• Title/Summary/Keyword: Construction Detail

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Mapping Method for a Detailed Stock Map Plan(Age-Class) for a Small-Scale Site for Development Work (소규모 개발 사업지의 정밀 임상도(영급) 작성 방안 연구)

  • Lee, Soo-Dong;Kim, Jeong-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.396-408
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    • 2008
  • Gwangtan-myeon, Paju-si, Gyeonggi-do was classified as a 4 grade age-class deciduous tree forest, however as a result of vegetation survey, this site was found to consist of natural forest with deciduous trees, thus causing difficulty in judging which age class it belongs to. Subsequently, the necessity of drawing up a detailed stock map plan was raised. For this reason, this research was designed to propose a mapping method for a detailed stock map plan based on a detailed survey on actual vegetation, vegetation structure, and analysis data on tree rings. The detailed analysis of actual vegetation pattern showed that there exist 22 patterns of vegetation, in which the natural forest has 11 patterns, such as Quercus mongolica forest and Q. variabilis forest, etc. while the artificial forest was found to have 6 patterns including Castanea crenata, etc. In order to verify their age-class, this research measured a tree age by collecting 42 quadrats and 89 specimen tree cores on the basis of a detailed actual vegetation map; as a result, an artificial forest and oak trees with small diameters located at low-lying areas, was categorized as 2-grade age class(covering 29.8%), and other areas were judged to be available for land use as 3-grade age-class(covering 57.6%) while the areas judged to be 4-or-more grade age-class (covering 8.8%) was impossible for land use because they are located on a steep slope ridge line on a boundary. In case a proposed site for a small-scale development is judged as a natural forest with deciduous trees as mentioned above, it is necessary that a detailed stock map plan should be drawn up through a detailed investigation into actual vegetation and analysis of plant gathering structure & specimen trees. A detailed stock map plan includes the data that makes it possible to comprehensively judge natural property, scarcity, and diversity of vegetation; thus, it is considered that a detailed stock map plan will be useful in judging the development propriety of a small-scale site.

Comparison of Some Physicochemical Properties and Adsorption of Organic Cations between Ca- and Na-bentonites (Ca-형 및 Na-형 벤토나이트의 제반 물성 및 유기양이온 흡착비교)

  • 고상모;김자영
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.243-257
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    • 2002
  • Ca-type and Na-type bentonites show the great difference of some physicochemical properties. Na exchanged bentonite is mainly used for the foundry and construction materials in domestic utilization. This study tries to identify in detail the differences of some physicochemical properties and thermal properties between Ca-type and Na-type bentonites. Also the adsorption behavior and interlayer expansion for the HDTMA (Hexadecyltrimethylammonium) exchanged and CP (Cetylprydinium) exchanged Ca-type and Na-type bentonites were compared. Na-type bentonite shows the strong alkaline property, high viscosity and swelling compared to Ca-type bentonite. However, two types are very similar for the cation exchange capacity and MB (Methylene Blue) adsorption. The decomposition of adsorbed and interlayer water of Na-type bentonite is caused in the lower temperature than Ca-type bentonite. And Ca-type bentonite shows the decomposition of structural water in the lower temperature than Na-type bentonite. The interlayer expansion of montmorillonite resulted to the intercalation of HDTMA and CP into bentonite is so strongly caused from 12~15 \AA\AA to 40\AA40\AA (basal spacing). HDTMA-bentonite is almost expanded to 3738\AA when 200% CEC equivalent amount of HDTMA is added, and CP-bentonite is fullly expanded to 40 \AA in the 140% CEC equivalent amount of CP It means that CP causes the stronger interlayer expansion of montmorillonite and easier adsorption than HDTMA. Adsorption behaviors of CP into bentonite is so stable and continuously sorbed in the proportion to the treatment of amount until 200% of the CEC equivalents. CP-bentonite shows the same adsorption behavior regardless of Ca-type or Na-type montmorillonite.

Design and Performance Evaluation of Open Information Retrieval Service System (개방형 정보검색시스템의 설계 및 성능분석)

  • Kim, Dong-Won;Ryu, Won;Jeon, Kyung-Pyo;Bae, Hyeon-Deok
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.3 no.7
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    • pp.1812-1821
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    • 1996
  • In this paper, firstly we describe the structure and the performance of our ICPS(Information Communicaion Processing System) which currently provides information retrieval services, and then make a proposal for the construction of the open-networking information communication infra-structure which enables us to fully pre-pare for the emerging information society. In detail, the structure and the methodology needed for the implementation of the billing function on behalf of all information providers by using the user access network number as a user identification number while guaranteeing the equivalent access to the multiple value-added networks, are suggested. Based on the above ideas, the AICPS(Advanced Information Communication Processing System) has been designed and implemented. Final system performance evaluation with the assumption of a poling system as a system model, shows that our system can handle 10,000 user simultaneously who are using V.34 28.8 kbps modems and the processing capacity is 288,000 packet/sec. This result is so far superior to our target performance established during the desingning procedure. Namely, our system was originally designed to accommodate only 960 users at the same time. By taking advantage of this excessive high performance of our system, many other users can easily access the new services which are accessible only throught the ISDN or the Internet.

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The Deformation Behavior of Anchored Retention Walls in Cut Slope (절개사면에 설치된 앵커지지 흙막이벽의 변형거동)

  • Song Young-Suk;Lee Jae-Ho;Kim Tae-Hyung
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.15 no.2 s.42
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    • pp.155-168
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    • 2005
  • The behavior of earth retention wall installed in a cut slope is different from the behavior of retention wall applied in an urban excavation. In order to establish the design method of anchored retention wall in the cut slope, the behavior of anchored retention wall needs to be investigated and checked in detail. In this study, the behavior of anchored retention wall was investigated by the instrumentation installed in the cut slope, where was stabilized by a row of piles in an apartment construction site. The horizontal displacement of anchored retention wall was larger than the displacement of slope soil behind the wall at the early stage of excavation. As the excavation depth became deeper, the horizontal displacement of slope soil was larger than the displacement of anchored retention wall. It means that the horizontal displacement of anchored retention wall due to excavation is restrained by soldier pile stiffness and jacking force of anchor at the early stage of excavation. lacking force of anchor was mainly influenced on the horizontal displacement of anchored retention wall. The displacements of anchored retention wall and slope soil were affected mainly by rainfall infiltrated from the ground surface. Meanwhile, the horizontal displacement of anchored retention wall with a sloped backside was about 2\~6 times larger than the displacement of anchored retention wall with a horizontal backside of excavation.

Analysis of importance by category for quantitative economic evaluation of multi-utility tunnel (공동구의 정량적 경제성 평가를 위한 항목별 중요도 분석)

  • Cho, Choong-yeun;Sim, Young-Jong;Kim, Hun-kyom;Lee, Pil-yoon;Lee, Min-jae
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.119-130
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    • 2018
  • The VE/LCC study on the existing multi-utility tunnel examined the economical feasibility of the collective area through the cost-benefit analysis of the ten major routes of Seoul for the benefit (7 items) and the cost (5 items) through quantitative methods. In this paper, we analyzed the economic efficiency of 61 sectors by adding 3 items (reduced traffic accident, reduced vehicle noise, social-economic loss). The reduced traffic accident item is an improvement of the traffic accident cost that can be saved by the implementation of the project, and the reduced vehicle noise item is an indicator of the amount of noise change caused by the implement of the business. Finally, the social-economic loss items represent the impact on the local economy due to the construction of the multi-utility tunnel. The amounts of the additional items were compared and items added in the open type and tunnel type multi-utility tunnel were analyzed for each analysis. Result on the analysis, it analyzed the items applied to the basic and detail models in the economic evaluation of the multi-utility tunnel design, and makes it possible to evaluate the economic efficiency more efficiently. The economic evaluation of the basic and detailed models including the items presented in this study will be often used in the design of the multi-utility tunnel design.

Component Analysis for Constructing an Emotion Ontology (감정 온톨로지의 구축을 위한 구성요소 분석)

  • Yoon, Ae-Sun;Kwon, Hyuk-Chul
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.157-175
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    • 2010
  • Understanding dialogue participant's emotion is important as well as decoding the explicit message in human communication. It is well known that non-verbal elements are more suitable for conveying speaker's emotions than verbal elements. Written texts, however, contain a variety of linguistic units that express emotions. This study aims at analyzing components for constructing an emotion ontology, that provides us with numerous applications in Human Language Technology. A majority of the previous work in text-based emotion processing focused on the classification of emotions, the construction of a dictionary describing emotion, and the retrieval of those lexica in texts through keyword spotting and/or syntactic parsing techniques. The retrieved or computed emotions based on that process did not show good results in terms of accuracy. Thus, more sophisticate components analysis is proposed and the linguistic factors are introduced in this study. (1) 5 linguistic types of emotion expressions are differentiated in terms of target (verbal/non-verbal) and the method (expressive/descriptive/iconic). The correlations among them as well as their correlation with the non-verbal expressive type are also determined. This characteristic is expected to guarantees more adaptability to our ontology in multi-modal environments. (2) As emotion-related components, this study proposes 24 emotion types, the 5-scale intensity (-2~+2), and the 3-scale polarity (positive/negative/neutral) which can describe a variety of emotions in more detail and in standardized way. (3) We introduce verbal expression-related components, such as 'experiencer', 'description target', 'description method' and 'linguistic features', which can classify and tag appropriately verbal expressions of emotions. (4) Adopting the linguistic tag sets proposed by ISO and TEI and providing the mapping table between our classification of emotions and Plutchik's, our ontology can be easily employed for multilingual processing.

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Critical Strengthening Ratio of CFRP Plate Using Probability and Reliability Analysis for Concrete Railroad Bridge Strengthened by NSM (확률.신뢰도 기법을 적용한 CFRP 플레이트 표면매립보강 콘크리트 철도교의 임계보강비 산정)

  • Oh, Hong-Seob;Sun, Jong-Wan;Oh, Kwang-Chin;Sim, Jong-Sung;Ju, Min-Kwan
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.681-688
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    • 2009
  • The railroad bridges have been usually experienced by vibration and impact in service state. With this reason, it is important that the effective strengthening capacity should be considered to resist the kind of service loading. In this study, NSM strengthening technique is recommended for the concrete railroad bridge because of its better effective resistance for dynamic loading condition and strengthening cost than the conventional externally bonded strengthening using fiber sheet. However, to widely apply NSM method for the concrete railroad bridge, it needs that the strengthening ratio has to be reasonably evaluated with geometrical and material uncertainties, especially for the concrete bridge under long-term service state without the apparent design history and detail information such as concrete compressive strength, reinforcing ratio, railroad characteristics. The purpose of this study is to propose the critical strengthening ratio of CFRP plate for the targeted concrete railroad bridge with uncertainties of deterioration of the structures. To do this, Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) for geometrical and material uncertainties have been applied so that this approach may bring the reasonable strengthening ratio of CFRP plate considering probabilistic uncertainties for the targeted concrete railroad bridge. Finally, the critical strengthening ratio of NSM strengthened by CFRP plate is calculated by using the limit state function based on the target reliability index of 3.5.

Pozzolanicity of Calcined Sewage Sludge with Calcination and Fineness Conditions (소성조건 및 분말도에 따른 소성하수슬러지(CSS)의 포졸란 특성)

  • So, Hyoung-Seok;So, Seung-Young;Khulgadai, Janchivdorj;Kang, Jae-Hong;Lee, Min-Hi
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.65-73
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    • 2015
  • This study discussed the pozzolanic properties of calcined sewage sludge (CSS) according to calcination and fineness conditions. The chemical and mineralogical analysis of CSS according to calcination temperature and time were carried out and compared with that of the existing pozzolanic materials such as fly-ash, blast furnance slag and meta-kaolin. Various mortars were made by mixing those CSS and Ca(OH)2 (1:1 wt. %), and their compressive strength and hydrates according to experimental factors such as fineness of CSS and curing age were also investigated in detail. The results show clearly the potentiality of calcined sewage sludge (CSS) as an admixture materials in concrete, but the CSS should be controlled by calcination temperature and time, and fineness etc. In this experimental condition, the calcination temperature of 800C, calcination time of 2 hours and fineness of 5,000cm2/g were optimum conditions in consideration of the mechanical properties and economic efficiency of CSS. The compressive strength of CSS mortars was higher than that of fly-ash mortars and blast furnace slag mortars, especially at the early ages. Then, the utilization of CSS in construction fields was greatly expected.

A Study on the Block Planning Characteristics of the Tribute Granary Castle at Asan Cape Gongse in the Joseon Dynasty (조선시대 아산 공세곶창성의 배치 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Wang-Kee;Lee, Jeong-Soo;Lim, Cho-Long
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.75-94
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    • 2007
  • There were many researches on marine transportation and granaries, most of which focused on the historical establishment and organization of the marine transportation. However, a few researches were conducted on the architectural aspects. Hence the purposes of this study are to investigate the following matters: first, documents and relics concerning the tribute granary castle at Cape Gongse in Asan, a typical granary during the Joseon Dynasty, were investigated to academically understand the castle's establishment and historical background; second, the dispositional characteristics of the granary and the castle, including its adjacent facilities, were investigated to review its archaeological value; finally, basic materials were provided for systematical preservation and management these relics. As for the research method, the author referred to and analyzed sundry records and old maps, and ascertained in detail historical evidence through residential testimonies and the on-the-spot surveys. In addition, the author investigated the dispositional characteristics of the tribute granary castle at Cape Gongse by analyzing its exact size and shape, based on the old documents and an actual survey of the castle remains. The characteristics of the tribute granary castle at Cape Gongse may be summarized as follows. First, tribute granary at cape Gongse is a only tribute granary which has a granary and castle. second, the tribute granary castle at Cape Gongse has a curvilinear shape, like a gourd dipper; a large circle surrounding the village and a small circle surrounding the area of Mt. Shinpoong both meet up with it. Third, the construction type of the tribute granary castle at Cape Gongse is in a style similar to a town castle or a battle camp castle located in the coastal regions. As for its locational conditions, however, the east gate, presumably an incoming and outgoing route to the granary for vessels, was a feature unique to the marine granary castle. Fourth, the tribute granary at Cape Gongse had a granary of eighty kan in 1523 and, in addition, there were also Bongsang-cheong, Sa-chang, Joseon-sobakcheo, Chimhae-dang, and more, not to mention many privates houses in the castle. The granary is located in the center of the tribute granary castle, where Gongse Nonghyub is currently located. The location of the government offices seemed to be on the northern ridge. Fifth, the tribute granary castle at Cape Gongse is a valuable relic that offers insight into marine transportation, tribute granaries, and tribute granary castles during the Joseon Dynasty. It has special archaeological value because it was one of only a few tribute granary castles that served to protect the tribute granaries.

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A Study on the Prediction System of Block Matching Rework Time (블록 정합 재작업 시수 예측 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Jang, Moon-Seuk;Ruy, Won-Sun;Park, Chang-Kyu;Kim, Deok-Eun
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.66-74
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    • 2018
  • In order to evaluate the precision degree of the blocks on the dock, the shipyards recently started to use the point cloud approaches using the 3D scanners. However, they hesitate to use it due to the limited time, cost, and elaborative effects for the post-works. Although it is somewhat traditional instead, they have still used the electro-optical wave devices which have a characteristic of having less dense point set (usually 1 point per meter) around the contact section of two blocks. This paper tried to expand the usage of point sets. Our approach can estimate the rework time to weld between the Pre-Erected(PE) Block and Erected(ER) block as well as the precision of block construction. In detail, two algorithms were applied to increase the efficiency of estimation process. The first one is K-mean clustering algorithm which is used to separate only the related contact point set from others not related with welding sections. The second one is the Concave hull algorithm which also separates the inner point of the contact section used for the delayed outfitting and stiffeners section, and constructs the concave outline of contact section as the primary objects to estimate the rework time of welding. The main purpose of this paper is that the rework cost for welding is able to be obtained easily and precisely with the defective point set. The point set on the blocks' outline are challenging to get the approximated mathematical curves, owing to the lots of orthogonal parts and lack of number of point. To solve this problems we compared the Radial based function-Multi-Layer(RBF-ML) and Akima interpolation method. Collecting the proposed methods, the paper suggested the noble point matching method for minimizing the rework time of block-welding on the dock, differently the previous approach which had paid the attention of only the degree of accuracy.