• 제목/요약/키워드: Comminuted mandibular fracture

검색결과 12건 처리시간 0.015초

설하신경마비를 동반한 설골골절: 증례보고 (Hyoid Bone Fracture Associated with Hypoglossal Nerve Palsy: A Case Report)

  • 김신락;박진형;한예식
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • 제38권2호
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    • pp.199-202
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: Hyoid bone is a U-shaped bone in the anterior of the neck. Hyoid bone fractures are exceedingly rare and represent only 0.002% of all fractures because of its protective position relative to the mandible and its suspension by elastic musculature. We report a patient who presented hyoid bone fracture associated with hypoglossal nerve palsy. We also discuss the possible complication and treatment. Methods: A 69-year-old man was transferred from another institution because of persistent purulent discharge from the left chin. He had a history of trauma in which a knuckle crane grabbed his face and neck in the construction site. A CT scan at the time of the accident demonstrated a comminuted fracture of the right side of the mandible and hyoid bone fracture at the junction between body and right greater cornua. The displaced fracture of hyoid bone and fullness in the pre-epiglottic space were noted, probably indicating some edema. The patient was transferred into ICU after treatment of emergency tracheostomy because the patient showed respiratory distress rapidly. When the patient was hospitalized in our emergency room, he complained of dysphagia and pain when swallowing. On examination of oral cavity, the presence of muscle wasting with fasciculation of the tongue was noted and the tongue deviates to the left side on protruding from the mouth. Pharyngolarygoscopy was performed to make sure that there was no evidence of progressive swelling and pharyngeal laceration. Results: The patient underwent surgical removal of dead and infected tissue from the wound and reconstruction of mandibular bony defect by iliac bone grafting. Hyoid bone fracture was managed conservatively with oral analgesics, soft diet and restricted movement. Hypoglossal nerve palsy was resolved within 7 weeks after trauma without complications. Conclusion: Closed hyoid bone fracture is usually uncomplicated and thus it can be treated conservatively. Surgical intervention for hyoid bone fracture is recommended for patient with airway compromise, pharyngeal perforation and painful symptoms which show no response to conservative care. Furthermore, since respiratory distress syndrome may develop quickly, close observation is required. Besides, hypoglossal nerve palsy is a rarely recognized complication of hyoid bone fracture.


  • 김하랑;유재하;최병호;설성한;모동엽;이천의
    • Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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    • 제31권6호
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    • pp.544-549
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    • 2009
  • Failure to use effective methods of reduction, fixation and immobilization may lead to osteomyelitis with the exposed necrotic bone, as the overzealous use of transosseous wires & plates that devascularizes bone segments in the compound comminuted fractures of mandible. Once osteomyelitis secondary to fractures has become established, intermaxillary fixation should be instituted as early as possible. Fixation enhances patient comfort and hinders ingress of microorganisms and debris by movement of bone fragments. Teeth and foreign materials that are in the line of fracture should be removed and initial debridement performed at the earliest possible time. Grossly necrotic bone should be excised as early as possible ; no attempt should be made to create soft tissue flaps to achieve closure over exposed bone. The key to treatment of chronic osteomyelitis of the mandible is adequate and prolonged soft tissue drainage. If good soft tissue drainage is provided over a long period, sequestration of infected bone followed by regeneration or fibrous tissue replacement will occur so that appearance and function are not seriously altered. Localization and sequestration of infected mandible are far better performed by natural mechanism of homeostasis than by cutting across involved bone with a cosmetic or functional defect. As natural host defenses and conservative therapy begin to be effective, the process may become chronic, inflammation regresses, granulation tissue is formed, and new blood vessels cause lysis of bone, thus separating fragments of necrotic bone(sequestra) from viable bone. The sequestra may be isolated by a bed of granulation tissue, encased in a sheath of new bone(involucrum), and removed easily with pincettes. This is a case report of the long-term conservative drainage care in osteomyelitis associated with mandibular fractures.