• Title/Summary/Keyword: Community Energy

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Verification and Estimation of the Contributed Concentration of CH4 Emissions Using the WRF-CMAQ Model in Korea (WRF-CMAQ 모델을 이용한 한반도 CH4 배출의 기여농도 추정 및 검증)

  • Moon, Yun-Seob;Lim, Yun-Kyu;Hong, Sungwook;Chang, Eunmi
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.209-223
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to estimate the contributed concentration of each emission source to $CH_4$ by verifying the simulated concentration of $CH_4$ in the Korean peninsula, and then to compare the $CH_4$ emission used to the $CH_4$ simulation with that of a box model. We simulated the Weather Research Forecasting-Community Multiscale Air Quality (WRF-CMAQ) model to estimate the mean concentration of $CH_4$ during the period of April 1 to 22 August 2010 in the Korean peninsula. The $CH_4$ emissions within the model were adopted by the anthropogenic emission inventory of both the EDGAR of the global emissions and the GHG-CAPSS of the green house gases in Korea, and by the global biogenic emission inventory of the MEGAN. These $CH_4$ emission data were validated by comparing the $CH_4$ modeling data with the concentration data measured at two different location, Ulnungdo and Anmyeondo in Korea. The contributed concentration of $CH_4$ estimated from the domestic emission sources in verification of the $CH_4$ modeling at Ulnungdo was represented in about 20%, which originated from $CH_4$ sources such as stock farm products (8%), energy contribution and industrial processes (6%), wastes (5%), and biogenesis and landuse (1%) in the Korean peninsula. In addition, one that transported from China was about 9%, and the background concentration of $CH_4$ was shown in about 70%. Furthermore, the $CH_4$ emission estimated from a box model was similar to that of the WRF-CMAQ model.

Relationship between Light Environment and Crop Growth under Various Nitrogen Application Rates Condition in Rice Plant Canopy (질소(窒素) 시비수준(施肥水準)에 따른 벼 군락내(群落內) 광환경변화(光環境變化)와 생육(生育)과의 관계(關係)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Lee, Jeong-Taek;Kazuo, Kobayashi
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.128-135
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    • 1989
  • To find the effects of solar energy into the rice canopy and its balance on the rice plant growth, a Tongil type rice, Raekyeong and a japonica rice, Koganebare were used with four levels of nitrogen fertilizer application, 6, 10, 14, and 18kg $l0a^{-1}$ in Chigugo, Japan. The micrometerosological data, the solar radiation and absorbed solar radiation by the rice plants, and leaf area index on cardinal growth stage of the rice community were measured. The results are as follows : Raekyeong showed increased LAI by increased nitrogen fertilizer application rates, and larger LAI than Koganebear. 1. There was no difference in total dry weight till 20 days after transplanting regardless of nitrogen levels in the same variety, after that, however, Raekyeong showed higher dry matter productions for the same durations than Koganebare. 2. In early growth stage of transplanting rice, reflection ratio of solar radiation above the crop canogy was about 6%, however, it was increased up to 20% by the increased LAI at heading date. 3. In high levels of nitrogen application plots, LAI were increased so that values were decreased. 4. Relationship between the amount of absorbed radiation by plants and its dry matter production was linearly significant. Higher levels of nitrogen application produced higher dry matter in Raekyeong, however, in lower level, the dry matter production pattern was almost similar between both rice cultivars.

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Breakfast Consumption Pattern, Diet Quality and Health Outcomes in Adults from 2001 National Health and Nutrition Survey (2001년 국민건강영양조사에 나타난 아침식사유형에 따른 식사의 질과 건강상태)

  • Shim, Jae-Eun;Paik, Hee-Young;Moon, Hyun-Kyung
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.40 no.5
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    • pp.451-462
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    • 2007
  • This study was conducted to investigate breakfast consumption pattern in relation to diet quality and health outcomes of Korean adults. Data are from 2001 National Health and Nutrition Survey. Dietary information of 3406 adults aged $30{\sim}49$ years and their socio-demographic characteristics, blood lipid profile, fasting blood glucose, blood pressure, anthropometric measurements were analyzed. According to the breakfast consumption of the subjects, they were classified to breakfast skippers and eaters and the eaters' breakfast staple types were defined as RICE, BREAD, NOODLES, MIXED (mixed types including several grain-based dishes), and OTHERS. The proportions of breakfast consumption patterns were 18.4% for skippers, 71.1% for RICE, 2.6% for BREAD, 1.6% for NOODLES, 4.0% for MIXED, and 2.4% for OTHERS. Breakfast skippers had lower daily nutrients intake than breakfast eaters but their health outcomes did not differ from those of eaters. Instead, men with BREAD pattern had higher blood cholesterol and women in NOODLE pattern had higher blood glucose and lower HDL cholesterol. The BREAD pattern breakfast had higher energy contribution from fat and lower nutrient densities and the subjects in BREAD pattern had higher level of household income. Men's BREAD pattern breakfast consisted more animal products than that of women. There was high probability of undernutrition among women in NOODLE pattern and their mean household income was the lowest. From these results, in Korea, breakfast staple types have different food patterns and there was need for developing healthy food patterns appropriate to each staple type. The breakfast consumption pattern had influences on nutrient adequacy of the diet and health outcomes and seemed to represent socio-economic status. These could be used in doing nutrition education in community.

Association between consumption of milk and dairy products, calcium and riboflavin, and periodontitis in Korean adults: Using the 2007-2010 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (한국 성인의 우유 및 유제품과 칼슘 및 리보플라빈 섭취량과 치주염 간의 연관성: 2007~2010년 국민건강영양조사 자료를 이용하여)

  • Koo, Sang Mi;Seo, Deog-Gyu;Park, Yoon Jung;Hwang, Ji-Yun
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.258-267
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The current study was designed to investigate the relationship of dietary calcium and riboflavin and their main dietary source (milk and dairy products) with the risk of periodontitis using data from 2007 to 2010 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys. Methods: A total of 1,690 adults aged ${\geq}40$ years were included. We used results of dental examination regarding all sextant information on probing depth of at least two index teeth, nutritional assessment by a single 24-hour dietary recall, and demographic and medical information. The periodontitis group was defined as those who had 3-4 points, and the normal group was defined as those who had 0 points of Community Periodontal Index at all locations of six examination sites using a probe. Results: Using multiple logistic regression analysis, after adjustment for age, body mass index, energy intake, income, smoking, and alcohol drinking, we found an inverse relationship between consumption of dairy products and risk for periodontitis (OR: 0.465, 95% CI: 0.224-0.964) and between dietary riboflavin intake more than the estimated average requirements and risk for periodontitis (OR: 0.535, 95% CI: 0.300-0.954) in males. Conclusion: Adequate intake of milk dairy products and riboflavin may be recommended for prevention of periodontitis in the Korean male population.

A Study on Soil Washing for Diesel-contaminated Soil by using Decomposition of NaOH/H$_2$O$_2$ (디젤유로 오염된 토양의 NaOH/H$_2$O$_2$ 분해를 이용한 토양세척에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, Jong-Hyun;Choi, Won-Joon;Kim, Min-Chul;Jung, Jong-Hyeon;Ha, Soo-Ho;Oh, Kwang-Joong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.30 no.10
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    • pp.999-1005
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    • 2008
  • The main reaction for soil washing with using sodium hydroxide(NaOH) and hydrogen peroxide(H$_2$O$_2$) was desorption and flotation of petrochemical contaminant by means of oxygen bubble. We found the rate of decomposition by rate constant according to various temperature. For the purpose of optimizing the operation factor, we examined the effect of concentration of NaOH and H$_2$O$_2$, washing time, and soil:water ratio. The rate of decomposition for H$_2$O$_2$ in liquid phase is the first order reaction by its concentration. The rate constant of k$_1$ was 0.9439 $\times$ exp(-1376.82/RT) when concentration of NaOH was lower than 0.1 M, and the rate constant of k$_2$ was 17.3588 $\times$ exp(-2320.06/RT) when it was higher than NaOH of 0.1 M. It found that NaOH was facilitated at the beyond of specific concentration. We confirmed the optimum concentration of NaOH/H$_2$O$_2$ by means of rate constants during soil washing. Also, the optimum conditions during soil washing were washing time of 15 min, soil : water ratio of 1 : 3, and NaOH/H$_2$O$_2$ concentration of 0.25 M/0.1 M.

Imaging Inner Structure of Bukbawi at Mt. Palgong Provincial Park Using Ground Penetrating Radar (지하투과레이더를 활용한 팔공산 도립공원 북바위 내부구조 연구)

  • Kim, Hyeong-Gi;Baek, Seung-Ho;Kim, Seung-Sep;Lee, Na Young;Kwon, Jang-Soon
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.50 no.6
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    • pp.487-495
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    • 2017
  • A granite rock body, called 'Bukbawi', located on a mountaineering trail at Mt. Palgong Provincial Park is popular among the public because it resembles a percussion instrument. If someone hits the specific surface area of this rock body, people can hear drum-like sound. Such phenomenon may be geologically associated with exfoliation process of the granite body or miarolitic cavity developed after gasses escaped during formation of granite. To understand better the inner structure causing drum-like sound, we carried out a non-destructive ground-penetrating radar survey. In this study, as our primary target is very close to the surface, we utilized 1 GHz antennas to produce high-resolution near-surface images. In order to construct 3-D internal images, the measurements were conducted along a pre-defined grid. The processed radargrams revealed that the locations associated with 'drum' sound coincide with strong reflections. In addition, both reflection patterns of fracture and cavity were observed. To further quantify the observed reflections, we simulated GPR scans from a synthetic fracture in a granite body, filled with different materials. The simulated results suggest that both exfoliation process and miarolitic cavity may have contributed to the 'drum' phenomena. Furthermore, the radargrams showed a well-developed cavity signature where two major reflection planes were crossed. Thus, our study is an example of non-destructive geophysical studies that can promote Earth Science in the broader community by examining geological structures attracting the public.

Recent Developments in Space Law (우주법(宇宙法)의 최근동향(最近動向))

  • Choi, June-Sun
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.1
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    • pp.223-243
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    • 1989
  • The practical application of modern space science and technology have resulted in many actual and potential gains of mankind. These successes have conditioned and increased the need for a viable space law regime and the challenge of space has ultimately led to the formation of an international legal regime for space. Space law is no longer a primitive law. It is a modern law. Yet, in its stages of growth, it has not reached the condition of perfection. Therefore, under the existing state of thing, we could carefully say that the space law is one of the most newest fields of jurisprudence despite the fact that no one has so far defined it perfectly. However, if space law can be a true jurisprudential entity, it must be definable. In defining the space law, first of all, the grasp of it's nature iis inevitable. Although space law encompasses many tenets and facets of other legal discriplines, its principal nature is public international law, because space law affects and effects law relating intercourse among nations. Since early 1960s when mankind was first able to flight and stay in outer space, the necessity to control and administrate the space activities of human beings has growingly increased. The leading law-formulating agency to this purpose is the United Nation's ad hoc Committee on Peaceful Uses of Outer Space("COPUOS"). COPUOS gave direction to public international space law by establishing the 1963 Declaration of Legal Principles Governing the Activities of the States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space("1963 Declaration"). The 1963 Declaration is very foundation of the five international multilateral treaties that were established successively after the 1963 Declaration. The five treaties are as follows: 1) The Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space including Moon and other Celestial Bodies, 1967. 2) The Agreement on the Rescue of Astronauts, the Return of Astronauts, and the Return of Objects Launched into Outer Space, 1968. 3) The Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects, 1972. 4) The Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space, 1974. 5) The Agreement Governing Activities of States on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies: Moon Treaty, 1979. The other face of space law is it's commercial aspect. Space is no longer the sole domination of governments. Many private enterprise have already moved directly or indirectly into space activities in the parts such as telecommunications and space manufacturing. Since space law as the public international law has already advanced in accordance with the developments of space science and technology, there left only a few areas untouched in this field of law. Therefore the possibility of rapid growth of space law is expected in the parts of commerical space law, as it is, at this time, in a nascent state. The resources of the space environment are also commercially both valuable and important since the resources include the tangible natural resources to be found on the moon and other celestial bodies. Other space-based resources are solar energy, geostationary and geosynchronous orbital positions, radio frequencies, area possibly suited to human habitations, all areas and materials lending themselves to scientific research and inquiry. Remote sensing, space manufacturing and space transportation services are also another potential areas in which commercial. endeavors of Mankind can be carried out. In this regard, space insurance is also one of the most important devices allowing mankind to proceed with commercial space venture. Thus, knowlege of how space insurance came into existence and what it covers is necessary to understand the legal issues peculiar to space law. As a conclusion the writer emphasized the international cooperation of all nations in space activities of mankind, because space commerce, by its nature, will give rise many legal issues of international scope and concern. Important national and world-community interests would be served over time through the acceptance of new international agreements relating to remote sencing, direct television broadcasting, the use of nuclear power sources in space, the regularization of the activities of space transportation systems. standards respecting contamination and pollution, and a practical boundary between outer space and air space. If space activity regulation does not move beyond the national level, the peaceful exploration of space for all mankind will not be realized. For the efficient regulation on private and governmental space activities, the creation of an international space agency, similar to the International Civil Aviation Organization but modified to meet the needs of space technology, will be required. But prior to creation of an international organization, it will be necessary to establish, at national level, the Office of Air and Space Bureau, which will administrate liscence liscence application process, safety review and sale of launch equipment, and will carry out launch service.

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Derivation of Green Infrastructure Planning Factors for Reducing Particulate Matter - Using Text Mining - (미세먼지 저감을 위한 그린인프라 계획요소 도출 - 텍스트 마이닝을 활용하여 -)

  • Seok, Youngsun;Song, Kihwan;Han, Hyojoo;Lee, Junga
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.49 no.5
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    • pp.79-96
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    • 2021
  • Green infrastructure planning represents landscape planning measures to reduce particulate matter. This study aimed to derive factors that may be used in planning green infrastructure for particulate matter reduction using text mining techniques. A range of analyses were carried out by focusing on keywords such as 'particulate matter reduction plan' and 'green infrastructure planning elements'. The analyses included Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) analysis, centrality analysis, related word analysis, and topic modeling analysis. These analyses were carried out via text mining by collecting information on previous related research, policy reports, and laws. Initially, TF-IDF analysis results were used to classify major keywords relating to particulate matter and green infrastructure into three groups: (1) environmental issues (e.g., particulate matter, environment, carbon, and atmosphere), target spaces (e.g., urban, park, and local green space), and application methods (e.g., analysis, planning, evaluation, development, ecological aspect, policy management, technology, and resilience). Second, the centrality analysis results were found to be similar to those of TF-IDF; it was confirmed that the central connectors to the major keywords were 'Green New Deal' and 'Vacant land'. The results from the analysis of related words verified that planning green infrastructure for particulate matter reduction required planning forests and ventilation corridors. Additionally, moisture must be considered for microclimate control. It was also confirmed that utilizing vacant space, establishing mixed forests, introducing particulate matter reduction technology, and understanding the system may be important for the effective planning of green infrastructure. Topic analysis was used to classify the planning elements of green infrastructure based on ecological, technological, and social functions. The planning elements of ecological function were classified into morphological (e.g., urban forest, green space, wall greening) and functional aspects (e.g., climate control, carbon storage and absorption, provision of habitats, and biodiversity for wildlife). The planning elements of technical function were classified into various themes, including the disaster prevention functions of green infrastructure, buffer effects, stormwater management, water purification, and energy reduction. The planning elements of the social function were classified into themes such as community function, improving the health of users, and scenery improvement. These results suggest that green infrastructure planning for particulate matter reduction requires approaches related to key concepts, such as resilience and sustainability. In particular, there is a need to apply green infrastructure planning elements in order to reduce exposure to particulate matter.

Soil Washing Coupled with the Magnetic Separation to Remediate the Soil Contaminated with Metal Wastes and TPH (자력선별과 토양세척법을 연계하여 금속폐기물과 TPH로 복합 오염된 토양 동시 정화)

  • Han, Yikyeong;Lee, Minhee;Wang, Sookyun;Choi, Wonwoo
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2019
  • Batch experiments for the soil washing coupled with the magnetic separation process were performed to remediate the soil contaminated with metal and oil wastes. The soil was seriously contaminated by Zn and TPH (total petroleum hydrocarbon), of which concentrations were 1743.3 mg/kg and 3558.9 mg/kg, respectively, and initial concentrations of Zn, Pb, Cu, and TPH were higher than the 2nd SPWL (soil pollution warning limit: remediation goal). The soil washing with acidic solution was performed to remove heavy metals from the soil, but Pb and Zn concentration of the soil maintained higher than the 2nd SWPL even after the soil washing with acidic solution. The 2nd soil washing was repeated to increase the Pb and Zn removal efficiency and the Zn and Pb removal efficiencies additionally increased by only 8 % and 5 %, respectively, by the 2nd soil washing (> 2nd SPWL). The small particle separation from the soil was conducted to decrease the initial concentration of heavy metals and to increase the washing effectiveness before the soil washing and 4.1 % of the soil were separated as small particles (< 0.075 mm in diameter). The small particle separation lowered down Zn and Pb concentrations of soil to 1256.3 mg/kg (27.9 % decrease) and 325.8 mg/kg (56.3 % decrease). However, the Zn concentration of soil without small particles still was higher than the 2nd SPWL even after the soil washing, suggesting that the additional process is necessary to lower Zn concentration to below the 2nd SPWL after the treatment process. As an alternative process, the magnetic separation process was performed for the soil and 16.4 % of soil mass were removed, because the soil contamination was originated from unreasonable dumping of metal wastes. The Zn and Pb concentrations of soil were lowered down to 637.2 mg/kg (63.4 % decrease) and 139.6 mg/kg (81.5 % decrease) by the magnetic separation, which were much higher than the removal efficiency of the soil washing and the particle separation. The 1st soil washing after the magnetic separation lowered concentration of both TPH and heavy metals to below 2nd SPWL, suggesting that the soil washing conjugated with the magnetic separation can be applied for the heavy metal and TPH contaminated soil including high content of metal wastes.

Blue Carbon Resources in the East Sea of Korea and Their Values and Potential Applications (동해안 블루카본 자원의 가치와 활용방안)

  • Yoon, Ho-Sung;Do, Jeong-Mi;Jeon, Byung Hee;Yeo, Hee-Tae;Jang, Hyeong Seok;Yang, Hee Wook;Suh, Ho Seong;Hong, Ji Won
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.32 no.7
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    • pp.578-587
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    • 2022
  • Korea, as the world's 7th largest emitter of greenhouse gases, has raised the national greenhouse gas reduction target as international regulations have been strengthened. As it is possible to utilize coastal and marine ecosystems as important nature-based solutions (NbS) for implementing climate change mitigation or adaptation plans, the blue carbon ecosystem is now receiving attention. Blue carbon refers to carbon that is deposited and stored for a long period after carbon dioxide (CO2) is absorbed as biomass by coastal ecosystems or oceanic ecosystems through photosynthesis. Currently, there are only three blue carbon ecosystems officially recognized by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC): mangroves, salt marshes, and seagrasses. However, the results of new research on the high CO2 sequestration and storage capacity of various new blue carbon sinks, such as seaweeds, microalgae, coral reefs, and non-vegetated tidal flats, have been continuously reported to the academic community recently. The possibility of IPCC international accreditation is gradually increasing through scientific verification related to calculations. In this review, the current status and potential value of seaweeds, seagrass fields, and non-vegetated tidal flats, which are sources of blue carbon on the east coast, are discussed. This paper confirms that seaweed resources are the most effective NbS in the East Sea of Korea. In addition, we would like to suggest the direction of research and development (R&D) and utilization so that new blue carbon sinks can obtain international IPCC certification in the near future.