• Title/Summary/Keyword: Congenital dropsy

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Congenital Dropsy in Korean-native Calf (한우 송아지의 선천성 전신수종)

  • 강문일;박영석;한동운
    • Korean Journal of Animal Reproduction
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.63-68
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    • 1999
  • A 4-year old Korean-native cow of third parturition delivered an deformed calf with congenital anasarca and hypoplasia of the extremity at Muan County in Chonnam Province. At parturition, the dam showed amniotic fluid approximately two times more than that at the normal and also occurred severe dystocia. The anomaly died before parturition was 82 cm long and weighed 25 kg. It was difficult to recognize the neck and face of the anomaly due to severe edema and the stretched tongue through mouth was found. The shape of the extremity was recognizable and the systemic hypoplasia of the body with marked edema was found. At necropsy, there was a large amount of serous fluid both in pleural and peritoneal cavity. Also the fluid was contained some of yellowish granular materials and diffusely was fulfilled in all subcutaneous tissue. There was a partial opening in diaphragm which was resulted in the protrusion of approximately half of liver toward peritoneal cavity. There were two kidneys (15${\times}$21 and 13${\times}$18 cm) on the left which were enlarged and relatively larger than the right one (13${\times}$9 cm). In addition, there were found slight to moderate hepatomegaly and splenomegaly with slight congestion, and diffuse edema of intestinal serosa. Lung (32${\times}$49 mm) with marked hypoplasia was smaller than the size of heart (56${\times}$45mm). Serological test to the dam showed relatively high antibody titer (>64) to Akabane virus which might be involved in the outbreak of the deformed Korean-native calf as one of many causative agents.

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