• Title/Summary/Keyword: Community networking

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A Distance and Angle Based Routing Algorithm for Vehicular Ad hoc Networks

  • Wang, Jing;Rhee, Kyung-Hyune
    • Proceedings of the Korea Multimedia Society Conference
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    • 2012.05a
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    • pp.190-192
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    • 2012
  • Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs) is the new wireless networking concept of mobile ad hoc networks in research community. Routing in vehicular is a major challenge and research area. The majority of current routing algorithms for VANETs utilize indirect metrics to select the next hop and produce optimal node path. In this paper, we propose a distance and angle based routing algorithm for VANETs, which combines a distance approach with an angle based geographical strategy for selecting the next hop, with the purpose of using direct metrics to build a optimal node route. The proposed algorithm has better performance than the previous scheme.

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A Study on the Agricultural Research and Extension Systems in the USA, Japan, & the Netherlands (미국, 일본, 네덜란드의 농업연구와 지도체계 고찰)

  • Kim, Sung-Soo;Kim, Jin-Mo;Ju, Dae-Jin
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.655-684
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    • 2010
  • The objectives of this study were to review on the characteristics of the Agricultural Research-Extension Systems in the USA, Japan, and the Netherlands, and to draw up its implications on Korean agricultural extension system. This study was conducted by literature reviews. Based on the reviews, the following implications and recommendations should be considered at national and local level for improvement of agricultural extension system in Korea; (1) a systemic approach on the linkages of agricultural research, extension, and farmer education, (2) strengthening on-farm utilization of newly developed agricultural technology so as to promote agricultural research and development, (3) strategic partnership with agricultural administration, (4) close networking with stake-holders, (5) setting up the flexible organizational structure for carry out agricultural extension programs, (6) integration of agricultural extension service domain, (7) introduce a IPM(integrated performance management) system, (8) establish a long-term super-vision and strategic management, (9) setting up the customer-centered extension system.

An Attempt to Find Potential Group of Patrons from Library's Loan Records

  • Minami, Toshiro;Baba, Kensuke
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.5-8
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    • 2014
  • Social networking services that connect a person to other people are attracting our attention and various types of on-the-network services are provided. Library has been playing a role of social media by providing with materials such as books and magazines, and with a place for reading, studying, getting lectures, etc. In this paper, we present a method for finding candidates of groups of the library's patrons who share interest areas by utilizing the loan records, which are obtainable by every library. Such a homogeneous group can become a candidate for a study group, a community for exchange ideas, and other activity group. We apply the method to a collection of loan records of a university library, find some problem to be solved, and propose measures for more detailed solutions. Even though the potential group finding problem still remains a lot of problems to be solved, its potential importance is very high and thus to be studies even more for future applications.

Impact of Social Networks in Educational Media

  • Al-Said, Khaleel M.;Al Said, Nidal;Hattab, Ezz
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.230-238
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    • 2020
  • This study aims to determine whether student participation on Twitter affects academic performance. The key goals of the training course were to acquire social networking knowledge and skills and to learn how to share information, be productive in discussions, and create an interest-based community. The initial sample comprised 286 students from Jordan universities, 68.4% of whom agreed to participate in the study. Undergraduate students accounted for 73.9%, and graduate students accounted for 26.1%. Only 14.3% of the students chose the Twitter-based learning model. This is a mixed-methods study that integrates quantitative and qualitative approaches. The undergraduate students were found to tweet more and have more likes, while graduate students had more followers and were following more accounts. Moreover, 21% of the participants were the most active. Spearman's correlation analysis revealed a connection between participation in social media and student performance. Therefore, the results of this study may help educational professionals and education managers.

Leveraging Multimodal Supports using Mobile Phones for Obesity Management in Elementary-School Children: Program Providers' Perspective from a Qualitative Study (모바일폰을 이용한 초등학생 비만관리 복합지원의 잠재적 이로움 : 프로그램 제공자 측면에 대한 질적 연구)

  • Park, Mi-Young;Shim, Jae Eun;Kim, Kirang;Hwang, Ji-Yun
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.238-247
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    • 2017
  • Objectives: This study was conducted to investigate providers' perspectives on current challenges in implementing a program for prevention and management of childhood obesity and adoption of mobile phone as a potential solution of leveraging multimodal delivery and support in a school setting. Methods: The qualitative data were collected through face-to-face in-depth interviews with 23 elementary-school teachers, 6 pediatricians, and 6 dieticians from community health centers and analyzed using a qualitative research methodology. Results: Current challenges and potential solutions of obesity-prevention and -management program for obesity program for elementary school children were deduced as two themes each. Lack of tailored intervention due to limited recipient motivation, lack of individualized behavioral intervention, and different environmental conditions can be solvable by mobile technology-based personalized intervention which brings about interactive recipient participation, customized behavioral intervention, and ubiquitous accessibility. Lack of sustainable management due to stigmatization, limited interactions between program providers and inconsistent administrative support can be handled by multimodal support based on school setting using mobile platform providing education of health promoting behaviors toward larger scale and interactive networking between program participants, and minimizing administrative burden. Conclusions: Adoption of mobile-based health management program may overcome current limitations of child obesity program such as lack of tailored intervention and sustainable management via personalized intervention and multimodal supports although some concerns such as increased screen time need to be carefully considered in a further study.

Personal Information Management in Korea National Long-Term Ecological Research Community (국가장기생태연구 커뮤니티의 개인정보 관리)

  • Huh, Taesang;Jung, Hoekyung
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.20 no.12
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    • pp.2274-2281
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    • 2016
  • In the long-term ecological research community, personal information is an important factor for the collaboration of data management and data usage in international long-term ecological research as well as on the national level. If lots of personal information was disclosed, collaborative researchers are useful to carry out research cooperation, whereas, information providers tend to be burdened to disclose it. LTER system should be considered to provide both maximum personal information required by a community and minimum personal information to be provided to unrelated people due to the scale of personal information and a number of the constraints on disclosure in the aspect of information distribution of the laws associated with personal information protection. In this article, we analyze international ecological metadata standard, EML, and trends in personal information management throughout international long-term ecological research platforms and propose a system model capable of managing personal information based on related domestic laws for the international data exchange through design and implementation.

The Development of a Performance Evaluation Tool for Health Promotion Programs of Public Health Center (보건소 건강증진사업 성과평가지표 개발 -금연, 운동, 영양, 절주, 고혈압사업을 중심으로-)

  • 서영준;이동현;손동국;정승원;정애숙;박남수;김주경;이희원;이무식
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2004
  • The ultimate goal of health promotion programs is to improve the quality of life through promoting community health. Since the performance of health promotion programs are greatly affected by the quality of the planning and implementation process of the programs, the proper quality assessment of the program process is very important. According to existing literature, the tool for assessing the quality of the process and implementation as well as the outcome. However, no assessment tool for the quality of the process of health promotion programs has been developed in Korea. The purpose of the study is to develop a quality assessment tool for the process of health promotion programs being conducted at public health centers in Korea. The quality assessment tool developed in the study consists of the following four domains: strategic planning (14 items), program management (11 items), monitoring and evaluation (13 items), and resources and information (15 items). The strategic planning deals with the function of the planning staff and committees, community data analysis, the feasibility of the program, and the approach methods for attaining the goal of the program. The program management includes items on the qualification and power of the program staff. Monitoring and evaluation deals with the planning and education for monitoring, reporting and communication among program units, and feedback after monitoring. Finally, the resource and information covers the planning and activities for obtaining resources and information, community networking, beneficiaries' response, and consulting activity of the staff.

Analysis of Women's Concern about Pregnancy and Child Birth in the Internet Community (온라인 커뮤니티 웹사이트에 나타난 임신과 출산에 대한 여성들의 관심사)

  • Park, Sun Hwa;Woo, Min Soo;June, Kyung Ja;Yu, Jung ok
    • Perspectives in Nursing Science
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.49-60
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to describe women's concern for pregnancy and child birth in the internet community. Methods: One representative in the internet community was selected and questions regarding pregnancy and child birth were collected for 2 weeks in October 2019. A total of 8,005 questions were analyzed by frequency and proportion after categorizing theme into pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum care. Results: The most frequent questions were on preparedness for pregnancy (26.2%), followed by questions on infertility (23.3%), and on postpartum care (20.2%). Among the questions on preparedness for pregnancy, the most frequent questions were related to the follicle and ovulation. More than half of the questions on infertility (68.3%) were about diagnosis and treatment. Questions on abortion included symptoms, abortion procedure, post abortion care, and the support system. Among the questions on delivery, the most were about the delivery method (67.2%). Finally, questions on postpartum care were related to the physical changes/symptoms, daily life after delivery, postpartum care support, etc. Conclusion: As these results reflect women's need for information and support, it is suggested that more specific and targeted nursing practices for pregnancy and child birth should be developed.

Implementation of Smart Collaboration Environment Framework (지능형 협업 환경 프레임워크 구현)

  • Han, Sang-Woo;Kim, Nam-Gon;Choi, Ki-Ho;Ko, Su-Jin;Bae, Chang-Hyeok;Kim, Jong-Won
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.40-51
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    • 2008
  • To realize advanced collaboration environments for knowledge workers distributed geographically, there are extensive researches in ubiquitous computing environments. Especially, to cope with several known problems in traditional collaboration tools such as limited display resolution, uncomfortable shared documentation, difficult operation of collaboration environments, various approaches are attempted in the aspect of framework design. In this paper, we design a framework for collaboration environments covering hardware/software/networking architecture to flexibly coordinate a set of collaboration services and devices considering users' expectation and node capabilities. Based on the proposed framework, we develop the collaboration environment supporting the interactive networked tiled display enabling media/data sharing via networking, display interaction using pointing/tracking, and high-resolution tiled display. Finally the demonstration of the developed prototype is introduced to prove the possibility of its realization.

Design and Prototyping of Scientific Collaboration Platform over KREONET (KREONET 기반의 과학기술협업연구 플랫폼(RealLab) 설계 및 프로토타입 구축)

  • Kwon, Yoonjoo;Hong, Wontaek
    • KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems
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    • v.4 no.9
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    • pp.297-306
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    • 2015
  • Cloud computing has been increasingly used in various fields due to its flexibility, scalability, cost effectiveness, etc. Recently, many scientific communities have been attempting to use cloud computing as a way to deal with difficulties in constructing and operating a research infrastructure. Especially, since they need various collaborations based on networking, such as sharing experimental data, redistributing experimental results, and so forth, cloud computing environment that supports high performance networking is required for scientific communities. To address these issues, we propose RealLab, a high performance cloud platform for collaborative research that provides virtual experimental research environment and data sharing infrastructure over KREONET/GLORIAD. Additionally, we describe some RealLab use cases for showing the swift creation of experimental environment and explain how massive experimental data can be transferred and shared among the community members.