• Title/Summary/Keyword: Continuous flow reactor

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A Numerical Analysis of the Abatement of VOC with Photocatalytic Reaction in a Flow Reactor (연속흐름 반응기에서 광촉매 반응에 의한 VOC 물질제거 특성에 대한 수치적 연구)

  • 최우혁;김창녕;정석진
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.13 no.7
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    • pp.637-646
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    • 2001
  • VOC(Volatile Organic Compound) removal characteristics in continuous flow reactors have been numerically investigated. The photocatalytic reaction have been simulated with the binding constant and the reaction rate constant obtained from experimental data for the constant-volume batch reactor, and then VOC abatement in continuous flow reactors with the same conditions as those of batch reactor has been analyzed. The standard 4\kappa-\varepsilon$ model and mass conservation equation have been employed for numerical calculation, and heterogeneous reaction rate has been used in terms of the boundary condition of the conservation equation. in the case of the continuous flow reactor, reaction characteristics have been estimated with various inlet velocities and with different number of baffles. The result shows that the concentration distribution and flow patterns are strongly affected by the inlet velocity, and that with the increased inlet velocity, VOC removal rate is increased, while removal efficiency is decreased. This result may be useful in the design of reactors with improved VOC removal efficiency.

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Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Egg Yolk Protein in Continuous Packed Column Operation

  • Kang, Byung-Chul;Lee, Sang-Uk
    • 한국생물공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.485-489
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    • 2003
  • Enzymatic hydrolysis of egg yolk Protein was carried out in continuous packed column reactor Five supports for enzyme immobilization were evaluated in this study. We investigated the optimum operation variables - pH, temperature, and flow rate in continuous reactor operation.

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Conversion of Mixed Fat into Biodiesel in Plug Flow Reactor Using Alkali and Mixed Catalysts (관형반응기에서 알칼리 및 혼합촉매를 사용한 혼합지방의 바이오디젤화)

  • Hyun, Young-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.123-128
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    • 2010
  • The continuous transesterification of mixed fat was done on the plug flow reactor packed with the static mixers. The transesterification using 0.5 wt% KOH, 0.8 wt% TMAH and mixed catalyst[40 v/v% KOH(0.5 wt%)+60 v/v% TMAH(0.8 wt%)] was conducted with the changes of molar ratios, weight percentage of beef, flow rates and number of static mixer's elements at $65^{\circ}C$. The overall conversion of mixed fat at 1:8 molar ratio, 50 wt% of beef and 24 of static mixer's elements increased until 0.7mL/min of flow rate. The overall conversion of mixed fat showed 96% at those conditions. So, the optimum operating conditions on tublar reactor were 1:8 molar ratio, 50 wt% of beef, 0.7 mL/min of flow rate and 24 of static mixer' s elements.

Property Control in a Continuous MMA Polymerization Reactor using EKF based Nonlinear Model Predictive Controller

  • Ahn, Sung-Mo;Park, Myung-June;Rhee, Hyun-Ku
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1998.10a
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    • pp.468-473
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    • 1998
  • A mathematical model was developed for a continuous re-actor in which free radical polymerization of methyl methacrylate (MMA) occurred. Elementary reactions considered in this study were initiation, propagation, termination, and chain transfers to monomer and solvent. The reactor model took into account the density change of the reactor contents and the gel effect. A control system was designed for a continuous reactor using extended Kalman filter (EKF) based non-linear model predictive controller (NLMPC) to control the conversion and the weight average molecular weight of the polymer product. Control input variables were the jacket inlet temperature and the feed flow rate. For the purpose of validation of the control strategy, on-line digital control experiments were conducted with densitometer and viscometer for the measurement of the polymer properties. Despite the com-plex and nonlinear features of the polymerization reaction system, the EKF based NLMPC performed quite satisfactorily for the property control of the continuous polymerization reactor.

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Sonolysis of Trichloroethylene in a Continuous Flow Reactor with the Multi Ultrasound Irradiation (연속식 다중 초음파 반응조에서 TCE의 초음파 분해)

  • Lee, Min-Ju;Oh, Je-Ill
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.419-427
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    • 2009
  • To test applicability for continuous flow treatment of ultrasound technology, sonolysis of TCE aqueous solution using 584 kHz multi irradiation reactor was performed under batch and continuous flow conditions. Under batch condition (3 and 4 sides irradiation, 600 W), first order degradation rate constant of TCE was higher under 4 sides than 3 sides irradiation conditions, while the generation of $H_2O_2$ and chloride was similar under both irradiation conditions. Under continuous flow condition with 4 sides irradiation, removal efficiencies of TCE in steady-state were decreased from 83 to 48% with increasing flow rate from 67 to 300 mL/min at 600 W, and were increased from 14 to 75% with increasing acoustic power from 100 to 600 W at 100 mL/min. Removal efficiency of TCE in groundwater was decreased 10% compared to in distilled water at 100 mL/min and 600 W.

Predicting the core thermal hydraulic parameters with a gated recurrent unit model based on the soft attention mechanism

  • Anni Zhang;Siqi Chun;Zhoukai Cheng;Pengcheng Zhao
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.56 no.6
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    • pp.2343-2351
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    • 2024
  • Accurately predicting the thermal hydraulic parameters of a transient reactor core under different working conditions is the first step toward reactor safety. Mass flow rate and temperature are important parameters of core thermal hydraulics, which have often been modeled as time series prediction problems. This study aims to achieve accurate and continuous prediction of core thermal hydraulic parameters under instantaneous conditions, as well as test the feasibility of a newly constructed gated recurrent unit (GRU) model based on the soft attention mechanism for core parameter predictions. Herein, the China Experimental Fast Reactor (CEFR) is used as the research object, and CEFR 1/2 core was taken as subject to carry out continuous predictive analysis of thermal parameters under transient conditions., while the subchannel analysis code named SUBCHANFLOW is used to generate the time series of core thermal-hydraulic parameters. The GRU model is used to predict the mass flow and temperature time series of the core. The results show that compared to the adaptive radial basis function neural network, the GRU network model produces better prediction results. The average relative error for temperature is less than 0.5 % when the step size is 3, and the prediction effect is better within 15 s. The average relative error of mass flow rate is less than 5 % when the step size is 10, and the prediction effect is better in the subsequent 12 s. The GRU model not only shows a higher prediction accuracy, but also captures the trends of the dynamic time series, which is useful for maintaining reactor safety and preventing nuclear power plant accidents. Furthermore, it can provide long-term continuous predictions under transient reactor conditions, which is useful for engineering applications and improving reactor safety.

Study of Wastewater Treatment in the Continuous Electro-Coagulation Plug Flow Reactor after Ozone Treatment (오존처리수의 전기응집처리 연구)

  • 박영규
    • Journal of environmental and Sanitary engineering
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2001
  • The water treatment by electrochemical method was performed to increase the yield of production. Continuous plug flow reactor was operated to treat poultry and domestic wastewaters. Experimental results were compared with experimental results of the wastewater treatment by chemical coagulation, they were increased over 10% in the removal efficiency of COD and the production rate of sludge was reduced by 30%. Ozone utilized to degrade or change the organic chemical structures, which removal efficiency increased to 20% in the electro-coagulation reactor. Economic evaluation was performed to estimate total cost of electro-coagulation reactor in comparison with that of chemical coagulation method. The total cost to treat 1000 ton/day of domestic wastewater was reduced by 50%.

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CFD Simulation of the Effects of Inlet Flow rate on Hydraulic Behavior in Continuous Stirred-Tank Reactor (CSTR) (CFD 모사 기법을 이용한 유입 유량에 의한 연속 완전혼화 반응조 수리거동 고찰에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Young Joo;Oh, Jeong Ik;Yoon, Sukmin;Kim, Jong-Oh;Park, No-Suk
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.25-33
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    • 2016
  • This paper describes three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation of liquid-liquid flow and transient tracer tests in a full-scale continuous stirred-tank reactor (CSTR) used for drinking water treatment. To evaluate the effects of inlet flow rate on hydrodynamic behavior in the selected CSTR, inlet flow rate was changed from 10% to 100% of the design flow rate. From the results of CFD simulation and analysis, as the inlet flow rate increases, Modal index and ${\beta}$ value are increased. Also, Morrill index shows local minimal points in relation to the inlet flow rate, which are observed at 20% and 40% of the design flow. As inlet flow Increases more than 40%, it is shown that Morrill index re-increases to close to ideal CSTR.

Degradation of MEK using continuous single module photo-catalytic reactor (연속식 광촉매반응기를 이용한 MEK 분해특성 연구)

  • Peng, Mei Mei;Cha, Wang Seog
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.10
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    • pp.5304-5309
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    • 2013
  • The degradation of methylethylkeone(MEK) was investigated by the continuous single module photocatalytic reactor. Operational conditions were initial concentration of MEK, intensity of photon flux, and activity change according to the long time operation. The photocatalytic degradation was decreased with the increase of MEK concentration, and the degree of decrease was larger at higher flow rate. Removal efficiency of photocatalytic reactor was decreased with the increase of reactor diameter and lamp wavelength under the same residence time condition. Continuous single module photocatalytic reactor was successfully operated without any activity drop during 120hrs operation.

Effect of Ultraviolet Radiation on the Mortality Rate of the Marine Dinoflagellate Amphidinium Carteras Causing a Red Tide (적조생물 Amphidinium Carterae의 사멸에 미치는 자외선의 영향)

  • 김삼혁;최칠남;차월석;정경훈;정오진
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.463-468
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    • 2000
  • Ther effect of UV on the mortality rate of toxic dinoflagellate Amphidinium Carterae causing a red tide in the coastal area of korea was investigated in the batch and continuous-scale reactor equipped with ultraviolet irradiation-apparatus. Degussa P(sub)25 titanium oxide, a photocatalyst proved to be effective of the mortality of Amphidinium Carterae supplied with photocatalyst and UV radiation were greater than 95% in 2 minutes of UV radiation and the rate were higher than that by UV-radiation without titanium dioxide in the batch and continuous-flow scale reactor, The mortality time of Amphidinium Carterae increased with the cell density under UV-illumination in the batch scale reactor. The mortality rate in the density of $5.0$\times$10^4$ cell/mL at the same experimental condition was more than 90% in 4 minutes in the continuous flow scale reactor. The percentage of 99.9$\pm$0.1% of Amphidinium Carterae in the density of $0.5$\times$10^4$ cells/mL was died in 20 minutes when the phytoplankton was illuminated with UV-radiation without photocatalyst.

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