• Title/Summary/Keyword: Commercial Area Activation System

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Study on Improving the System for the Revitalization and Efficient Management of the Local Commercial Area (지역상권 활성화 및 효율적 관리를 위한 제도 개선방안 연구)

  • Kim, Seung-Hee;Kim, Young-Ki
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.55-62
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    • 2013
  • Purpose - This study aims to determine the problems and limitations of the Commercial Area Activation System, which was created by a special law for promoting traditional markets and shopping districts to revitalize and efficiently manage the central commercial area in different regions. We also suggest different options for its improvement. Research design, data, and methodology - We also look into the problems of which is being promoted as a demonstration project, from the aspects of legal text and guidelines. Results - The current commercial area activation system has several problems. First, the establishment of a comprehensive basic plan on the commercial area activation is not a requirement. Second, the benefit principle should be established to prevent the moral laxity of merchants who serve important roles in the main components of the commercial area activation business when they conduct their business. Third, the current special law constrains the commercial management organization, as under the civil law yields a limitation on finding a profitable business model. Fourth, to efficiently, constructing a system that links the other central government businesses and is needed. into a regional development budget or a budget for funding small businesses that the central government can control, which is effective. Further, we offer some suggestions for medium- and long-term policies. First, an integrated coordination mechanism at the central office level should be installed while setting the basic policy to revitalize the Based on this policy, local governments need a system that exclusively based on the after establishing a comprehensive plan for urban regeneration and getting approval from the integration organization. Second, a system that enables an understanding of the problems with business promotion by monitoring the procedure of supporting projects and regularly assessing business achievements is needed. Third, a plan is needed for resolving conflicts between various interested parties that adopts the commercial area activation system for carrying out a total redevelopment of the commercial area where small shops are densely located. A market maintenance project has been conducted as a means to recover our traditional market, which was economically depressed, and to revive the local economy, but it is mostly conducted in the form of reconstruction or redevelopment and represents the interests of landowners and merchants. Thus, it is most likely to lead to a gradual disappearance of traditional markets. Conclusions - This study looks primarily into the problems that appeared in the legal text or the guidelines regarding the direction of improvement of the commercial area activation business that has been going on as a demonstration project since 2011 and suggests some solutions.

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The Structural Relationship between Area Activation and Complex Development of Railway Station Area (철도역세권 복합개발과 지역 활성화의 구조적 관계)

  • Choi, Soo-Beom;Lee, Joo-Hyung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.594-603
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    • 2016
  • This study analyzed that introduction function and program how influence about quality of life local resident and development of region according to real development. Also, it suggested policy implications of area activation plan through complex development of railway station area. In research method, the factor and structure affecting area activation in complex development of railway station area analyzed positively using the PLS structural equation focused on citizen near station area. As a result of study, in regional economic vitalization, the factors of software(marketing support, transfer system support, plan and design support, complex development support, law institution improvement, etc) and the factors of hardware(traffic function, information exchange function, commercial business function, housing features, amenity function, etc) are represented to influence significantly and then, in quality of life of local resident, the factor of hardware analyzed to influence significantly, but the factor of software and network did not. In comparison, the factor of network is represented that it did not contributed in regional economic vitalization and quality of life of local resident. So, political supplementations are needed.

D-$\Pi$-A designed dye chromophores and nanoparticles: optical properties, chemosensor effects and PE/Aramid fiber colorations

  • Son, Young-A;Kim, Su-Ho;Kim, Young-Sung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Dyers and Finishers Conference
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    • 2010.03a
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    • pp.40-40
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    • 2010
  • Studies on attractive color changing property of dye chromophore and fluorophore have been greatly enjoyed in the related industrial and research fields such as optoelectronics, chemosensor, biosensor and so on. The optical property based on D-$\Pi$-A intramolecular charge transfer (ICT) system of chromophore molecules can be utilized as suitable sensing probes for checking media polarity and determining colorimetric chemosensing effect, especially heavy metal detection. These finding are obtained by absorption and emission properties. In this work, donor-acceptor D-$\Pi$-A type fluorescent dyes were designed and synthesized with the corresponding donor and acceptor groups. The selected donor moieties might be provided prominent amorphous properties which are very useful in designing and synthesizing functional polymers and in fabricating devices. Another reasons to choose are commercial availabilities in high purity and low price. Donor-bridge-acceptor (D-A) type dyes can produce impressive optical-physical properties, yielding them potentially suitable for applications in the synthesis of small functional organic molecules. Small organic functional molecules have unique advantages, such as better solubility, amorphous character, and represent an area of research which needs to be explored and developed. Currently, their applications in metalorganic compounds is rapidly expanding and becoming widespread in self-assembly processes, photoluminescence applications, chiral organocatalysts, and ingrafts with nanomaterials. Colloidal nanoparticles have received great attentions in recent years. The photophysical properties of nanoparticles, particularly in terms of brightness, photostability, emission color purity and broad adsorption range, are very attractive functions in many applications. To our knowledge background, colloidal nanoparticles have been enjoyed their applications in bio-probe research fields. This research interest can be raised by the advantages of the materials such as high photoluminescence quantum yields, sharp emission band, long-term photostability and broad excitation spectra. In recent, the uses of nanoparticles being embedded in a polymer matrix and binded on polymer surface have been explored and their properties such as photo-activation and strong photoluminescence have been proposed. The prepared chromophores and nanoparticles were investigated with absorption and emission properties, solvatochromic behaviors, pH induced color switching effects, chemosensing effects and HOMO/LUMO energy potentials with computer simulation. In addition, synthesized fluorophore dyes and particles were applied onto PE/Aramid fiber fluorescing colorations. And the related details were then discussed.

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