• Title/Summary/Keyword: Continuous Extrusion

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Three dimensional finite element analysis of continuous and segmented arches with use of orthodontic miniscrews (교정용 미니스크류를 이용한 연속호선과 분절호선의 유한요소분석)

  • Lee, Eon-Hwa;Yu, Hyung-Seog;Lee, Kee-Joon;Park, Young-Chel
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.237-254
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    • 2011
  • Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare the displacement patterns shown by finite element analysis when the maxillary anterior segment was retracted from different orthodontic miniscrew positions and different lengths of lever arms in lingual continuous and segmented arch techniques. Methods: A three dimensional model was produced, the translation of teeth in both models was measured and individual displacement was calculated. Results: When traction was carried out from miniscrews in the palatal slope, lingual tipping of crowns and extrusion of the maxillary anterior segment were found in both continuous and segmented arches as the lever arms were made shorter. With miniscrews in the midpalatal suture area, the displacement patterns were similar to the palatal slope, but bodily movement of the upper incisors was observed in both continuous and segmented arches with the lever arm at 20 mm. When lever arms were longer, there was less extrusion of the incisors and more buccal displacement of the canines. Such displacement was shown less in the continuous arch than the segmented arch. The second premolar showed crown mesial tipping and intrusion, and the molars showed distal tipping in the continuous arch. The posterior segment was displaced three dimensionally in the segmented arch, but the amount of displacement was less than the continuous arch. Conclusions: It is recommended that lever arms of 20 mm in length be used for bodily movement of the anterior segment. Use of continuous or segmented arches affect the displacement patterns and induce differences in the amount of displacement.

A constitutive model for fiber-reinforced extrudable fresh cementitious paste

  • Zhou, Xiangming;Li, Zongjin
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.371-388
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, time-continuous constitutive equations for strain rate-dependent materials are presented first, among which those for the overstress and the consistency viscoplastic models are considered. By allowing the stress states to be outside the yield surface, the overstress viscoplastic model directly defines the flow rule for viscoplastic strain rate. In comparison, a rate-dependent yield surface is defined in the consistency viscoplastic model, so that the standard Kuhn-Tucker loading/unloading condition still remains true for rate-dependent plasticity. Based on the formulation of the consistency viscoplasticity, a computational elasto-viscoplastic constitutive model is proposed for the short fiber-reinforced fresh cementitious paste for extrusion purpose. The proposed constitutive model adopts the von-Mises yield criterion, the associated flow rule and nonlinear strain rate-hardening law. It is found that the predicted flow stresses of the extrudable fresh cementitious paste agree well with experimental results. The rate-form constitutive equations are then integrated into an incremental formulation, which is implemented into a numerical framework based on ANSYS/LS-DYNA finite element code. Then, a series of upsetting and ram extrusion processes are simulated. It is found that the predicted forming load-time data are in good agreement with experimental results, suggesting that the proposed constitutive model could describe the elasto-viscoplastic behavior of the short fiber-reinforced extrudable fresh cementitious paste.

Esthetic Realignment of Periodontally Compromised Anterior Teeth (치주질환으로 인한 전치부 정출(Extrusion)의 심미적 수복에 관한 증례)

  • Choi, Won-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Esthetic Dentistry
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.60-63
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    • 1999
  • Dental clinicians commonly encounter extrusion of the anterior teeth due to localized alveolar bone loss in adult patients with chronic periodontitis. This pathologic migration of the anterior not only may cause loss of functional anterior guidance and continuous periodontal destruction, but also can lead to esthetic disaster. In fact, most frequently reported chief complaint of the patients with extruded anterior teeth is the 'loss of esthetics', not the periodontal problem itself. The utilization of the expertise and skills in the various dental disciplines is thought to be the best treatment modality for the ultimate functional and esthetic attainment. Interdisciplinary therapy, involving periodontics, orthodontics, and restorative dentistry, was performed for the highest levels of patient and provider satisfaction in this case.

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An Application of Powerful Ultrasound to Rubber Processing : in-situ Compatibilization of Rubber Blends

  • Hong, Chang-Kook
    • Rubber Technology
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.8-16
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    • 2006
  • Plastic/rubber blends are ultrasonically treated during continuous extrusion in order to investigate the in-situ compatibilization of the blends without any chemicals. The mechanical properties of each blend were significantly improved by ultrasonic treatment. It is believed that ultrasonic treatment of the blends enhances intermolecular interaction, improves adhesion at the interface and creates copolymers during very short time. The created copolymers are believed to be a major reason for enhancing mechanical properties of the blends by in-situ compatibilization during extrusion. This process can be applied fur preparing plastic/rubber blends to make thermoplastic elastomers or plastic/plastic and rubber/rubber blends, and for making novel copolymers from practically any pairs of existing polymers to achieve desirable chemical and physical properties.

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Fabrication of Continuously Porous Alumina Bodies by Multi-Extrusion Process and their In-vitro and In-vivo Study for Biocompatibility (다중압출공정을 이용한 알루미나 연속다공질체 제조 및 그의 생체친화성 평가를 위한 In-vitro, In-vivo 실험)

  • 강인철;조순희;송호연;이병택
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.41 no.7
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    • pp.560-566
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    • 2004
  • To fabricate the continuously porous alumina bodies by multi-extrusion process, carbon powder and ethylene vinyl acetate were used as a pore forming agent and a binder, respectively. As the change of extrusion pass number, reduction ratio as well as the volume fraction of core and tube, the porous alumina bodies having various kind of pore size and porosity could be obtained. The porous bodies showed continuous pore shape, high specific surface as well as high bending strength, which were compared with those of commercial alumina bodies. In-vitro study was carried out using MG-63 osteoblast cells to investigate of their biocompatibility. As a result, the cells grew well on top and bottom as well as inside surface of pore. From the result of in-vivo study of 3-dimensional porous alumina bodies using rats, it was confirmed that any inflammatory response was not found in the subcutaneous tissue around porous body. Also the porous bodies removed from the rats were fully covered with well-developed fibrous tissues and showed the formation of new capillary blood vessels.

A Study on the Defect Formation in Conform Process (CONFORM공정에서의 결함생성에 관한 연구)

  • 김영호;조진래;곽인섭
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 1995.10a
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    • pp.210-213
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    • 1995
  • In this study,the effect of both process parameters (wheel velocity, friction coefficients between die and billet, etc) and die-shape (abutment height and shape, flash gap, etc.) on the surface defect on forming process is theoretically investigated. For this work, computer simulation was performed by using the DEFORM, a commercial FEM code. Through numerous simulations with different parameters and die shapes, We propose one optimal die shape for CONFORM process which can remove surface defect.

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Precipitation Behaviors of Rapidly Solidified and Hot Worked Al-Zr Base Alloys (급냉응고 및 열간가공된 Al-Zr계 합금의 석출거동)

  • Park, Won-Wook
    • Journal of Korea Foundry Society
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.194-200
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    • 1995
  • Rapidly Solidified (RS) Al-Zr base splats with various alloy contents were prepared by atomization-splat quenching method to understand the continuous and discontinuous precipitation in the aged alloys. And the RS alloys were consolidated by hot extrusion and swaging to analyze the effect of plastic deformation on the precipitation behavior. Discontinuous precipitation dominated at relatively low temperature in the Al-Zr alloy, whereas both V additions to Al-Zr alloys and hot metal working appeared to suppress the discontinuous precipitation. As continuous precipitation is favored in the grain interiors, the driving force for discontinuous precipitation become to disappear with a further process.

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Fabrication of SiCp/Al Alloy Composites by In-situ Vacuum Hot Press Process (In-situ Vacuum Hot Press 공정을 이용한 SiCp/Al 복합재료의 제조)

  • Choe, Se-Won;Hong, Seong-Gil;Kim, Yeong-Man;Jang, Si-Yeong;Gang, Chang-Seok
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.11 no.7
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    • pp.590-598
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    • 2001
  • SiCp/pure Al and SiCp/2024Al MMCs were fabricated by in-situ VHP process designed specially just in this study which is composed of the vacuum hot press at range from R.T. to $500^{\circ}C$ and the continuous extrusion without canning process at $520^{\circ}C$. It was investigated the effect of SiC particle size, volume fraction and extrusion ratio on the tensile properties and micro structure in auf composites. In case of the 10:1 extrusion ratio, but SiCp/pure Al and SiCp/2024Al composites were shown a sound appearance and a good micro structure without crack of SiCp as well as uniform distribution of SiCp. However, in case of the 16:1 extrusion ratio, the number of cracked SiC particles more than increased in a higher volume fraction composite and 2024Al matrix composite compared with pure Al matrix one. The tensile strength of the composites reinforced smaller SiCp was higher than that of the bigger SiCp reinforced in same volume fraction and extrusion ratio.

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Preparation and Characteristics of PC and PMMA-Based Diffusers for LED Backlight Unit (PC 및 PMMA 수지를 이용한 LED 백라이트용 확산판의 제조 및 특성 연구)

  • Kim, Nam Yi;Kim, Hyo Jin;Kim, Dong Won;Jo, Jae Hyun;Kim, Seong Woo
    • Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.21-27
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    • 2012
  • The optical diffuser for direct-lit LED backlight unit was prepared by using extrusion compounding followed by thermoforming process. Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) with superior optical characteristics and polycarbonate (PC) with good thermal property were used as base resins, and crosslinked polystyrene (PS) and PMMA beads as diffusing agents were incorporated into resin matrix to derive light scattering and diffusing action. In the compounded plate, the diffusing beads were observed to be dispersed uniformly and distinctly in the continuous phase. The inclusion of polymeric beads up to 3 wt% substantially enhanced the optical characteristics such as luminance, luminance uniformity, haze for the diffuser. Two different diffusers of PC and PMMA-based compound with various compositions were compared in terms of measured optical, thermal, and mechanical properties, which would be expected to be utilized for the industrial application of LED backlight unit.

Multi-step Metals Additive Manufacturing Technologies

  • Oh, Ji-Won;Park, Jinsu;Choi, Hanshin
    • Journal of Powder Materials
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.256-267
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    • 2020
  • Metal additive manufacturing (AM) technologies are classified into two groups according to the consolidation mechanisms and densification degrees of the as-built parts. Densified parts are obtained via a single-step process such as powder bed fusion, directed energy deposition, and sheet lamination AM technologies. Conversely, green bodies are consolidated with the aid of binder phases in multi-step processes such as binder jetting and material extrusion AM. Green-body part shapes are sustained by binder phases, which are removed for the debinding process. Chemical and/or thermal debinding processes are usually devised to enhance debinding kinetics. The pathways to final densification of the green parts are sintering and/or molten metal infiltration. With respect to innovation types, the multi-step metal AM process allows conventional powder metallurgy manufacturing to be innovated continuously. Eliminating cost/time-consuming molds, enlarged 3D design freedom, and wide material selectivity create opportunities for the industrial adoption of multi-step AM technologies. In addition, knowledge of powders and powder metallurgy fuel advances of multi-step AM technologies. In the present study, multi-step AM technologies are briefly introduced from the viewpoint of the entire manufacturing lifecycle.