• Title/Summary/Keyword: Color Frame

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Abstraction Mechanism of Low-Level Video Features for Automatic Retrieval of Explosion Scenes (폭발장면 자동 검출을 위한 저급 수준 비디오 특징의 추상화)

  • Lee, Sang-Hyeok;Nang, Jong-Ho
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.389-401
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    • 2001
  • This paper proposes an abstraction mechanism of the low-level digital video features for the automatic retrievals of the explosion scenes from the digital video library. In the proposed abstraction mechanism, the regional dominant colors of the key frame and the motion energy of the shot are defined as the primary abstractions of the shot for the explosion scene retrievals. It is because an explosion shot usually consists of the frames with a yellow-tone pixel and the objects in the shot are moved rapidly. The regional dominant colors of shot are selected by dividing its key frame image into several regions and extracting their regional dominant colors, and the motion energy of the shot is defined as the edge image differences between key frame and its neighboring frame. The edge image of the key frame makes the retrieval of the explosion scene more precisely, because the flames usually veils all other objects in the shot so that the edge image of the key frame comes to be simple enough in the explosion shot. The proposed automatic retrieval algorithm declares an explosion scene if it has a shot with a yellow regional dominant color and its motion energy is several times higher than the average motion energy of the shots in that scene. The edge image of the key frame is also used to filter out the false detection. Upon the extensive exporimental results, we could argue that the recall and precision of the proposed abstraction and detecting algorithm are about 0.8, and also found that they are not sensitive to the thresholds. This abstraction mechanism could be used to summarize the long action videos, and extract a high level semantic information from digital video archive.

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A Study on Cut Detection of Video Retrieval Using the Color Threshold (칼라임계값을 이용한 동영상의 컷 검출에 관한 연구)

  • 이명주;김형균;정기봉;오무성;김태성
    • Proceedings of the Korea Multimedia Society Conference
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    • 2000.04a
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    • pp.153-156
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    • 2000
  • 동영상 정보는 영상정보뿐만 아니라 음성정보, 문자정보 및 각종 의미있는 정보들을 포함하고 있어서 기존의 검색방법으로는 사용자가 원하는 이미지를 찾는데 어려움이 따른다. 따라서, 본 연구에서는 동영상 정보의 효율적인 활용을 위한 색인방법으로 칼라 임계값을 이용한 컷 검출 방법을 제안하였다. 이것은 frame 간의 유사도를 측정해서 이 값이 주어진 임계값보다 작을 경우, 장면의 전환이 일어나는 곳을 컷 지점으로 검출하는 것인데, 동영상의 장면에 따른 유사도가 다를 수 있기 때문에, 컷을 구성하는 프레임들간의 칼라 임계값에 변동을 주어 최적의 컷 검출율을 구하고자 했다. 초기의 칼라 임계값은 '80'을 사용했고, 이후 frame 의 유사도가 임계값보다 클 경우, 즉 장면전환이 일어나지 않았을 경우일정한 상수 값을 초기 임계값에서 감산토록 하였다. 이러한, 과정을 거쳐 추출된 frame을 가지고 원하는 이미지를 검색하게 되면 사용자의 노력 및 검색 시간이 단축되고, 동영상 정보의 관리가 용이해진다.

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An Efficient Video Retrieval Algorithm Using Key Frame Matching for Video Content Management

  • Kim, Sang Hyun
    • International Journal of Contents
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.1-5
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    • 2016
  • To manipulate large video contents, effective video indexing and retrieval are required. A large number of video indexing and retrieval algorithms have been presented for frame-wise user query or video content query whereas a relatively few video sequence matching algorithms have been proposed for video sequence query. In this paper, we propose an efficient algorithm that extracts key frames using color histograms and matches the video sequences using edge features. To effectively match video sequences with a low computational load, we make use of the key frames extracted by the cumulative measure and the distance between key frames, and compare two sets of key frames using the modified Hausdorff distance. Experimental results with real sequence show that the proposed video sequence matching algorithm using edge features yields the higher accuracy and performance than conventional methods such as histogram difference, Euclidean metric, Battachaya distance, and directed divergence methods.

A Study on Extraction and Comparison of Digital Content Key Frame in UCC Service Environment

  • Jang, Eun-Gyeom
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.14 no.8
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    • pp.1020-1028
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we proposed a mechanism that prevents indiscreet use of digital contents, verifies created content's copyrights to provide services to granted user and protects digital contents by law by authenticating the original digital content whenever an infringement of copyright occurs in UCC environments. The proposed mechanism uses specific information and features of contents as copyrights authentication information without additional information. Also, provides the fact of violation by inferring the modification of the original digital contents. That means this mechanism infers same or similar value from the contents; fraudulent use of content, modification of content color, modification of content format, modification of content resolution and illegal use of frame not principal key frame. In that point, we found that the inferred value from the content differed according to features of content modification.

A Synchronized Stereo Image Acquisition on the Optical Tracker (Optical Tracker에서 좌우 적외선 영상의 동시 획득에 관한 연구)

  • 신동익;허수진
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.527-534
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    • 2001
  • Conventional stereo image acquisition uses a pair of frame grabbers in the CAS(Computer Assisted Surgery) system. In this Paper, we developed a synchronized stereo image acquisition method with only one frame grabber Two images from left and right camera each other. were merged with different color space without time delay and thus only one frame grabber was enough toy stereo image. Due to this synchronous Property of image acquisition, we can improve spatial revolution on the computation of 3D Position. Furthermore the overall costs for 3D navigator can be down and the extraction time of stereo Position tan be shortened.

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Automated scrap-sorting research using a line-scan camera system (라인스캔 카메라 시스템을 이용(利用)한 스크랩 자동선별(自動選別) 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Chan-Wook;Kim, Hang-Goo
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.43-49
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    • 2008
  • In this study, a scrap sorting system using a color recognition method has been developed to automatically sort out specified materials from a mixture, and its application as been examined in the separation of Cu and other non-ferrous metal parts from a mixture of iron scraps. The system is composed of three parts; measuring, conveying and ejecting parts. The color of scrap surface is recognized by the measuring part consisting of a line-scan camera, light sources and a frame grabber. The recognition is program-controlled by a image processing algorithms, and thus only the scrap part of designated color is separated by the use of air nozzles. In addition, the light system is designed to meet a high speed of sorting process with a frequency-variable inverter and the air nozzled ejectors are to be operated by an I/O interface communication with a hardware controller. In the functional tests of the system, its efficiency in the recognition of Cu scraps from its mixture with Fe ones reaches to more than 90%, and that in the separation more than 80% at a conveying speed of 25 m/min. Therefore, it is expected that the system can be commercialized in the industry of shredder makers if a high efficiency ejecting system is realized.

A Scene Change Detection Technique using the Weighted $\chi^2$-test and the Automated Threshold-Decision Algorithm (변형된 $\chi^2$- 테스트와 자동 임계치-결정 알고리즘을 이용한 장면전환 검출 기법)

  • Ko, Kyong-Cheol;Rhee, Yang-Won
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.42 no.4 s.304
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    • pp.51-58
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    • 2005
  • This paper proposes a robust scene change detection technique that uses the weighted chi-square test and the automated threshold-decision algorithms. The weighted chi-square test can subdivide the difference values of individual color channels by calculating the color intensities according to NTSC standard, and it can detect the scene change by joining the weighted color intensities to the predefined chi-square test which emphasize the comparative color difference values. The automated threshold-decision at algorithm uses the difference values of frame-to-frame that was obtained by the weighted chi-square test. At first, The Average of total difference values is calculated and then, another average value is calculated using the previous average value from the difference values, finally the most appropriate mid-average value is searched and considered the threshold value. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithms are effective and outperform the previous approaches.

Video Segmentation using the Automated Threshold Decision Algorithm (비디오 분할을 위한 자동 임계치 결정 알고리즘)

  • Ko Kyong-Cheol;Lee Yang-Won
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.10 no.6 s.38
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    • pp.65-74
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    • 2005
  • This Paper Propose a robust scene change detection technique that use the weighted chi-square test and the automated threshold-decision algorithm. The weighted chi-test can subdivide the difference values of individual color channels by calculating the color intensities according to mSC standard, and it can detect the scene change by joining the weighted color intensities to the predefined chi-test which emphasize the comparative color difference values. The automated decision algorithm uses the difference values of frame-to-frame that was obtained by the weighted chi-test. In the first step, The average of total difference value and standard deviation value is calculated and then, subtract the mean value from the each difference values. In the next step, the same process is performed on the remained difference value. The propose method is tested on various sources and in the experimental results, it is shown that the Proposed method is efficiently estimates the thresholds and reliably detects scene changes.

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The Cut Detection System using Sum of Square Difference of Color between frames of Video Image Data (동영상데이터의 프레임간 색상차의 자승합을 이용한 컷 검출시스템)

  • 김병철;정창렬;고진광
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.3 no.5
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    • pp.51-62
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    • 2002
  • The development of computer technology and the advancement of the technology of information and communications spread the technology of multimedia and increased the use of multimedia data with large capacity, Users can grasp the overall video data and they are able to play wanted video back. To grasp the overall video data it is necessary to offer the list of summarized video data information, In order to search video efficiently on index process of video data is essential and it is also indispensable skill, Therefore, this thesis suggested the effective method about the cut detection of frames which will become a basis of an index based on contents of video image data. This suggested method was detected as the unchanging pixel color intelligence value, classified into diagonal direction. Pixel value of color detected in each frame of video data is stored as A(i, j) matrix-i is the number of frames. j is an image height of frame. By using the stored pixel value as the method of sum of squared difference of color two frames I calculated a specified value difference between frames and detected cut quickly and exactly in case it is bigger than threshold value set in advance, To carry out on experiment on the cut detection of frames comprehensively, I experimented on many kinds of video. analyzing and comparing efficiency of the cut detection system.

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Simultaneous velocity and temperature measurement of thermo-fluid flows by using particle imaging technique (화상처리기법을 이용한 온도장 및 속도장 동시 측정기법 개발)

  • Lee, Sang-Joon;Baek, Seung-Jo;Yoon, Jong-Hwan;Doh, Deog-Hee
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.20 no.10
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    • pp.3334-3343
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    • 1996
  • A quantitative flow visualization technique was developed to measure velocity and temperature fields simultaneously in a two-dimensional cross section of thermo-fluid flows. Thermochromic liquid crystal(TLC) particles are used as temperature sensor and velocity tracers. Illuminating a thermo-fluid flow with a thin sheet of white light, the reflected colors from the TLC particles in the flow were captured simultaneously by two CCD cameras; a 3-chip CCD color camera for temperature field measurement and a black and white CCD camera for velocity field measurement. Variations of temperature field were measured by using a HSI true color image processing system and TLC solution. The relationship between the hue values of TLC color image and real temperature was obtained and this calibration curve was used to measure the true temperature under the same camera and illumination condition. The velocity field was obtained by using a 2-frame PTV technique using the concept of match-probability to track true velocity vectors from two consecutive image frames. These two techniques were applied at the same time to the unsteady thermal-fluid flow in a Hele-Shaw cell to measure the temperature and velocity field simultaneously and some results are discussed.