• Title/Summary/Keyword: Concept Map

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Theoretical Establishment of The Mind Humanities: Necessity and Methodological Approach (마음인문학의 사상적 정초: 필요성과 이를 위한 방법적 시론)

  • Yang, Dae-Jong
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.235-247
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    • 2011
  • The Mind is a still vastly vague and unknown notion. But the more we view this phenomenon with multi-faceted viewpoints and depth, the more we discourse of the Mind with profundity and develop the concept of the Mind with more objectivity which will become that much more perfect. This article proposes to capture the Theory of the Mind, to some extent, in various academic fields and in parallel studies to organize the whole perspectives of the Mind in form of a digital knowledge Mind Map and present a thinkable model of the topology of the Mind.

National Database, Evaluation and Assessment of Plant species based on the phytosociological Information

  • Kim, Jong-Won;Lee, Eun-Jin
    • Proceedings of the Zoological Society Korea Conference
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    • 1997.10a
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    • pp.42-57
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    • 1997
  • The multicriterion matrix technique (MM-technique) was proposed for a method of monitoring and assessment about vegetation naturalness. Four criteria and 10 subcriteria were selected and two evaluation indices such as VN-value and VN-class were used. The criteria were characterized by syntaxonomical informations of hemeroby concept and potential natural vegetation, hierarchical system between criteria, and ordinal scale of VN-values. VN-values were classified into 11 ordinal levels and condensed to five VN-classes for facilitating practical use. A vegetation map of naturalness described by combination o( two indices was proposed as an alternative resolution of the DGN map. We also discuss the organization of the map content which is a matter of grid size (unit-area). In the case study, a grid size proper to show a full account of real information of actual vegetation is less 250-grid (250 $\times$ 250 $m^2$) in a medium size of city area containing relatively fragmented ecosystems. In conclusion, it was recognized that this new assessment technique was useful and vegetation assessment was accomplished with the smaller grid size in Korea.

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  • Kim, Seong-Joon
    • Water Engineering Research
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.49-61
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    • 2001
  • A grid-based KIneMatic wave soil-water EROsion and deposition Model(KIMEROM) that predicts temporal variation and spatial distribution of sediment transport in a watershed was developed. This model uses ASCII-formatted map data supported from the regular gridded map of GRASS (U.S. Army CERL, 1993)-GIS(Geographic Information Systems), and generates the distributed results by ASCII-formatted map data. For hydrologic process, the kinematic wave equation and Darcy equation were used to simulated surface and subsurface flow, respectively (Kim, 1998; Kim et al., 1998). For soil erosion process, the physically-based soil erosion concept by Rose and Hairsine (1988) was used to simulate soil-water erosion and deposition. The model adopts single overland flowpath algorithm and simulates surface and subsurface water depth, and sediment concentration at each grid element for a given time increment. The model was tested to a 162.3 $\textrm{km}^2$ watershed located in the tideland reclaimed ares of South Korea. After the hydrologic calibration for two storm events in 1999, the results of sediment transport were presented for the same storm events. The results of temporal variation and spatial distribution of overland flow and sediment areas are shown using GRASS.

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Grid-Based Soil-Water Erosion and Deposition Modeling sing GIS and RS

  • Kim, Seong-Joon
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2001.05a
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    • pp.25-34
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    • 2001
  • A grid-based KIneMatic wave soil-water EROsion and deposition Model (KIMEROM) that predicts temporal variation and spatial distribution of sediment transport in a watershed was developed. This model uses ASCII-formatted map data supported from the regular gridded map of GRASS (U.S. Army CERL, 1993)-GIS (Geographic Information Systems), and generates the distributed results by ASCIIl-formatted map data. For hydrologic process, the kinematic wave equation and Darcy equation were used to simulate surface and subsurface flow, respectively (Kim, 1798; Kim et al., 1993). For soil erosion process, the physically-based soil erosion concept by Rose and Hairsine (1988) was used to simulate soil-water erosion and deposition. The model adopts sing1e overland flowpath algorithm and simulates surface and subsurface water depth, and sediment concentration at each grid element (or a given time increment. The model was tested to a 162.3 km$^2$ watershed located in the tideland reclaimed area of South Korea. After the hydrologic calibration for two storm events in 1999, the results of sediment transport were presented for the same storm events. The results of temporal variation and spatial distribution of overland flow and sediment areas are shown using GRASS.

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Development of a Sustainable Community-based Hazard Map Creation Support System for Traditional Towns with Local Heritage

  • Okazaki, Yasuhisa;Mori, Seina;Wakuya, Hiroshi;Mishima, Nobuo;Hayashida, Yukuo;Min, Byung-Won
    • International Journal of Contents
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.58-65
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    • 2016
  • This paper describes design and development of a system that supports continuous creation of hazard maps by local residents in their daily life. We made an interview survey to design our system in a model traditional town in Saga, Japan. The results show that in spite of continuous efforts, many practical problems remain and residents feel unsafe. Based on these results, we designed and developed a unique ICT-based support system which contributes to community-based disaster prevention/reduction. The continuous resident participation and posting design are core concept for our sustainable community-based approach. Our system continues to support making a hazard map by integrating the community-based hazard information. Local residents register information about the spot (disaster types, a risk level, a photograph, comments, positional information) that can be dangerous in case of disaster. We have evaluated the usefulness and possibilities of our prototype system implemented as an iOS application.

Summarized Reviews on Geodetic Coordinate System and Map Projection for Practitioners in Exploration Geophysics (물리탐사 실무자를 위한 측지 좌표계와 지도 투영의 이해)

  • Lee, Seong Kon
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.236-248
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    • 2016
  • In this review, the basic concepts of geodetic coordinate system and map projection are explained to practitioners in exploration geophysicists to enhance the understanding of geographic and projected coordinate system. The fundamental elements such as earth ellipsoid, geoid, geocentric and geodetic latitudes, rhumb line, and great circle are dealt with in detail. The geocentric and geodetic coordinate systems are also summarized neatly, together with coordinate conversion formulae. In addition, the concept and technique for datum transforms between local and world datum are presented, with special emphasis on Korean Geodetic System.

A Study on Improvement of Level of Highway Maintenance Service Using Self-Organizing Map Neural Network (자기조직화 신경망을 이용한 고속도로 유지관리 서비스 등급 개선에 대한 연구)

  • Shin, Duksoon;Park, Sungbum
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.81-92
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    • 2021
  • As the degree of economic development of society increases, the maintenance issues on the existing social overhead capital becomes essential. Accordingly, the adaptation of the concept of Level of service in highway maintenance is indispensable. It is also crucial to manage and perform the service level such as road assets to provide universal services to users. In this regards, the purpose of this study is to improve the maintenance service rating model and to focus on the assessment items and weights among the improvements. Particularly, in determining weights, an Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is performed based on the survey response results. After then, this study conducts unsupervised neural network models such as Self-Organizing Map (SOM) and Davies-Bouldin (DB) Index to divide proper sub-groups and determine priorities. This paper identifies similar cases by grouping the results of the responses based on the similarity of the survey responses. This can effectively support decision making in general situations where many evaluation factors need to be considered at once, resulting in reasonable policy decisions. It is the process of using advanced technology to find optimized management methods for maintenance.

Grid Method Applied for Establishing the Ecological and Natural Map: A Review Based on Results of Surveys of Endangered Mammals

  • Yong-Ki, Kim;Jeong-Boon, Lee;Sung Je, Lee;Jang Sam, Cho;Hyosun, Leem
    • Proceedings of the National Institute of Ecology of the Republic of Korea
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.9-15
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    • 2023
  • We analyzed data of endangered mammals in the 1st grade zone of the Ecological and Natural Map of Korea that were obtained through 202 field surveys over six years. Five endangered mammal species were identified including otters, long-tailed gorals, martens, leopard cats, and flying squirrels. The total number of habitat traces collected was 918, of which 897 traces (97.7%) were excrement types. The total surveyed distance was 697.7 km and there were 2,184 grids of 250×250 m each. Of these grids, 441 or 20.2% were confirmed as habitats of endangered mammals. Moreover, we analyzed results of repeated surveys in the same area by converting them into individual one-time surveys, accounting for 23.1% of the total area. The flying squirrel showed a low correlation with the frequency of field surveys but showed many habitats in a specific season. Leopard cats and martens were correlated with the frequency of field surveys. Results of analysis confirm that the grid method used for establishing the Ecological and Natural Map is unsuitable for the habitat division of flying squirrels, otters, leopard cats, and martens, and it does not reflect the actual habitats of these four species. Therefore, we propose that the concept of the habitat grid of species must be reevaluated and improved, specifically for endangered mammals.

Achromatic and Athermal Design of a Mobile-phone Camera Lens by Redistributing Optical First-order Quantities

  • Tae-Sik Ryu;Sung-Chan Park
    • Current Optics and Photonics
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.273-282
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    • 2023
  • This paper presents a new method for redistributing effectively the first orders of each lens element to achromatize and athermalize an optical system, by introducing a novel method for adjusting the slope of an achromatic and athermal line. This line is specified by connecting the housing, equivalent single lens, and aberration-corrected point on a glass map composed of available plastic and glass materials for molding. Thus, if a specific lens is replaced with the material characterized by the chromatic and thermal powers of an aberration-corrected point, we obtain an achromatic and athermal system. First, we identify two materials that yield the minimum and maximum slopes of the line from a housing coordinate, which specifies the slope range of the line spanning the available materials on a glass map. Next, redistributing the optical first orders (optical powers and paraxial ray heights) of lens elements by moving the achromatic and athermal line into the available slope range of materials yields a good achromatic and athermal design. Applying this concept to design a mobile-phone camera lens, we efficiently obtain an achromatic and athermal system with cost-effective material selection, over the specified temperature and waveband ranges.

A Study on Ontology and Topic Modeling-based Multi-dimensional Knowledge Map Services (온톨로지와 토픽모델링 기반 다차원 연계 지식맵 서비스 연구)

  • Jeong, Hanjo
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.79-92
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    • 2015
  • Knowledge map is widely used to represent knowledge in many domains. This paper presents a method of integrating the national R&D data and assists of users to navigate the integrated data via using a knowledge map service. The knowledge map service is built by using a lightweight ontology and a topic modeling method. The national R&D data is integrated with the research project as its center, i.e., the other R&D data such as research papers, patents, and reports are connected with the research project as its outputs. The lightweight ontology is used to represent the simple relationships between the integrated data such as project-outputs relationships, document-author relationships, and document-topic relationships. Knowledge map enables us to infer further relationships such as co-author and co-topic relationships. To extract the relationships between the integrated data, a Relational Data-to-Triples transformer is implemented. Also, a topic modeling approach is introduced to extract the document-topic relationships. A triple store is used to manage and process the ontology data while preserving the network characteristics of knowledge map service. Knowledge map can be divided into two types: one is a knowledge map used in the area of knowledge management to store, manage and process the organizations' data as knowledge, the other is a knowledge map for analyzing and representing knowledge extracted from the science & technology documents. This research focuses on the latter one. In this research, a knowledge map service is introduced for integrating the national R&D data obtained from National Digital Science Library (NDSL) and National Science & Technology Information Service (NTIS), which are two major repository and service of national R&D data servicing in Korea. A lightweight ontology is used to design and build a knowledge map. Using the lightweight ontology enables us to represent and process knowledge as a simple network and it fits in with the knowledge navigation and visualization characteristics of the knowledge map. The lightweight ontology is used to represent the entities and their relationships in the knowledge maps, and an ontology repository is created to store and process the ontology. In the ontologies, researchers are implicitly connected by the national R&D data as the author relationships and the performer relationships. A knowledge map for displaying researchers' network is created, and the researchers' network is created by the co-authoring relationships of the national R&D documents and the co-participation relationships of the national R&D projects. To sum up, a knowledge map-service system based on topic modeling and ontology is introduced for processing knowledge about the national R&D data such as research projects, papers, patent, project reports, and Global Trends Briefing (GTB) data. The system has goals 1) to integrate the national R&D data obtained from NDSL and NTIS, 2) to provide a semantic & topic based information search on the integrated data, and 3) to provide a knowledge map services based on the semantic analysis and knowledge processing. The S&T information such as research papers, research reports, patents and GTB are daily updated from NDSL, and the R&D projects information including their participants and output information are updated from the NTIS. The S&T information and the national R&D information are obtained and integrated to the integrated database. Knowledge base is constructed by transforming the relational data into triples referencing R&D ontology. In addition, a topic modeling method is employed to extract the relationships between the S&T documents and topic keyword/s representing the documents. The topic modeling approach enables us to extract the relationships and topic keyword/s based on the semantics, not based on the simple keyword/s. Lastly, we show an experiment on the construction of the integrated knowledge base using the lightweight ontology and topic modeling, and the knowledge map services created based on the knowledge base are also introduced.