• Title/Summary/Keyword: Creep deformation behaviours

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Performance Assessment of PVA Geotextile/HDPE Geomembrane Composites

  • Jeon, Han-Yong;Hong, Sang-Jin;Lyoo, Won-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.37-46
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    • 2005
  • PVA geotextile/HDPE geomembrane composites were made to examine the waste landfill related properties. Tensile properties, tear and bursting strengths, AOS(apparent opening size) and permittivity of PVA geotextiles were evaluated, respectively. Ultraviolet stability and chemical resistance to the leachate was evaluated also. Friction property and creep deformation were tested at various loading condition. From this, it was seen that PVA geotextile/HDPE geomembrane composites have more excellent properties than the typically used polypropylene and polyester geotextiles in waste landfill. Finally, creep deformation behaviours of PVA geotextile/HDPE geomembrane composites were more stable than polypropylene and polyester geotextiles through the reduction factor analysis.

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New Engineering Methods for Non-Linear Deflection Estimation of Cylinder under Bending (굽힘 모멘트가 작용하는 실린더의 비선형 처짐량 예측을 위한 새로운 공학적 계산식)

  • Huh, Nam-Su;Kim, Yun-Jae;Kim, Young-Jin;Jung, Hyun-Kyu;Lee, Dong-Hoon
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.311-317
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    • 2004
  • This paper proposes engineering estimation equations for the maximum deflection of a cylinder subject to bending under elastic-plastic and elastic-creep conditions. Being based on the reference stress approach, the proposed equations are simple to use and can accommodate general tensile and creep behaviours. Validation against detailed 3-D FE results using actual stress-strain data and realistic creep-deformation data shows excellent agreement, which provides confidence in the use of the proposed equation. Based on the proposed equations, together with information on in-service inspection data, discussion is given how to estimate future time-dependent and time-independent deflection of the CANDU pressure tube. Thus the present result would be valuable information for integrity assessment of the CANDU pressure tube.

Creep Behaviours of 9% Ni Alloy (Ni 합금강의 크리프 거동)

  • Hwang, Kyung-Choong;Kim, Jong-Bae;Kang, Sung Soo
    • Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.89-94
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: To observe the high temperature creep test and the fracture surface of the samples of 9% Ni alloy steel generally used for all kinds of mahine parts and predict the durability of that by determining a constant of C with a Larson-Miller variable. Methods: The equipment of this test was made into lever-beam style designed by Andrade and F. Garofalo et al.. The condition of creep test was set under 16 kinds of conditions after fixing 4 kinds of temperature condition and 4 kinds of stress condition to check how it effects the samples. Results: The temperature of creep test was increased, the stress index (n) of creep deformation was gradually decreased from 3.97 to 3.55. The activation energy of creep deformation was decreased from 90.39 to 83.64 kcal/mol when the stress was increased. A constant of C value by calculation of larson-Miller variable was about 22 and if temperature for use is suggested, the durability could be calculated. Conclusions: By analyzing the fracture phenomenon and suggesting the observation result of the fracture surface of the samples and creep test of 9% Ni alloy steel, the basic design data for the practical use of accessories in the field of equipment could be constructed and used to predict the durability of the equipment.

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Fracture Behavior Estimation for Circumferential Surface Cracked Pipes (I) - J-Integral Estimation Solution - (배관에 존재하는 원주방향 표면균열에 대한 파괴거동 해석 (I) -J-적분 예측식 -)

  • Kim, Jin-Su;Kim, Yun-Jae;Kim, Yeong-Jin
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.131-138
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    • 2002
  • This paper provides the fully plastic J solutions for circumferential cracked pipes with inner, semi- elliptical surface cracks, subject to internal pressure and global bending. Solutions are given in the form of two different approaches, the GEF/EPRl approach and the reference stress approach. For the GE/EPRl approach, the plastic influence functions for fully plastic J are tabulated based on extensive 3-D FE calculations using the Ramberg-Osgood (R-O) materials, covering a wide range of pipe and crack geometries. The developed GEf/EPRl-type fully plastic J estimation equations are then re-formulated using the concept of the reference stress approach for wider applications. Based on the FE results, optimized reference load solutions for the definition of the reference stress are found for internal pressure and for global bending. Advantages of the reference stress based approach over the GE/EPRl-type approach are fully discussed. Validation of the proposed reference stress based J estimation equations will be given in Part II, based on 3-D elastic-plastic or elastic creep FE results using typical tensile properties of stainless steels and generalized creep- deformation behaviours.