• Title/Summary/Keyword: Coupon Expiration

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Can Coupon Holding Duration and Message Framing Increase the Effect of Push Notifications on Mobile Coupon Redemption? Evidence from A Randomized Field Experiment

  • Soonki Hwang;Jai-Yeol Son;Sunju Park;Kil-Soo Suh
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.812-830
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    • 2023
  • We propose a mobile coupon strategy designed to increase the effect of push notifications on redemption. The proposed strategy recommends that firms deliver mobile coupons with distant expiration dates and remind them through push notifications framed negatively once these expiration dates become imminent, rather than frequently sending coupons with near expiration dates. We test the effectiveness of the proposed strategy using data collected through a randomized field experiment. The findings indicate that push notifications enhance coupon redemption rates for coupons that are held longer by customers than those that are recently received. Additionally, we found that sending negatively framed push notification messages to remind customers of imminent coupon expiration dates further resulted in higher coupon redemption rates. The findings can be employed to offer useful guidance on how to effectively design mobile coupons for achieving higher redemption rates.

Influence of Coupon Duration on Consumer's Behavior : Three or Wore Brands in the Market (쿠폰의 유효기간이 소비자의 구매 행태에 미치는 영향 : 시장에 3개 이상의 브랜드가 있는 상황)

  • Park Haechurl
    • Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.13-27
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    • 2005
  • This research deals with the issues concerning how consumers change their purchase behavior if one of brands in the market prolongs its coupon duration while there are more than two brands. If they extend coupon duration of a brand, consumers increase Purchase of the brand with coupons. But they increase or reduce purchase of competing brands with coupons depending on the condition of the market. increase of purchase of the brand with prolonged coupons stems from reducing purchase of the consumer's most favorite brands with regular price and their less preferred brands with coupons. On the other hand, consumers who prefer the brand at in-between level tend to reduce purchase of competing brands with coupons under certain conditions. Therefore firms which do not have dominant market positions have strong incentive for strategic alliance in terms of coupon duration.

A Case Study on Restaurant Online Coupon Redemption Behavior of Resting Customers (외식업 온라인 쿠폰 이용 사례 연구 : 휴면 고객 재방문을 중심으로)

  • Shin, Seo-Ho;Shin, Seo-Young;Choi, Kyu-Wan;Yang, Il-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.693-700
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    • 2008
  • The purposes this study were to a) analyze the revisiting ratio of resting customers after issuing online coupons, b) compare the characteristics of coupon redemption customers with non-redemption customers. For this study, the customers of M restaurant who did not revisit during the last 8 months were classified as 'resting customers', totaling 4,052 customers. The online coupons, valid for 9 months, were sent via e-mail to those customers. After that, the data collected from those who redeemed the coupon in September 2006 was utilized. As a result of sending the coupon to 4,052 resting customers, 1,288 customers redeemed the coupon during the study period, showing relatively high redemption ratio (31.6%). The average check of customers with the online coupon was decreased by 22% compared with customers without the coupon, but the party size remained almost the same, 2.6 customers, and also the redemption ratio was increasing as the expiration date of the coupon was approaching. The redemption ratio of female (35.3%) was much higher than male (19.2%), representing higher redemption possibility of the female customers by issuing the coupon. The redemption ratio of the twenties (69.1%) was obviously higher than other age groups. Also, the non-redemption ratio of other groups except the twenties was higher than the redemption ratio. The redemption ratio of low-educated was higher, under college degree (58.6%), college degree (35.4%), and over college degree (16.6%). Following the result of the average visiting frequency of redemption customers during last the 8 months was 4.2, the frequency of non-redemption customers was 9.8. The total average visiting of non-redemption customer was 10.5, and that of redemption customers was 8.6. Customers who visited the restaurant less frequently in the past have higher possibility to revisit after receiving the coupon.