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Studies on the Various Utilization of Microbial Formulation for the Production of Vegetable Crops (원예작물(園藝作物) 생산성(生産性)에 미치는 미생물(微生物) 제제(製劑)의 복합적(複合的) 이용연구(利用硏究))

  • Kim, Kwang-Sik;Kim, Young-Woong;Choi, Young-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.191-205
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    • 1995
  • The carrier materials used for the development of bacterial inoculants to be effective in field were made with various carrier materials of two major forms, alginate bead and powder inoculants. Inoculants were prepared after mixing those carrier materials with Pseudomonas fluorescens SSL3 and Bacillus subtilis B5, and the treatment effects of each inoculants was investigated on cucumber, tomato, pepper and potato. Survival density of SSL3 and B5 in various carrier materials for duration of storage and the bead inoculants were better than the powder. In the powders, survival rate increased in carrier materials treated 5% skimilk. The growth condition of microorganisms in carrier materials is good at powder. When they were preserved in the long period, contamination is problem. Scanning(200 to 600nm) of the P. fluorescens SSL3 supernatant in centrifuged MKB broth incubated for 48h had two main peaks, pyochelin(300nm) and pyoverdin(400nm). The potato yield in field experiments of spring, treated with bead formulas showed increase of 22~29% in whole potato breeds as compared with control, because the bead formulas degraded, and released the antibiotic microorganisms in slow and constant rate. In the pot experiment, there were significant difference in soil, wheatbran, and bead formed wheatbran.

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Application of Automated Microscopy Equipment for Rock Analog Material Experiments: Static Grain Growth and Simple Shear Deformation Experiments Using Norcamphor (유사물질 실험을 위한 자동화 현미경 실험 기기의 적용과 노캠퍼를 이용한 입자 성장 및 단순 전단 변형 실험의 예)

  • Ha, Changsu;Kim, Sungshil
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.233-245
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    • 2021
  • Many studies on the microstructures in rocks have been conducted using experimental methods with various equipment as well as natural rock studies to see the development of microstructures and understand their mechanisms. Grain boundary migration of mineral aggregates in rocks could cause grain growth or grain size changes during metamorphism or deformation as one of the main recrystallization mechanisms. This study suggests improved ways regarding the analog material experiments with reformed equipment to see sequential observations of these grain boundary migration. It can be more efficient than the existing techniques and carry out an appropriate microstructure analysis. This reformed equipment was implemented to enable optical manipulation by mounting polarizing plates capable of rotating operation on a stereoscopic microscope and a deformation rig capable of experimenting with analog materials. The equipment can automatically control the temperature and strain rate of the deformation rig by microcontrollers and programming and can take digital photomicrographs with constant time intervals during the experiment to observe any microstructure changes. The composite images synthesized using images by rotated polarizing plates enable us to see more accurate grain boundaries. As a rock analog material, norcamphor(C7H10O) was used, which has similar birefringence to quartz. Static grain growth and simple shear deformation experiments were performed using the norcamphor to verify the effectiveness of the equipment. The static grain growth experiments showed the characteristics of typical grain growth behavior. The number of grains decreases and the average grain size increases over time. These case experiments also showed a clear difference between the growth curves with three temperature conditions. The result of the simple shear deformation experiment under the medium temperature-low strain rate showed no significant change in the average grain size but presented the increased elongation of grain shapes in the direction of about 53° regarding the direction perpendicular to the shearing direction as the shear strain increases over time. These microstructures are interpreted as both the plastic deformation and the internal recovery process in grains are balanced by the deformation under the given experimental conditions. These experiments using the reformed equipment represent the ability to sequentially observe changing the microstructure during experiments as desired in the tests with the analog material during the entire process.

Optimization of Characteristic Change due to Differences in the Electrode Mixing Method (전극 혼합 방식의 차이로 인한 특성 변화 최적화)

  • Jeong-Tae Kim;Carlos Tafara Mpupuni;Beom-Hui Lee;Sun-Yul Ryou
    • Journal of the Korean Electrochemical Society
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2023
  • The cathode, which is one of the four major components of a lithium secondary battery, is an important component responsible for the energy density of the battery. The mixing process of active material, conductive material, and polymer binder is very essential in the commonly used wet manufacturing process of the cathode. However, in the case of mixing conditions of the cathode, since there is no systematic method, in most cases, differences in performance occur depending on the manufacturer. Therefore, LiMn2O4 (LMO) cathodes were prepared using a commonly used THINKY mixer and homogenizer to optimize the mixing method in the cathode slurry preparation step, and their characteristics were compared. Each mixing condition was performed at 2000 RPM and 7 min, and to determine only the difference in the mixing method during the manufacture of the cathode other experiment conditions (mixing time, material input order, etc.) were kept constant. Among the manufactured THINKY mixer LMO (TLMO) and homogenizer LMO (HLMO), HLMO has more uniform particle dispersion than TLMO, and thus shows higher adhesive strength. Also, the result of the electrochemical evaluation reveals that HLMO cathode showed improved performance with a more stable life cycle compared to TLMO. The initial discharge capacity retention rate of HLMO at 69 cycles was 88%, which is about 4.4 times higher than that of TLMO, and in the case of rate capability, HLMO exhibited a better capacity retention even at high C-rates of 10, 15, and 20 C and the capacity recovery at 1 C was higher than that of TLMO. It's postulated that the use of a homogenizer improves the characteristics of the slurry containing the active material, the conductive material, and the polymer binder creating an electrically conductive network formed by uniformly dispersing the conductive material suppressing its strong electrostatic properties thus avoiding aggregation. As a result, surface contact between the active material and the conductive material increases, electrons move more smoothly, changes in lattice volume during charging and discharging are more reversible and contact resistance between the active material and the conductive material is suppressed.

Influence of Oxygen Concentration on the Food Consumption and Growth of Common Carp, Cyprinus carpio L. (잉어 Cyprinus carpio의 먹이 섭취량과 성장에 미치는 용존산소량의 영향)

  • SAIFABADI Jafar;KIM In-Bae
    • Journal of Aquaculture
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.53-90
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    • 1989
  • Feeding proper level of ration matchable with the appetite of fish will enhance production and also prevent waste of food and its consequence, side effects such as pollution of culture medium. To pursue this goal, elaborate studies on dissolved oxygen concentrations- as the major force in inducing appetite and the growth outcome are necessary. The growth of common carp of 67, 200, 400, 600, and 800 gram size groups was studied at oxygen concentrations ranging from 2.0 to 6 mg/ι in relation to rations from 1 to as many percent of the initial body weight as could be consumed under constant temperature of 25C. The results from the experiments are summarized as followings; 1. Appetite: The smaller fish exhibited higher degree of appetite than the bigger ones at the same oxygen concentrations. The bigger the fish the less tolerant it was to the lower oxygen thersholds, and the degree of tolerence decreased as ration level increased. 2. Growth : Growth rate (percent per day) increased - unless consumption was suppressed by low oxygen levels- as the ration was increased to maximum. In case of 67 g fish, it reached the highest point of 5.05% / day at 7% ration under 5.0 mg/ι of oxygen. In case of 200 g fish, the maximum growth rate of 3.75%/day appeared at the maximum ration of 6% under 5.5 mg/ι of oxygen. In 400 g fish, the highest growth of 3.37%/day occurred at the maximum ration of 5% and 6.0 mg/ι of oxygen. In 600 g fish, the highest growth rate of 2.82% /day was at the maximum ration of 4% under 5.5 mg/ι oxygen. In case of 800g fish, the highest growth rate of 1.95%/day was at maximum tested ration of 3% under 5.0 mg/ι oxygen. 3. Food Conversion Efficiency: Food conversion efficiency (% dry feed converted into the fish tissue) first increased as the ration was increased, reached maximum at certain food level, then started decreasing with further increase in the ration. The maximum conversion efficiency stood at higher feeding rate for the smaller fish than the larger ones. In case of 67 g fish, the maximum food conversion efficiency was at 4% ration within 3.0-4.0 mg/ι oxygen. In 200g fish, the maximum efficiency was at 3% ration within 4.0-4.5 mg/ι oxygen. In 400g fish, the maximum efficiency was at 2% ration within 4.0 - 4.5 mg/ι oxygen. In 600 and 800g fish, the maximum conversion efficiency shifted to the lowest ration (1%) and lower oxygen ranges. 4. Behaviour: The fish within uncomfortably low oxygen levels exhibited suppressed appetite and movements and were observed to pass feces quicker and in larger quantity than the ones in normal condition; in untolerably low oxygen the fish were lethargic, vomited, and had their normal skin color changed into pale yellow or grey patches. All these processes contributed to reducing food conversion efficiency. On the other hand, the fish within relatively higher oxygen concentrations exhibited higher degree of movement and their food conversion tended to be depressed when compared with sister groups under corresponding size and ration within relatively low oxyen level. 5. Suitability of Oxygen Ranges to Rations: The oxygen level of 2.0- 2.5 mg/ι was adequate to sustain appetite at 1% ration in all size groups. As the ration was increased higher oxygen was required to sustain the fish appetite and metabolic activity, particularly in larger fish. In 67g fish, the 2% ration was well supported by 2.0-2.5 mg/ι range; as the ration increased to 5%, higher range of 3.0-4.0 mg/ι brought better appetite and growth; from 5 till 7% (the last tested ration for 67 g fish) oxygen levels over 4.0 mg/ι could sustain appetite. In 200 g fish, the 2 and 3% rations brought the best growth and conversion rates at 3.5-4.5 mg/ι oxygen level; from 3 till 6% (the last tested ration at 200 g fish) oxyge groups over 4.5 mg/ι were matchable with animal's appetite. In 400, 600, and 800 g fish, all the rations above 2% had to be generally supported with oxygen levels above 4.5 mg/ι.

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  • KIM Kee Ju
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.47-60
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    • 1975
  • For the calculation of population parameter and estimation of recruitment of a fish population, an application of multiple regression method was used with some statistical inferences. Then, the differences between the calculated values and the true parameters were discussed. In addition, this method criticized by applying it to the statistical data of a population of bigeye tuna, Thunnus obesus of the Indian Ocean. The method was also applied to the available data of a population of Pacific saury, Cololabis saira, to estimate its recuitments. A stock at t year and t+1 year is, N0,t+1=N0,t(1mt)Ct+Rt+1 where N0 is the initial number of fish in a given year; C, number o: fish caught; R, number of recruitment; and M, rate of natural mortality. The foregoing equation is ϕt+1=(1ϱzt+1)Zt(1ϱzt)Zt+11ϱzt+1Zt+1ϕta1ϱzt+1Zt+1Ct+a1ϱzt+1Zt+1Rt+1......(1) where ϕ is CPUE; a', CPUE (ϕ) to average stock (ˉN) in number; Z, total mortality coefficient; and M, natural mortality coefficient. In the equation (1) , the term (1ϱzt+1)/Zt+1s almost constant to the variation of effort (X) there fore coefficients ϕ and Ct, can be calculated, when R is a constant, by applying the method of multiple regression, where ϕt+1 is a dependent variable; ϕt and Ct are independent variables. The values of Mand a' are calculated from the coefficients of ϕt and Ct; and total mortality coefficient (Z), where Z is a'X+M. By substituting M, a', Zt, and Zt+1 to the equation (1) recruitment (Rt+1) can be calculated. In this precess ϕ can be substituted by index of stock in number (N'). This operational procedures of the method of multiple regression can be applicable to the data which satisfy the above assumptions, even though the data were collected from any chosen year with similar recruitments, though it were not collected from the consecutive years. Under the condition of varying effort the data with such variation can be treated effectively by this method. The calculated values of M and a' include some deviation from the population parameters. Therefore, the estimated recruitment (R) is a relative value instead of all absolute one. This method of multiple regression is also applicable to the stock density and yield in weight instead of in number. For the data of the bigeye tuna of the Indian Ocean, the values of estimated recruitment (R) calculated from the parameter which is obtained by the present multiple regression method is proportional with an identical fluctuation pattern to the values of those derived from the parameters M and a', which were calculated by Suda (1970) for the same data. Estimated recruitments of Pacific saury of the eastern coast of Korea were calculated by the present multiple regression method. Not only spring recruitment (1965\~1974) but also fall recruitment (1964\~1973) was found to fluctuate in accordance with the fluctuations of stock densities (CPUE) of the same spring and fall, respectively.

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A Study on the Meaning and Strategy of Keyword Advertising Marketing

  • Park, Nam Goo
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.49-56
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    • 2010
  • At the initial stage of Internet advertising, banner advertising came into fashion. As the Internet developed into a central part of daily lives and the competition in the on-line advertising market was getting fierce, there was not enough space for banner advertising, which rushed to portal sites only. All these factors was responsible for an upsurge in advertising prices. Consequently, the high-cost and low-efficiency problems with banner advertising were raised, which led to an emergence of keyword advertising as a new type of Internet advertising to replace its predecessor. In the beginning of 2000s, when Internet advertising came to be activated, display advertisement including banner advertising dominated the Net. However, display advertising showed signs of gradual decline, and registered minus growth in the year 2009, whereas keyword advertising showed rapid growth and started to outdo display advertising as of the year 2005. Keyword advertising refers to the advertising technique that exposes relevant advertisements on the top of research sites when one searches for a keyword. Instead of exposing advertisements to unspecified individuals like banner advertising, keyword advertising, or targeted advertising technique, shows advertisements only when customers search for a desired keyword so that only highly prospective customers are given a chance to see them. In this context, it is also referred to as search advertising. It is regarded as more aggressive advertising with a high hit rate than previous advertising in that, instead of the seller discovering customers and running an advertisement for them like TV, radios or banner advertising, it exposes advertisements to visiting customers. Keyword advertising makes it possible for a company to seek publicity on line simply by making use of a single word and to achieve a maximum of efficiency at a minimum cost. The strong point of keyword advertising is that customers are allowed to directly contact the products in question through its more efficient advertising when compared to the advertisements of mass media such as TV and radio, etc. The weak point of keyword advertising is that a company should have its advertisement registered on each and every portal site and finds it hard to exercise substantial supervision over its advertisement, there being a possibility of its advertising expenses exceeding its profits. Keyword advertising severs as the most appropriate methods of advertising for the sales and publicity of small and medium enterprises which are in need of a maximum of advertising effect at a low advertising cost. At present, keyword advertising is divided into CPC advertising and CPM advertising. The former is known as the most efficient technique, which is also referred to as advertising based on the meter rate system; A company is supposed to pay for the number of clicks on a searched keyword which users have searched. This is representatively adopted by Overture, Google's Adwords, Naver's Clickchoice, and Daum's Clicks, etc. CPM advertising is dependent upon the flat rate payment system, making a company pay for its advertisement on the basis of the number of exposure, not on the basis of the number of clicks. This method fixes a price for advertisement on the basis of 1,000-time exposure, and is mainly adopted by Naver's Timechoice, Daum's Speciallink, and Nate's Speedup, etc, At present, the CPC method is most frequently adopted. The weak point of the CPC method is that advertising cost can rise through constant clicks from the same IP. If a company makes good use of strategies for maximizing the strong points of keyword advertising and complementing its weak points, it is highly likely to turn its visitors into prospective customers. Accordingly, an advertiser should make an analysis of customers' behavior and approach them in a variety of ways, trying hard to find out what they want. With this in mind, her or she has to put multiple keywords into use when running for ads. When he or she first runs an ad, he or she should first give priority to which keyword to select. The advertiser should consider how many individuals using a search engine will click the keyword in question and how much money he or she has to pay for the advertisement. As the popular keywords that the users of search engines are frequently using are expensive in terms of a unit cost per click, the advertisers without much money for advertising at the initial phrase should pay attention to detailed keywords suitable to their budget. Detailed keywords are also referred to as peripheral keywords or extension keywords, which can be called a combination of major keywords. Most keywords are in the form of texts. The biggest strong point of text-based advertising is that it looks like search results, causing little antipathy to it. But it fails to attract much attention because of the fact that most keyword advertising is in the form of texts. Image-embedded advertising is easy to notice due to images, but it is exposed on the lower part of a web page and regarded as an advertisement, which leads to a low click through rate. However, its strong point is that its prices are lower than those of text-based advertising. If a company owns a logo or a product that is easy enough for people to recognize, the company is well advised to make good use of image-embedded advertising so as to attract Internet users' attention. Advertisers should make an analysis of their logos and examine customers' responses based on the events of sites in question and the composition of products as a vehicle for monitoring their behavior in detail. Besides, keyword advertising allows them to analyze the advertising effects of exposed keywords through the analysis of logos. The logo analysis refers to a close analysis of the current situation of a site by making an analysis of information about visitors on the basis of the analysis of the number of visitors and page view, and that of cookie values. It is in the log files generated through each Web server that a user's IP, used pages, the time when he or she uses it, and cookie values are stored. The log files contain a huge amount of data. As it is almost impossible to make a direct analysis of these log files, one is supposed to make an analysis of them by using solutions for a log analysis. The generic information that can be extracted from tools for each logo analysis includes the number of viewing the total pages, the number of average page view per day, the number of basic page view, the number of page view per visit, the total number of hits, the number of average hits per day, the number of hits per visit, the number of visits, the number of average visits per day, the net number of visitors, average visitors per day, one-time visitors, visitors who have come more than twice, and average using hours, etc. These sites are deemed to be useful for utilizing data for the analysis of the situation and current status of rival companies as well as benchmarking. As keyword advertising exposes advertisements exclusively on search-result pages, competition among advertisers attempting to preoccupy popular keywords is very fierce. Some portal sites keep on giving priority to the existing advertisers, whereas others provide chances to purchase keywords in question to all the advertisers after the advertising contract is over. If an advertiser tries to rely on keywords sensitive to seasons and timeliness in case of sites providing priority to the established advertisers, he or she may as well make a purchase of a vacant place for advertising lest he or she should miss appropriate timing for advertising. However, Naver doesn't provide priority to the existing advertisers as far as all the keyword advertisements are concerned. In this case, one can preoccupy keywords if he or she enters into a contract after confirming the contract period for advertising. This study is designed to take a look at marketing for keyword advertising and to present effective strategies for keyword advertising marketing. At present, the Korean CPC advertising market is virtually monopolized by Overture. Its strong points are that Overture is based on the CPC charging model and that advertisements are registered on the top of the most representative portal sites in Korea. These advantages serve as the most appropriate medium for small and medium enterprises to use. However, the CPC method of Overture has its weak points, too. That is, the CPC method is not the only perfect advertising model among the search advertisements in the on-line market. So it is absolutely necessary that small and medium enterprises including independent shopping malls should complement the weaknesses of the CPC method and make good use of strategies for maximizing its strengths so as to increase their sales and to create a point of contact with customers.

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Usefulness Evaluation of Artifacts by Bone Cement of Percutaneous Vertebroplasty Performed Patients and CT Correction Method in Spine SPECT/CT Examinations (척추 뼈 SPECT/CT검사에서 경피적 척추성형술 시행 환자의 골 시멘트로 인한 인공물과 CT보정방법의 유용성 평가)

  • Kim, Ji-Hyeon;Park, Hoon-Hee;Lee, Juyoung;Nam-Kung, Sik;Son, Hyeon-Soo;Park, Sang-Ryoon
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.49-61
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: With the aging of the population, the attack rate of osteoporotic vertebral compression fracture is in the increasing trend, and percutaneous vertebroplasty (PVP) is the most commonly performed standardized treatment. Although there is a research report of the excellence of usefulness of the SPECT/CT examination in terns of the exact diagnosis before and after the procedure, the bone cement material used in the procedure influences the image quality by forming an artifact in the CT image. Therefore, the objective of the research lies on evaluating the effect the bone cement gives to a SPECT/CT image. Materials and Methods: The images were acquired by inserting a model cement to each cylinder, after setting the background (3.6 kBq/mL), hot cylinder (29.6 kBq/mL) and cold cylinder (water) to the NEMA-1994 phantom. It was reconstructed with Astonish (Iterative: 4 Subset: 16), and non attenuation correction (NAC), attenuation correction (AC+SC-) and attenuation and scatter correction (AC+SC+) were used for the CT correction method. The mean count by each correction method and the count change ratio by the existence of the cement material were compared and the contrast recovery coefficient (CRC) was obtained. Additionally, the bone/soft tissue ratio (B/S ratio) was obtained after measuring the mean count of the 4 places including the soft tissue(spine erector muscle) after dividing the vertebral body into fracture region, normal region and cement by selecting the 20 patients those have performed PVP from the 107 patients diagnosed of compression fracture. Results: The mean count by the existence of a cement material showed the rate of increase of 12.4%, 6.5%, 1.5% at the hot cylinder of the phantom by NAC, AC+SC- and AC+SC+ when cement existed, 75.2%, 85.4%, 102.9% at the cold cylinder, 13.6%, 18.2%, 9.1% at the background, 33.1%, 41.4%, 63.5% at the fracture region of the clinical image, 53.1%, 61.6%, 67.7% at the normal region and 10.0%, 4.7%, 3.6% at the soft tissue. Meanwhile, a relative count reduction could be verified at the cement adjacent part at the inside of the cylinder, and the phantom image on the lesion and the count increase ratio of the clinical image showed a contrary phase. CRC implying the contrast ratio and B/S ratio was improved in the order of NAC, AC+SC-, AC+SC+, and was constant without a big change in the cold cylinder of the phantom. AC+SC- for the quantitative count, and AC+SC+ for the contrast ratio was analyzed to be the highest. Conclusion: It is considered to be useful in a clinical diagnosis if the application of AC+SC+ that improves the contrast ratio is combined, as it increases the noise count of the soft tissue and the scatter region as well along with the effect of the bone cement in contrast to the fact that the use of AC+SC- in the spine SPECT/CT examination of a PVP performed patient drastically increases the image count and enables a high density of image of the lesion(fracture).

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A Study on Searching for Export Candidate Countries of the Korean Food and Beverage Industry Using Node2vec Graph Embedding and Light GBM Link Prediction (Node2vec 그래프 임베딩과 Light GBM 링크 예측을 활용한 식음료 산업의 수출 후보국가 탐색 연구)

  • Lee, Jae-Seong;Jun, Seung-Pyo;Seo, Jinny
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.73-95
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    • 2021
  • This study uses Node2vec graph embedding method and Light GBM link prediction to explore undeveloped export candidate countries in Korea's food and beverage industry. Node2vec is the method that improves the limit of the structural equivalence representation of the network, which is known to be relatively weak compared to the existing link prediction method based on the number of common neighbors of the network. Therefore, the method is known to show excellent performance in both community detection and structural equivalence of the network. The vector value obtained by embedding the network in this way operates under the condition of a constant length from an arbitrarily designated starting point node. Therefore, it has the advantage that it is easy to apply the sequence of nodes as an input value to the model for downstream tasks such as Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machine, and Random Forest. Based on these features of the Node2vec graph embedding method, this study applied the above method to the international trade information of the Korean food and beverage industry. Through this, we intend to contribute to creating the effect of extensive margin diversification in Korea in the global value chain relationship of the industry. The optimal predictive model derived from the results of this study recorded a precision of 0.95 and a recall of 0.79, and an F1 score of 0.86, showing excellent performance. This performance was shown to be superior to that of the binary classifier based on Logistic Regression set as the baseline model. In the baseline model, a precision of 0.95 and a recall of 0.73 were recorded, and an F1 score of 0.83 was recorded. In addition, the light GBM-based optimal prediction model derived from this study showed superior performance than the link prediction model of previous studies, which is set as a benchmarking model in this study. The predictive model of the previous study recorded only a recall rate of 0.75, but the proposed model of this study showed better performance which recall rate is 0.79. The difference in the performance of the prediction results between benchmarking model and this study model is due to the model learning strategy. In this study, groups were classified by the trade value scale, and prediction models were trained differently for these groups. Specific methods are (1) a method of randomly masking and learning a model for all trades without setting specific conditions for trade value, (2) arbitrarily masking a part of the trades with an average trade value or higher and using the model method, and (3) a method of arbitrarily masking some of the trades with the top 25% or higher trade value and learning the model. As a result of the experiment, it was confirmed that the performance of the model trained by randomly masking some of the trades with the above-average trade value in this method was the best and appeared stably. It was found that most of the results of potential export candidates for Korea derived through the above model appeared appropriate through additional investigation. Combining the above, this study could suggest the practical utility of the link prediction method applying Node2vec and Light GBM. In addition, useful implications could be derived for weight update strategies that can perform better link prediction while training the model. On the other hand, this study also has policy utility because it is applied to trade transactions that have not been performed much in the research related to link prediction based on graph embedding. The results of this study support a rapid response to changes in the global value chain such as the recent US-China trade conflict or Japan's export regulations, and I think that it has sufficient usefulness as a tool for policy decision-making.

Investigation of conservation state on the waxed volumes of annals of the Joseon Dynasty (조선왕조실록 밀납본의 보존상태 조사)

  • Jeong, So-Young;Lee, Hye-Yun;Chung, Yong-Jae;Hong, Jung-Ki;Eom, Doo-Sung
    • 보존과학연구
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    • s.25
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    • pp.119-132
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    • 2004
  • Annals of the Joseon Dynasty is the authentic record of the historical facts and events taken place throughout the entire period of 472 years(25 generations, 1392~1863)described in a chronological order. The tremendous volume of the records contains the factual events taken place in almost all the fields of the Joseon Dynasty ranging from politics, economy to history of the dynasty. Not only because of its affluent contents but also with the precision of its records, it was designated as the National Treasure No. 151 in1973 by the Korean government and also registered as the Memory of the World by UNESCO in October 1997.This study is to report a exhaustive investigation results on the conservation state of annals of the Joseon Dynasty, especially Mt. Jeongjoksan edition, under the storage of the Kyujanggak in order to obtain the current condition, and thereby to estimate the any deterioration of the waxed volumes in the future. According to results of the investigation, we are going to verify damage causes of annals of the Joseon Dynasty, and to consider scientific conservation methods for the permanent preservation of invaluable cultural heritage. The major problem with the preservation of annals has arisen particularly from the deterioration of the waxed volumes of the Mt. Jeongjoksan edition. In order to provide for the counter measures for this problem, we have conducted twice investigations(first :1998~1999, second : 2003) to the internal and external conditions of waxed volumes(Annals of King Taejo~Annals of King Myeongjong).The result of the investigation has indicated that the paper quality of the some of the waxed volumes (Annals of King Taejong~Annals of King Sejong) is cracked and folded and the pages are imbedded to each other due to the hardened or congealed wax on the paper. Some of the pages are even getting moldy. And in order to detect as to whether“ there has been any deterioration progressed to the waxed books in the modern storage facility of the Kyujanggak equipped with constant temperature and humidity condition, the first investigation(1998~1999) and the second investigation(2003) have recorded the values of acidity, whiteness and moisture rate of the waxed paper, reporting an observation that there has been no difference on the measuring items. This indicates that no virtual deterioration has been progressed so far to the waxed volumes preserved in the Kyujanggak. Also, except for the causes of deterioration to the paper by insects and microorganisms, the major cause for the paper damage seems to the change of moisture of the paper caused from the alteration of the temperature and humidity of the storage environment. With this understanding in mind, we have conducted an environmental investigation on the three selected points of the storage in the aspects of the temperature, humidity, air current, CO2,HCHO, and SO2.It has been observed that the temperature stood at 16.9C 20.2C and the humidity was stable between 53%~56% during the period of the investigation. The concentration of the carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide of the storage were very similar to those in the air. These data lead to presume that there is no problem in the aspect of carbon oxidization. But the concentration of sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and formaldehyde of the storage were detected a little higher than those of standard. Therefore, we consider that it is necessary to ventilate the internal air of the store room by means of operating air purification devices.

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Quality Characteristics and Retarding Retrogradation of Sponge Cakes containing Red Yeast Rice(Monascus nuruk) Flour (홍국(Monascus nuruk) 분말을 첨가한 스폰지 케이크의 품질 특성 및 노화 억제 분석)

  • Song, Ka-Young;Kim, Jong-Hee;O, Hyeon Bin;Zhang, Yangyang;Kim, Young-Soon
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.11-21
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    • 2016
  • This study investigated the quality characteristics and retarding retrogradation of sponge cakes made with red yeast rice (RYR) flour. RYR (Monascus nuruk) is known to help digestion, smooth blood flow, and have anti-cancer, anti-microbial, and inhibitory effects against biosynthesis of cholesterol and blood pressure. This studys aim' was to find the optimal proportion of RYR flour in sponge cake. RYR sponge cakes were prepared with various levels (0, 5, 10, 15 and 20%) replacement of wheat flour and were designated as the control (without RYR), RYR5, RYR10, RYR15 and RYR20 respectively. Specific gravity was the lowest in RYR15 at 0.57, and the baking loss rate was not significantly different among the samples (p<0.05). The dough yield was the highest in RYR15 at 96.61. The moisture contents was highest in order, control, RYR5, and RYR15 at 28.67%, 28.18%, and 26.82% respectively. The L-value of crust tended to increase according to the level of RYR, but the L-value of crumb decreased in accorddance with the the content of RYR. The a-value of crust also decreased according to the level of RYR, although the a-value of crumb increased in response to higher levels of RYR. The b-value tended to decrease with increases of RYR (p<0.05). RYR5 exhibited the highest pH at 8.63, compared with RYR15 (8.57). The hardness, which was measured after cooling for 1 hour, was the lowest in RYR15 at 163.33g/cm2 and the springiness was not different significantly (p<0.05). Cohesiveness was the highest in RYR10 at 133.06%. The chewiness was the highest in RYR10 at 391.63gcm and lowest in RYR15 ast 169.62gcm. Avrami equation showed that RYR15 and RYR20 had the lowest Avrami exponent (n) at 0.0664 and 0.4983 respectively. Time constant (1/k) was the highest in RYR15 at 200.00. Sensory evaluation revealed that RYR15 was the highest in color (5.50), flavor (4.95), sweetness (4.90), chewiness (4.75), and overall acceptability (4.60).