurance fraud happened by accident. The results of research show that TPB is very appropriate model to explain the behavior of insurance fraud and that insurance agents force to do insurance fraud as affecting perceived behavior control. Therefore, education and pubic relations for insurance fraud are very effective for preventing insurance fraud and developing insurance service industry.

Convolutional Neural Network-based Real-Time Drone Detection Algorithm (심층 컨벌루션 신경망 기반의 실시간 드론 탐지 알고리즘)

  • Lee, Dong-Hyun
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • 제12권4호
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    • pp.425-431
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    • 2017
  • As drones gain more popularity these days, drone detection becomes more important part of the drone systems for safety, privacy, crime prevention and etc. However, existing drone detection systems are expensive and heavy so that they are only suitable for industrial or military purpose. This paper proposes a novel approach for training Convolutional Neural Networks to detect drones from images that can be used in embedded systems. Unlike previous works that consider the class probability of the image areas where the class object exists, the proposed approach takes account of all areas in the image for robust classification and object detection. Moreover, a novel loss function is proposed for the CNN to learn more effectively from limited amount of training data. The experimental results with various drone images show that the proposed approach performs efficiently in real drone detection scenarios.

Implementation of Home Care Crime Prevention IoT System using Real-time Streaming Technology (실시간 스트리밍 기술을 활용한 홈 케어 방범 IoT 시스템 구축)

  • Jaehoon Sim;Nohyeon Park;Namseok Lee;Gyujin Son;Jinyoung Kim;Dongho You
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 한국방송∙미디어공학회 2022년도 추계학술대회
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    • pp.218-221
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    • 2022
  • 본 논문은 라즈베리 파이(Raspberry Pi) 아두이노(Arduino)을 이용하여 무단 침입자를 스마트폰을 통해 실시간으로 스트리밍 되는 영상을 통해 확인하고, 즉각적으로 신고할 수 있는 홈 케어 방범 IoT 시스템 구축에 대한 내용을 다룬다. 이는 1인 가구 및 비어있는 원룸 등의 무단 침입을 방지하고 범죄를 예방하는데 큰 도움이 될 것으로 기대한다.

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Real-time Abnormal Behavior Analysis System Based on Pedestrian Detection and Tracking (보행자의 검출 및 추적을 기반으로 한 실시간 이상행위 분석 시스템)

  • Kim, Dohun;Park, Sanghyun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 한국정보통신학회 2021년도 춘계학술대회
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    • pp.25-27
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    • 2021
  • With the recent development of deep learning technology, computer vision-based AI technologies have been studied to analyze the abnormal behavior of objects in image information acquired through CCTV cameras. There are many cases where surveillance cameras are installed in dangerous areas or security areas for crime prevention and surveillance. For this reason, companies are conducting studies to determine major situations such as intrusion, roaming, falls, and assault in the surveillance camera environment. In this paper, we propose a real-time abnormal behavior analysis algorithm using object detection and tracking method.

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