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A study on an Improved Model for Requirements Traceability (요구사항 추적모델 개선 연구 -공공부문 정보시스템 구축 사례를 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Chan-Hoe;Kim, Jong-Bae
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.247-254
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    • 2012
  • The management of user requirements for information system development is a key element. The traceability has been studied in a specific method as using a traceability table or SOA related to the requirement management. But there are few case about proposing a objective and quantified evaluation method and judgement criterion for none-technical business managers. This researcher has proposed, easy to access by unprofessional and objective and qualifiable, evaluation methods and criteria of Judging for adequacy of requirements reflection in the development process of information system for the government office through a previous case study. In this study, I will give consideration to study the limitations of previous studies and improve the evaluation formula for measuring the reflection of the requirements and derive, reviewed to provide a variety of criteria for each business, through business case analysis.

An Effective Threat Evaluation Algorithm for Multiple Ground Targets in Multi-target and Multi-weapon Environments

  • Yoon, Moonhyung;Park, Junho;Yi, Jeonghoon
    • International Journal of Contents
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.32-38
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    • 2019
  • In an environment where a large number of weapons are operated compared to a large number of ground targets, it is important to monitor and manage the targets to set up a fire plan, and through their multilateral analysis, to equip them with a priority order process for targets having a high threat level through the quantitative calculation of the threat level. Existing studies consider the anti-aircraft and anti-ship targets only, hence, it is impossible to apply the existing algorithm to ground weapon system development. Therefore, we proposed an effective threat evaluation algorithm for multiple ground targets in multi-target and multi-weapon environments. Our algorithm optimizes to multiple ground targets by use of unique ground target features such as proximity degree, sorts of weapons and protected assets, target types, relative importance of the weapons and protected assets, etc. Therefore, it is possible to maximize an engagement effect by deducing an effective threat evaluation model by considering the characteristics of ground targets comprehensively. We carried out performance evaluation and verification through simulations and visualizations, and confirmed high utility and effect of our algorithm.

Development of Capstone Design Education Model Using 6-sigma Methodology (6-sigma 방법론을 적용한 종합설계 교육모델 개발)

  • Ryu, Kyunghyun
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.28-36
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    • 2020
  • Capstone design education is essential in the engineering design process according to the certification standards of ABEEK. Capstone design process should be properly trained in undergraduate courses in order to increase the design ability of systems, components and processes within realistic constraints. In this study, a modified design model as a capstone design education model was proposed to reduce the separation between the design process at industrial sites and the design process at university education. The modified design model based on 6-sigma methodology is composed of 6 design steps such as define, measure, analyse, design, verify, and report. Each step has appropriated design contents and tools, and is configured to generate design results. The proposed design model was directly applied to the capstone design class for automotive engineering in Kunsan National University, and it was confirmed that the proposed DMADVR methodology was a very useful design education model to enhance the design ability, teamwork ability and communication skills required by ABEEK.

Effect of Mn and S Contents on Edge Cracking of Low Carbon Steels in Mini-Mill Process (미니밀공정 중 저탄소강의 에지크랙에 미치는 Mn 및 S의 영향)

  • 곽재현;정진환;조경목
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.66-71
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    • 2000
  • The present study tackles the metallurgical subjects involving the thin slab-direct hot rolling process, i.e. mini-mill process. In order to clarify the effect of chemical composition of steel and MnS precipitation behaviors on the development of edge cracking during hot rolling, the content of manganese and sulfur in low carbon steel was varied and the isothermal treatment prior to roughing was applied. Edge cracking during roughing in the hot-rolling process of mini-mill was effectively prevented by means of the isothermal treatment at 1150C for 5 minutes in the 0.4% manganese steel containing sulfur lower than 0.013%. With the increase in manganese content in low carbon steel, coarser MnS developed. The edge cracking index which denotes the total length of edge crack per unit edge-length of rolled specimens was proposed in this paper. It was found that the edge cracking index linearly decreased with the increase in the ratio of MnS.

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Design of Digital Moister Expert System for Product Design Support (제품 설계 지원을 위한 디지털 마이스터 전문가 시스템의 설계)

  • Kang H.W.;Nam S.H.;Hong W.P.;Lee S.W.;Choi H.J.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.938-941
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    • 2005
  • Recently We make a study of the process expert system model in 2005 process expert system concepts is applied to the digital meister expert system development. Well-designed expert systems imitate the reasoning processes experts use to solve specific problem. Specially, expert systems are used to the engineer in manufacturing industry fur the process control, production management and system management. In this paper, we propose the digital moister expert system fur product design process in manufacturing industry and we present introduction and contents of design process expert system methodology and software far the air purifier design system.

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Autonomous Compensation of Thermal Deformation during Long-Time Machining Process (공작기계 장시간 가공중 열변형의 CNC 자율보정 기술)

  • Kim, Dong-Hoon;Song, Jun-Yeob
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.297-301
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    • 2014
  • The biggest factors, which lower the machining accuracy of machine, are thermal deformation and chatter vibration. In this article, we introduce the development case of a device and technology that can automatically compensate thermal deformation errors of machine during long-time processing on the machine tool's CNC (Computerized Numerical Controller) in real time. In machine processing, the data acquisition of temperature signal in real time and auto-compensation of the machine origin of machine tools depending on thermal deformation have significant influence on improving the machining accuracy and the rate of operation. Thus, we attempts to introduce the related contents of the development we have made in this article : The development of a device that embedded the acquisition part of temperature data, linear regression to get compensation value, compensation model of neural network and a system that compensates the machine origin of machine tool automatically during manufacturing process on the CNC.

The Development of a Job Model Centric Educational Program for a 4 Year Interior Design University Course: Based on a Case Study of an Interior Design Major at K University (직무모형을 중심으로 한 4년제 대학 실내디자인 관련 전공교육과정 개발 연구 -K대학교 실내디자인전공 사례를 중심으로-)

  • Jung, Sung-Wook;Kim, Suk-Young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.546-555
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    • 2019
  • This study aims to suggest a development process for the interior design major course at K University's school of design to educate specialists who can answer the needs of the industrial field. The study procedure first analyzed the internal and external environment to establish queries and development direction. A job model for the interior design industry was constructed while course modules were deducted based on job characteristics and was used to form a curriculum based on a 4 year course. Required personnel includes 'Interior Design Business and Marketing Specialists', 'Interior Design Space Planning Specialists' and 'Interior Design Construction Management Specialists'. 40 modules were drawn following the detailed job model structure. 1st year students are to follow a common curriculum, 2nd years the major foundation, 3rd years major intensive, and the 4th years major application. The practical importance of the research is to suggest a development process of major modules based on the standard job model and the organization structure of the interior design industry.

A Case Study: Design and Develop e-Learning Content for Korean Local Government Officials in the Pandemic

  • Park, Eunhye;Park, Sehyeon;Ryu, JaeYoul
    • International Journal of Contents
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.47-57
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    • 2022
  • e-Learning content can be defined as digital content to achieve educational goals. Since it is an educational material that can be distributed in offline, online, and mobile environments, it is important to create content that meets the learner's education environment and educational goals. In particular, if the learner is a public official, the vision, philosophy, and characteristics of each local government must reflect. As non-face-to-face online education expands further due to the COVID-19 pandemic, local governments that have relied on onsite education in the past urgently require developing strong basic competency education and special task competency content that reflect regional characteristics. Such e-learning content, however, hardly exists and the ability to independently develop them is also insufficient. In this circumstance, this case study describes the process of self-production of e-learning content suitable for Busan's characteristics by the Human Resource Development (HRD) Institute of Busan City, a local government. The field of instructional design and instructional technology is always evolving and growing by blending technological innovation into instructional platform design and adapting to the changes in society. Busan HRD Institute (BHI), therefore, tried to implement blended learning by developing content that reflected the recent trend of micro-learning in e-learning through a detailed analysis. For this, an e-learning content developer with certain requirements was selected and contracted, and the process of developing content through a collaboration between the client and developer was described in this study according to the ADDIE model of Instructional Systems Development (ISD).

Quality Improvement of Rayon Grade Bamboo Pulp by Modified Bleaching

  • Tripathi, Sandeep;Mishra, Om Prakash;Sharma, Nirmal;Chakrabarti, Swapan Kumar;Varadhan, Raghavan
    • Journal of Korea Technical Association of The Pulp and Paper Industry
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2011
  • The presence of high silica in bamboo hinders the use of this material for production of rayon grade pulp. Research has been carried out to overcome this deficiency and improve quality of rayon grade pulp with the modification in pulping and bleaching process. Effect of acid boosted water prehydrolysis, sulphuric acid pre-treatment of unbleached pulp, chlorination stage at lower pH and treatment of bleached pulp with SO2 water were evaluated. Acid boosted water prehydrolysis of chips reduces prehydrolysis time by 50 minutes as compared to water prehydrolysis. Treatment of unbleached pulp with sulphuric acid reduces ash, acid insoluble, silica, calcium and iron contents of the pulp by 56, 31, 82, 84 and 60% respectively. The addition of acid, increase in kappa factor in CD stage and combination of both were effective in removing silica in the pulp. Treatment of final bleached pulp with SO2 water removes silica to a great extent and improves optical properties of the pulp as compared to H2SO4 or PAA. Pretreatment of the pulp with acid and modification in the bleaching process can reduce silica substantially and improve the quality of rayon grade bamboo pulp.

A Hermeneutical Analysis of the Program Development for Extension Education in Korea (농촌지도사업 교육프로그램 개발에 대한 해석학적 분석)

  • Kim, Jin-Hwa;Joeng, Ji-Woong
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.247-264
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    • 1996
  • The objective of this study was to analyze the reality of the program development process in detail accomplished by the organizations of extension education in through the hermeneutical approach. To achieve this purpose, this study tried to find answers to the following three questions : (1) how the organization of extension education develop their programs for farmers? (2) what is the programmers' awareness to the process of program development? and what is the reason for their thought and action to do so. (3) can be discussed integrally the findings for drawing some implications? The qualitative data were mainly gathered through participation observation and unstructured interview. And the qualitative data were analyzed by (1) noting pattern and themes, (2) seeing plausibility, (3) clustering, (4) making metaphors, (5) factoring, and (6) building a logical chain of evidence which hermeneutical techniques far drawing the meaning from the gathered data. The findings of this study were as follows: The programmers of this organization carried out the developing program in the technical training division at the national level and the section of fostering farm manager at the county level for the purpose of delivering the agricultural new technology and the agricultural policy. The term used formly in this organization was curricu̲mdevelo±entforformer,andtherealityofprogramwasinstruction profile` which signified the set of the educational manin contents. At county level, Educational planning was stressed on the implement of educational administration.

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