• Title/Summary/Keyword: Composition Technology

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Microbiological Studies of Korean Native Soy-sauce Fermentation -A Study on the Microflora Changes during Korean Native Soy-sauce Fermentation- (한국재래식(韓國在來式) 간장의 발효미생물(醱酵微生物)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)(제2보(第二報)) -한국재래식(韓國在來式) 간장의 담금중(中)에 있어서의 발효미생물군(醱酵微生物群)의 소장(消長)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)-)

  • Lee, Woo-Jin;Cho, Duck-Hiyon
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.137-148
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    • 1971
  • Studies were carried out to investigate the main fermentation microorganisms and their flora changes during Korean native soy-sauce fermentation. Korean native Maeju loaves collected from 5 Do's were separated into surface and inner parts. Four different soy-sauces-the surface part Maeju fermented soy-sauce, the inner part, the surface and inner part combined Maeju fermented soy-sauce, and the semi-Japanese type soy-sauce were fermented and the changes of fermentation microorganism flora and the various chemical components during the period of their fermentations were studied. Besides, 14 home-made soy-sauces collected from 14 different places all over Korea were examined in comparison with the laboratory soy-sauces and to determine the characteristics of Korean native soy-sauce. The results were as follows: 1. The main microorganisms in Korean native soy-sauce fermentation were determined as; Aerobic bacteria: Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus pumilus Lactic acid bacteria: Pediococcus halophilus, Leuconostoc mesenteroides Yeasts: Torulopsis datila, Saccharomyces rouxii 2. Microflora changes during Korean native soy-sauce fermentation were as follows; Aerobic bacteria increased until the 2nd week of fermentation and then gradually decreased. The lactic acid bacteria increased until the 3rd week, after which decreased. When the lactic acid fermentation lowered the pH value to below the 5.4, yeasts were able to grow and participate the fermentation. As the production of organic acids amounted, to a certain height, the growth of all microorganisms lead to the period of decline or death at about the 2nd month of fermentation. After boiling of soy-sauce most microorganisms except a few of Bacillus sp. disappeared. Occosionally yeasts and lactic acid bacteria survived depending upon the composition of soy-sauce. 3. Changes of general chemical components influencing the microflora were investigated for the period of Korean native soy-sauce fermentation. Tetal acidity, salt concentration and total nitrogen were increasing steadily over the entire period of fermentation. pH values were dropping to a certain degree of about 4.5. Salt concentration and pH value seemed to be the important factors influencing the microflora. 4. The microflora were influenced by chemical components of soy-sauce. Aerobic bacteria were able to survive in all soy-sauce as they made spores. Growth of lactic acid bacteria was inhited at 23-26% of salt concentration and pH 4.8. Soy-sauce yeasts started to grow only at pH below 5.4 and seemed to be inhibited at around 26% of salt concentration under pH 4.5-4.7. 5. The open kettle boiling of soy-sauce, the characteristic process of Korean native soy-sauce manufacturing, was effective to sterilize microorganisms, increase the salt concentration, and coagulate proteins. 6. The average viable cell counts of microorganism found in collected samples of home-made Korean native soy-sauces were; Aerobic bacteria: $53{\times}10^2\;cell/ml$ Lactic acid bacteria: 34 cell/ml Yeasts: 14 cell/ml The average values of chemical compositions of samples of home-made Korean native soy-sauce were; Salt concentration: 28.9% pH value: 4.79 Total acidity(lactic acid): 0.91g/100ml Total nitrogen: 1.09g/100ml

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Effects of Added WPC and WP on the Quality and Shelf Life of Tofu (WPC 및 WP 첨가가 두부 품질 및 저장성에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Jong-Un;Song, Kwang-Young;Seo, Kun-Ho;Yoon, Yoh-Chang
    • Journal of Dairy Science and Biotechnology
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.93-109
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    • 2012
  • This study was performed to investigate the effects of added whey protein concentrates (WPC) and whey powder (WP) on the quality and shelf life of Tofu, a traditional food in Korea. Combined whey powder and whey protein concentrates were obtained at drainage after the casein was separated by using rennet enzyme or acidification of milk. We manufactured whey Tofu and evaluated its nutritional quality by testing, the general composition for yield, moisture, pH, crude protein, crude fat, carbohydrate, rheology, sensory properties, and change during storage. 1. The general compositions of WPC and WP were as follows: (a) WPC: moisture, 5.9%; crude protein, 56.2%; crude fat, 0.1%; carbohydrate, 32.6%; ash, 5.2%; and pH 5.93 and (b) WP: moisture, 3.7%; crude protein, 13.2%; crude fat, 1.6%; carbohydrate, 74.4%; ash, 7.1%; and pH, 6.65. 2. The yield of Tofu was as follows: (a) in WPC, the content was $CaCl_2$:GDL=6:4 > $CaCl_2$:GDL=9:1 > $CaCl_2$:GDL=7:3 > $CaCl_2$:GDL=8:2 and (b) in WP, 2% addition was the highest (265%) at $13.3g/cm^2$, but with 4% addition WP was the lowest (184%) at $22.2g/cm^2$. 3. The moisture content of Tofu was as follows: (a) in WPC, the content was $CaCl_2$:GDL = 6:4 > $CaCl_2$:GDL=9:1 > $CaCl_2$:GDL=7:3 > $CaCl_2$:GDL=8:2 and (b) in WP, 2% addition was the highest at 79.82% ($13.3g/cm^2$), but 4% was the lowest at 75.18% ($22.2g/cm^2$). 4. The pH of Tofu was as follows: (a) in WPC, the value was WPC 6% > WPC 4% > WPC 2% > control and $CaCl_2$:GDL=6:4 > $CaCl_2$:GDL=8:2 > $CaCl_2$:GDL=9:1 > $CaCl_2$:GDL=7:3 and (b) in WP, WP 4% > WP 2% > control. 5. The ash content of Tofu was as follows: (a) in WPC, the content was $CaCl_2$:GDL=8:2 > $CaCl_2$:GDL=7:3 > $CaCl_2$:GDL=6:4 > $CaCl_2$:GDL=9:1 and (b) in WP, there was no difference between 2% and 4% addition. 6. The crude protein content of Tofu was as follows: (a) in WPC, the content was $CaCl_2$:GDL=8:2 > $CaCl_2$:GDL=7:3 > $CaCl_2$:GDL=9:1 > $CaCl_2$:GDL=6:4 and (b) in WP, there was no difference between 2% and 4% addition. 7. The crude fat content of Tofu was as follows: (a) in WPC, the content was $CaCl_2$:GDL=8:2 > $CaCl_2$:GDL=7:3 > $CaCl_2$:GDL=9:1 > $CaCl_2$:GDL=6:4 and (b) in WP, values decreased with increasing pressed weight. 8. The carbohydrate content of Tofu was as follows: (a) in WPC, the content was $CaCl_2$:GDL=8:2 > $CaCl_2$:GDL=7:3 > $CaCl_2$:GDL=6:4 > $CaCl_2$:GDL=9:1 and (b) in WP, values increased with increasing pressed weight. 9. The rheology test results of Tofu were as follows: (a) in WPC, hardness and brittleness was highest with $CaCl_2$:GDL=8:2 and 6% added WPC. Cohesiveness was highest with $CaCl_2$:GDL=6:4 and 2% added WPC. Elasticity was the highest with $CaCl_2$:GDL=7:3 and the added WPC control. (b) in WP, hardness was the highest with $22.2g/cm^2$ and added WP control. Cohesiveness was the highest with $17.8g/cm^2$ and added WP 2%. Elasticity was the highest with $17.8g/cm^2$ and added WP 4%. Brittleness was the highest with $17.8g/cm^2$ and added WP control. 10. The sensory test results of Tofu were as follows: (a) in WPC, the texture, flavor, color, and smell were the highest with $CaCl_2$:GDL=6:4 and 6% added WPC. (b) in WP, the texture was the highest in the control with $22.2g/cm^2$. Flavor and smell were the highest in WP 2% and $22.2g/cm^2$. Color was the highest in WP 2% and $17.8g/cm^2$. 11. The quality change of Tofu during storage was as follows: (a) in WPC, after 60 h, all samples began to get spoiled and their color changed, and mold began to germinate. (b) in WP, the result was similar, but the rate of spoilage was more rapid than that in the control.

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A Study on the Fabrication of the Laminated Wood Composed of Poplar and Larch (포푸라와 일본잎갈나무의 집성재 제조에 관한 연구)

  • Jo, Jae-Myeong;Kang, Sun-Goo;Kim, Ki-Hyeon;Chung, Byeong-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.25-31
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    • 1974
  • 1. Various gluing qualities applying Resorcinol Plyophen #6000 were studied on aiming the strength relationships of laminated woods resulted by single species [poplar (Populus deltoides), larch(Larix leptolepis)], mixed species of (poplar and larch), preservatives, treated poplar the scarf joint with mixed species of poplar and larch and the scarf joint treated with preservatives. 1. 1 On the block shear and on the DVL tension test, the mean wood failure ratio showed an excellent value i.e., above 65% and the tangential strength for larch was higher than that of radial, but it was reversed for poplar as shown in Tables 1 and 2. 1. 2 The lamina treated with Na-PCP reduced slightly the strength but the limited strength allowed for manufacturing laminated wood was not influenced by treating Na-PCP as shown in Tables 3 and 4. 1. 3 The safe scarf ratio in the plane scarf joint was above 1/12 for larch and 1/6 for poplar regard less of the chemical treatment or untreatment as shown in Tables. 5, 6, 7 and 8. 2. In the normal and boiled state, the gluing quality of the laminated wood composed of single[poplar (Populus deltoides), larch (Larix leptolepis)] and double species (poplar and larch) glued with Resorcinol Plyophen #6000 were measured as follow, and also represented the delamination of the same laminated wood. 2.1 The normal block shear strength of the straight and curved laminated wood (in life size) were more than three times of the standards adhesion strength. And, the value of the boiled stock was decreased to one half of the standard shear adhesion strength, but it was more than twice the standard strength for the boiled stock. Thus, it was recognized that the water resistance of the Resorcinol Plyophen #6000 was very high as shown in Tables 9 and 10. 2. 2 The delamination ratio of the straight and curved laminated woods in respect of their composition were decraesed, in turn, in the following order i. e., larch, mixed stock (larch+poplar) and poplar. The maximum value represented by the larch was 3.5% but it was below the limited value as shown in Table 11. 3. The various strengthes i.e., compressive, bending and adhesion obtainted by the straight laminaced wood which were constructed by five plies of single and double species of lamina i. e., larch (Larix leptolepis) and poplar (Populus euramericana), glued with urea resin were shown as follows: 3. 1 If desired a higher strength of architectural laminated wood composed of poplar (P) and larch (L), the combination of the laminas should be arranged as follows, L+P+L+P+L as shown in Table 12. 3.2 The strength of laminated wood composed of laminas which included pith and knots was conside rably decreased than that of clear lamina as shown Table 13. 3.3 The shear strength of the FPL block of the straight laminated wood constructed by the same species which were glued with urea adhesives was more than twice the limited adhesion strength, thus it makes possible to use it for interior constructional stock.

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Changes of Quality Characteristics of Manufactured Press Ham using Conjugated Linoleic Acid(CLA) Accumulated Pork during Storage Periods (CLA가 축적된 돈육으로 제조된 Press Ham의 저장기간중 품질변화)

  • Lee, J.I.;Ha, Y.J.;Jung, J.D.;Kang, K.H.;Hur, S.J.;Park, G.B.;Lee, J.D.;Do, C.H.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.645-658
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    • 2004
  • To investigate the effects of conjugated linoleic acid added diet feeding on CLA accumulation and quality characteristics of manufactured press ham using CLA accwnulated pork loin meat. The CLA used to add in diet was chemically synthesized by alkaline isomerization method with com oil. Pigs were divided into 5 treatment groups(4 pigs/group) and subjected to one of five treatment diets(0, 1.25% CLA for 2weeks, 2.5% CLA for 2weeks, 1.25% CLA for 4weeks and 2.5% CLA for 4weeks, CLA diets; total fed diets) before slaughter. Pork loin were collected from the animals(110kg body weight) slaughtering at the commercial slaughter house. Manufacture press ham using CLA accumulated pork loin meat were vacuum packaged and then stored during 1, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days at 4$^{\circ}C$. Samples were analyzed for general compositions, physico-chemical properties(pH, color, shear force value), TBARS. pH value of CLA treatment(T4) was increased significantly than that of oontrol(P<0.05). pH of control and CLA treatments were increased significantly as the storage period passed(P< 0.05). Crude fat content of CLA treatment groups was significantly higher than the control pork (P<0.05). Meat color(CIE $L^*$, $a^*$$b^*$

Image Watermarking for Copyright Protection of Images on Shopping Mall (쇼핑몰 이미지 저작권보호를 위한 영상 워터마킹)

  • Bae, Kyoung-Yul
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.147-157
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    • 2013
  • With the advent of the digital environment that can be accessed anytime, anywhere with the introduction of high-speed network, the free distribution and use of digital content were made possible. Ironically this environment is raising a variety of copyright infringement, and product images used in the online shopping mall are pirated frequently. There are many controversial issues whether shopping mall images are creative works or not. According to Supreme Court's decision in 2001, to ad pictures taken with ham products is simply a clone of the appearance of objects to deliver nothing but the decision was not only creative expression. But for the photographer's losses recognized in the advertising photo shoot takes the typical cost was estimated damages. According to Seoul District Court precedents in 2003, if there are the photographer's personality and creativity in the selection of the subject, the composition of the set, the direction and amount of light control, set the angle of the camera, shutter speed, shutter chance, other shooting methods for capturing, developing and printing process, the works should be protected by copyright law by the Court's sentence. In order to receive copyright protection of the shopping mall images by the law, it is simply not to convey the status of the product, the photographer's personality and creativity can be recognized that it requires effort. Accordingly, the cost of making the mall image increases, and the necessity for copyright protection becomes higher. The product images of the online shopping mall have a very unique configuration unlike the general pictures such as portraits and landscape photos and, therefore, the general image watermarking technique can not satisfy the requirements of the image watermarking. Because background of product images commonly used in shopping malls is white or black, or gray scale (gradient) color, it is difficult to utilize the space to embed a watermark and the area is very sensitive even a slight change. In this paper, the characteristics of images used in shopping malls are analyzed and a watermarking technology which is suitable to the shopping mall images is proposed. The proposed image watermarking technology divide a product image into smaller blocks, and the corresponding blocks are transformed by DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform), and then the watermark information was inserted into images using quantization of DCT coefficients. Because uniform treatment of the DCT coefficients for quantization cause visual blocking artifacts, the proposed algorithm used weighted mask which quantizes finely the coefficients located block boundaries and coarsely the coefficients located center area of the block. This mask improves subjective visual quality as well as the objective quality of the images. In addition, in order to improve the safety of the algorithm, the blocks which is embedded the watermark are randomly selected and the turbo code is used to reduce the BER when extracting the watermark. The PSNR(Peak Signal to Noise Ratio) of the shopping mall image watermarked by the proposed algorithm is 40.7~48.5[dB] and BER(Bit Error Rate) after JPEG with QF = 70 is 0. This means the watermarked image is high quality and the algorithm is robust to JPEG compression that is used generally at the online shopping malls. Also, for 40% change in size and 40 degrees of rotation, the BER is 0. In general, the shopping malls are used compressed images with QF which is higher than 90. Because the pirated image is used to replicate from original image, the proposed algorithm can identify the copyright infringement in the most cases. As shown the experimental results, the proposed algorithm is suitable to the shopping mall images with simple background. However, the future study should be carried out to enhance the robustness of the proposed algorithm because the robustness loss is occurred after mask process.

A Study on Development of New Products by Old Chicken Meat (노폐계(老廢鷄)를 이용(利用)한 육제품(肉製品) 개발(開發)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Han, Sung Wook;Lee, Kyu Seung;Chang, Kyu Sup;Jeon, Chang Kie
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.87-102
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    • 1980
  • In order to investigate the utilization probability of two years old laying hen for W.L. and R.I.R. breeds, carcass weight and percentage were examined and dried old chicken meat products were manufactured for experiments. The results obtained are as follows. 1. Average living body weight were 1,635.40g for the W.L. breeds and 2,289.29g for the R.I.R. breeds and percentage carcass and lean meat for the W.L. were 58.73% and 43.95%, for the R.I.R. 60.34%, 41.98%, respectively. 2. In constitution percentage of carcass on different parts for W.L. and R.I.R. breeds, head were 4.13% and 3.94%, wing 9.97% and 8.62%, breast 32.54% and 20.94%, back 11.35% and 9.75%, thigh 30.75% and 31.34%, hypordermic fat 11.37% and 17.34%, respectively. 3. In constitution percentage of lean meat on different parts for W.L. and R.I.R. breeds, head were 4.03% and 3.95%, wing 9.47% and 9.79%, breast 39.37% and 38.14%, back 11.24% and 9.40%, thigh 36.16% and 38.74%, respectively. 4. In chemical composition of old chicken meat for W.L. breed, moisture was 68.18%, crude protein 22.80%, crude fat 2.70%, extract 5.15% and crude ash 1.18% and for R.I.R. breed, moisture was 68.04%, crude protein 22.18%, crude fat 3.13%, extract 5.45% and crude ash 1.21%. 5. Weight loss in steaming for W.L. at $121^{\circ}C$ for 30min., 60min., and 90min. were 54.91, 56.43 and 58.42%, respectively, and for R.I.R. were 45.23, 47.68 and 49.68%, respectively. 6. The yield of old chicken meat product per a hen were 253.01g for W.L. and 368.64g for R.I.R., the ratio for fresh meat weight and for carcass weight were 35.47% and 26.34% for W.L. breed and 38.25 and 26.83% for R.I.R. breed. 7. In chemical composition of old chicken meat product for W.L., moisture was 16.69%, crude protein 66.16%, crude fat 12.81%, crude ash 4.35%, and R.I.R., moisture 16.11%, crude protein 65.95%, crude fat 13.78% and crude ash 4.57%. 8. To investigate the physical properties which was main factor affecting the product quality, tensile strength, tear strength and elongation rate were measured. The adhesive force of the product made under pressure of $70kg/cm^2$ was similar to those of chipo which was the control product. 9. When measured the color of each protein product, lightness of the product pressed at $70kg/cm^2$ was better than that at $35kg/cm^2$, and the lightness of breast muscle product at $70kg/cm^2$ and chipo was not significant as 16.7% and 16.4%, respectively. Dominant wavelength of product pressed at $70kg/cm^2$ was very similar to chipo which was yellowish orange. 10. In the results of sensory evaluation test containing taste, color, chewing texture and oder of the meat product, when index of chipo as control product was 100, index of breast meat product was higher than that as 118.4, but miscellaneous product was 99.7 and thigh product was 96.2. 11. Summing up the results written above, the meat product utilizing two years old laying hen was compared favorably with its similar food such as chipo on the point of nutrition and physical properties as high protein food, therefore, it was thought that industrialization must be highly appropriate.

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Studies for Antibiotic Free Chicken Production Using Water Extracts from Artemisia capillaris and Camellia sinensis (인진쑥 및 녹차 추출물을 이용한 무항생제 닭고기 생산 연구)

  • Kim, Dong-Wook;Kim, Ji-Hyuk;Kang, Geun-Ho;Kang, Hwan-Ku;Park, Sung-Bok;Park, Jae-Hong;Bang, Han-Tae;Kim, Min-Ji;Na, Jae-Cheon;Chae, Hyun-Suk;Choi, Hee-Chul;Suh, Ok-Suk;Kim, Sang-Ho;Kang, Chang-Won
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.975-988
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    • 2010
  • Two experiments were conducted to determine whether water extracts from Artemisia capillaries (A. capillaries) and Camellia sinensis (C. sinensis) could be used as alternatives to antibiotic growth promoters in broiler feed. The experiment 1 was verified their chemical composition, extracts yields, total phenolic compounds concentration, antioxidant activity, antimicrobial activity, and chicken splenocytes proliferation through in vitro test. The extract yields of A. capillaries and C. sinensis were 26.5 and 16.8%, respectively. Total phenolic compounds concentrations of them expressed as gallic acid equivalent were 15.28 and 26.74 mg/mL, respectively. Electron donating abilities of them expressed as $SC_{50}$ showing 50% DPPH radical scavenging were 0.30 and 0.06 mg, respectively. Bacterial inhibitory rates of them against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Salmonella Typhimurium were ranged from 42.1 to 52.3% and from 21.6 to 33.7%, respectively. And, these extracts increased proliferation of chicken splenocytes. Especially, A. capillaris was more excellent than Echinacea and Concanavalin A known as T-cell stimulator. The experiment 2 was investigated their effects on growth performance, relative organ weight, cecal microflora, blood biochemical parameters, and splenic cytokines mRNA expression in broiler chicks. Four hundred eighty 1-day-old male broiler chicks (Ross 308) were divided in to 4 treatment groups with 4 replicates of 30 birds in each group: NC (control, no antibiotics), PC (avilamycin, 10 ppm; salinomycin, 60 ppm), AC (A. capillaries, 100 ppm), and CS (C. sinensis, 100 ppm); treatments were administered through water supplementation. Final body weight was significantly higher in all treated groups than in NC (p<0.05). Cecal Salmonella numbers were significantly or somewhat decreased in all treated groups than in NC (p<0.05). The relative weights and lengths of the small intestine were more significantly decreased in the PC and AC groups than in the other groups. Cecal Salmonella numbers were significantly or somewhat decreased in all treated groups than in the NC group (p<0.05). The contents of total cholesterol, aspatate aminotransferase, and alanine aminotransferase in blood serum were more significantly decreased in all treated groups than in NC (p<0.05). In conclusion, these results suggested the possibility that these extracts could serve as alternatives for antibiotic growth promoters.

Stereospecific Analysis of the Molecular Species of the Triacylglycerols Containing Conjugate Trienoic Acids by GLC-Mass Spectrometry in Combination with Deuteration and Pentafluorobenzyl Derivatization Techniques (중수소화(重水素化), Pentafluorobenzyl화(化)와 GLC-Mass Spectrometry에 의한 Conjugate Trienoic Acid함유(含有) Triacylglycerol 분자종(分子種)의 입체특이적 분석(分析))

  • Woo, Hyo-Kyeng;Kim, Seong-Jin;Joh, Yong-Goe
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.214-232
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    • 2001
  • CTA ester bonds in TG molecules were not attacked by pancreatic lipase and lipases produced by microbes such as Candida cylindracea, Chromobacterium viscosum, Geotricum candidium, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Rhizophus delemar, R. arrhizus and Mucor miehei. An aliquot of total TG of all the seed oils and each TG fraction of the oils collected from HPLC runs were deuterated prior to partial hydrolysis with Grignard reagent, because CTA molecule was destroyed with treatment of Grignard reagent. Deuterated TG (dTG) was hydrolyzed partially to a mixture of deuterated diacylglycerols (dDG), which were subsequently reacted with (S)-(+)-1-(1-naphthyl)ethyl isocyanate to derivatize into dDG-NEUs. Purified dDG-NEUs were resolved into 1, 3-, 1, 2- and 2, 3-dDG-NEU on silica columns in tandem of HPLC using a solvent of 0.4% propan-1-o1 (containing 2% water)-hexane. An aliquot of each dDG-NEU fraction was hydrolyzed and (fatty acid-PFB ester). These derivatives showed a diagnostic carboxylate ion, $(M-1)^{-}$, as parent peak and a minor peak at m/z 196 $(PFB-CH_{3})^{-}$ on NICI mass spectra. In the mass spectra of the fatty acid-PFB esters of dTGs derived from the seed oils of T. kilirowii and M. charantia, peaks at m/z 285, 287, 289 and 317 were observed, which corresponded to $(M-1)^{-}$ of deuterized oleic acid ($d_{2}-C_{18:0}$), linoleic acid ($d_{4}-C_{18:0}$), punicic acid ($d_{6}-C_{18:0}$) and eicosamonoenoic acid ($d_{2}-C_{20:0}$), respectively. Fatty acid compositions of deuterized total TG of each oil measured by relative intensities of $(M-1)^-$ ion peaks were similar with those of intact TG of the oils by GLC. The composition of fatty acid-PFB esters of total dTG derived from the seed oils of T. kilirowii are as follows; $C_{16:0}$, 4.6 mole % (4.8 mole %, intact TG by GLC), $C_{18:0}$, 3.0 mole % (3.1 mole %), $d_{2}C_{18:0}$, 11.9 mole % (12.5 mole %, sum of $C_{18:1{\omega}9}$ and $C_{18:1{\omega}7}$), $d_{4}-C_{18:0}$, 39.3 mole % (38.9 mole %, sum of $C_{18:2{\omega}6}$ and its isomer), $d_{6}-C_{18:0}$, 41.1 mole % (40.5 mole %, sum of $C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13c}$, $C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13r}$ and $C_{18:3\;9t,11t,13c}$), $d_{2}-C_{20:0}$, 0.1 mole % (0.2 mole % of $C_{20:1{\omega}9}$). In total dTG derived from the seed oils of M. charantia, the fatty acid components are $C_{16:0}$, 1.5 mole % (1.8 mole %, intact TG by GLC), $C_{18:0}$, 12.0 mole % (12.3 mole %), $d_{2}-C_{18:0}$, 16.9 mole % (17.4 mole %, sum of $C_{18:1{\omega}9}$), $d_{4}-C_{18:0}$, 11.0 mole % (10.6 mole %, sum of $C_{18:2{\omega}6}$), $d_{6}-C_{18:0}$, 58.6 mole % (57.5 mole %, sum of $C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13t}$ and $C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13c}$). In the case of Aleurites fordii, $C_{16:0}$; 2.2 mole % (2.4 mole %, intact TG by GLC), $C_{18:0}$; 1.7 mole % (1.7 mole %), $d_{2}-C_{18:0}$; 5.5 mole % (5.4 mole %, sum of $C_{18:1{\omega}9}$), $d_{4}-C_{18:0}$ ; 8.3 mole % (8.5 mole %, sum of $C_{18:2{\omega}6}$), $d_{6}-C_{18:0}$; 82.0 mole % (81.2 mole %, sum of $C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13t}$ and $C_{18:3 9c,11t,13c})$. In the stereospecific analysis of fatty acid distribution in the TG species of the seed oils of T. kilirowii, $C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13r}$ and $C_{18:2{\omega}6}$ were mainly located at sn-2 and sn-3 position, while saturated acids were usually present at sn-1 position. And the major molecular species of $(C_{18:2{\omega}6})(C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13c})_{2}$ and $(C_{18:1{\omega}9})(C_{18:2{\omega}6})(C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13c})$ were predominantly composed of the stereoisomer of $sn-1-C_{18:2{\omega}6}$, $sn-2-C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13c}$, $sn-3-C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13c}$, and $sn-1-C_{18:1{\omega}9}$, $sn-2-C_{18:2{\omega}6}$, $sn-3-C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13c}$, respectively, and the minor TG species of $(C_{18:2{\omega}6})_{2}(C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13c})$ and $ (C_{16:0})(C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13c})_{2}$ mainly comprised the stereoisomer of $sn-1-C_{18:2{\omega}6}$, $sn-2-C_{18:2{\omega}6}$, $sn-3-C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13c}$ and $sn-1-C_{16:0}$, $sn-2-C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13c}$, $sn-3-C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13c}$. The TG of the seed oils of Momordica charantia showed that most of CTA, $C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13r}$, occurred at sn-3 position, and $C_{18:2{\omega}6}$ was concentrated at sn-1 and sn-2 compared to sn-3. Main TG species of $(C_{18:1{\omega}9})(C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13t})_{2}$ and $(C_{18:0})(C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13t})_{2}$ were consisted of the stereoisomer of $sn-1-C_{18:1{\omega}9}$, $sn-2-C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13t}$, $sn-3-C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13t}$ and $sn-1-C_{18:0}$, $sn-2-C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13t}$, $sn-3-C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13t}$, respectively, and minor TG species of $(C_{18:2{\omega}6})(C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13c})_{2}$ and $(C_{18:1{\omega}9})(C_{18:2{\omega}6})(C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13c})$ contained mostly $sn-1-C_{18:2{\omega6}$, $sn-2-C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13t}$, $sn-3-C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13t}$ and $sn-1-C_{18:1{\omega}9}$, $sn-2-C_{18:2{\omega}6}$, $sn-3-C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13t}$. The TG fraction of the seed oils of Aleurites fordii was mostly occupied with simple TG species of $(C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13t})_{3}$, along with minor species of $(C_{18:2{\omega}6})(C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13t})_{2}$, $(C_{18:1{\omega}9})(C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13t})_{2}$ and $(C_{16:0})(C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13t})$. The sterospecific species of $sn-1-C_{18:2{\omega}6}$, $sn-2-C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13t}$, sn-3-C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13t}$, $sn-1-C_{18:1{\omega}9}$, $sn-2-C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13t}$, $sn-3-C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13t}$ and $sn-1-C_{16;0}$, $sn-2-C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13t}$, $sn-3-C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13t}$ are the main stereoisomers for the species of $(C_{18:2{\omega}6})(C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13t})_2$, $(C_{18:1{\omega}9})(C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13t})_{2}$ and $(C_{16:0})(C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13t})$, respectively.

The Chemical Composition of the Nagdong River Downstream Water (낙동강 하류수의 수질조성에 대하여)

  • WON Jong Hun;LEE Bae Jung
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.47-58
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    • 1981
  • Relationships between the electrical conductivity and the contents of the chloride, sulfate, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and total major inorganic ions, and between each, chemical conservative constituents were calculated with the data which sampled at the lesions of Mulgeum and between Namji and Wondong from March 1974 to April 1980. Semilogarithmic relations were found between the electrical conductivity and the contents of monovalent ions, and logarithmic relations were found between the electrical conductivity and the contents of divalent ions at the both regions. The relational equations between the electrical conductivity $\lambda_{25}$and the contents of the major inorganic ions at Mulgeum are as follows: $log\;Cl(ppm)\;=\;2.37{\cdot}\lambda_{25}(m{\mho}/cm)+0.733{\pm}0.141$, $log\;SO_4(ppm)=1.12{\cdot}log\lambda_{25}(m{\mho}/cm)+2.14{\pm}0.18$, $log\;Ca(ppm)=0.615{\cdot}log\lambda_{25}(m{\mho}/cm)+1.67{\pm}0.12$, $log\;Mg(ppm)=0.756{\cdot}log\lambda_{25}(m{\mho}/cm)+1.27{\pm}0.11$, $log\;Na(ppm)=2.82{\cdot}\lambda_{25}(m{\mho}/cm)+0.551{\pm}0.133$, $log\;K(ppm)=1.33{\cdot}\lambda_{25}(m{\mho}/cm)+0.136{\pm}0.095$, and total inorganic ions $C(ppm)=399{\cdot}\lambda_{25}(m{\mho}/cm)-0.9{\pm}14.6$. The relational equations between the electrical conductivity ($\lambda_{25}$) and the contents of the major inorganic ions at the region between Namji and Wondong a.e as follows: $log\;Cl(ppm)=4.27{\cdot}\lambda_{25}(m{\mho}/cm)+0.380{\pm}0.138$, $log\;SO_4(ppm)=0.915{\cdot}log\lambda_{25}(m{\mho}/cm)+1.95{\pm}0.18$, $log\;Ca(ppm)=0.756{\cdot}log\lambda_{25}(m{\mho}/cm)+1.74{\pm}0.12$, $log\;Mg(ppm)=1.00{\cdot}log\lambda_{25}(m{\mho}/cm)+1.41{\pm}0.10$. $log\;Na(ppm)=2.47{\cdot}\lambda_{25}(m{\mho}/cm)+0.614{\pm}0.065$, $log\;K(ppm)=1.62{\cdot}\lambda_{25}(m{\mho}/cm)+0.030{\pm}0.060$, and total inorganic ions $C(ppm)=323{\cdot}\lambda_{25}(m{\mho}/cm)+11.7{\pm}9.3$. Logarithmic relations were found between each chemical conservative constituents at Mulgeum and the equations are as follows: $log\;Cl(ppm)=0.711{\cdot}log\;SO_4(ppm)+0.488{\pm}0.206$, $log\;Cl(ppm)=0.337{\cdot}log\;Ca(ppm)+0.822{\pm}0.130$, $log\;Cl(ppm)=0.605{\cdot}log\;Mg(ppm)-0.017{\pm}0.154$, $Cl(ppm)=0.676{\cdot}Na(ppm)+2.31{\pm}4.67$, $log\;Cl(ppm)=0.406{\cdot}log\;K(ppm)-0.092{\pm}0.112$, $log\;SO_4(ppm)=0.378{\cdot}log\;Ca(ppm)+0.721{\pm}0.125$, $log\;SO_4(ppm)=0.462{\cdot}log\;Mg(ppm)+0.107{\pm}0.118$, $log\;SO_4(ppm)=0.592{\cdot}log\;Na(ppm)+0.313{\pm}0.191$, $log\;SO_4(ppm)=0.308{\cdot}log\;K(ppm)-0.019{\pm}0.120$, $Ca(ppm)=0.262{\cdot}Mg(ppm)+0.74{\pm}1.71$. $log\;Ca(ppm)=1.10{\cdot}log\;Na(ppm)-0.243{\pm}0.239$, $Ca(ppm)=0.0737{\cdot}K(ppm)+1.26{\pm}0.73$, $log\;Mg(ppm)=0.0950{\cdot}Na(ppm)+0.587{\pm}0.159$, $log\;Mg(ppm)=0.0518{\cdot}K(ppm)+0.111{\pm}0.102$, and $Na(ppm)=0.0771{\cdot}K(ppm)+1.49{\pm}0.59$. Logarithmic relations were found between each chemical conservative constituents except a relationship between the chloride and calcium contents at the region between Namji and Wondong, and the equations are as follows : $log\;Cl(ppm)=0.312{\cdot}log\;SO_4(ppm)+0.907{\pm}0.210$, $log\;Cl(ppm)=0.458{\cdot}log\;Mg(ppm)+0.135{\pm}0.130$, $Cl(ppm)=0.484{\cdot}logNa(ppm)+0.507{\pm}0.081$, $Cl(ppm)=0.0476{\cdot}K(ppm)+1.41{\pm}0.34$, $log\;SO_4(ppm)=0.886{\cdot}log\;Ca(ppm)+0.046{\pm}0.050$, $log\;SO_4(ppm)=0.422{\cdot}log\;Mg(ppm)+0.139{\pm}0.161$, $log\;SO_4(ppm)=0.374{\cdot}log\;Na(ppm)+0.603{\pm}0.140$, $log\;SO_4(ppm)=0.245{\cdot}log\;K(ppm)+0.023{\pm}0.102$, $log\;Ca(ppm)=0.587{\cdot}log\;Mg(ppm)+0.003{\pm}0.088$, $log\;Ca(ppm)=0.892{\cdot}log\;Na(ppm)+0.028{\pm}0.109$, $log\;Ca(ppm)=0.294{\cdot}log\;K(ppm)-0.001{\pm}0.085$, $log\;Mg(ppm)=0.600{\cdot}log\;Na(ppm)+0.674{\pm}0.120$, $log\;Mg(ppm)=0.440{\cdot}log\;K(ppm)+0.038{\pm}0.081$, and $log\;Na(ppm)=0.522{\cdot}log\;K(ppm)-0.260{\pm}0.072$.

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