• 제목/요약/키워드: Commercial Inverter

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New Approach for Transient Radiation SPICE Model of CMOS Circuit

  • Jeong, Sang-Hun;Lee, Nam-Ho;Lee, Jong-Yeol;Cho, Seong-Ik
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.1182-1187
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    • 2013
  • Transient radiation is emitted during a nuclear explosion and causes fatal errors as upset and latch-up in CMOS circuits. This paper proposes the transient radiation SPICE models of NMOS, PMOS, and INVERTER based on the transient radiation analysis using TCAD (Technology Computer Aided Design). To make the SPICE model of a CMOS circuit, the photocurrent in the PN junction of NMOS and PMOS was replaced as current source, and a latch-up phenomenon in the inverter was applied using a parasitic thyristor. As an example, the proposed transient radiation SPICE model was applied to a CMOS NAND circuit. The CMOS NAND circuit was simulated by SPICE and TCAD using the 0.18um CMOS process model parameter. The simulated results show that the SPICE results were similar to the TCAD simulation and the test results of commercial CMOS NAND IC. The simulation time was reduced by 120 times compared to the TCAD simulation.

A New Low-Cost Active Power Filter to Suppress Neutral Current Harmonics in Three-Phase Four-Wire System (3상 4선식 배전계통에서 중성선 전류 제거를 위한 새로운 저가형 능동전력필터)

  • 장민수;최세완;김기영
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.359-365
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    • 2002
  • Three-phase four-wire electrical distribution systems have been widely employed in manufacturing plants, commercial and residential buildings. Due to the nonlinear loads, the neutral conductor carries excessive harmonic currents resulting in wiring failure of the neutral conductor, overloading of the distribution transformer and a voltage drop between the neutral and the ground. This paper proposes a reduced rating active power filter to suppress neutral current harmonics in three-phase four-wire electrical distribution systems. The proposed system is simple in control and the VA rating of the inverter could be significantly reduced since only the fundamental current due to unbalanced loading flows through the inverter switch. The experimental results on a prototype validate the proposed control approach.

A Cost-Effective, Single-Phase Line-Interactive UPS System that Eliminates Inrush Current Phenomenon for Transformer-Coupled Loads

  • Bukhari, Syed Sabir Hussain;Atiq, Shahid;Lipo, Thomas A.;Kwon, Byung-il
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.675-682
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    • 2016
  • Sudden voltage drops and outages frequently disturb the operation of sensitive loads for domestic, commercial, and industrial use. In some cases, these events may even impair the functioning of relevant equipment. To maintain power under such conditions, a UPS system is usually installed. Once a disturbance happens at the grid side, the line-interactive UPS system takes over the load to prevent an interruption. But, due to magnetic saturation of the transformer, a significant inrush current may occur for the transformer-coupled loads during this transition. The generation of such transient currents may in turn decrease the line voltage and activates over-current protecting devices of the system. In this work, a cost-effective, line-interactive UPS system is proposed that eliminates the inrush current phenomenon associated with transformer-coupled loads. The strategy was implemented by connecting a standard current-regulated voltage source inverter (CRVSI) to the secondary winding of the load transformer. During any transient condition at the grid side, the load current is monitored and regulated to achieve either seamless compensation of the load current or complete transferal of load from grid to the inverter. Experimental results were obtained for a prototype under all possible operating conditions so as to validate the performance of the proposed topology.

Development of PV-Power-Hardware-In-Loop Simulator with Realtime to Improve the Performance of the Distributed PV Inverter (분산전원형 PV 인버터 성능 개선을 위한 실시간 처리기반의 PV-Power-Hardware-In-Loop 시뮬레이터 개발)

  • Kim, Dae-Jin;Kim, Byungki;Ryu, Kung-Sang;Lee, Gwang-Se;Jang, Moon-Seok;Ko, Hee-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.47-59
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    • 2017
  • As the global warming threats to humanity, renewable energy is considered the key solution to overcome the climate change. In this circumstance, distributed PV systems are being expanded significantly its market share in the renewable energy industry. The performance of inverter is the most important component at PV system and numerous researches are focusing on it. In order to improve the inverter, PV simulator is an essential device to experiment under various load and conditions. This paper proposes the PV Power-Hardware-In-Loop simulator (PHILS) with real-time processing converted electrical and mathematical models to improve computation speed. Single-diode PV model is used in MATLAB/SIMULINK for the PV PHILS to boosting computation speed and dynamic model accuracy. In addition, control algorithms for sub-components such as DC amplifier, measurement device and several interface functions are implemented in the model. The proposed PV PHILS is validated by means of experiments with commercial PV module parameters.

Power Conversion System for Electric Power Take-off of Agricultural Electric Vehicle (농업용 전기차량의 전기식 동력인출장치용 전력변환시스템)

  • Kwak, Bongwoo;Kim, Jonghoon
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.994-1002
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, we propose the development of a power conversion system for electric power take-off (e-PTO) of agricultural electric vehicles. Most e-PTOs use commercial power $220V_{AC}$. A bidirectional power conversion system having a two-stage structure consisting of a DC-DC converter and a DC-AC inverter for supplying a high output voltage using a low battery voltage of an agricultural electric vehicle is suitable. we propose a power conversion system consisting of the one-stage dual active bridge (DAB) converter and the two-stage bidirectional full bridge inverter. In addition, we propose a soft start algorithm for reducing the inrush current generated by the link capacitor charging during the initial operation. A 3kW prototype system and its corresponding algorithms have been implemented to verify its effectiveness through experiments.

The Novel Configuration of Integrated Network for Building Energy System (빌딩 에너지시스템 통합네트워크 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Hong, Won-Pyo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of IIIuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers Conference
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.229-234
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    • 2008
  • The new millennium has started with several innovations driven by fast evolution of the technologies in energy sector. A strong impulse towards the diffusion of new economical efficient technologies regulatory incentives related to energy production from renewable source and a small scale building trigeneration and to promotion of more sustainable environmental-friendly generation solutions, the evolution of electricity markets, more and more binding local emission constraints, and the need for improving the security of supply to reduce the energy system vulnerability. The 24 percentage energy quantify of total energy consumption consumes in commercial buildings and residential houses and the 30% portion of total $CO_2$ emissions covers also in the commercial buildings and residential houses sector. To cope with efficiently this energy sinuation in building sector, Building microgrid or building tooling, heating & power(BCHP) system has been interested in recent day due to meeting thermal and electric energy requirements efficiently and with appropriate energy quality. A multi agent system is a collective of intelligent agents that communicate with each other and work cooperatively to achieve common goals. Also, it is to medicate and coordinate communication between Control Areas and Security Coordinators for teal-time control of the BCHP system and the power pid. In this new circumstance, it is very important to integrate the power and energy delivery system and the information system(communication, networks, and intelligent equipment) that controls it. Therefore, development of smart control modules with open communication protocol and seamlessly interchange the data and information between control network and data network including extranet and intranet give a great meanings. We designed and developed the TCP/IP-CAN IED agent modules and ModBus./LonTalk/(TCP/IP) IED agent ones to configure the multi-agent system based smart energy network of commercial buildings and also intelligent algorithms for inverter fault diagnostics which ran be operated in control level or agent level network.

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Performance tests result and consideration for AUTS(Advanced Urban Transit System) (차세대전동차 완성차시험 결과 및 고찰)

  • Hong, Jai-Sung;Kim, Gil-Dong;Lee, Chang-Mu;Won, Jong-Un;Lee, An-Ho;Sung, Chang-Won
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.1092-1096
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    • 2011
  • The "standard regulation" of the vehicles from "urban transit law" are being adopted to electric multiple unit in domestic. In the standard regulation, there are two types for EMU. One is heavy EMU for Seoul. The other is large EMU for Pusan, Daegu, Gwangju, Daejeon, Incheon. Korea Railroad Research Institute, with the assistance of the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs, "advanced EMU development project" are progressed, and 6th year started at September, one unit to six cars is completed. Now "urban transit vehicle performance tests are on the current progress. The main characteristics of AUTS(Advanced Urban Transit System) are as follows. One inverter control one motor, DDM(Dircet Drive Motor), no driving gear, plug door and steps, mounting and maintenance costs down, passenger convenience improvement. This paper describes the key features the next generation EMU, and performance test results, and the commercial success method of national R&D business.

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바이모달 트램용 리튬폴리머전지팩에 대한 열유동해석

  • Lee, Gang-Won;Jang, Se-Gi;Jo, Se-Hyeon;Bae, Jong-Min;Gang, Hwan-Guk
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2009.11a
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    • pp.289-289
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    • 2009
  • The series hybrid propulsion system in bimodal tram consists of CNG engine, generator, inverter, motor and battery as main components. Among them, battery is very important thing to make a hybrid bimodal tram more efficient in driving. Battery pack is composed of 168 LPB(lithium polymer battery) cells, 650Vdc-300A. LPB should be treated with a good consideration in both temperature and overvoltage. This paper had analyzed and investigated the thermal flow and distribution of LPB module(l4 LPB cells) and Pack in simulated environments by commercial thermal analysis tool.

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High-Performance Metal-Substrate Power Module for Electrical Applications

  • Kim, Jongdae;Oh, Jimin;Yang, Yilsuk
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.645-653
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    • 2016
  • This paper demonstrates the performance of a metal-substrate power module with multiple fabricated chips for a high current electrical application, and evaluates the proposed module using a 1.5-kW sinusoidal brushless direct current (BLDC) motor. Specifically, the power module has a hybrid structure employing a single-layer heat-sink extensible metal board (Al board). A fabricated motor driver IC and trench gate DMOSFET (TDMOSFET) are implemented on the Al board, and the proper heat-sink size was designed under the operating conditions. The fabricated motor driver IC mainly operates as a speed controller under various load conditions, and as a multi-phase gate driver using an N-ch silicon MOSFET high-side drive scheme. A fabricated power TDMOSFET is also included in the fabricated power module for three-phase inverter operation. Using this proposed module, a BLDC motor is operated and evaluated under various pulse load tests, and our module is compared with a commercial MOSFET module in terms of the system efficiency and input current.

Sensorless Control of Inverter for Anti-Start Refrigerator Compressor for Commercial Vehicle (상용차를 위한 무시동 냉동기 압축기용 인버터의 센서리스 제어)

  • Han, Keun-Woo;Qiu, Xiao Dong;Jung, Young-Gook;Lim, Young-Cheol;Kim, Seong-Gon;Kim, Young-Chan
    • Proceedings of the KIPE Conference
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    • 2013.11a
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    • pp.210-211
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    • 2013
  • 냉동차량은 이동 또는 정차 중에도 냉동 부하에 일정 온도를 유지 시켜야한다. 종전의 상용차량에 냉동시스템은 차량의 엔진과 연계하여 압축기를 구동하거나 엔진과 연계된 발전기의 전력을 이용하여 일정 온도를 유지하였다. 이러한 방식은 제어가 쉽지 않고 효율이 낮은 단점을 가지고 있다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 단점을 개선하고자 냉동차량이 정차 중인 무시동 기관에서도 일정 온도를 유지 할 수 있도록 센서리스 제어방식이 적용된 3상 인버터를 제안하였다.

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