• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cost model

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A Study on Development of Cost Index Model for Military Facilities Construction (군 시설공사의 공사비지수 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Park Jong-Won;Son Bo-Sik;Lee Hyun-Soo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.256-260
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    • 2004
  • As a large portion of defence budget are alloted for military facility construction, reasonable budget estimation in the planning stage has been officers' main concerns. However the proper estimation of construction cost is difficult to be carried out due to the absence of systematic criteria. To improve the budget estimation for military facility construction, this study proposes a cost index model which can convert historical cost to current cost. Thus the developed cost index would enhance effectiveness of budget estimation process 3nd support reasonable decision making. This cost index model is developed by analyzing historical cost data with statistical methodology The study is executed by following process. First, factors which affect construction cost for the most are selected by analyzing historical cost data. second, the selected factors are categorized material cost, labor cost and equipment cost, and weights of those factors are calculated by dividing the cost of each factor by total item costs. Last, cost index is developed by using weighted average method.

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Field Application of Least Cost Design Model on Water Distribution Systems using Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm (개미군집 최적화 알고리즘을 이용한 상수도관망 시스템의 최저비용설계 모델의 현장 적용)

  • Park, Sanghyuk;Choi, Hongsoon;Koo, Jayong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.413-428
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    • 2013
  • In this study, Ant Colony Algorithm(ACO) was used for optimal model. ACO which are metaheuristic algorithm for combinatorial optimization problem are inspired by the fact that ants are able to find the shortest route between their nest and food source. For applying the model to water distribution systems, pipes, tanks(reservoirs), pump construction and pump operation cost were considered as object function and pressure at each node and reservoir level were considered as constraints. Modified model from Ostfeld and Tubaltzev(2008) was verified by applying 2-Looped, Hanoi and Ostfeld's networks. And sensitivity analysis about ant number, number of ants in a best group and pheromone decrease rate was accomplished. After the verification, it was applied to real water network from S water treatment plant. As a result of the analysis, in the Two-looped network, the best design cost was found to $419,000 and in the Hanoi network, the best design cost was calculated to $6,164,384, and in the Ostfeld's network, the best design cost was found to $3,525,096. These are almost equal or better result compared with previous researches. Last, the cost of optimal design for real network, was found for 66 billion dollar that is 8.8 % lower than before. In addition, optimal diameter for aged pipes was found in this study and the 5 of 8 aged pipes were changed the diameter. Through this result, pipe construction cost reduction was found to 11 percent lower than before. And to conclusion, The least cost design model on water distribution system was developed and verified successfully in this study and it will be very useful not only optimal pipe change plan but optimization plan for whole water distribution system.

Simulation of Whole Body Posture during Asymmetric Lifting (비대칭 들기 작업의 3차원 시뮬레이션)

  • 최경임
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.11-22
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    • 2002
  • In this study, an asymmetric lifting posture prediction model was developed, which was a three-dimensional model with 12 links and 23 degrees of freedom open kinematic chains. Although previous researchers have proposed biomechanical, psychophysical, or physiological measures as cost functions, for solving redundancy, they lack in accuracy in predicting actual lifting postures and most of them are confined to the two-dimensional model. To develop an asymmetric lifting posture prediction model, we used the resolved motion method for accurately simulating the lifting motion in a reasonable time. Furthermore, in solving the redundant problem of the human posture prediction, a moment weighted Joint Range Availability (JRA) was used as a cost function in order to consider dynamic lifting. However, it is known that the moment weighted JRA as a cost function predicted the lower extremity and L5/S1 joint motions better than the upper extremities, while the constant weighted JRA as a cost function predicted the latter better than the former. To compensate for this, we proposed a hybrid moment weighted JRA as a new cost function with moment weighted for only the lower extremity. In order to validate the proposed cost function, the predicted and real lifting postures for various lifting conditions were compared by using the root mean square(RMS) error. This hybrid JRA reduced RMS more than the previous cost functions. Therefore, it is concluded that the cost function of a hybrid moment weighted JRA can be used to predict three-dimensional lifting postures. To compare with the predicted trajectories and the real lifting movements, graphical validations were performed. The results also showed that the hybrid moment weighted cost function model was found to have generated the postures more similar to the real movements.

Improving the Application Type and Quality/Characteristics Adjustment Factors of the Korea Software Cost Estimation Standard (소프트웨어 개발비 기준의 애플리케이션 유형과 품질 및 특성 보정요소 개선)

  • Park, Chan-Kyoo;Kim, Woo-Je;Seo, Yong-Won
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.43-70
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    • 2009
  • As software development and maintenance cost increase quickly, information systems managers are more concerned about how to effectively manage software cost. To estimate the software development cost, most public institutes of Korea use the software cost estimation standard established by the government. Unfortunately, the accuracy of the estimation derived from the standard has not been satisfactory in spite of repetitive modifications made to improve it. One of the major reasons for the inaccuracy is that the standard has too small a number of cost adjustment factors to reflect the various characteristics of a software development project. To remedy this problem, we propose new cost adjustment factors which can be incorporated into the standard and are important to enhance the estimation accuracy, based on the analysis of several well-known software estimation models. Furthermore, by applying the proposed model to real world software projects, we show that the proposed model can produce more accurate estimates than the current standard.

HPV Vaccination for Cervical Cancer Prevention is not Cost-Effective in Japan

  • Isshiki, Takahiro
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.15 no.15
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    • pp.6177-6180
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    • 2014
  • Background: Our study objectives were to evaluate the medical economics of cervical cancer prevention and thereby contribute to cancer care policy decisions in Japan. Methods: Model creation: we created presence-absence models for prevention by designating human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination for primary prevention of cervical cancer. Cost classification and cost estimates: we divided the costs of cancer care into seven categories (prevention, mass-screening, curative treatment, palliative care, indirect, non-medical, and psychosocial cost) and estimated costs for each model. Cost-benefit analyses: we performed cost-benefit analyses for Japan as a whole. Results: HPV vaccination was estimated to cost $291.5 million, cervical cancer screening $76.0 million and curative treatment $12.0 million. The loss due to death was $251.0 million and the net benefit was -$128.5 million (negative). Conclusion: Cervical cancer prevention was not found to be cost-effective in Japan. While few cost-benefit analyses have been reported in the field of cancer care, these would be essential for Japanese policy determination.


  • Sae-Hyun Ji;Moonseo Park;Hyun-Soo Lee
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.417-424
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    • 2009
  • For a construction project to progress smoothly, effective cost estimation is vital, particularly in the conceptual and schematic design stages. In these early phases, despite the fact that initial estimates are highly sensitive to changes in project scope, owners require accurate forecasts which reflect their supplying information. Thus, cost estimators need effective estimation strategies. Practically, parametric cost estimates are the most commonly used method in these initial phases, which utilizes historical cost data (Karshenas 1984, Kirkham 2007). Hence, compilation of historical data regarding appropriate cost variance governing parameters is a prime requirement. However, precedent practice of data mining (data preprocessing) for denoising internal errors or abnormal values is needed before compilation. As an effort to deal with this issue, this research proposed a statistical methodology for data preprocessing and verified that data preprocessing has a positive impact on the enhancement of estimate accuracy and stability. Moreover, Statistically Preprocessed data Based Parametric (SPBP) cost models are developed based on multiple regression equations and verified their effectiveness compared with conventional cost models.

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  • Sooyoung Kim;Hyun-Soo Lee;Moonseo Park;Sae-Hyun Ji;Joseph Ahn
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2011.02a
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    • pp.182-186
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    • 2011
  • Early cost estimates are important to decision-making for a construction project. Moreover, the possibility of reducing the project cost is getting less as the project is progressed. Case-based reasoning (CBR), which can be viewed as an effective method for early cost estimating, is widely utilized recently. Early cost estimates using CBR have advantages over the traditional ones as they produce reasonable outputs and self-studying is possible by simply adding new cases. Case-based reasoning is composed of a cycle of retrieve, reuse, revise, and retain process. However, in the majority of research cases, they are focused on how to retrieve the similar cases, instead of revising the cases which is expected to increase accuracy results of cost estimation. This research suggests a method of revising retrieved similar cases in a GA-CBR cost model which is widely studied and utilized for early cost estimating recently. To validate the proposed method, case study is conducted based on Korean public apartment projects.

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Edge Detection using Enhanced Cost Minimization Methods

  • Seong-Hoon Lee
    • International journal of advanced smart convergence
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.88-93
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    • 2024
  • The main problem with existing edge detection techniques is that they have many limitations in detecting edges for complex and diverse images that exist in the real world. This is because only edges of a defined shape are discovered based on an accurate definition of the edge. One of the methods to solve this problem is the cost minimization method. In the cost minimization method, cost elements and cost functions are defined and used. The cost function calculates the cost for the candidate edge model generated according to the candidate edge generation strategy, and if the cost is found to be satisfactory, the candidate edge model becomes the edge for the image. In this study, we proposed an enhanced candidate edge generation strategy to discover edges for more diverse types of images in order to improve the shortcoming of the cost minimization method, which is that it only discovers edges of a defined type. As a result, improved edge detection results were confirmed.

A Model of Dynamic Transportation Planning of the Distribution System Using Genetic Algorithm (유전 알고리듬을 이용한 물류시스템의 동적 수송계획 모형)

  • Chang Suk-Hwa
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.102-113
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    • 2004
  • This paper addresses the transportation planning that is based on genetic algorithm for determining transportation time and transportation amount of minimizing cost of distribution system. The vehicle routing of minimizing the transportation distance of vehicle is determined. A distribution system is consisted of a distribution center and many retailers. The model is assumed that the time horizon is discrete and finite, and the demand of retailers is dynamic and deterministic. Products are transported from distribution center to retailers according to transportation planning. Cost factors are the transportation cost and the inventory cost, which transportation cost is proportional to transportation distance of vehicle when products are transported from distribution center to retailers, and inventory cost is proportional to inventory amounts of retailers. Transportation time to retailers is represented as a genetic string. The encoding of the solutions into binary strings is presented, as well as the genetic operators used by the algorithm. A mathematical model is developed. Genetic algorithm procedure is suggested, and a illustrative example is shown to explain the procedure.

Replacement model under warranty with age-dependent minimal repair

  • Park, Minjae
    • International Journal of Reliability and Applications
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.9-20
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, we consider a renewable repair-replacement warranty strategy with age-dependent minimal repair service and propose an optimal maintenance model during post-warranty period. Such model implements the repair time limit under warranty and follows with a certain form of system maintenance strategy when the warranty expires. The expected cost rate is investigated per unit time during the life period of the system as for the standard for optimality. Based on the cost design defined for each failure of the system, the expected cost rate is derived during the life period of the system, considering that a renewable minimal repair-replacement warranty strategy with the repair time limit is provided to the customer under warranty. When the warranty is finished, the maintenance of the system is the customer's responsibility. The life period of the system is defined and the expected cost rate is developed from the viewpoint of the customer's perspective. We obtain the optimal maintenance strategy during the maintenance period by minimizing such a cost rate after a warranty expires. Numerical examples using field data are shown to exemplify the application of the methodologies proposed in this paper.

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