• Title/Summary/Keyword: Computer Simulations

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Numerical Simulation of Dynamic Response of Seabed and Structure due to the Interaction among Seabed, Composite Breakwater and Irregular Waves (I) (불규칙파-해저지반-혼성방파제의 상호작용에 의한 지반과 구조물의 동적응답에 관한 수치시뮬레이션 (I))

  • Lee, Kwang-Ho;Baek, Dong-Jin;Kim, Do-Sam;Kim, Tae-Hyung;Bae, Ki-Seong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.160-173
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    • 2014
  • Seabed beneath and near coastal structures may undergo large excess pore water pressure composed of oscillatory and residual components in the case of long durations of high wave loading. This excess pore water pressure may reduce effective stress and, consequently, the seabed may liquefy. If liquefaction occurs in the seabed, the structure may sink, overturn, and eventually increase the failure potential. In this study, to evaluate the liquefaction potential on the seabed, numerical analysis was conducted using the expanded 2-dimensional numerical wave tank to account for an irregular wave field. In the condition of an irregular wave field, the dynamic wave pressure and water flow velocity acting on the seabed and the surface boundary of the composite breakwater structure were estimated. Simulation results were used as input data in a finite element computer program for elastoplastic seabed response. Simulations evaluated the time and spatial variations in excess pore water pressure, effective stress, and liquefaction potential in the seabed. Additionally, the deformation of the seabed and the displacement of the structure as a function of time were quantitatively evaluated. From the results of the analysis, the liquefaction potential at the seabed in front and rear of the composite breakwater was identified. Since the liquefied seabed particles have no resistance to force, scour potential could increase on the seabed. In addition, the strength decrease of the seabed due to the liquefaction can increase the structural motion and significantly influence the stability of the composite breakwater. Due to limitations of allowable paper length, the studied results were divided into two portions; (I) focusing on the dynamic response of structure, acceleration, deformation of seabed, and (II) focusing on the time variation in excess pore water pressure, liquefaction, effective stress path in the seabed. This paper corresponds to (I).

Effect of Market Basket Size on the Accuracy of Association Rule Measures (장바구니 크기가 연관규칙 척도의 정확성에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Nam-Gyu
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.95-114
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    • 2008
  • Recent interests in data mining result from the expansion of the amount of business data and the growing business needs for extracting valuable knowledge from the data and then utilizing it for decision making process. In particular, recent advances in association rule mining techniques enable us to acquire knowledge concerning sales patterns among individual items from the voluminous transactional data. Certainly, one of the major purposes of association rule mining is to utilize acquired knowledge in providing marketing strategies such as cross-selling, sales promotion, and shelf-space allocation. In spite of the potential applicability of association rule mining, unfortunately, it is not often the case that the marketing mix acquired from data mining leads to the realized profit. The main difficulty of mining-based profit realization can be found in the fact that tremendous numbers of patterns are discovered by the association rule mining. Due to the many patterns, data mining experts should perform additional mining of the results of initial mining in order to extract only actionable and profitable knowledge, which exhausts much time and costs. In the literature, a number of interestingness measures have been devised for estimating discovered patterns. Most of the measures can be directly calculated from what is known as a contingency table, which summarizes the sales frequencies of exclusive items or itemsets. A contingency table can provide brief insights into the relationship between two or more itemsets of concern. However, it is important to note that some useful information concerning sales transactions may be lost when a contingency table is constructed. For instance, information regarding the size of each market basket(i.e., the number of items in each transaction) cannot be described in a contingency table. It is natural that a larger basket has a tendency to consist of more sales patterns. Therefore, if two itemsets are sold together in a very large basket, it can be expected that the basket contains two or more patterns and that the two itemsets belong to mutually different patterns. Therefore, we should classify frequent itemset into two categories, inter-pattern co-occurrence and intra-pattern co-occurrence, and investigate the effect of the market basket size on the two categories. This notion implies that any interestingness measures for association rules should consider not only the total frequency of target itemsets but also the size of each basket. There have been many attempts on analyzing various interestingness measures in the literature. Most of them have conducted qualitative comparison among various measures. The studies proposed desirable properties of interestingness measures and then surveyed how many properties are obeyed by each measure. However, relatively few attentions have been made on evaluating how well the patterns discovered by each measure are regarded to be valuable in the real world. In this paper, attempts are made to propose two notions regarding association rule measures. First, a quantitative criterion for estimating accuracy of association rule measures is presented. According to this criterion, a measure can be considered to be accurate if it assigns high scores to meaningful patterns that actually exist and low scores to arbitrary patterns that co-occur by coincidence. Next, complementary measures are presented to improve the accuracy of traditional association rule measures. By adopting the factor of market basket size, the devised measures attempt to discriminate the co-occurrence of itemsets in a small basket from another co-occurrence in a large basket. Intensive computer simulations under various workloads were performed in order to analyze the accuracy of various interestingness measures including traditional measures and the proposed measures.

Monte Carlo Simulations of Selection Responses for Improving High Meat Qualities Using Real Time Ultrasound in Korean Cattle (초음파측정 활용 고급육형 한우개량을 위한 선발반응 Monte Carlo 모의실험)

  • Lee, D. H.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.343-354
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    • 2003
  • Simulation studies were carried out to investigate the responses of selection for three carcass traits (longissimus muscle area: EMA, fat thickness: BF, and marbling score: MS) based on either adjusted phenotypes (APH) or estimated breeding values (EBV) in multivariate animal model with different breeding schemes. Selection responses were estimated and compared on six different models with respect to breeding schemes using either carcass measurements or real time ultrasonic (RTU) scans generated by Monte Carlo computer simulation supporting closed breeding population. From the base population with 100 sires and 2000 dams, 20 sires and 1000 dams by each generation were selected by either APH or EBV for 10 generations. Relative economic weights were equal of three traits as EMA(1): BF(-1) : MS(1) for standardized either APH or EBV. For first two models which were similarly designed with current progeny-test program in Korean cattle, three carcass traits with records either only on male progenies (Model 1) or on male and female progenies (Model 2) were used for selecting breeding stocks. Subsequently, generation intervals on males were assumed as 6${\sim}$10 years in these two models. The other two models were designed with tools of selection by RTU rather than carcass measurements with genetic correlations of 0.81${\sim}$0.97 between RTU and corresponding carcass traits in addition to whether with records (Model 4) or without records (Model 3) on female. In these cases, generation intervals on males were assumed as 2${\sim}$4 years. The remaining last two models were designed as similar with Models 3 and 4 except genetic correlations of 0.63${\sim}$0.68 between RTU and corresponding carcass traits with records (Model 6) and without records (Model 5) on females. The results from 10 replicates on each model and selecting methods suggested that responses indirect selection for carcass traits in Model 4 were 1.66${\sim}$2.44 times efficient rather than those in Model 1. Otherwise, in Model 6 with assuming moderate genetic correlations, those efficiencies were 1.18${\sim}$2.08 times with comparing to responses in Model 1. However, selection response for marbling score was the smallest among three carcass traits because of small variation of measurements. From these results, this study suggested that indirect selection using RTU technology for improving high meat qualities in Korean cattle would be valuable with modifying measuring rules of marbling score forward to large variation or modifying relative economic weight for selection.

A Computer Simulation for Small Animal Iodine-125 SPECT Development (소동물 Iodine-125 SPECT 개발을 위한 컴퓨터 시뮬레이션)

  • Jung, Jin-Ho;Choi, Yong;Chung, Yong-Hyun;Song, Tae-Yong;Jeong, Myung-Hwan;Hong, Key-Jo;Min, Byung-Jun;Choe, Yearn-Seong;Lee, Kyung-Han;Kim, Byung-Tae
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.74-84
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: Since I-125 emits low energy (27-35 keV) radiation, thinner crystal and collimator could be employed and, hence, it is favorable to obtain high quality images. The purpose of this study was to derive the optimized parameters of I-125 SPECT using a new simulation tool, GATE (Geant4 Application for Tomographic Emission). Materials and Methods: To validate the simulation method, gamma camera developed by Weisenberger et al. was modeled. Nal(T1) plate crystal was used and its thickness was determined by calculating detection efficiency. Spatial resolution and sensitivity curves were estimated by changing variable parameters for parallel-hole and pinhole collimator. Peformances of I-125 SPECT equipped with the optimal collimator were also estimated. Results: in the validation study, simulations were found to agree well with experimental measurements in spatial resolution (4%) and sensitivity (3%). In order to acquire 98% gamma ray detection efficiency, Nal(T1) thickness was determined to be 1 mm. Hole diameter (mm), length (mm) and shape were chosen to be 0.2:5:square and 0.5:10:hexagonal for high resolution (HR) and general purpose (GP) parallel-hole collimator, respectively. Hole diameter, channel height and acceptance angle of pinhole (PH) collimator were determined to be 0.25 mm, 0.1 mm and 90 degree. The spatial resolutions of reconstructed image of the I-125 SPECT employing HR:GP:PH were 1.2:1.7:0.8 mm. The sensitivities of HR:GP:PH were 39.7:71.9:5.5 cps/MBq. Conclusion: The optimal crystal and collimator parameters for I-125 Imaging were derived by simulation using GATE. The results indicate that excellent resolution and sensitivity imaging is feasible using I-125 SPECT.

Multi-user Diversity Scheduling Methods Using Superposition Coding Multiplexing (중첩 코딩 다중화를 이용한 다중 사용자 다이버시티 스케줄링 방법)

  • Lee, Min;Oh, Seong-Keun
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.35 no.4A
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    • pp.332-340
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, we deal with multi-user diversity scheduling methods that transmit simultaneously signals from multiple users using superposition coding multiplexing. These methods can make various scheduling methods be obtained, according to strategies for user selection priority from the first user to the first-following users, strategies for per-user power allocation, and resulting combining strategies. For the first user selection, we consider three strategies such as 1) higher priority for a user with a better channel state, 2) following the proportional fair scheduling (PFS) priority, 3) higher priority for a user with a lower average serving rate. For selection of the first-following users, we consider the identical strategies for the first user selection. However, in the second strategy, we can decide user priorities according to the original PFS ordering, or only once an additional user for power allocation according to the PFS criterion by considering a residual power and inter-user interference. In the strategies for power allocation, we consider two strategies as follows. In the first strategy, it allocates a power to provide a permissible per-user maximum rate. In the second strategy, it allocates a power to provide a required per-user minimum rate, and then it reallocates the residual power to respective users with a rate greater than the required minimum and less than the permissible maximum. We consider three directions for scheduling such as maximizing the sum rate, maximizing the fairness, and maximizing the sum rate while maintaining the PFS fairness. We select the max CIR, max-min fair, and PF scheduling methods as their corresponding reference methods [1 and references therein], and then we choose candidate scheduling methods which performances are similar to or better than those of the corresponding reference methods in terms of the sum rate or the fairness while being better than their corresponding performances in terms of the alternative metric (fairness or sum rate). Through computer simulations, we evaluate the sum rate and Jain’s fairness index (JFI) performances of various scheduling methods according to the number of users.

Radio location algorithm in microcellular wide-band CDMA environment (마이크로 셀룰라 Wide-band CDMA 환경에서의 위치 추정 알고리즘)

  • Chang, Jin-Weon;Han, Il;Sung, Dan-Keun;Shin, Bung-Chul;Hong, Een-Kee
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.23 no.8
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    • pp.2052-2063
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    • 1998
  • Various full-scale radio location systems have been developed since ground-based radio navigation systems appeared during World War II, and more recently global positioning systems (GPS) have been widely used as a representative location system. In addition, radio location systems based on cellular systems are intensively being studied as cellular services become more and more popular. However, these studies have been focused mainly on macrocellular systems of which based stations are mutually synchronized. There has been no study about systems of which based stations are asynchronous. In this paper, we proposed two radio location algorithms in microcellular CDMA systems of which base stations are asychronous. The one is to estimate the position of a personal station at the center of rectangular shaped area which approximates the realistic common area. The other, as a method based on road map, is to first find candidate positions, the centers of roads pseudo-range-distant from the base station which the personal station belongs to and then is to estimate the position by monitoring the pilot signal strengths of neighboring base stations. We compare these two algorithms with three wide-spread algorithms through computer simulations and investigate interference effect on measuring pseudo ranges. The proposed algorithms require no recursive calculations and yield smaller position error than the existing algorithms because of less affection of non-line-of-signt propagation in microcellular environments.

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A Study on Metaverse Construction Based on 3D Spatial Information of Convergence Sensors using Unreal Engine 5 (언리얼 엔진 5를 활용한 융복합센서의 3D 공간정보기반 메타버스 구축 연구)

  • Oh, Seong-Jong;Kim, Dal-Joo;Lee, Yong-Chang
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.171-187
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    • 2022
  • Recently, the demand and development for non-face-to-face services are rapidly progressing due to the pandemic caused by the COVID-19, and attention is focused on the metaverse at the center. Entering the era of the 4th industrial revolution, Metaverse, which means a world beyond virtual and reality, combines various sensing technologies and 3D reconstruction technologies to provide various information and services to users easily and quickly. In particular, due to the miniaturization and economic increase of convergence sensors such as unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV) capable of high-resolution imaging and high-precision LiDAR(Light Detection and Ranging) sensors, research on digital-Twin is actively underway to create and simulate real-life twins. In addition, Game engines in the field of computer graphics are developing into metaverse engines by expanding strong 3D graphics reconstuction and simulation based on dynamic operations. This study constructed a mirror-world type metaverse that reflects real-world coordinate-based reality using Unreal Engine 5, a recently announced metaverse engine, with accurate 3D spatial information data of convergence sensors based on unmanned aerial system(UAS) and LiDAR. and then, spatial information contents and simulations for users were produced based on various public data to verify the accuracy of reconstruction, and through this, it was possible to confirm the construction of a more realistic and highly utilizable metaverse. In addition, when constructing a metaverse that users can intuitively and easily access through the unreal engine, various contents utilization and effectiveness could be confirmed through coordinate-based 3D spatial information with high reproducibility.

The Imagination of Post-humanism Appeared in Korean Fictions -Focused on Cho Ha-hyung's Chimera's Morning and A Prefabricated Bodhi Tree (한국소설에 나타난 포스트휴머니즘의 상상력 -조하형의 『키메라의 아침』과 『조립식 보리수나무』를 중심으로)

  • Yi, Soh-Yon
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.191-221
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    • 2019
  • This study aims to analyze the post-humanistic imagination that has emerged as a major academic thesis in Korean literature, especially novels. In particular, this paper focuses on Cho Ha-hyung's two novels Chimera's Morning(2004) and A Prefabricated Bodhi Tree(2008), published in the early 2000s, for intensive analysis. Post-humanism can be seen as an extension of post-modernism that tried to overcome the limitations of modernity and seek to establish a new world view. In particular, this thought pays attention to the comprehensive understanding of how the rapid development of science and technology, which has developed since the 20th century, has changed the view of humanity and human-centered civilization itself. At the concrete level, it is developing in the direction of constructing a new subject idea by reflecting and dismantling Western-, reason-, and male-centered power mechanisms that are the core of modern civilization. Cho attempts to discover and re-illuminate the surrounding figures, non-humans, and objects that were not noticed in the classic works written in the past. This ideological flow reflects the fact that the concept of human beings, which had been dominated by the humanities in recent years, has been completely changed, and the natural science and technology perspective is applied to the discourse field in various ways. From the point of view of post-humanism, objects that have not been classified as humans and objects that were considered inferior to humans should be included in human or comparable levels. These questions generate interdisciplinary research tasks by involving the large categories of philosophy, such as ontology, epistemology and empirical fields, as well as calling for the participation of the entire literature, science and social sciences. Against the backdrop of a disaster-hit world, Chimera's Morning and A Prefabricated Bodhi Tree depict human beings as variants transformed by bio-technology, and creatures made out of the artificial intelligence built by computer simulations. Post-humanistic ideas in Cho's novels provide a reflective opportunity to comprehensively reconsider the world's shape and human identity reproduced in the text, and to re-explore boundary lines and hierarchy order that distinguish between human and non-human.

Synthetic Data Generation with Unity 3D and Unreal Engine for Construction Hazard Scenarios: A Comparative Analysis

  • Aqsa Sabir;Rahat Hussain;Akeem Pedro;Mehrtash Soltani;Dongmin Lee;Chansik Park;Jae- Ho Pyeon
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2024.07a
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    • pp.1286-1288
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    • 2024
  • The construction industry, known for its inherent risks and multiple hazards, necessitates effective solutions for hazard identification and mitigation [1]. To address this need, the implementation of machine learning models specializing in object detection has become increasingly important because this technological approach plays a crucial role in augmenting worker safety by proactively recognizing potential dangers on construction sites [2], [3]. However, the challenge in training these models lies in obtaining accurately labeled datasets, as conventional methods require labor-intensive labeling or costly measurements [4]. To circumvent these challenges, synthetic data generation (SDG) has emerged as a key method for creating realistic and diverse training scenarios [5], [6]. The paper reviews the evolution of synthetic data generation tools, highlighting the shift from earlier solutions like Synthpop and Data Synthesizer to advanced game engines[7]. Among the various gaming platforms, Unity 3D and Unreal Engine stand out due to their advanced capabilities in replicating realistic construction hazard environments [8], [9]. Comparing Unity 3D and Unreal Engine is crucial for evaluating their effectiveness in SDG, aiding developers in selecting the appropriate platform for their needs. For this purpose, this paper conducts a comparative analysis of both engines assessing their ability to create high-fidelity interactive environments. To thoroughly evaluate the suitability of these engines for generating synthetic data in construction site simulations, the focus relies on graphical realism, developer-friendliness, and user interaction capabilities. This evaluation considers these key aspects as they are essential for replicating realistic construction sites, ensuring both high visual fidelity and ease of use for developers. Firstly, graphical realism is crucial for training ML models to recognize the nuanced nature of construction environments. In this aspect, Unreal Engine stands out with its superior graphics quality compared to Unity 3D which typically considered to have less graphical prowess [10]. Secondly, developer-friendliness is vital for those generating synthetic data. Research indicates that Unity 3D is praised for its user-friendly interface and the use of C# scripting, which is widely used in educational settings, making it a popular choice for those new to game development or synthetic data generation. Whereas Unreal Engine, while offering powerful capabilities in terms of realistic graphics, is often viewed as more complex due to its use of C++ scripting and the blueprint system. While the blueprint system is a visual scripting tool that does not require traditional coding, it can be intricate and may present a steeper learning curve, especially for those without prior experience in game development [11]. Lastly, regarding user interaction capabilities, Unity 3D is known for its intuitive interface and versatility, particularly in VR/AR development for various skill levels. In contrast, Unreal Engine, with its advanced graphics and blueprint scripting, is better suited for creating high-end, immersive experiences [12]. Based on current insights, this comparative analysis underscores the user-friendly interface and adaptability of Unity 3D, featuring a built-in perception package that facilitates automatic labeling for SDG [13]. This functionality enhances accessibility and simplifies the SDG process for users. Conversely, Unreal Engine is distinguished by its advanced graphics and realistic rendering capabilities. It offers plugins like EasySynth (which does not provide automatic labeling) and NDDS for SDG [14], [15]. The development complexity associated with Unreal Engine presents challenges for novice users, whereas the more approachable platform of Unity 3D is advantageous for beginners. This research provides an in-depth review of the latest advancements in SDG, shedding light on potential future research and development directions. The study concludes that the integration of such game engines in ML model training markedly enhances hazard recognition and decision-making skills among construction professionals, thereby significantly advancing data acquisition for machine learning in construction safety monitoring.