• 제목/요약/키워드: Corrugated board

검색결과 86건 처리시간 0.021초

산화전분 코팅에 의한 골판지 상자의 물성 변화 (Effect of Coating of Liner Components with Oxidized Starch on Properties of Corrugated Box)

  • 안병국;안원영
    • 펄프종이기술
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    • 제31권3호
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    • pp.47-53
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    • 1999
  • The effect of coating of liner components with oxidized starch on the properties of corrugated box was examined . Coating was carried out on liner components of B flute, single-wall corrugated board(SK180/S120/K200) , and corrugated box was made from the treated corrugated board. Box was made in a regular slotted container (RSC) style, and box compression strength was determined in the direction of top-to-bottom compression. The compression strength of box coated on outside liner component showed 15.4% improvement for 1.58g㎡ coating. On the other hand, the strength of box coated on outside liner component showed only 1.45% improvement for 1.41g/㎡ coating and 3.46% improvement for 2.32g/㎡ coating. Coating on inside liner component with oxidized starch at low coating weight more significantly improved box compression strength than coating on outside liner component, and the improvement was marked at the coating weight of 1.5-2.5g/㎡. In estimating top-to-bottom box compression strength, the experimental values were closer to the calculated values from McKee's equation suing edgewise compression strength of the combined board measured by column crush test than those from Kellicutt's equation using compression strength of component paperboards measured by ring crush test.

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백판지의 두께 증대를 위한 목질섬유의 이용 (1) - 목질섬유의 이용 - (Improvement of Thickness in White Duplex Board by Utilization of Defibrated Fibers (1) - Utilization of Defibrated Fibers -)

  • 서영범;김현준
    • 펄프종이기술
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    • 제46권6호
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    • pp.34-40
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    • 2014
  • Wood fibers for medium density fiberboard (MDF) was used in the filler layer of the white duplex board for increasing thickness and bulk of the board. The MDF fibers and the old corrugated container (OCC) furnish were refined, and mixed together to form paperboard. At optimum mixing ratios and refining degrees, stiffness and tensile strength of the MDF fiber-containing board were higher than those of the board with 100% OCC. It was found that there was possibility to reduced basis weight of the filler layer down to 90% of the all OCC furnish by judicious selection of the mixing ratio and the refining method of the MDF fibers. Drainage rate increase and potential drying energy savings were additional benefits.

환경변화에 강한 골판지 개발을 위한 기초연구(제1보) (The preliminary study of developing strong corrugated box board against aggravated service condition(I))

  • 서영범;오영순
    • 펄프종이기술
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    • 제30권1호
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    • pp.29-43
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    • 1998
  • This study was to investigate the effect of .compressive load and cyclic humidity(2$0^{\circ}C$, 65% and 90% RH) on the physical and mechanical properties of corrugated board. Corrugated boards in the study were under compressive load and under cyclic humidity, and their properties were compared to those without load. Results were summarized as follows ; 1 Statistically significant correlation was shown between the ring crush of the boards and the compressive strength of cylinder specimen made from the boards. So we could study the compressive behavior of board with cylinder specimen. 2. The boards under the compressive load increased their moisture content and thickness much more than those without load both in constant and in cyclic RH. 3. The compressive and tensile strength of board samples were inversely and closely proportional to the sheet moisture content regardless of their load and humidity history. 4. The moisture content did not show any significant proportionality to the change of burst strength of boards within this experiment. 5. Board reconditioning in standard condition led to the recovery of the strength loss that had occurred under various load and humidity condition. 6. The handsheets prepared from the boards that had experienced compressive load and cyclic humidity, and those with no-load and 65% RH did not show any significant difference in strength properties. No physical damage or load-carrying properties of the wood fiber were observed by the compressive load and cyclic humidity history.

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통기성 상자 구조물의 강도적 최적화 연구(II)-유한요소해석 (Strength Optimization of Ventilating Container(II)-Finite Element Analysis)

  • 박종민
    • 한국포장학회지
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.25-30
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    • 2001
  • Corrugated board is composed of cellulose fibers which are arranged with the same direction as the board manufactured. The direction is classified with machine direction (MD) and cross-machine direction (CD). Therefore, corrugated board is orthotropic material that has totally different strength properties at each direction and especially, at machine direction, the mechanical properties of fiberboard is superior. The compression strength of the corrugated fiberboard boxes is very important information to the manufacturers and the end users. This study was carried out to design the optimum pattern, size, and location of ventilating hole for ventilating container through the finite element analysis. The optimum pattern and location of ventilating and hand hole were vertical oblong, a short distance to the right and left from the center of panel, and center or a short distance to the top of both sides, respectively. We identified the effect on both stress dispersion and stress level from the analysis of redisigned hand hole.

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Evaluation of Edgewise Compressive Strength of Corrugated Fiberboard with Microflute

  • Youn, Hye-Jung;Lee, Hak-Lae;Kim, Ji-Yong;Kwon, Hyun-Seung;Chin, Seong-Min
    • 펄프종이기술
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    • 제39권5호
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    • pp.52-57
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    • 2007
  • Corrugated fiberboard is a representative packaging material because of high compressive strength and stiffness in spite of light weight. The flutes of corrugated fiberboard are various depending on the height and the number per unit length of flute. The corrugated fiberboard with microflute like E, F or G with low height less than 1.5 mm has developed. Because it has some advantages including higher stiffness and lower requirement of fiber than carton board, it has a possibility to replace folding box board. Its consumption has been increased with the various applications like graphic packaging. As microflute has the different geometry from other conventional flutes, it can show the different behavior in testing and it may require a new testing method. In this study, we evaluated the edgewise compressive strength of the corrugated fiberboard with microflute according to ISO and other standard test methods. And the effect of specimen shape and platen compression rate was examined. From this study, we found that ISO methods was suitable and reasonable methods for corrugated fiberboard with microflute.

에틸렌 가스 흡착 기능성 골판지 제조를 위한 기초연구 (Study on the Manufacture of Ethylene Gas Absorbing Corrugated Board)

  • 이지영;김철환;김은혜;박태웅;최재성
    • 펄프종이기술
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    • 제48권2호
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    • pp.20-27
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    • 2016
  • Ethylene gas is a natural hormone that directly affects the freshness of agricultural products, so it is very important for the maintenance of freshness to remove ethylene gas from corrugated board boxes. Many methods for the removal of this and other gases have been reported. In this study, the utilization of an absorbent using activated carbon was adopted for the removal of ethylene gas from a corrugated board box. Activated carbon powders were prepared by grinding in a laboratory and were used to treat the surface and to laminate paperboards with a starch solution. The ethylene gas absorption was evaluated by using a gas chromatography to measure the residual ethylene gas concentration. About 60% of the ethylene gas was absorbed by the activated carbon itself. However, the paperboards that were surface-treated and laminated with starch and activated carbon showed lower than 20% ethylene gas absorption. This was because the starch and smaller particles of activated carbon blocked the surface pores of activated carbon particles. Therefore, either the use of the binders must be minimized for the surface treatment of paperboards, or activated carbon packs can be used as absorbents in corrugated boxes.

골판지 접착 강도 향상을 위한 전분 특성 분석과 가교제의 적용 (Analysis of Starch Properties and Application of Cross-linking Agent for Improving Adhesive Strength of Corrugated Board)

  • 정철헌;박종문;이진호
    • 펄프종이기술
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    • 제44권2호
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    • pp.67-73
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    • 2012
  • Structural stability and shock absorption are important properties for corrugated board. In order to maintain structural stability, adhesive properties between top/bottom liners and corrugated medium are not only essential but also important for productivity and product quality. Borax has been an essential ingredient in corrugating adhesive solution. Borax increases viscosity, bonding between starchs and green adhesive bond. The objective of this research is to improving adhesive strength and viscosity stability by adding cross-linking agent instead of borax. Rheology and penetration of main starch gelatinization slurry were affected by borax addition level. Borax increased viscosity and decreased viscosity stability, while cross-linking additives increased viscosity stability and adhesive strength by anchoring effect.

여름철 고온 환경 조건에서 참외(Cucumis melo var. makuwa)의 저장 중 선도유지를 위한 아이스 팩 처리 포장 박스 적용 연구 (Effect of the ice pack treatment in the corrugated box for improving the storage quality of the oriental melon (Cucumis melo var. makuwa) at high temperature conditions during summer)

  • 최우석;정대성;이윤석
    • 한국식품저장유통학회지
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    • 제21권1호
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    • pp.25-33
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    • 2014
  • 본 연구는 저장 중 참외(Cucumis melo var. makuwa)의 품질 개선 효과를 보기 위하여 일반 골판지 박스로 포장한 무처리 대조구, 아이스 팩을 첨가하여 포장한 시험구, 및 아이스 팩과 알루미늄 코팅 보드로 처리된 박스로 포장한 시험구를 각각 사용하여 실험을 수행하였다. 참외의 품질변화는 $30^{\circ}C$의 저장 조건에서 21일 동안 저장 기간에 따른 참외의 호흡률, 중량감소율, 색도, 경도, 당도, 외관 품질 및 부패과 발생율로 관찰하였다. 저장 21일째 아이스 팩을 첨가한 포장 그리고 아이스 팩 및 알루미늄 코팅 보드를 적용한 포장으로 저장한 참외는 호흡률, 중량감소율, 및 색도, 및 경도 값의 지연으로 뛰어난 선도 유지 효과를 나타냈을 뿐만 아니라 특히 외관품질, 부패과 발생율을 감소시켜 상품성이 유지 효과를 보았다. 반면 참외의 가용성 고형분 함량 값은 각각 다른 형태로 적용한 포장에 의해 큰 영향을 받지 않았다. 아이스 팩과 알루미늄 코팅 보드를 적용한 박스로 포장한 참외는 아이스 팩으로 만 포장한 참외 보다 상대적으로 품질이 개선되는 것을 확인 할 수 있었다. 골판지 박스 내부에 아이스 팩의 적용은 참외 과실이 품고 있는 온도를 낮출 뿐만 아니라 알루미늄 코팅 보드는 외부 고온 환경으로 부터 온도 차단 효과로 포장 내부의 온도 상승에 따른 빠른 품질 변화를 막을 수 있는 역할을 한다고 판단된다.

사과포장용 골판지 라이너원지의 품질에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Quality of Liner Board Used Corrugated Fiberboard Container of Apples)

  • 하영선;김수일
    • 한국식품저장유통학회지
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.150-153
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    • 1998
  • As strait As a result of the quality research of liner boards used for the national-made corrugated boxes for apples, basis weight of each sample passed its tolerance within 4%. We found that KA, WLK, and SC liner boards showed better in relative bursting strength. SC, WLK, KA, and SK performed better in relative compression strength. WLK201 and KA210 were good for the outside liner, and K2200 was adequate for medium and inside liner. we classified WLK and KA liner boards as A grade and others as C grade.

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상대습도에 따른 농산물 포장용 골판지의 원지의 물리적 특성 변화 및 상자압축강도의 예측 (Physical Properties of Corrugated Fiberboard and Estimation of Box Compression Strength with Changes of Relative Humidity)

  • 조중연;신준섭;김종경
    • 한국포장학회지
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.91-96
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    • 2005
  • Determination of safety factor of corrugated fiberboard boxes used for agricultural products is very complicated process due to nature of living products. Moisture content is one of the most critical factors to determine overall physical strength of paper, so its influences on strength properties of corrugated board made from different raw materials must be quantified. The results obtained from the study were summarized as follows; 1. Results show a detrimental effect on bursting strength and compressive strength of liners with increasing relative humidity of environment and moisture content of liners. 2. The relevance of equilibrium moisture content at varying relative humidity levels was proved and its relationship was used as an important factor to estimate box compression strength. 3. Test results was statistically used for establish the relationship between relative humidity and moisture content of liners. Estimated compression strength of boxes at varying moisture content was similar to results of theoretical equations such as Kellicutt's. Further study could be carried out in order to determine a optimum safety factors of various corrugated board boxes for agricultural products.

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