• Title/Summary/Keyword: Construction Errors

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1910's Tap-gol Park Construction Process through Design Document Interpretation (설계도서를 중심으로 본 1910년대 탑골공원의 성립과정)

  • Kim, Hai-Gyoung;Kim, Young-Soo;Yun, Hye-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.103-117
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    • 2013
  • This research analyzed the spatial components and establishment of the Tap-gol Park according to the plans between 1897 to 1916 when the discussions on the construction of the park began and it was accomplished as an urban park. The results are as follows. The establishment of Tap-gol Park can be divided by three period. Firstly, Tap-gol Park was owned by the royal family from 1987 to 1904. The discussions on construction of Tap-gol Park as a first urban park of Gyeongseong(京城) in 1897, and the private houses were tear down in order to secure land for the park in 1899. Gates and fences surrounding of Tap-gol Park were organized and it was opened in 1902 based on park plane of turtle - shaped. The octagonal pavilion for 'Lee-Wang-Jik musical band(李王職音樂隊)' was relocated in the southwestern part of the park in 1903. Secondly, Tap-gol Park was used actively by the public between 1910 to 1913, because it was opened for individuals. Also The boundary of Park were changed by surrounding facilities and recreational facilities and benefits was complemented for users. Tap-gol park was opened at nighttime in August 1913. Tap-gol Park was used as a place of amusement park. Thirdly, commercial facilities were made as the park facility between 1914 to 1916. The purpose of 'Kkikdajeom(喫茶店)' was similar to the one of modern cafes. It was built as a typical Japanese tea-house with a small pond having an island and a bridge constructed inside. With the increase of usage of Tap-gol Park as a recreational area by the citizens in 1916, the pavilion as a rest area and toilet as amenities were supplemented. Superintendent's office was equipped too. Simple chairs made from the wooden logs were installed around greenhouse, concert hall, the Wongaksa Buddhist temple(圓覺寺址十層石塔), and the flower garden was fenced round. After the relocation of Yongsan music band to Tap-gol Park, the existing concert hall was demolished. The shape of the park which was seen from the pictures of the magazines of 1920s were achieved as early as 1916. The importance of this research includes the basis to revise the errors of the preexistence researches and value of historical material of the design plan reference of the park which was accomplished during the Japanese colonial era. Also this research is to study on the spatial components of the modern landscape architecture and parks.

A Measures to Implements the Conservation and Management of Traditional Landscape Architecture using Aerial Photogrammetry and 3D Scanning (전통조경 보존·관리를 위한 3차원 공간정보 적용방안)

  • Kim, Jae-Ung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.77-84
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    • 2020
  • This study is apply 3D spatial information per traditional landscape space by comparing spatial information data created using a small drone and 3D scanner used for 3D spatial information construction for efficient preservation and management of traditional landscaping space composed of areas such as scenic sites and traditional landscape architectures. The analysis results are as follows. First, aerial photogrammetry data is less accurate than 3D scanners, but it was confirmed to be more suitable for monitoring landscape changes by reading RGB images than 3D scanners by texture mapping using digital data in constructing orthographic image data. Second, the orthographic image data constructed by aerial photogrammetry in a traditional landscaping space consisting of a fixed area, such as Gwanghalluwon Garden, produced visually accurate and precise results. However, as a result of the data extraction, data for trees, which is one of the elements that make up the traditional landscaping, was not extracted, so it was determined that 3D scanning and aerial surveying had to be performed in parallel, especially in areas where trees were densely populated. Third, The surrounding trees in Soswaewon Garden caused many errors in 3D spatial information data including topographic data. It was analyzed that it is preferable to use 3D scanning technology for precise measurement rather than aerial photogrammetry because buildings, landscaping facilities and trees are dense in a relatively small space. When 3D spatial information construction data for a traditional landscaping space composed of area using a small drone and a 3D scanner free from temporal and spatial constraints and compared the data was compared, the aerial photogrammetry is effective for large site such as Hahoe Village, Gyeongju and construction of a 3D space using a 3D scanner is effective for traditional garden such as Soswaewon Garden.

Deriving Key Risk Sub-Clauses which the Engineer of FIDIC Red Book Shall Agree or Determine according to Sub-Clause 3.7 -based on FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Construction, Second Edition 2017- (FIDIC Red Book의 Engineer가 합의 또는 결정해야할 핵심 리스크 세부조항 도출 -FIDIC Red Book 2017년 개정판 기준으로-)

  • Jei, Jae Yong;Hong, Seong Yeoll;Seo, Sung Chul;Park, Hyung Keun
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.239-247
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    • 2023
  • The FIDIC Red Book is an international standard contract condition in which the Employer designs and the Contractor performs the construction. The Engineer of FIDIC Red Book shall agree or determine any matter or Claim in accordance with Sub-Clause 3.7 neutrally, not as an agent of the Employer. This study aimed to derive Key Risk Sub-Clauses out of 49 Sub-Clauses that the Engineer of FIDIC Red Book recently revised in 18 years shall agree or determine according to Sub-Clause 3.7 using the Delphi method. A panel of 35 experts with more than 10 years of experience and expertise in international construction contracts was formed, and through total three Delphi surveys, errors and biases were prevented in the judgment process to improve reliability. As for the research method, 49 Sub-Clauses that engineers shall agree on or determine according to Sub-Clause 3.7 of the FIDIC Red Book were investigated through the analysis of contract conditions. In order to evaluate the probability and impact of contractual risk for each 49 Sub-Clause, the Delphi survey conducted repeatedly a closed-type survey three times on a Likert 10-point scale. The results of the first Delphi survey were delivered during the second survey, and the results of the second survey were delivered to the third survey, which was re-evaluated in the direction of increasing the consensus of experts' opinions. The reliability of the Delphi 3rd survey results was verified with the COV value of the coefficient of variation. The PI Risk Matrix was applied to the average value of risk probability and impact of each of the 49 Sub-Clauses and finally, 9 Key Risk Sub-Clauses that fell within the extreme risk range were derived.

Evaluation of Attenuation Rate Error on Skin Dosimeter using Monte Carlo Simulation in Photon and Electron Beam Therapy (광자선 및 전자선 치료에서 피부선량계의 측정과 시뮬레이션을 이용한 감약률 오차 평가)

  • Han, Moo-Jae;Yang, Seung-Woo;Heo, Seung-Uk;Bae, Sang-Il;Moon, Young-Min;Park, Sung-Kwang;Kim, Jin-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.841-848
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    • 2020
  • In the field of radiation therapy using photon beams and electron beams, since each patient has a different sensitivity to radiation, skin side effects may occur even at the same dose. Therefore, if there is a risk of excessive dose to the skin, a dosimeter is attached to verify whether the correct dose is being investigated. However, since the skin dosimeter checks the attachment site visually by measuring a point dose, it is difficult to confirm an accurate dose distribution. As a result, the measurement and simulation errors of the material HgI2 in the 6 MV photon beam were 3.73% and 5.24%, respectively, at the minimum thickness of 25 ㎛, and the material PbI2 was 4.73% and 5.65%, respectively. On the other hand, as a result of the 6 MeV electron beam, the measurement and simulation errors of the material HgI2 were 1.35% and 1.12%, respectively, at a minimum thickness of 25 ㎛, and the material PbI2 showed relatively low attenuation error, 1.67% and 1.20%, respectively. Therefore, it was evaluated that the thickness of the photon beam within 25 ㎛ and the electron beam within 100 ㎛ is suitable to have a reduction rate error within 5%. This study presents a new research direction for a flexible dosimeter attached to the human body that is required in clinical practice and the construction conditions of a future skin dosimeter.

An Oceanic Current Map of the East Sea for Science Textbooks Based on Scientific Knowledge Acquired from Oceanic Measurements (해양관측을 통해 획득된 과학적 지식에 기반한 과학교과서 동해 해류도)

  • Park, Kyung-Ae;Park, Ji-Eun;Choi, Byoung-Ju;Byun, Do-Seong;Lee, Eun-Il
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.234-265
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    • 2013
  • Oceanic current maps in the secondary school science and earth science textbooks have played an important role in piquing students's inquisitiveness and interests in the ocean. Such maps can provide students with important opportunities to learn about oceanic currents relevant to abrupt climate change and global energy balance issues. Nevertheless, serious and diverse errors in these secondary school oceanic current maps have been discovered upon comparison with up-to-date scientific knowledge concerning oceanic currents. This study presents the fundamental methods and strategies for constructing such maps error-free, through the unification of the diverse current maps currently in the textbooks. In order to do so, we analyzed the maps found in 27 different textbooks and compared them with other up-to-date maps found in scientific journals, and developed a mapping technique for extracting digitalized quantitative information on warm and cold currents in the East Sea. We devised analysis items for the current visualization in relation to the branching features of the Tsushima Warm Current (TWC) in the Korea Strait. These analysis items include: its nearshore and offshore branches, the northern limit and distance from the coast of the East Korea Warm Current, outflow features of the TWC near the Tsugaru and Soya Straits and their returning currents, and flow patterns of the Liman Cold Current and the North Korea Cold Current. The first draft of the current map was constructed based upon the scientific knowledge and input of oceanographers based on oceanic in-situ measurements, and was corrected with the help of a questionnaire survey to the members of an oceanographic society. In addition, diverse comments have been collected from a special session of the 2013 spring meeting of the Korean Oceanographic Society to assist in the construction of an accurate current map of the East Sea which has been corrected repeatedly through in-depth discussions with oceanographers. Finally, we have obtained constructive comments and evaluations of the interim version of the current map from several well-known ocean current experts and incorporated their input to complete the map's final version. To avoid errors in the production of oceanic current maps in future textbooks, we provide the geolocation information (latitude and longitude) of the currents by digitalizing the map. This study is expected to be the first step towards the completion of an oceanographic current map suitable for secondary school textbooks, and to encourage oceanographers to take more interest in oceanic education.

Calculation of the Peak-hour Ratio for Road Traffic Volumes using a Hybrid Clustering Technique (혼합군집분석 기법을 이용한 도로 교통량의 첨두율 산정)

  • Kim, Hyung-Joo;Chang, Justin S.
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.19-30
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    • 2012
  • The majority of daily travel demands concentrate at particular time-periods, which causes the difficulties in the travel demand analysis and the corresponding benefit estimation. Thus, it is necessary to consider time-specific traffic characteristics to yield more reliable results. Traditionally, na$\ddot{i}$ve, heuristic, and statistical approaches have been applied to address the peak-hour ratio. In this study, a hybrid clustering model which is one of the statistical methods is applied to calculate the peak-hour ratio and its duration. The 2009 national 24-hour traffic data provided by the Korea institute of Construction Technology are used. The analysis is conducted dividing vehicle types into passenger cars and trucks. For the verification for the usefulness of the methodology, the toll collection system data by the Korea Express Corporation are collected. The result of the research shows lower errors during the off-peak hours and night times and increasing error ratios as the travel distance increases. Since the method proposed can reduce the arbitrariness of analysts and can accommodate the statistical significance test, the model could be considered as a more robust and stable methodology. It is hoped that the result of this paper could contribute to the enhancement of the reliability for the travel demand analysis.

Construction of a reference stature growth curve using spline function and prediction of final stature in Korean (스플라인 함수를 이용한 한국인 키 기준 성장 곡선 구성과 최종 키 예측 연구)

  • An, Hong-Sug;Lee, Shin-Jae
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.37 no.1 s.120
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    • pp.16-28
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    • 2007
  • Objective: Evaluation of individual growth is important in orthodontics. The aim of this study was to develop a convenient software that can evaluate current growth status and predict further growth. Methods: Stature data of 2 to 20 year-old Koreans (4893 boys and 4987 girls) were extracted from a nationwide data. Age-sex-specific continuous functions describing percentile growth curves were constructed using natural cubic spline function (NCSF). Then, final stature prediction algorithm was developed and its validity was tested using longitudinal series of stature measurements on randomly selected 200 samples. Various accuracy measurements and analyses of errors between observed and predicted stature using NCSF growth curves were performed. Results: NCSF growth curves were shown to be excellent models in describing reference percentile stature growth curie over age. The prediction accuracy compared favorably with previous prediction models, even more accurate. The current prediction models gave more accurate results in girls than boys. Although the prediction accuracy was high, the error pattern of the validation data showed that in most cases, there were a lot of residuals with the same sign, suggestive of autocorrelation among them. Conclusion: More sophisticated growth prediction algorithm is warranted to enhance a more appropriate goodness of model fit for individual growth.

Analysis of Repeated Measurement Problem in SP data (SP 데이터의 Repeated Measurement Problem 분석)

  • CHO, Hye-Jin
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.111-119
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    • 2002
  • One of the advantages of SP methods is the possibility of getting a number of responses from each respondent. However, when the repeated observations from each respondent are analysed by applying the simple modeling method, a potential problem is created because of upbiased significance due to the repeated observation from each respondent. This study uses a variety of approaches to explore this issue and to test the robustness of the simple model estimates. Among several different approaches, the Jackknife method and Kocurs method were applied. The Jackknife method was implemented using a program JACKKNIFE. The model estimate results of Jackknife method and Kocurs method were compared with those of the uncorrected estimates in order to test whether there was repeated measurement problem or not and the extent to which this problem affected the model estimates. The standard errors between the uncorrected model estimates and Jackknife estimates were also compared. The results reveals that the t-ratios of Kocurs are much lower than those of the uncorrected method and Jackknife estimates, indicating that Kocurs method underestimates the significance of the coefficients. Jackknife method produced the almost same coefficients as those of the uncorrected model but the lower t-ratios. These results indicate that the coefficients of the uncorrected method are accurate but that their significance are somewhat overestimated. In this study. 1 concluded that the repeated measurement Problem did exist in our data, but that it did not affect the model estimation results significantly. It is recommended that such a test should become a standard procedure. If it turns out that the analysis based on the simple uncorrected method are influenced by the repeated measurement problem. it should be corrected.

Effects of the Current Probe on Ground Resistance Measurements Using Fall-of-Potential Method (전위강하법에 의한 접지저항측정에 미치는 전류보조전극의 영향)

  • 이복희;엄주홍
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.69-77
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    • 2000
  • In this paper, the effects of the positions of the potential and current probes on the measurements of the ground resistance and potential gradients with the fall-of-potential method are described and the testing techniques to minimize the measuring errors are proposed. The fall-of-potential method is theoretically based on the potential and current measuring principle and the measuring error is primarily caused by the position and ground resistance of the measuring probes. The ground resistance is calculated by applying the 61.8% and rule in the fall-of-potential method, and then the potential probe is located on the straight line between the grounding electrode to be measured and the current probe. However, sometimes the grounding electrode to be measured and the measuring probes in on-site test might not be arranged on the straight line with adequate distance because there are building, road block, construction and other establishments. Provided that the grounding electrode to be measured and the measuring probes ar out of position on the straight line or have inadequate distance, the measurement of the ground resistance classically falls into an error and the measured ground resistance should be corrected. Measurements were focused on the grounding electrode system made by the ground rods of 2.4m long. It was found that the suitable separation between the grounding electrode to be measured and the current probe is more than 5 times of the length of the grounding electrode to be measured.

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DAD Analysis of Yongdam Dam Watershed Using the Cell-Based Automatic Rainfall Field Tracking Methods (격자기반의 자동 강우장 탐색기법을 활용한 용담댐 유역 DAD분석)

  • Song, Mi-Yeon;Jung, Kwan-Sue;Lee, Gi-Ha;Kim, Yeon-Su;Shin, Young-A
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.68-81
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    • 2014
  • This study aims to apply and evaluate the automatic DAD analysis method, which is able to establish the depth-area relationship more efficiently and accurately for point-to-areal rainfall conversion. First, the proposed automatic DAD analysis method tracks the expansion route of area from the storm center, and it is divided into Box-tracking, Point-tracking, Advanced point-tracking according to tracking method. After applying the proposed methods to 10 events occurred in Yongdam-watershed area, we confirmed that the Advanced point-tracking method makes it possible to estimate the maximum average areal rainfal(MAAR) more accurately with consideration of the storm movement and the multi-centered storm. In addition, Advanced point-tracking could reduce the errors of the estimated MAAR induced by increasing the area because it can estimate MAAR for each storm center and compare them at the same time. Finally, the DAD curve for the study area could be derived based on the DAD analysis of the selected 10 events.