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Energy Budgets for the Developmental Stages of Palaemon macrodactylus (Palaemon macrodactylus의 생활사에 따른 에너지 수지)

  • CHIN Pyung;KIM Heung-Yun;SIN Yun-Kyong
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.341-358
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    • 1992
  • In order to estimate energy budgets of Palaemon macrodactylus, larvae of the shrimp were reared in the laboratory at constant conditions (25C:3132%o), and then juvenile to adult of the shrimp were reared at 15Cand25C in the laboratory. Energy used by the reared shrimps were calculated from estimates of data on feeding, growth, molting, metabolism, nitrogen excretion, and energy content. Juveniles and adults reared in the laboratory, which fed on Artemia nauplii, had an average daily growth rates of 0.079 mm/day at 15Candof0.122mm/dayat25C. The average growth factor* of P. macrodactylus males and females ranged from 3.2% for adult to 13.2% for juveniles individuals, respectively. Intermolt periods were related to body size of the shrimp and to temperature. Average laboratory growth curves were calculated from data on growth factors and intermolt periods to body size of the shrimp at 15Cand25C. The calorie contents of the shrimp, their molts, eggs and larvae were determined by biochemical composition and oxygen bomb calorimetry. The average amount of energy used in growth for larvae and juvenile to adult were 4.94 cal and 4.55 cal per dry weight in milligram, respectively. The ammount of oxygen used in metabolism was calculated from size, temperature-specific respiration rate. To convert the ammount of oxygen used in respiration into the equivalent energy lost heat was estimated from the data on chemical composition for the larvae and adult, the values was 4.58 cal/ml O2. The energy content per egg was 0.078 cal. The assimilation efficiency estimated by nitrogen content of food and egested faeces gave 61.5% for the larvae. The efficiencies for juvenile to adult ranged between 79.4% and 90.1% The gross growth efficiencies (K1) and net growth efficiencies (K2) of P macrodactylus showed 18.33%and32.63% for total larval stages, ranged from 21.30%to31.04%andfrom30.03%to39.34% for juvenile to adult, respectively.

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Studies on the Direct Sowing Culture of Rice in Reclaimed Paddy Field (간척답 벼 직파재배에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Seok-Su;Shim, Jae-Sung
    • The Journal of Natural Sciences
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.49-62
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    • 1992
  • This study was carried out to investigate the emergence, growth and yield components in rice inassoccation with Several cultivation methods direct sowing flooded paddy field(DSF), direct sowing by airplane(DSA), direct sowing in dry paddy field(DSD), 8days seedling planting(8DS), and 35days seedlingplanting(35DS). Also this study was attempeted to know the effects of calcium peroxide on germinationand early growth of rice under different soil conditions, seeding depth, application of organic matter,indirect sowing flooded paddy field.1. Rate of emergence was 73% in DSF, 70% in DSA, 62% in DSD, respectively, under the different cultivation method of rice in reclaimed paddy field.2. Degree of lodging in relation to cultivation was 5 at both DSF and DSA, 3 at DSD, 2 at both 8DS and 35DS respectively.3. Maximum tiller number was 568 per m2 at DSF and 527 at DSA. Heating was delayed for 4 days at DSF, 8 days at DSD and 2 days at 8DS as comparison with that at 35DS.4. Yield was higher 1% to 3% at DSF than that at DSA and DSD while decreased by 12% as compared with that of seedling planting.5. Total dry weight of seedling was decreased by 57% at 8DS, 60% at DSF 63% at DSD, respectively, under 0.3% of salinity. Ratio of decreasing in dry weight was higher with high salinity.6. The amount of O2 released was recorded highest to 2 to 3days after irrigatition, thereafter remaining constant to 10 days after irrigatition.7. The optimum coating amount of calcium peroxide for germination was a half of rice seed weight with 1 cm sowing depth and one-fold with 2-cm sowing depth when rice straw was not applied. With rice straw applied, on the other hand, the amount of peroxide was one-fold with 1-cm sowing depth. It was found that, under the condition of applied 600kg/10a, of 2-cm soil depth with rice straw calcium peroxide coating had no effect on emergence of rice seedling.8. In reclaimed paddy field, lodging degree was 7 with direct sowing by machine and 9 with direct sowing by hand.9. Yield was increased by 5% by applying rice straw with direct sowing by machine.

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  • Kim, Ki-Hwan;Kim, Chul-Hwan;Han, Se-Jin;Lee, Jae-Hoon
    • Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.95-110
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    • 2006
  • The treatment for oral and maxillofacial carcinoma with chemotherapeutic agents is evaluated by many effective methods to reduce the tumor mass and cancer cell proliferation. However these chemotherapy have many serious side effects, such as bone marrow suppression, renal toxicity, G-I troubles. Therefore a possible approach to develop a clinically applicable chemotherapeutic agent is to screen anticancer activity of Taxol which is known to have very little side effect and have been used to breast cancer and ovarian carcinoma. Taxol is a new anti-microtubular anti-cancer agent extracted from the bark of the Pacific yew, Taxus brevifolia. Paclitaxel(Taxol) acts by promoting tubulin polymerization and over stabilizing microtubules agianst depolymerization. Despite the constant improvements of methods of the cancer treatment especially chemotherapy, the rate of cancer metastasis and recurrent are not decreased. Thus the investigation of new drug which have very little side effect and a possible clinically application continues to be a high priority. Considering that the Taxol have shown very effective chemotherapeutic agent with relatively low toxicity in many solid tumors, it deserves to evaluate its efficacy in oral squamous cell carcinoma. In this study, to investigate the in-vivo and in-vitro anti-cancer efficacy of Taxol in oral squamous cell carcinoma and lastly, the potency of Paclitaxel in the clinical application for oral cancer was evaluated. In vivo study, after HN22 cell line were xenografted in nude mice, the growth of tumor mass was observed, 3 mg/Kg taxol was injected intraperitoneally into nude mice containing tumor mass. The methods of these study were measurement of total volume of tumor mass, histopathologic study, immunohistochemical study, drug resistance assay, growth curve, MTT assay, flow cytometry, cDNA microarray in vivo and in vitro. The results were obtained as following. 1. The visual inspection of the experimental group showed that the volume of the tumor mass was slightly decreased but no significant difference with control group. 2. Ki-67 index was decreased at weeks 4 in experimental group. 3. Microscopic view of the xenografted tumor mass showed well differentiated squamous cell carcinoma and after Taxol injection, some necrotic tissue was seen weeks 4. 4. The growth curve of the tumor cells were decreased after 1day Taxol treatment. 5. According to the MTT assay, HN22 cell line showed relative drug resistancy above 5μg/ml concentrations of Taxol. 6. In drug resistance assay, the decrease of cell counts was seen relatively according to concentration. 7. In Flow cytometry, G2M phase cell arrests were seen in low concentration of the Taxol, while S phase cell arrests were seen in high concentration of the Taxol. 8. Using cDNA microarray technique, variable gene expression of ANGPTL4, TXNRD1, FAS, RRAGA, CTGF, CYCLINEA, P19, DUSP5, CEBPG, BTG1 were detacted in the oral squamous cell carcinoma cell after taxol treatment. In this study paclitaxel is effective against oral squamous cell carcinoma cell lines in vitro, but week effect was observed in vivo. So we need continuous study about anticancer effect of taxol in vivo in oral squamous cell carcinoma.


  • Yang, Cheol-Hee;Baik, Byeong-Ju;Yang, Yeon-Mi;Kim, Jae-Gon
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.75-88
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    • 2005
  • Ameloblastoma is the most commonly occurring odontogenic tumor in oral cavity. Although most are benign epithelial neoplasm, they are generally considered to be locally aggressive and destructive, exhibiting a high rate of recurrence. The biological behavior of this neoplasm is a slowly growing, locally invasive tumor without metastasis, therefore malignant neoplasm, changed its histological appearance to carcinoma or showed distant metastasis, is only defined clinically. In this study, we identified the differentially expressed genes(DEGs) in stages under benign or malignant ameloblastoma compared with normal patient using ordered differential display(ODD) reverse transcription(RT)-PCR and GeneFishingTM technology. ODD RT-PCR is rather effective when the investigation of samples containing very small amounts of total RNA must be accomplished. ODD RT-PCR used the means of amplification with anchored T-primer and adaptor specific primer. bearing definite two bases at their 3' ends and so this method could display differential 3'-expressed sequence taqs(ESTs) patterns without using full-length cDNAs. Compared with standard differential display, ODD RT-PCR is more simple and have enough sensitivity to search for molecular markers by comparing gene expression profiles, However, this method required much effort and skill to perform. GeneFishingTM modified from DD-PCR is an improved method for detecting differentially expressed genes in two or more related samples. This two step RT-PCR method uses a constant reverse primer(anchor ACP-T) to prime the RT reaction and arbitrary primer pairs(annealing control primers, ACPs) during PCR. Because of high annealing specificity of ACPs than ODD RT-PCR, the application of GeneFishingTM to DEG discovery generates reproducible, authentic, and long(100bp to 2kb) PCR products that are detectable on agarose gels. Consequently, various DEGs observed differential expression levels on agarose gels were isolated from normal, benign, and malignant tissues using these methods. The expression patterns of the some isolated DEGs through ODD RT-PCR and GeneFishingTM were confirmed by Northern blot analysis and RT-PCR. The results showed that these identified DEGs were implicated in ameloblastoma neoplasm processes. Therefore, the identified DEGs will be further studied in order to be applied in candidate selection for marker as an early diagnosis during ameloblastoma neoplasm processes.

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Laparoscopic Assisted Total Gastrectomy (LATG) with Extracorporeal Anastomosis and using Circular Stapler for Middle or Upper Early Gastric Carcinoma: Reviews of Single Surgeon's Experience of 48 Consecutive Patients (원형 자동문합기를 이용한 체외문합을 시행한 복강경 보조 위전절제술: 한 술자에 의한 연속적인 48명 환자의 수술성적분석)

  • Cheong, Oh;Kim, Byung-Sik;Yook, Jeong-Hwan;Oh, Sung-Tae;Lim, Jeong-Taek;Kim, Kab-Jung;Choi, Ji-Eun;Park, Gun-Chun
    • Journal of Gastric Cancer
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.27-34
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: Many recent studies have reported on the feasibility and usefulness of laparoscopy assisted distal gastrectomy (LADG) for treating early gastric cancer. On the other hand, there has been few reports about laparoscopy assisted total gastrectomy (LATG) because upper located gastric cancer is relatively rare and the surgical technique is more difficult than that for LADG, We now present our procedure and results of performing LATG for the gastric cancer located in the upper or middle portion of the stomach. Materials and Methods: From Jan 2005 to Sep 2007, 96 patients underwent LATG by four surgeons at the Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea. Among them, 48 consecutive patients who were operated on by asingle surgeon were analyzed with respect to the clinicopathological features, the surgical results and the postoperative courses with using the prospectively collected laparoscopy surgery data. Results: There was no conversion to open surgery during LATG. For all the reconstructions, Roux-en Y esophago-jejunostomy and D1+beta lymphadenectomy were the standard procedures. The mean operation time was 212±67 minutes. The mean total number of retrieved lymph nodes was 28.9±10.54 (range: 1264) and all the patients had a clear proximal resection margin in their final pathologic reports. The mean time to passing gas, first oral feeding and discharge from the hospital was 2.98, 3.67 and 7.08 days, respectively. There were 5 surgical complications and 2 non-surgical complications for 5 (10.4%) patients, and there was no mortality. None of the patients needed operation because of complications and they recovered with conservative treatments. The mean operation time remained constant after 20 cases and so a learning curve was present. The morbidity rate was not different between the two periods, but the postoperative course was significantly better after the learning curve. Analysis of the factors contributing to the postoperative morbidity, with using logistic regression analysis, showed that the 8MI is the only contributing factor forpostoperative complications (P=0.029, HR=2.513, 95% CI=1.097-5.755). Conclusions: LATG with regional lymph node dissection for upper and middle early gastric cancer is considered to be a safe, feasible method that showed an excellent postoperative course and acceptable morbidity. BMI should be considered in the patient selection at the beginning period because of the impact of the BMI on the postoperative morbidity.

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Importance of Strain Improvement and Control of Fungal cells Morphology for Enhanced Production of Protein-bound Polysaccharides(β-D-glucan) in Suspended Cultures of Phellinus linteus Mycelia (Phellinus linteus의 균사체 액상배양에서 단백다당체(β-D-glucan)의 생산성 향상을 위한 균주 개량과 배양형태 조절의 중요성)

  • Shin, Woo-Shik;Kwon, Yong Jung;Jeong, Yong-Seob;Chun, Gie-Taek
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.220-229
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    • 2009
  • Strain improvement and morphology investigation in bioreactor cultures were undertaken in suspended cultures of Phellinus linteus mycelia for mass production of protein-bound polysaccharides(soluble β-D-glucan), a powerful immuno-stimulating agent. Phellineus sp. screened for this research was identified as Phellinus linteues through ITS rDNA sequencing method and blast search, demonstrating 99.7% similarity to other Phellinus linteus strains. Intensive strain improvement program was carried out by obtaining large amounts of protoplasts for the isolation of single cell colonies. Rapid and large screening of high-yielding producers was possible because large numbers of protoplasts (1×105106protoplasts/ml) formed using the banding filtration method with the cell wall-disrupting enzymes could be regenerated in relatively high regeneration frequency(102103) in the newly developed regeneration medium. It was demonstrated that the strains showing high performances in the protoplast regeneration and solid growth medium were able to produce 5.8~6.4%(w/w) of β-D-glucan and 13~15 g/L of biomass in stable manners in suspended shake-flask cultures of P. linteus mycelia. In addition, cell mass increase was observed to be the most important in order to enhance β-D-glucan productivity during the course of strain improvement program, since the amount of β-D-glucan extracted from the cell wall of P. linteus mycelia was almost constant on the unit biomass basis. Therefore we fully investigated the fungal cell morphology, generally known as one of the key factors affecting cell growth extent in the bioreactor cultures of mycelial fungal cells. It was found that, in order to obtain as high cell mass as possible in the final production bioreactor cultures, the producing cells should be proliferated in condensed filamentous forms in the growth cultures, and optimum amounts of these filamentous cells should be transferred as active inoculums to the production bioreactor. In this case, ideal morphologies consisting of compacted pellets less than 0.5mm in diameter were successfully induced in the production cultures, resulting in shorter period of lag phase, 1.5 fold higher specific cell growth rate and 3.3 fold increase in the final biomass production as compared to the parallel bioreactor cultures of different morphological forms. It was concluded that not only the high-yielding but also the good morphological characteristics led to the significantly higher biomass production and β-D-glucan productivity in the final production cultures.

A Study on the Implementation Status of CBD Program of Work on Protected Area (생물다양성협약의 보호지역 실행프로그램 이행상황 고찰 - 국립공원을 중심으로 -)

  • Heo, Hag-Young;Park, Mun-Gyu
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.1-40
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    • 2007
  • The research in this paper, for the effective implementation of CBD PoW PA(Program of Work on Protected Areas of Convention on Biological Diversity) that was adopted by CBD COP7(Conference of the Parties) in 2004, shows the objectives and activities of 9 each subject in PoW PA regarding domestic status and cases of national park management. Before anything else, according to the result of the review on the status of protected areas in Korea, there are 1,119 protected areas which are classified into 14 types and the total area is about 15,621km2. After a thorough review on 9 each subject about the implementation of CBD PoW PA, we found out that some parts such as management planning, prevention and alleviation of threats, and establishment of PAs system, are improved while financial support, improved social benefit, and MEE(Management Effectiveness Evaluation} fields are need to be improved. Especially regarding time-bound, ecological gap analysis on national level and MEE are need to be improved immediately. This paper could help us to understand the current status of PAs management system in Korea and to prepare national reports of CBD and implementation report of PoW PA. Based on research and results of this paper, we need to find the fields that have gaps in order to meet the requirements of the CBD PoW PA and the implementation tools that are suitable for managing Korea's protected areas. To effectively implement the various activities which require a systematic approach on the national level, the establishment of the networks among relevant organizations for protected areas are vital. To effectively reach the ultimate goal of CBD PoW PA, reducing the rate of biodiversity loss, it is essential that lots of plans established by authorities must be carried out in a constant manner to achieve goals of CBD PoW PA.

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Comparison of Respiratory Mechanics and Gas Exchange Between Pressure-controlled and Volume-controlled Ventilation (압력조절환기법과 용적조절환기법의 호흡역학 몇 가스교환의 비교)

  • Jeong, Seong-Han;Choi, Won-Jun;Lee, Jung-A;Kim, Jin-A;Lee, Mun-Woo;Shin, Hyoung-Shik;Kim, Mi-Kyeong;Choe, Kang-Hyeon
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.46 no.5
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    • pp.662-673
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    • 1999
  • Background : Pressure-controlled ventilation (PCV) is frequently used recently as the initial mode of mechanical ventilation in the patients with respiratory failure. Theoretically, because of its high initial inspiratory flow, pressure-controlled ventilation has lower peak inspiratory pressure and improved gas exchange than volume-controlled ventilation (VCV). But the data from previous studies showed controversial results about the gas exchange. Moreover, the comparison study between PCV and VCV with various inspiration : expiration time ratios (I : E ratios) is rare. So this study was performed to compare the respiratory mechanics and gas exchange between PCV and VCV with various I : E raitos. Methods : Nine patients receiving mechanical ventilation for respiratory failure were enrolled. They were ventilated by both PCV and VCV with various I : E ratios (1 : 2, 1 : 1.3 and 1.7 : 1). FiO2, tidal volume, respiratory rate and external positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) were kept constant throughout the study. After 20 minutes of each ventilation mode, arterial blood gas, airway pressures, expired CO2 were measured. Results : In both PCV and VCV, as the I : E ratio increased, the mean airway pressure was increased, and PaCO2 and physiologic dead space fraction were decreased. But P(A-a)O2 was not changed. In all three different I : E ratios, peak inspiratory pressure was lower during PCV, and mean airway pressure was higher during PCV. But PaCO2 level, physiologic dead space fraction and P(A-a)O2 were not different between PCV and VCV with three different I : E ratios. Conclusion : There was no difference in gas exchange between PCV and VCV under the same tidal volume, frequency and I : E ratio.

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Clinical Significance of Nasal Peak Inspiratory Flow Rate in Patients with Chronic Cough (만성기침환자에서 비강최대흡기유속 측정의 의의)

  • An, Chang-Hyeok;Lee, Byung-Hun;Park, Yong-Bum;Choi, Jae-Chul;Jee, Hyun-Suk;Park, Sung-Jin;Kang, Sun-Bok;Kim, Jae-Yeol;Park, In-Won;Choi, Byung-Whi;Hue, Sung-Ho
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.46 no.5
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    • pp.654-661
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    • 1999
  • Background : The upper respiratory tract is the primary target organ of various airborne pollutants and is easily accessible part of the respiratory tract, and also is the predominant structure where chronic cough originates. The nasal peak inspiratory flow(PIFn), which is the peak inspiratory flow via nose with nasal mask and spirometry, could be a reliable parameter of nasal obstruction. The validity of PIFn has been evaluated in several studies by assessing the correlation between PIFn measurements and other parameters of nasal air flow. This study was designed to show the reproducibility of PIFn, the difference of PIFn between patients with chronic cough and normal subjects, and the usefulness of PIFn in the evaluation of nasal obstruction in patients with chronic cough. Methods : PIFn was measured by spirometry with nasal mask, twice a day for 3 consecutive days in 7 young normal subjects to evaluate validity of the test. In 32 patients with chronic cough and 25 age-matched normal subjects, PIFn and pulmonary function test(FEV1, FEV1 pred, FVC, and FVC% pred) were measured at first visiting. Results : Values of PIFn, FEV1, and FVC were nearly constant in 7 young normal adults. Patients with chronic cough were 32 (14 males and 18 females) and the mean age was 41.4±15.9 years. Normal subjects were 32(22 males and 10 females) and the mean age was 39.8±18.6 years. There was no significant difference of age and pulmonary function test between patients with chronic cough and normal subjects(p<0.05). The PIFn values in patients with chronic cough was significantly lower than those of normal subjects(2.25±0.68L/sec vs. 2.75±1.00L/sec ; p=0.02). The postnasal drip syndrome(PNDS) comprised the majority of patients with chronic cough(27). The PIFn in patients with PNDS was significantly lower than that of normal subjects (mean±SD ; 2.18±0.66 vs. 2.75±1.00L/sec, p=0.006). Conclusion : There was a significant difference of PIFn between patients with chronic cough and normal subjects. Among the patients with chronic cough, patients with PNDS showed the most significant difference with normal subjects in PIFn. The PIFn could be a useful parameter of nasal obstruction in patients with chronic cough, especially in patients with PNDS.

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Fundamental Studies for the Breeding of Marine Algae 3. Effects of Plant Hormones on the Growth of Porphyra-fronds (해조의 육종을 위한 기초적 연구 3. 김 엽체에 미치는 식물호르몬의 생장효과)

  • KIM Joong-Rae;JO Young-Won;HAN Chang-Yeal;LEE Man-Sang
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.79-85
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    • 1981
  • As one of the fundamental studies for the breeding of marine algae, the effects of several plant hormones (IAA, Gibberellin, 2.4-D, NAA, Kinetin) on the growth of Porphyra-fronds, P. tenera Kjell. form tamatsuensis Miura, were investigated from January 21 to February 21 1981. The fronds used for the experiment were dissected out at 25mm2 size, and cultured in modified Provasoli's ESP medium supplemented with various concentrations of each plant growth regulators. The culture was kept under constant water temperature of 5C in 14 hrs. photoperiod and illuminated with 2,400 lux by fluorescent light. Based on the results of first experiment, the culture of fronds for the secondary experiment was carried out at 5Cand10C in medium containing various levels of Kinetin from April 6 to 24, and compared the growth of two groups at each concentrations with each other, The results obtained are summarized as follows : (1) The best growth efficiencies were observed at 5.0mg/1 of each plant hormones except Gibberellin. Among them, the highest growth-rate was 312.5%(345.3%infrondsize) in contrast with control at 5.0mg/1 of Kinetin, and was followed by 257.5%(236.1%) in 2.4-D,166.7%(147.6%) in IAA and 141.7%(167.7%) in NAA, but that in Gibberellin was 247.9%(241.9%) at 10.0mg/l. (2) Especially, the fronds cultured at 5.0mg/1 of Kinetin were deep black-brown in colour, and had vivid, healthy chloroplasts in their all cells. On the contrary, the fronds cultured in other media were discoloured to light black-brown or green-drown, and almost all cells were vacuolated or shrunk gradually into death.(3) There was an obvious difference between the best growth-rates of the fronds cultured at 5.0mg/l of Kinetin at 5C and those at 10C. The former was 366.7%, the latter 318.8% but the difference was little at lower concentrations. (4) Many abnormal cells grown up to 25.027.5μ in diameter were found among the marginal cells of fronds which showed the best growth in Kinetin, and the fronds wire 41.042.0μ in thickness which was thicker by 10.0μ or so than the others. (5) In two fronds at 1.0mg/1 of Kinetin cell-divisions were observed, which might developed into antheridium, but it was doubtful whether due to the efficiency of Kinetin.

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