• Title/Summary/Keyword: Complex Images

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Automated Measurement System of Carotid Artery Intima-Media Thickness based on Dynamic Programming (다이나믹 프로그래밍 기반 경동맥 내막-중막 두께 자동측정 시스템)

  • Lee, Yu-Bu;Kim, Myoung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.21-29
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, we present a method of detecting the boundary of the intima-media complex for automated measurement based on dynamic programming from carotid artery B-mode ultrasound images and then show the experimental results. We apply the dynamic programming for determining the optimal locations that a cost function is minimized. The cost function includes cost terms which are representing image features such as intensity, intensity gradient and geometrical continuity of the vessel interfaces. Moreover, we improve the boundary continuity by applying the B-spline to smooth the rough boundary due to noise such as speckle, dropout and weak edges. The proposed method has obtained more accurate reproducible results than conventional edge-detection by considering multiple image features and ensures efficient automated measurement by solving the problems of the inter- and intra-observer variability and its inefficiency due to manual measurement.

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Contrast Improvement Technique Using Variable Stretching based on Densities of Brightness (명암의 밀도에 따른 가변 스트레칭을 이용한 영상대비 개선방법)

  • Lee, Myung-Yoon;Han, Young-Joon;Hahn, Hern-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.15 no.12
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    • pp.37-45
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    • 2010
  • This paper proposes a novel contrast enhancement method which determines the stretching ranges based on the distribution densities of segmented sub-histogram. In order to enhance the quality of image effectively, the contrast histogram is segmented into sub-histograms based on the density in each brightness region. Then the stretching range of each sub-histogram is determined by analysing its distribution density. The higher density region is extended wider than lower density region in the histogram. This method solves the over stretching problem, because it stretches using density rate of each area on the histogram. To evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm, the experiments have been carried out on complex contrast images, and its superiority has been confirmed by comparing with the conventional methods.

Spatial analysis of Shoreline change in Northwest coast of Taean Peninsula

  • Yun, MyungHyun;Choi, ChulUong
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.29-38
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    • 2015
  • The coastline influenced naturally and artificially changes dynamically. While the long-term change is influenced by the rise in the surface of the sea and the changes in water level of the rivers, the short-term change is influenced by the tide, earthquake and storm. Also, man-made thoughtless development such as construction of embankment and reclaimed land not considering erosion and deformation of coast has been causes for breaking functions of coast and damages on natural environment. In order to manage coastal environment and resources effectively, In this study is intended to analyze and predict erosion in coastal environment and changes in sedimentation quantitatively by detecting changes in coastal line from data collection for satellite images and aerial LiDAR data. The coastal line in 2007 and 2012 was extracted by manufacturing Digital Surface Model (DSM) with Aviation LiDAR materials. For the coastal line in 2009 and 2010, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) method was used to extract the KOMPSAT-2 image selected after considering tide level and wave height. The change rate of the coastal line is varied in line with the forms of the observation target but most of topography shows a tendency of being eroded as time goes by. Compared to the relatively monotonous beach of Taean, the gravel and rock has very complex form. Therefore, there are more errors in extraction of coastlines and the combination of transect and shoreline, which affect overall changes. Thus, we think the correction of the anomalies caused by these properties is required in the future research.

Numerically Efficient Evaluation of MoM Matrix in Conjunction with the Closed-form Green s Functions in Analysis of Multi-layered Planar Structures (다층 평판구조체 해석시 Closed-form 그린함수와 함께한 모멘트 행렬의 효율적인 수치계산)

  • 이영순;김병철;조영기
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.92-98
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    • 2001
  • When analyzing the scatting problem of multi-layered planar structures using closed-form Green's function, one of the main difficulties is that the numerical integrations for the evaluation of diagonal matrix elements converge slowly and are not so stable. Accordingly, even when the integration fur the singularity of type $e^{-jkr}/{\gamma}$, corresponding to the source dipole itself, is performed using such a method, this difficulty persists in the integration corresponding to the finite number of complex images. In order to resolve this difficulty, a new technique based upon the Gaussian quadrature in polar coordinates for the evaluation of the two-dimensional generalized exponential integral is presented. Stability of the algorithm and convergence is discussed. Performance is demonstrated for the example of a microstrip patch antenna.

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Real-Time Simulation of Single and Multiple Scattering of Light (빛의 단일 산란과 다중 산란의 실시간 시뮬레이션 기법)

  • Ki, Hyun-Woo;Lyu, Ji-Hye;Oh, Kyoung-Su
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.21-32
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    • 2007
  • It is significant to simulate scattering of light within media for realistic image synthesis; however, this requires costly computation. This paper introduces a practical image-space approximation technique for interactive subsurface scattering. We use a general two-pass approach, which creates transmitted irradiance samples onto shadow maps and computes illumination using the shadow maps. We estimate single scattering efficiently using a method similar to common shadow mapping with adaptive deterministic sampling. A hierarchical technique is applied to evaluate multiple scattering, based on a diffusion theory. We further accelerate rendering speed by tabulating complex functions and utilizing level of detail. We demonstrate that our technique produces high-quality images of animated scenes with blurred shadow at hundreds frames per second on graphics hardware. It can be integrated into existing interactive systems easily.

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A Robust Digital Watermarking based on Virtual Optics (가상 광학에 기반한 강인한 디지털 워터마킹)

  • Lee, Geum-Boon;Cho, Beom-Joon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.1073-1080
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we propose a novel digital watermarking method by virtual optics which secures multimedia information such as images, videos and sounds. To secure the multimedia data, we use Fresnel transform which describes the diffraction phenomena of the waves. Also, this method attaches the random phase function to Fresnel transform so that original image and watermark image would be gaussian random vectors. The complex numbers of watermark by Fresnel transform are separated the real part and the imaginary part. The former is embedded in original image as a encoding key imperceptibly and the latter is used for detecting the watermark as a decoding key. This method for digital watermarking ensures that watermark can be successfully registered and extracted from the watermarked image. Further, it provides the robustness to signal processing operation and geometric distortion and proves the strong resilience against cropping attack. The performance evaluation of the experiment is carried out with PSNR, and the numerical simulation results show the efficiency of the proposed method.

A New Focus Measure Method Based on Mathematical Morphology for 3D Shape Recovery (3차원 형상 복원을 위한 수학적 모폴로지 기반의 초점 측도 기법)

  • Mahmood, Muhammad Tariq;Choi, Young Kyu
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.23-28
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    • 2017
  • Shape from focus (SFF) is a technique used to reconstruct 3D shape of objects from a sequence of images obtained at different focus settings of the lens. In this paper, a new shape from focus method for 3D reconstruction of microscopic objects is described, which is based on gradient operator in Mathematical Morphology. Conventionally, in SFF methods, a single focus measure is used for measuring the focus quality. Due to the complex shape and texture of microscopic objects, single measure based operators are not sufficient, so we propose morphological operators with multi-structuring elements for computing the focus values. Finally, an optimal focus measure is obtained by combining the response of all focus measures. The experimental results showed that the proposed algorithm has provided more accurate depth maps than the existing methods in terms of three-dimensional shape recovery.

An Automatic Extraction Scheme of Dependency Relations between Web Components and Web Resources in Java Web Applications (자바 웹 앱에서 웹 컴포넌트와 웹 자원의 의존 관계를 자동으로 추출하는 기법)

  • Oh, Jaewon;Lee, Seunghyun;Kim, Ah Hyoung;Ahn, Woo Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.458-470
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    • 2018
  • As the requirements of web apps become complex and rapidly changing, the maintenance of web apps becomes more important. However, web apps have a problem that more often than not there is not enough documentation to understand and maintain them. Thus, their effective maintenance requires models that represent their internal behavior occurring when they dynamically generate web pages. Previous works identify web components (such as JSPs and Servlets) as participants in the behavior but not web resources (such as images, CSS files, and JavaScript files). Moreover, they do not identify dependency relations between web components and web resources. This paper dynamically analyzes Java web apps to extract such dependency relations, which are included in our graph model for page generation. Case studies using open-source web apps show the applicability of the proposed approach.

Posture Recognition for a Bi-directional Participatory TV Program based on Face Color Region and Motion Map (시청자 참여형 양방향 TV 방송을 위한 얼굴색 영역 및 모션맵 기반 포스처 인식)

  • Hwang, Sunhee;Lim, Kwangyong;Lee, Suwoong;Yoo, Hoyoung;Byun, Hyeran
    • KIISE Transactions on Computing Practices
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    • v.21 no.8
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    • pp.549-554
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    • 2015
  • As intuitive hardware interfaces continue to be developed, it has become more important to recognize the posture of the user. An efficient alternative to adding expensive sensors is to implement computer vision systems. This paper proposes a method to recognize a user's postured in a live broadcast bi-directional participatory TV program. The proposed method first estimates the position of the user's hands by generation a facial color map for the user and a motion map. The posture is then recognized by computing the relative position of the face and the hands. This method exhibited 90% accuracy in an experiment to recognize three defined postures during the live broadcast bi-directional participatory TV program, even when the input images contained a complex background.

A Matrix-Based Graph Matching Algorithm with Application to a Musical Symbol Recognition (행렬기반의 정합 알고리듬에 의한 음악 기호의 인식)

  • Heo, Gyeong-Yong;Jang, Kyung-Sik;Jang, Moon-Ik;Kim, Jai-Hie
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.5 no.8
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    • pp.2061-2074
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    • 1998
  • In pattern recognition and image analysis upplications, a graph is a useful tool for complex obect representation and recognition. However it takes much time to pair proper nodes between the prototype graph and an input data graph. Futhermore it is difficult to decide whether the two graphs in a class are the same hecause real images are degradd in general by noise and other distortions. In this paper we propose a matching algorithm using a matrix. The matrix is suiable for simple and easily understood representation and enables the ordering and matching process to be convenient due to its predefined matrix manipulation. The nodes which constitute a gaph are ordered in the matrix by their geometrical positions and this makes it possible to save much comparison time for finding proper node pairs. for the classification, we defined a distance measure thatreflects the symbo's structural aspect that is the sum of the mode distance and the relation distance; the fornet is from the parameters describing the node shapes, the latter from the relations with othes node in the matrix. We also introduced a subdivision operation to compensate node merging which is mainly due t the prepreocessing error. The proposed method is applied to the recognition of musteal symbols and the result is given. The result shows that almost all, except heavily degraded symbols are recognized, and the recognition rate is approximately 95 percent.

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