• Title/Summary/Keyword: Contents Transformation

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On Policy Change of Gwangju Biennale: in Between the Gwangju Biennale Declaration and the Innovations Suggested on the 20th Anniversary (광주비엔날레의 정책변화: 창설 선언문과 20주년 혁신안 사이)

  • Kwon, Keun-Young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.245-253
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this research is to analyze how the transformation of Gwangju Biennale policy change their exhibitions. The research analyzed the Gwangju Biennale Declaration which announced upon the foundation of Biennale, as well as the following development plans to examine how the Biennale's aim has changed. There're any Biennale which has the declaration except Gwangju. We can see the keywords of art criticism at that time in the declaration and the innovations suggested on the 20th anniversary of Gwangju Biennale. This research shows the 20 years development of the declaration of Gwangju Biennale which visualize Gwangju spirit achieved more universal expansion by displaying artworks. The achievement of Gwangju Biennale which universalize the Gwangju spirit and expansion of community art parallelize the development of Korean contemporary art.

Study of Hero-storytelling Model in Console Games (게임에서의 '영웅 스토리텔링' 모델화 연구)

  • Choi Young-Mee;Bae Ju-Young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.109-116
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    • 2006
  • This study is to present 'game-storytelling' is based on 'hero-storytelling' and to transform the basic pattern which is extracted from 'heroic-storytelling' so that it can be applied to 'game-storytelling'. 'Game-storytelling' has the similar foundation as 'heroic storytelling'. It begins with an extraordinary birth, introduction to the strange world, exploration, adventure, birth of a hero and finally return of a hero. The most distinctive feature of stages is the conquest of outer and internal limitation. Each stage goes through the process of compensation and outer, internal acknowledgements. These processes are the structural core of game storytelling. Generally, stage 1 to 5 includes background stories, stage 6 to 9 are the progress of game, and stage 10 to 12 are the transformation of game with rules and genre.

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Directions of Public Institution Innovation in Participatory Government (공공기관의 경영혁신방향)

  • Park, Jong-Gwan
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.7
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    • pp.315-324
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    • 2009
  • Public institutions guaranteed exclusive position of core business are likely to be inefficient in management. Past governments made various efforts to innovate public institutions. Participatory government drove innovation of public institutions through Ministry of Planning and Budget, and this innovation policy had problems as followings: shortage of common sense of innovation, lack of understanding of innovation, gradual execution of innovation instead of system innovation for business innovation, lack of consideration of characteristics of various public innovation, overlapping of evaluation system, and nonobjective design of evaluation indicator. MB government has diverse assignments for improvement of these problems as followings: transformation of business mind, voluntary participation of employee, improvement of management system of public institutions, reform of business evaluation system, promotion of internal competition, and construction of performance based business system. What is the most important point for successful reform of public institution is to achieve the support of general public with effective action plan and substantial programs.

Inclusion of the Traditional Korean Medical Terms into the UMLS (한의학 용어의 UMLS 등재 - KIOM 용어정제연구 중 경혈명(經穴名)을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Jin-hyun;Kim, Sang-kyun;Jang, Hyunchul;Kim, Minah;Oh, Yong-taek;Bae, Sunhee;Kim, Changseok;Jeon, Byounguk;Kim, Jae-Hun;Song, Mi-young
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.185-186
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    • 2011
  • 본 연구의 목적은 미국국립의학도서관(NLM)의 Unified Medical Language System(UMLS)에 한의학의 용어를 등재하는 것이다. 1차 등재 대상으로 한국한의학연구원(KIOM)에서 진행중인 한의학 용어 정제 연구 결과물 중 임(任) 독맥(督脈)과 12정경(正經)에 속하는 360개의 경혈명(經穴名)의 Concept Unique Identify(CUI)를 선정하였다. UMLS Knowledge Source Server (UMLSKS)의 메타시소러스 검색을 통해 UMLS 내 경혈(經穴)용어에 대한 terminology정보를 수집, 분석하였다. 이를 바탕으로 용어간 개념 비교를 통해 UMLS의 경혈(經穴)용어와 KIOM의 경혈(經穴)용어를 매핑하였다. 마지막으로 Rich Release Format(RRF)로 데이터를 저장하고, Unicode Transformation Format-8 (UTF-8)로 인코딩하여 NLM으로 송부하였다. NLM에서 용어 등재에 대한 적합성 여부를 판별한 후 2010AB버젼에 "TKMT2010"이라는 소스명으로 한글로 된 한의학 용어가 최초로 UMLS에 등재되었다. 향후 UMLS와 같은 국제표준의학용어와 연계를 통해 한의학 용어가 다양한 의학용어체계와 상호호완성을 확보하고 표준화, 세계화할 수 있도록 지속적인 연구가 필요하다.

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Restoration of the register of houses, inhabitants and their ancestry in the late Koryo period which is in the Sunsung Kim family registers (선성김씨족보 소재 고려말 장적의 복원)

  • 윤상기
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.20
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    • pp.241-284
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    • 1993
  • Through the restoration, we can find that the register of houses, inhabitants and their ancestry, which is in the Sunsung Kim family registers, was fundamentally the census register of Kim Roe including more ancestry transformed into the lists of house, inhabitants and their ancestry of Kim Roe, Kim Bang-Seek, Kim Sung-Sae and Kim Hee-Bo. And we can find also the original forms were considerably damaged. That is, in the course of transformation, considerable parts of the contents of ancestry were not needed, so they were removed, the recordings of brotherandsisters, sons and their servants were also removed. By comparing of the restored census register of Kim Roe and the Sunsung Kim family registers, we can know the fact that when they published the family registers, the contents of the founder to the ninth descendants were totally depended on the census register of Kim Roe. The Census Register of King Taejo of Choson Dynasty(National Treasure No. 131) which has been recorded almost same periods as the census register of Kim Roe was remained as an original state. Therefore, it was greatly helpful for restoring the census register of Kim Roe. There were few materials which we can know the way of ordinary life in Koryo period. But through the census register of Kim Roe and the census Register of King Taejo of Choson Dynasty, we have a glimpse of their life history. Nevertheless we can find some demerits in the census register of Kim Roe as followers : First, it is not an original but a transformed one, while the Census Register of King Taejo of Choson Dynasty is first materials. Second, it was recorded the only one family. Finally, it was omitted the parts of his brotherandsisters, children and servants who lived with their master. According to these demerits its worth of materials for history will be descended more or less. Therefore, when we use this material, we should treat it more considerably.

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Adaptive Learning System based on the Concept Lattice of Formal Concept Analysis (FCA 개념 망에 기반을 둔 적응형 학습 시스템)

  • Kim, Mi-Hye
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.10 no.10
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    • pp.479-493
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    • 2010
  • Along with the transformation of the knowledge-based environment, e-learning has become a main teaching and learning method, prompting various research efforts to be conducted in this field. One major research area in e-learning involves adaptive learning systems that provide personalized learning content according to each learner's characteristics by taking into consideration a variety of learning circumstances. Active research on ontology-based adaptive learning systems has recently been conducted to provide more efficient and adaptive learning content. In this paper, we design and propose an adaptive learning system based on the concept lattice of Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) with the same objectives as those of ontology approaches. However, we are in pursuit of a system that is suitable for learning of specific domains and one that allows users to more freely and easily build their own adaptive learning systems. The proposed system automatically classifies the learning objects and concepts of an evolved domain in the structure of a concept lattice based on the relationships between the objects and concepts. In addition, the system adaptively constructs and presents the learning structure of the concept lattice according to each student's level of knowledge, learning style, learning preference and the learning state of each concept.

Structural Relationship between Intellectual Capital and Organizational Performance in a Customer Service Organization: Focused on the Role of Dynamic Capability (고객서비스 조직의 지적자본과 조직성과 간의 구조적 관계: 동적역량의 역할을 중심으로)

  • Park, Paul;Cheong, Ki-Ju;Kim, Sora;Ryu, Il
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.12
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    • pp.911-923
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    • 2014
  • This study explores which organizational capital is important for the customer service center and how the organizational capital is linked to organization's performance through dynamic capability. In this study, total of 389 employees in customer service centers were surveyed for the analysis. The results indicate that relational capital and organizational culture were positively linked with collaborative behavior, capital share, and capital transformation. Also, structural capital was a significant factor in collaborative behavior. Organizational performance was positively affecting collaborative behavior and capital share. This study provides a practical guideline on how to manage organizational capital and supplement shortcomings for managers and counsellors at the customer service centers. Furthermore, the implications for the reinforcement and development of organizational capital were suggested in building a customer service center as a strategic and fundamental part of the company.

A integration system of medical information using Web service (웹 서비스를 활용한 의료정보 통합 시스템 설계)

  • Kim, Yoo-jun;Kwon, Hoon;Kwak, Ho-young
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.857-860
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    • 2007
  • Recently, Business of Hospital Computerizing by medical information system. Medical treatment information is computing. The history of a patient storing and management by medical information databases. The medical information system not standardization by each company and hospital. So a each hospital not shared information by medical information system. and this paper, proposed a design of standardization medical information database schema and transformation module for a each hospital medical information. also a proposed integration system using the Web service for reduce a time and a cost. A each other hospital medical information shared by integration system, efficiency of business.

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Visual Feature Extraction for Image Retrieval using Wavelet Coefficient’s Fuzzy Homogeneity and High Frequency Energy (웨이브릿 계수의 퍼지 동질성과 고주파 에너지를 이용한 영상 검색용 특징벡터 추출)

  • 박원배;류은주;송영준
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.18-23
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, we propose a new visual feature extraction method for content-based image retrieval(CBIR) based on wavelet transform which has both spatial-frequency characteristic and multi-resolution characteristic. We extract visual features for each frequency band in wavelet transformation and use them to CBIR. The lowest frequency band involves spacial information of original image. We extract L feature vectors using fuzzy homogeneity in the wavelet domain, which consider both the wavelet coefficients and the spacial information of each coefficient. Also, we extract 3 feature vectors wing the energy values of high frequency bands, and store those to image database. As a query, we retrieve the most similar image from image database according to the 10 largest homograms(normalized fuzzy homogeneity vectors) and 3 energy values. Simulation results show that the proposed method has good accuracy in image retrieval using 90 texture images.

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Visual expression technique analysis of motion graphic by media for emotion communication (감성전달을 위한 매체별 모션그래픽의 시각적 표현기법 분석)

  • Yun, Hwang-Rok;Kyung, Byung-Pyo;Lee, Dong-Lyeor
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.921-926
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    • 2009
  • After the scientific development of human history, numerous images have been developed and expanded in digital media as a communication tools. Image digital media make communication closer between sender and receptor. The image digital media which has been developed with the change of technology and media transformation have shortened visual information transportation and the time as well by combining the sense of visual and audio. Motion graphic field has been emerged as the type of image digital media development. The development of motion graphic make possible for the expressive effect and dynamic image technique which is impossible by the existing media type. Especially, it is applied to various field such as the title of movie, TV program, and advertise or music video etc. These image expression techniques are stimulating acceptor's emotion to take a role of emotion communication function also. This study aims to find the characteristics motion graphic of which how influence as an effective communication tool as important role to the receptors, and the examine the effect and application of motion graphic to the receptors as a emotion communication tool by case study.

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