• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cotton fabric

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Dyeing Characteristics of Herb Dyed Fabrics Treated with Mordants - Focused on Sage and Rosemary Extract - (매염제 처리에 의한 허브 염색직물의 염착 특성 - 세이지와 로즈마리 추출물 중심으로 -)

  • Goo, Sin Ae;Bae, Hyun Sook
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.119-129
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    • 2020
  • Unlike synthetic dyes, natural dyes do not affect the human body or create atmosphere pollution that are also mothproof, antibiotic and sterilized. This study examined the changes in dye adsorption properties according to mordant types and mordanting method to qualify trends using sage and rosemary extracts. Dyeability of sage extract is often similar to rosemary extract regardless of dyeing conditions. Dyeing properties of herb colorants on cotton, silk and wool fiber and effect of dyeing conditions on dye uptake were also compared. Dyed fabric showed a yellowish color and the dyeing affinity was somewhat good with rosemary extract. The surface color of the dyed fabrics was darkened by mordant treatment. The K/S value of herb colorants of protein fiber was higher than cellulose fiber. The concentration of mordant having the highest dyeing affinity was different from the mordant type. Regardless of the type of fiber, the K/S value of premordanting was the highest in mordanting method, and the K/S value of simultaneous mordanting indicated no noticeable mordant effect. The fastness of washing of silk fabric was reduced the most by mordant treatment. The lightfastness was reduced in Al mordant treatment regardless of the type of fiber. The lightfastness of wool increased somewhat by mordant treatment.

Developing Human-friendly UV Protective Cellulose Fabrics Using Chitosan and Green Tea Extract -Focusing on the Repetition Effect of Chitosan Mordanting and Green Tea Extract Dyeing- (키토산과 녹차추출물을 이용한 인체친화적 자외선 차단 셀룰로오스 섬유의 개발 -키토산 매염과 녹차추출물 재염의 효과를 중심으로-)

  • Jung, Hye-Kyung;Kim, Sin-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.817-826
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    • 2009
  • As UV radiation to the earth increased over recent years, many adverse effects of UV radiation have been reported. There are needs to develop UV-protective apparel and accessaries to protect skin from these harmful effects. Cellulose is one of the most frequently worn fiber during summer time. However, celllulose shows very low UV-protective property especially in case of thin and low fabric content. In this study, UV-protective cellulose textiles were developed using chiotsan mordanting and green tea dyeing. The repetition effect of chitosan and green tea treatment were focused. Three different cellulose fibers, cotton, linen, and ramie, were used for this study. All chitosan mordanted and green tea dyed fabrics showed increases in UV-protective property. The color of fabrics tended to darker as the numbers of mordanting process and green tea dyeing increased. UV-protective property did not increase significantly upon the repetition of mordanting and green tea dyeing treatment except ramie fabric. UV protective property was persisted upon washfastness test in all three cellulose fiber types.

Dyeing and Antimicrobial Properties of Cellulose and Nylon Fabrics Treated with Artemisia Extracts (셀룰로오스와 나일론 직물의 쑥 추출물에 대한 염색성과 항균성)

  • Shin, Seung-Yeop;Chung, Haewon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.37 no.8
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    • pp.1130-1138
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    • 2013
  • We examined dyeing properties using cotton, Tencel, general nylon 66 and hollow nylon 66 treated with aqueous and ethanol extracts without mordant. The antimicrobial properties of fabrics treated with Artemisia extracts against gram positive Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) and gram negative Klebsiella pneumonia (K. pneumonia) were also examined. The dying solution concentrations were determined from a calibration curve of the concentration and absorbance of Artemisia extracts. FTIR spectra confirmed that antimicrobial components and colorants (such as 1,8-cineol, thujone, caffeoylquinic acid and chlorophyll) were more present in ethanol extract than in aqueous extract. Nylons had higher a and b, and lower L values than cellulose fabrics dyed with aqueous solutions of Artemisia extracts; however, the dyed nylon fabrics were brown. Fabrics dyed with ethanol-extract added solutions were greener and had higher antimicrobial properties than those dyed with aqueous solutions; however, they faded and lost their antimicrobial properties after laundering. Fabrics regained their antimicrobial properties (especially against S. aureus) by the spraying of Artemisia ethanol extract; therefore, the application of Artemisia ethanol extract onto underwear is expected to relieve atopic dermatitis.

A Study on Sustainable Laundry Behavior -Comparison between Korean and European Consumers- (국내 세탁행동의 지속가능성에 관한 연구 -유럽과의 비교를 중심으로-)

  • Wee, Jeeweon;Lee, Yoon-Jung;Jung, Hye Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.525-545
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to assess the sustainability of laundry practices among Korean households in comparison with European households. A total of 329 responses were collected through an online survey and analyzed using SPSS. Detergent dosing, use of fabric softener, prewashing, rinsing, washing programs, and washing temperatures of Korean households were not optimal for sustainability. Only 11.2% of respondents followed dosage instructions while the majority based on load size. Use of fabric enhancer, prewashing, and rinsing were frequent. Cotton 40℃ was the most frequently used program (81.5%) while eco and cold wash programs were among the least (1.5%). In terms of laundry sorting, load size, drying, and ironing, more sustainable actions were reported. Laundry was often sorted by color, machines were commonly filled, and clothes tended to be air-dried and not excessively ironed. Gender was the primary socio-demographic factor denoting sustainable habits, with males being more attentive to instructions and care labels than females. European households, however, were more sustainable in all areas except for frequent ironing, and education level and employment status were significant factors affecting sustainable practices.

A Comparative Study of Color Emotion and Preference of Koreans and Chinese for Two-Color Combination by Naturally Dyed Fabrics with Persimmon and Indigo (감과 쪽의 천연염색 배색직물의 색채감성과 색채선호도에 대한 한국인과 중국인의 비교 연구)

  • Yi, Eunjou;Lee, Sang Hee;Choi, Jongmyoung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.33-48
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    • 2022
  • This study was performed to compare the color emotion and preference of Koreans and Chinese for a two-color combination by dyeing cotton fabric with persimmon and indigo and to establish prediction models of color preference. Nine specimens prepared by combining two different colored fabrics (persimmon and indigo) were evaluated for color emotion and preference by Korean and Chinese groups of female college students. Koreans described most specimens as natural and traditional, whereas the Chinese described them as more pleasant and elegant as well as warmer and lighter than Koreans did. The contrast tone was the most preferred combination by both groups, whereas it was perceived as more modern and less warm by Koreans. Relationships between physical color variables and color emotions were quantified; these relationships were applied to establish a prediction model of color preference with tone combination types for each group. These results could help in making the design of fashion textiles more preference- and emotion-oriented for Korean and Chinese consumers.

Comparison of Heat Insulation Characteristics of Multi-layer Thermal Screen and Development of Curtain System (다겹보온자재의 보온성 비교 및 커튼개폐장치 개발)

  • Lee, Si-Young;Kim, Hark-Joo;Chun, Hee;Yum, Sung-Hyun;Lee, Hyun-Joo
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.89-95
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    • 2007
  • This study was accomplished to compare energy saving effects of several heat insulation materials in greenhouse and to develop new automatic opening and closing equipment which is suitable to the most effective heat insulation material. To find out more effective heat insulation material, the magnitude of heat transfer occurred through aluminum screen (ALS), non-woven fabric (NWF), double-layer aluminum screen with chemical cotton sheet (DAL), and multi-layer fabric screen material quilted with non-woven fabric, chemical cotton, poly foam, and polypropylene (MLF) were compared relatively. The results showed that the relative magnitude of heat transfer occurred through MLF was lower than DAL and ALS by 23.3% and 43.0% respectively. MLF screen material was the most effective compared with other heat insulation materials. But because of thickness, there was a need of new mechanism for automatic operation in greenhouse. Accordingly, new screen system using MLF-thick but profitable for keeping warm in greenhouse-was developed. Opening & closing equipment was designed to roll MLF with pipe axis during opening process and pull MLF with string during closing process with electric motors, clutches, drums, and so on. In hot pepper cultivation and energy saving test during winter time, the early stage yield of pepper under MLF screen system was higher than NWF by 27%, and gasoline consumption of MLF screen system was lower than NWF by 46%.

A Textile Analysis of Woolen Tapestry Curtain in Seoul Museum of Craft Art (서울공예박물관 소장 모담방장(毛毯房帳) 직물 분석)

  • An, Boyeon;Lee, Jangjon;Lee, Ryangmi
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.612-620
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    • 2019
  • A woolen tapestry curtain, owned by the Seoul Museum of Craft Art, is composed of tabby by cotton-warp and wool-weft threads and its patterned part is shown as a tapestry; paint with pigment has been added to it. The chromaticity of this curtain was measured and the substances in the deep red color were confirmed as Hg by an analysis of the ingredients through X-ray fluorescence. This is presumed to be cinnabar or vermilion. Analyses were performed on a total of seven fabric samples, including the warp & weft of the fabric, its trimming, and its back fabric. As a result, the warp of the woolen tapestry curtain was determined to be a cotton fiber with a middle hole or lumen in the cross-section. Furthermore, an infrared peak likewise showed O-H and C-O binding. Wool fibers as wefts were identified with circular and oval cross-sections and IR peaks showed N-H/O-H stretching and amide(-CONH-). The animal hair samples used in the wool fiber are believed to have come from long-tailed goral or goats and the possibility of using easy-to-spin sapsal dog hair is also not to be overlooked. This was determined through a contrast analysis by the Cultural Heritage Administration to identify the animal species used in the tapestry.

A Study on the Dyeability and Physical Properties of Mordanted and natural-dyed Fabrics (천연염료의 매염에 따른 염색성 및 물성에 관한 연구;소목과 꼭두서니를 중심으로)

  • 차옥선;김소현
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.788-799
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    • 1999
  • This study was performed to investigate the effect of mordants on the dyeability colorfastness to light and to laundering and biological properties of mordanted and natural-dyed cotton and silk substrates. Natural red dyes were extracted from Caesalpinia Sappan L. (Sappan wood) and Rubia Akane Nakai (Madder) by boil water Five different compounds of Al, Cr, Cu, Fe and Sn were used as mordanting agents. The result of this study are sumarized as follows ; 1. In the of the fabrics mordanted and dyed with sappan wood K/S value increases and λmax shifts to the longer wavelength as mordant concentration increases. Color of the fabrics dyed with sappan wood and madder change to redder bluer and lighter after mordanting. 2. As the number of repetition of dyeing-mordnating process increase the color of the dyed fabrics tend to be redder bluer and darker. Mordanted dyes with Al and Sn make chroma increase. The quantity of mordant absorbed in the silk fabric increase as mordant concentration increase. More Fe is absorbed in silk than Cr is. 3. After being exposed to light the fabrics dyed with sappan wood and madder change to less red Fe and Cu mordanting yeild better colorfastness to light than others does. Natural-dyed fabrics exposed to light tend to be faded and whitened in CIELAB chromaticity co-ordinates. So we might trace back the original color of ancient faded fabrics by changes in color of natural dyes. 4. After washing the colors of natural dyes change to more blue, Fe and Cu mordanting give better colorfastness to wash than others do. 5. The soil-burial cotton is more susceptible to mildew and rot than the silk is. Antimicrobial activity of the natural-dyed cotton can be enhanced by Cu and silk can be enhanced by Cu and Cr mordanting respectively.

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Towel Experience and Consumer Satisfaction (소비자 체험조사를 통한 타월 만족도 분석 연구)

  • Song, Kyung-Hun;Heo, Mee-Ok
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.1063-1070
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    • 2010
  • This study examined 12 types of towels with differing fabric material, function, quality, printing, pile length, twist, etc. from a towel company which manufactures and distributes products domestically. After 3 months of use by consumers, a consumer satisfaction survey was administered and results analyzed. Four types of towels were assigned to each group and the towels were used every day for 3 months. Participant feelings after using the towel for the first time and after using it for three months were investigated. The questionnaire consisted of 26 questions on a 5-point Licket-type scale. The first 13 questions measured perceptions of absorption, touch, fine fiber loss, contamination, deformation, drying speed, and design. Other questions compared differences between the two towel types in terms of their material, function, quality, printing, pile length, and degree of twisting. Results showed that, with regards to weight, consumers preferred towels between 130~150g and a thickness of around 1.7~1.8mm. The bamboo towel was considered superior to the cotton towel in terms of sense of touch and did not happen linter after washing. The antibacterial towel was considered better than the cotton towel in terms of absorption but in terms of contamination, participants felt the antibacterial towel became dirty more easily than the cotton towel. We thought that it might be influence of the color of towel. Low-quality towels became stiffer and misshapen more easily than higher-quality towels. But the study showed that the consumers did not perceive significant differences in the towels' quality. Printed towels became thinner and their color changed more with washing. The consumers preferred the design of jacquard towels to printed towels. Towels with short piles was happened more linter than the towel with long pile after washing. Non-twisted towel were better than the highly-twisted towel in terms of sense of touch and absorption but the non-twisted towel happened more linter after washing and became dirty more easily.

Effect of Chitosan and Mordant Treatments on the Color Change of Cotton and Nylon Fabrics Dyed using Rhusjara ica (면과 나일론 직물의 오배자 염색 시 Chitosan 처리와 매염이 색상에 미치는 영향)

  • Hong Shin-Jee;Jeon Dong-Won;Kim Jong-Jun;Choi In-Ryu
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.13 no.3 s.56
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    • pp.380-390
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    • 2005
  • The effect of high purity chitosan was studied on its application to the natural dyeing using Rhusjara ica. In the dyeing experiment, examinations were introduced on the difference between the chitosan treated fabrics and chitosan untreated fabrics, and on the difference according to the type of mordanting agents and the mordanting methods. Dyeing was carried out for the chitosan treated and untreated fabrics under the conditions of non-mordanting and Al, Sn, Fe mordanting. As a result, we found that, in the case of cotton, chitosan untreated fabrics were not dyed enough, and the dyeing effect was not developed even though the mordanting was introduced. However, the chitosan treated fabrics developed excellent dyeing result even in the non-mordanting case. Through the results of cotton fabric dyeing, it was presumed that the dyeing affinity of the chitosan toward the Rhusjara ica, which prefer specific dyestuff (mainly black color), is selectively high. In the case of nylon, the dyeing effect is not developed easily under all conditions regardless of the chitosan treatment or the mordant treatment. It was inferred that a certain portion of the Rhusjara ica dyestuff made direct bonding with the functional elements in the nylon molecules without the help of the mordant. Through the results of nylon fabrics, it was presumed that some functional elements of the nylon molecules had selective affinity toward the specific colorant (mainly yellow color) of the Rhusjara ica.

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