• 제목/요약/키워드: Corrugated board

검색결과 86건 처리시간 0.025초

강심골판지의 물성에 관한 연구 (A Study of the Physical Properties of Single Wall Dual-layer Medium Corrugated Board)

  • 이수근;김재능
    • 한국포장학회지
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.47-54
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    • 2004
  • Normally, the single wall(SW) corrugated board has more advantages than double wall (DW) corrugated board in terms of the cost of the materials and logistics. For instance, the SW corrugated board has 3 layer papers whereas the DW corrugated board has 5 layer papers. The thickness of the SW is about 5mm, but that of the DW is 8mm. Accordingly, the SW corrugated board is quite more used in the developed countries than the DW corrugated board. But in Korea, the DW corrugated board is quite more used. The reason why more DW corrugated board are used than the SW corrugated in Korea is that in order that the SW corrugated board has the same box compression strength as DW corrugated board, the cost of the SW corrugated board is higher than that of the DW corrugated board because the virgin kraft liners are all imported from overseas. In this study, the physical properties such as flat crush strength and column crush strength of typical SW corrugated board and single wall dual-layer medium corrugated board and their costs were analyzed. The analysis resulted in that single wall dual-layer medium corrugated board has the same thickness as the SW corrugated board but the more flat crush strength and column crush strength and the less cost than the SW corrugated board.

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유한요소법에 의한 Corrugated Board의 휨 발란스 해석 (Buckling Analysis of Corrugated Board using Finite Element Method)

  • 박종민
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • 제28권2호
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    • pp.127-136
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    • 2003
  • The top-to-bottom compression strength of corrugated board box is the most important mode of loading during it's no, and it depends largely on the edgewise compression strength of the corrugated board in the cross-machine direction and to a considerable extent on the flexural stiffness in both principal directions (CD; cross-machine direction, MD; machine direction) of the corrugated board. Corrugated board is a sandwich structure with an orthotropic property. The purpose of this study was to elucidate the principal design parameters for board combination of corrugated board from the viewpoint of bending strength through the finite element analysis [FEA] fur the various corrugated board. In general, the flexural stiffness [FS] in the MD was 2-3 times larger than that in the CD, and the effect of liner for the FS of corrugated board was much bigger than that of corrugating medium. The flexural stiffness index [FSI] was high when the stiffness of liner was in the order of inner, outer, and middle liner in double-wall corrugated board [DW], and the effect of the stiffness arrangement or itself reinforcement of corrugating medium on the FSI was not high. In single-wall corrugated board [SW] with DW. the variation of FSI with itself stiffness reinforcement of liner was much bigger than that with stiffness arrangement of liner. The highest FSI was at the ratio of about 2:1:2 for basis weight distribution of outer, middle, and inner liner if the stiffness of liner and total basis weight of corrugated board were equal in DW Secondarily. basis weight was in the order of inner, outer, and middle liner. However, the variation of FSI with basis weight distribution between liner and corrugating medium was much bigger than that with itself basis weight distribution ratio of liner and corrugating medium respectively in both DW and SW. md the FSI was high as more total basis weight was divided into liner. These phenomena fur board combination of corrugated board based on the FEA were well verified by experimental investigation.

Corrugated Board의 최적내형설계 소프트웨어 개발 (Development of a Optimum Inward Design Software for Corrugated Board)

  • 박종민
    • 한국포장학회지
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 2004
  • Software summarized packaging technology related is needed for low cost and high efficiency in production and packaging design of corrugated board, and in development of these softwares, distribution and packaging environment of one's country must be reflected, well. In domestic occasion, software related to corrugated board packaging dont's exist nearly, and in many industrial fields, the more higher role and importance of packaging in various industrial field is, the more higher necessity of that is. In this study, on the base of preceeding studies (Park, 2001; 2003; 2003), software to optimize board combination that is most importance and sensitivity in composition of cost elements in production and packaging design of corrugated board was developed. This software was composed of input module, output module, database and management module, and calculation module, and efficiency of this software was analyzed on the both sides of sensitivity in design result and effectiveness in a case analyse. In the inward design results having same strength, board combination balance, bursting strength, box weight, and cost were greatly different. Therefore, optimum inward design according to user's design specifications is possible, and in a case analysis for actual products, obtained the more profitable results than before design.

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혼합고분자처리에 의한 골판지 원지 및 골판지의 물성변화 (Effect of Mixed Polymer Treatment on the Physical Property of the Corrugated Container Board)

  • 권기훈;임부국;박성배;양재경;장준복;이종윤
    • 펄프종이기술
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    • 제31권4호
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    • pp.69-75
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    • 1999
  • This study was performed to investigated the application of mixed resins for corrugated container board. The corrugated container board yields a sandwich structure in which a linerboard material is glued to a corrugated medium . Now, manufacturing corrugated container boards don't provide sufficient strength, and result in box failure during shipping . Therefore improvement of box strength is necessary . In this study, we intend to improve box strength by improving corrugated medium strength with mixed resins and to find the optimum treatment condition of this resins. First, we tried to mixed resins as Starch+CMC, Starch_Irea, CMC+Urea, Second, investigated to applicability of this resins for corrugated medium , and the third, measured tensile index, burst index, and edgewise compression index on liner, medium paper, and single faced corrugated container board. In this test results, we obtained that the improvement ratios of tensile index in liner and medium paper were approximately 80-185%, 60-118% , respectively. The respecting improvement ratios of edgewise compression index of single faced corrugated container board was approximately 91-124%, relatively. In addition, we concluded that optimum condition in mixing ratio was 1 :3 with CMC + Urea and the ap[plication amounts was 9% on materials. Fro manufacture of corrugated container board, optimum condition in mixing ratio was 1 : 3 with 5% CMC +Urea , because of considering to improvement of strength on cost.

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농산물 저온유통용 내수 골판지 상자의 제조(제3보) -원지의 종류와 표면처리 방법에 따른 내수 골판지 원지의 물성- (Manufacture of Water-Resistant Corrugated Board Boxes for Agricultural Products in the Cold Chain System(III) - Effects of types of base paper and surface treatments on physical properties of the base paper for water resistant corrugated board -)

  • 조중연;민춘기;신준섭
    • 펄프종이기술
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    • 제37권2호
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    • pp.70-77
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    • 2005
  • For the purpose of developing liner board for water resistant corrugated board in the cold chain system, several types of base paper for corrugated board were purchased from the market and 6 different boards were produced in the mill by applying the chemicals, chosen in the previous studies, on the base paper. Then water-moisture resistance and physical properties of the boards were compared each other. The liner board which is dried at high temperature with pressure by Condebelt (CK paper) showed a superior performance in strength over common liner boards. Strength of the board increased by surface chemical treatment up to $60\%$ of compressive strength and $30\%$ of burst strength. Starch insolubilization with Ammonium Zirconium Carbonate and surface coating with a surface sizing agent and a moisture resistant chemical on CK paper showed the best result. Therefore this method was recommended to produce the outer liner board for water resistant corrugated board.

골판지 및 유류등의 담뱃불 발화특성에 관한 실험적 연구 (A Study on Characteristics of the Ignition by Cigarette Light on Corrugated Board and Oils)

  • 윤인수;김병선;조원철;이태식
    • 한국방재학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국방재학회 2008년도 정기총회 및 학술발표대회
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    • pp.173-176
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to use case analysis and experimentations to examine the ignition characteristics of the cigarette lights on corrugated board and oils etc. As a result of the tested. The corrugated board could be ignited by cigarette light, but gasoline and lacquer thinner could seldom be ignited.

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Manufacture of Water-Resistant Corrugated Board Boxes for Agricultural Products in the Cold Chain System

  • Jo, Jung-Yeon;Min, Choon-Ki;Shin, Jun-Seop
    • 한국펄프종이공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국펄프종이공학회 2006년도 PAN PACIFIC CONFERENCE vol.2
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    • pp.459-463
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    • 2006
  • For the purpose of developing liner board for water-resistant corrugated board in the cold chain system, several types of base paper for corrugated board were purchased from the market and 6 different boards were produced in the paperboard mill by applying the chemicals on the base paper. Then, water-moisture resistant performance and physical properties of the boards were evaluated and compared each other. The liner board which is dried at high temperature with pressure by the Condebelt showed a superior performance in strength over conventional liner boards. Strength of the board increased by surface chemical treatment up to 60% of compressive strength and 30% of bursting strength. Starch insolubilization with Ammonium-Zirconium -Carbonate and surface coating with a surface size and a moisture resistant chemical on CK paper showed the best result. Therefore, this method was recommended to produce the outer liner board for water -resistant corrugated board.

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Manufacture of Water-Resistant Corrugated Board Boxes for Agricultural Products in the Cold Chain System

  • Jo, Jung-Yeon;Min, Choon-Ki;Shin, Jun-Seop
    • 펄프종이기술
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    • 제44권2호
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    • pp.29-34
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    • 2012
  • For the purpose of developing liner board for water-resistant corrugated board in the cold chain system, several types of base paper for corrugated board were purchased from the market and 6 different boards were produced in the paperboard mill by applying the chemicals on the base paper. Then, water-moisture resistant performance and physical properties of the boards were compared each other. The liner board which is dried at high temperature with pressure by Condebelt papermaking system(CK paper) showed a superior performance in strength over common liner boards. Strength of the board increased by surface chemical treatment up to 60% of compressive strength and 30% of bursting strength. Starch insolubilization with Ammonium-Zirconium Carbonate(AZC) and surface coating with a surface size and a moisture resistant chemical on CK paper showed the best result. Therefore, this method was recommended to produce the outer liner board for water -resistant corrugated board.

기록물 보존상자용 골판지 개발 및 접착제 탐색에 관한 연구 (제1보) (Studies on the Development of Corrugated Board and Investigation of Optimum Corrugating Adhesive for Archival Quality Container (Part 1))

  • 박지현;김형진;이태주;서영범
    • 펄프종이기술
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    • 제41권4호
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    • pp.73-81
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    • 2009
  • The document archives like official documents, books, maps and historic paper artifacts are primarily based on the organic cellulosic materials. As the passage of time, these organic cellulosic materials are slowly deteriorated by various aging factors, like light, polluted air and biological fungi. Many researchers have been carried out the examination method of deteriorating origins, the mechanism of aging hysteresis, and the preserving method of archival materials. One of the most simple and easiest ways for conservation of organic archival documents is the proper storage under environmental control. Corrugated board for archival quality container has been developed and already used in advanced country, like Japan, USA, German, UK and Europe. In case of Korea, corrugated board for archival quality container has been used a decade ago, but totally imported. This study was tried to develop the corrugated board for archival quality container. Liner and corrugated medium were specially produced and finally manufactured to E flute corrugated board. The physical and strength properties of permanent base paper and corrugated board were evaluated, and compared with imported corrugated board. 4 kinds of corrugating adhesives were considered various in order to investigate optimum adhesive for flute development between liner and corrugating medium, and evaluate adhesion strength under conditions of storage and curing temperatures.

전분 접착제의 접착 효율 및 골판지의 내수성 향상을 위한 첨가제의 적용 (Improvement of Bonding Strength and Water Resistance of Corrugated Board)

  • 장동욱;박종문
    • 펄프종이기술
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    • 제48권1호
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    • pp.61-66
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    • 2016
  • In order to improve the bonding efficiency of starch adhesives and water resistance of corrugated board, mixing ratio of additives dosage was changed and its effects were analyzed. When the additives dosage was increased, bonding strength, vertical compression strength, bursting strength and water resistance were increased, because of hydroxyl groups or acetyl groups in starch adhesives and cellulose fibers of corrugated board were cross-linked by additives. When 1.0% glyoxal dosage was added, flat crush strength and vertical compression strength were increased. With 1.5% glyoxal, bonding strength and bursting strength were increased. However, 2.0% glyoxal dosage was added, most of strength except bursting strength were decreased. Thus, when the appropriate amount of additives are added during corrugated board production process, increased bonding efficiency of starch adhesives and higher water resistance of corrugated board can be achieved.