• Title/Summary/Keyword: Color order system

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A Multi-detection Fluorescence Dye with 5-ALA and ICG Using Modified Light Emitting Diodes

  • Yoon, Kicheol;Kim, Eunji;Kim, Kwanggi;Lee, Seunghoon;Yoo, Heon
    • Current Optics and Photonics
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.256-262
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    • 2019
  • Extensive tumor resection accompanied by radiotherapy and chemotherapy is the standard of care for malignant gliomas. However, there is a significant obstacle to the complete resection of the tumor due to the difficulty of distinguishing tumor and normal brain tissue with a conventional surgical microscope. Recently, multiple studies have shown the possibility of fluorescence-guided surgery in malignant gliomas. The most used fluorescence dyes for brain tumor surgery are 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA) and indocyanine green (ICG). In this paper, a new fluorescence guided operation system, which can detect both 5-ALA and ICG fluorescent images simultaneously, is presented. This operation system consists of light emitting diodes (LEDs) which emits 410 nm and 740 nm wavelengths. We have performed experiments on rats in order to verify the operation of the newly developed operation system. Oral administration and imaging were performed to observe the fluorescence of 5-ALA and ICG fluorescence in rats. When LEDs at wavelengths of 410 nm and 740 nm were irradiated on rats, 628 nm wavelength with a violet fluorescence color and 825 nm wavelength with a red fluorescence color were expressed in 5-ALA and ICG fluorescent material, respectively, thus we were able to distinguish the tumor tissues easily. Previously, due to the poor resolution of the conventional surgical microscope and the fact that the color of the vein is similar to that of the tumor, the tumor resection margin was not easy to observe, thus increasing the likelihood for cancer recurrence. However, when the tumor is observed through the fluorescence guided operation system, it is possible to easily distinguish the color with the naked eye and it can be completely removed. Therefore, it is expected that surgical removal of cancerous tumors will be possible and surgical applications and surgical microscopes for cancer tumor removal surgery will be promising in the future.

Syntheses and Characteristics of Intermolecular Charge-Transfer Complex Dyes (분자간 전하이동형 기능성 색소의 합성과 물성)

  • Kim, Sung Hoon;Lee, Soon Nam;Lim, Yong Jin
    • Textile Coloration and Finishing
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.21-25
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    • 1992
  • The charge-transfer(CT) complexes derived from various donors and acceptors were evaluated as coloring matter. Dyes absorbing light in the region from the visible to the near-infrared wavelengths were synthesized. In order to determine the molar ratio of the donor to the acceptor in the CT complex in the solution, the continuous variational method was applied to each system. A 1:1 correspondence between the donor and the acceptor molecules in the CT complex in the solution is established. Color development properties in paper were examined. The longer the exposure time at constant temperature, the deeper the strength of color in paper. The strength of color at high temperature was decreased, because sublimed CT dyes in paper were migrated out side of paper.

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Real-Time Objects Tracking using Color Configuration in Intelligent Space with Distributed Multi-Vision (분산다중센서로 구현된 지능화공간의 색상정보를 이용한 실시간 물체추적)

  • Jin, Tae-Seok;Lee, Jang-Myung;Hashimoto, Hideki
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.12 no.9
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    • pp.843-849
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    • 2006
  • Intelligent Space defines an environment where many intelligent devices, such as computers and sensors, are distributed. As a result of the cooperation between smart devices, intelligence emerges from the environment. In such scheme, a crucial task is to obtain the global location of every device in order to of for the useful services. Some tracking systems often prepare the models of the objects in advance. It is difficult to adopt this model-based solution as the tracking system when many kinds of objects exist. In this paper the location is achieved with no prior model, using color properties as information source. Feature vectors of multiple objects using color histogram and tracking method are described. The proposed method is applied to the intelligent environment and its performance is verified by the experiments.

The Role of Color Identity on Building Airlines's Brand Image (브랜드 연상 형성에 미치는 항공사 컬러 아이덴티티의 역할)

  • Yoon, Moon-Sun;Yang, Guen-Ae;Jin, Chang-Hyun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.8
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    • pp.119-129
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this paper is to improve efficiency in establishing brand identity by researching the effect of local airlines' use of color identity on consumer's brand awareness. Case analysis on color image has first been implemented. And then an empirical study has been carried out in order to measure the effects of consumer's brand awareness based on color image and correlation of an airline company's image with its color image on formation of brand image. Airline's use of color identity, associated with color image, plays an important role in consumer's brand association. Also, the importance of color application will be raised identifying that it has a positive impact in establishing domestic airline's brand identity. This will contribute to the domestic airlines in emerging as global leaders with distinct brand identities and competitive edge. Furthermore, this study will suggest continuing research focusing on new aspects in sensuous consumption behavior given that existing researches on airline's brand have been limited to human services, system, and flight operation.

Color Changes of Natural-Dyed Fabrics under Sunlight (일광노출에 의한 천연염직물의 색상변화에 관한 연구)

  • Park Myung-Ja;Lee Youn-Hee;Yoon Yang-Noh
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.45-53
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    • 2004
  • Natural dyes have poor colorfastness as a result of the exposure of the dyed fabric to sunlight encountered during the display or wearing. As colors on fabrics fade excessively under sunlight, it is a problem to infer and restore the historic textiles with natural-dyed fabrics to original colors. The object of this study is to analyse the factors affected to color change under light. In experimental, fifteen natural dyes were dyed by the Korean traditional dyeing methods onto natural fiber fabrics: cotton, silk, ramie, and flex. Total 49 dyed fabrics in combination with dyes and fibers were used for the specimen. The Weather-O-meter was used for evaluating the effects of exposure to light for 2.5 to 450 hours. The process of color changes in the CIEL *A*B* color-order system to the exposure time were determined by spectrophotometer at 10$^{\circ}$ observer. Sunlight exposure caused significant changes in the color of natural-dyed fabrics. The degree and nature of color changes on the fabrics were dependent on the combination of fiber and the type of dye used. The groups of violet(Lithospermum erythrorhizon Sieb.et Zucc.) and black color(Ailanthus altissima Swingle, Phus trichocarpa Miq) yielded excellent colorfastness to light. The group of indigo blue color(Polygonum tinctorium Lour.) was also very resistant to fading in both exposure except silk. Whereas the dye groups of Red, Yellow, Orange, Brown colors indicated greatest changes in fading, particularly Carthamus tinctorius L.

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A Study on Used Colors Characteristic of Case Study for Children Play Therapy Center (국내.외 놀이치료 시설의 사례분석을 통한 사용 색채 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Jin-Hee
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.29-36
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    • 2011
  • This study aims to be the useful resources for selecting play therapy facility in the future by analysis of used colors in the play therapy facility as the subsequent studies of the thesis of KIID in 2010, titled 'Study on the planning factors of case study for children's play therapy center'. As research method of this study, the overall understanding about play therapy facility was improved through theoretical considerations, and it was about the Moon-Spencer's theory of color harmony which will be used for the framework of case study. In Section 3, the field trips at 6 facilities were conducted as the case research and the data research through website was conducted for case study. Moon-Spencer's theory of color harmony used the Munsell's color Order System, so after measuring CMYK value of the picture for the case research through photo shop, the color, brightness and saturation were measured through Munsell Conversion program. The following three kinds of features were drawn by research of the harmony and disharmony of used colors for the cases after substituting the theory of color harmony through the measured color. brightness, and saturation. First. series Y and YR were used mainly for warm image as the concept of play therapy room. Second, the various colors were used for comfortable image like home. But the various patterns were used by mixing for the therapy room F, so it gives confusing impression. Third, series YR and achromatic color as the color of wood were used unavoidably for using materials of manufactured goods.

Ocular Inspection Using Color Analysis in CIE Lab for Kidney Disease in Various Situations (다양한 환경 하에서 신장 질환 진단을 위한 색차 기반 찰색 방법의 제안)

  • Lee, Se-Hwan;Cho, Dong-Uk
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.35 no.4B
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    • pp.630-636
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    • 2010
  • Ocular inspection in oriental medicine, which identifies sickness by patient's skin color, is usually applied by doctor's subjective judgment. In order to reduce the subjectiveness of diagnosis, we propose a method of objective and quantitative analysis for ocular inspection. The most issued features for ocular inspection are how to identify the color of patients' face in various situations, and how to link the relation between color and sickness. For resolving these two issues, the color system of CIE Lab is adopted for analyzing and classifying the color characteristics. The classification of color features is verified by experiments on groups of patients and non-patients. The results of experiments showed that the proposed method can provide an objective means for ocular inspection using patient's skin color.

An Image Signal Processor for Ultra Small HDGrade Video Sensor with 3A in Camera Phones

  • Jang, Won-Woo;Kim, Joo-Hyun;Han, Hag-Yong;Yang, Hoon-Gee;Kang, Bong-Soon
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.507-515
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, we propose an image signal processor (ISP) for an ultra small HD-grade video sensor with 3A (AWB, AE, and AF) in camera phones that can process 720P/30fps videos. In order to enhance the video quality of the systems, it is necessary to achieve the high performance of the 3A. The proposed AWB algorithm multiplies the adjusted coefficients of color gains to the captured data of white objects. The proposed AE method adopts the index step moving based on the difference between an averaged Y luminance and a target luminance, together with IIR filters with variable time responses. The proposed AF technique controls the focus curve to find the lens position that maximizes the integrated high frequency components in luminance values by using highpass filters. Finally, we compare the image quality captured from our system to the quality of a commercial HD camcorder in order to evaluate the performance of the proposed ISP. The proposed ISP system is also fabricated with 0.18um CMOS flash memory process.

On-line Background Extraction in Video Image Using Vector Median (벡터 미디언을 이용한 비디오 영상의 온라인 배경 추출)

  • Kim, Joon-Cheol;Park, Eun-Jong;Lee, Joon-Whoan
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.13B no.5 s.108
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    • pp.515-524
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    • 2006
  • Background extraction is an important technique to find the moving objects in video surveillance system. This paper proposes a new on-line background extraction method for color video using vector order statistics. In the proposed method, using the fact that background occurs more frequently than objects, the vector median of color pixels in consecutive frames Is treated as background at the position. Also, the objects of current frame are consisted of the set of pixels whose distance from background pixel is larger than threshold. In the paper, the proposed method is compared with the on-line multiple background extraction based on Gaussian mixture model(GMM) in order to evaluate the performance. As the result, its performance is similar or superior to the method based on GMM.

Appearance Based Object Identification for Mobile Robot Localization in Intelligent Space with Distributed Vision Sensors

  • Jin, TaeSeok;Morioka, Kazuyuki;Hashimoto, Hideki
    • International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.165-171
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    • 2004
  • Robots will be able to coexist with humans and support humans effectively in near future. One of the most important aspects in the development of human-friendly robots is to cooperation between humans and robots. In this paper, we proposed a method for multi-object identification in order to achieve such human-centered system and robot localization in intelligent space. The intelligent space is the space where many intelligent devices, such as computers and sensors, are distributed. The Intelligent Space achieves the human centered services by accelerating the physical and psychological interaction between humans and intelligent devices. As an intelligent device of the Intelligent Space, a color CCD camera module, which includes processing and networking part, has been chosen. The Intelligent Space requires functions of identifying and tracking the multiple objects to realize appropriate services to users under the multi-camera environments. In order to achieve seamless tracking and location estimation many camera modules are distributed. They causes some errors about object identification among different camera modules. This paper describes appearance based object representation for the distributed vision system in Intelligent Space to achieve consistent labeling of all objects. Then, we discuss how to learn the object color appearance model and how to achieve the multi-object tracking under occlusions.