• 제목/요약/키워드: College health

검색결과 33,627건 처리시간 0.059초

Roles and Preparation for the Future Nurse-Educators (미래 간호교육자의 역할과 이를 위한 준비)

  • Kim Susie
    • The Korean Nurse
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    • 제20권4호통권112호
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    • pp.39-49
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    • 1981
  • 기존 간호 영역 내 간호는 질적으로, 양적으로 급격히 팽창 확대되어 가고 있다. 많은 나라에서 건강관리체계가 부적절하게 분배되어 있으며 따라서 많은 사람들이 적절한 건강관리를 제공받지 못하고 있어 수준 높은 양질의 건강관리를 전체적으로 확대시키는 것이 시급하다. 혹 건강관리의 혜택을 받는다고 해도 이들 역시 보다 더 양질의 인간적인 간호를 요하고 있는 실정이다. 간호는 또한 간호영역 자체 내에서도 급격히 확대되어가고 있다. 예를들면, 미국같은 선진국가의 건강간호사(Nurse practitioner)는 간호전문직의 새로운 직종으로 건강관리체계에서 독자적인 실무자로 그 두각을 나타내고 있다. 의사의 심한 부족난으로 고심하는 발전도상에 있는 나라들에서는 간호원들에게 전통적인 간호기능 뿐 아니라 건강관리체계에서 보다 많은 역할을 수행하도록 기대하며 일선지방의 건강센터(Health center) 직종에 많은 간호원을 투입하고 있다. 가령 우리 한국정부에서 최근에 시도한 무의촌지역에서 졸업간호원들이 건강관리를 제공할 수 있도록 한 법적 조치는 이러한 구체적인 예라고 할 수 있다. 기존 간호영역내외의 이런 급격한 변화는 Melvin Toffler가 말한 대로 ''미래의 충격''을 초래하게 되었다. 따라서 이러한 역동적인 변화는 간호전문직에 대하여 몇가지 질문을 던져준다. 첫째, 미래사회에서 간호영역의 특성은 무엇인가? 둘째, 이러한 새로운 영역에서 요구되는 간호원을 길러내기 위해 간호교육자는 어떤 역할을 수행해야 하는가? 셋째 내일의 간호원을 양성하는 간호교육자를 준비시키기 위한 실질적이면서도 현실적인 전략은 무엇인가 등이다. 1. 미래사회에서 간호영역의 특성은 무엇인가? 미래의 간호원은 다음에 열거하는 여러가지 요인으로 인하여 지금까지의 것과는 판이한 환경에서 일하게 될 것이다. 1) 건강관리를 제공하는 과정에서 컴퓨터화되고 자동화된 기계 및 기구 등 새로운 기술을 많이 사용할 것이다. 2) 1차건강관리가 대부분 간호원에 의해 제공될 것이다. 3) 내일의 건강관리는 소비자 주축의 것이 될 것이다. 4) 간호영역내에 많은 새로운 전문분야들이 생길 것이다. 5) 미래의 건강관리체계는 사회적인 변화와 이의 요구에 더 민감한 반응을 하게 될 것이다. 6) 건강관리체계의 강조점이 의료진료에서 건강관리로 바뀔 것이다. 7) 건강관리체계에서의 간호원의 역할은 의료적인 진단과 치료계획의 기능에서 크게 탈피하여 병원내외에서 보다 더 독특한 실무형태로 발전될 것이다. 이러한 변화와 더불어 미래 간호영역에서 보다 효과적인 간호를 수행하기 위해 미래 간호원들은 지금까지의 간호원보다 더 광범위하고 깊은 교육과 훈련을 받아야 한다. 보다 발전된 기술환경에서 전인적인 접근을 하기위해 신체과학이나 의학뿐 아니라 행동과학 $\cdot$ 경영과학 등에 이르기까지 다양한 훈련을 받아야 할 필요가 있다. 또한 행동양상면에서 전문직인 답게 보다 진취적이고 표현적이며 자동적이고 응용과학적인 역할을 수행하도록 훈련을 받아야 한다. 그리하여 간호원은 효과적인 의사결정자$\cdot$문제해결자$\cdot$능숙한 실무자일 뿐 아니라 소비자의 건강요구를 예리하게 관찰하고 이 요구에 효과적인 존재를 발전시켜 나가는 연구자가 되어야 한다. 2. 미래의 간호교육자는 어떤 역할을 수행해야 하는가? 간호교육은 전문직으로서의 실무를 제공하기 위한 기초석이다. 이는 간호교육자야말로 미래사회에서 국민의 건강요구를 충족시키기는 능력있는 간호원을 공급하는 일에 전무해야 함을 시사해준다. 그러면 이러한 일을 달성하기 위해 간호교육자는 무엇을 해야 하는가? 우선 간호교육자는 두가지 측면에서 이 일을 수정해야 된다고 본다. 그 하나는 간호교육기관에서의 측면이고 다른 하나는 간호교육자 개인적인 측면엣서이다. 우선 간호교육기관에서 간호교육자는 1) 미래사회에서 요구되는 간호원을 교육시키기 위한 프로그램을 제공해야 한다. 2) 효과적인 교과과정의 발전과 수정보완을 계속적으로 진행시켜야 한다. 3) 잘된 교과과정에 따라 적절한 훈련을 철저히 시켜야 한다. 4) 간호교육자 자신이 미래의 예측된 현상을 오늘의 교육과정에 포함시킬 수 있는 자신감과 창의력을 가지고 모델이 되어야 한다. 5) 연구 및 학생들의 학습에 영향을 미치는 중요한 의사결정에 학생들을 참여시키도록 해야한다. 간호교육자 개인적인 측면에서는 교육자 자신들이 능력있고 신빙성있으며 간호의 이론$\cdot$실무$\cdot$연구면에 걸친 권위와 자동성$\cdot$독창성, 그리고 인간을 진정으로 이해하려는 자질을 갖추도록 계속 노력해야 한다. 3. 미래의 간호원을 양성하는 능력있는 간호교육자를 준비시키기 위한 실질적이면서도 현실적인 전략은 무엇인가? 내일의 도전을 충족시킬 수 있는 능력있는 간호교육자를 준비시키기 위한 실질적이고 현실적인 전략을 논함에 있어 우리나라의 실정을 참조하겠다. 전문직 간호교육자를 준비하는데 세가지 방법을 통해 할 수 있다고 생각한다. 첫째는 간호원 훈련수준을 전문직 실무를 수행할 수 있는 단계로 면허를 높이는 것이고, 둘째는 훈련수준을 더 향상시키기 위하여 학사 및 석사간호교육과정을 발전시키고 확대하는 것이며, 셋째는 현존하는 간호교육 프로그램의 질을 높이는 것이다. 첫째와 둘째방법은 정부의 관할이 직접 개입되는 방법이기 때문에 여기서는 생략하고 현존하는 교과과정을 발전시키고 그 질을 향상시키는 것에 대해서만 언급하고자 한다. 미래의 여러가지 도전에 부응할 수 있는 교육자를 준비시키는 교육과정의 발전을 두가지 면에서 추진시킬 수 있다고 본다. 첫째는 국제간의 교류를 통하여 idea 및 경험을 나눔으로서 교육과정의 질을 높일 수 있다. 서로 다른 나라의 간호교육자들이 정기적으로 모여 생각과 경험을 교환하고 연구하므로서 보다 체계적이고 효과적인 발전체인(chain)이 형성되는 것이다. ICN같은 국제적인 조직에 의해 이러한 모임을 시도하는 것인 가치있는 기회라고 생각한다. 국가간 또는 국제적인 간호교육자 훈련을 위한 교육과정의 교환은 한 나라안에서 그 idea를 확산시키는데 효과적인 영향을 미칠 수 있다. 충분한 간호교육전문가를 갖춘 간호교육기관이 새로운 교육과정을 개발하여 그렇지 못한 기관과의 연차적인 conference를 가지므로 확산시킬 수도 있으며 이런 방법은 경제적인 면에서도 효과적일 뿐만 아니라 그 나라 그 문화상황에 적합한 교과과정 개발에도 효과적일 수 있다. 간호교육자를 준비시키는 둘째전략은 현존간호교육자들이 간호이론과 실무$\cdot$연구를 통합하고 발전시키는데 있어서 당면하는 여러가지 요인-전인적인 간호에 적절한 과목을 이수하지 못하고 임상실무경험의 부족등-을 보충하는 방법이다. 이런 실제적인 문제를 잠정적으로 해결하기 위하여 1) 몇몇 대학에서 방학중에 계속교육 프로그램을 개발하여 현직 간호교육자들에게 필요하고 적절한 과목을 이수하도록 한다. 따라서 임상실무교육도 이때 실시할 수 있다. 2) 대학원과정 간호교육프로그램의 입학자의 자격에 2$\~$3년의 실무경험을 포함시키도록 한다. 결론적으로 교수와 학생간의 진정한 동반자관계는 자격을 구비한 능력있는 교수의 실천적인 모델을 통하여서 가능하게 이루어 질수 있다고 믿는 바이다.

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Studies on the Lipid Composition in Three Species of Shellfish (3종(種) 패류(貝類)의 지질조성(脂質組成)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Son, Young Ock;Ha, Bong Seuk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • 제12권4호
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    • pp.407-419
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    • 1983
  • In this study, the lipid components of three species of shellfish included oyster(Crassostrea gigas), top shell(Turbo cornutus) representing salt water shellfish and corb shell(Corbicula fluminea producta) representing flesh water shellfish were analysed and nutriontional significances were discussed. Analysed the total lipid composition, and the fatty acid and sterol composition of total lipid were determined. The lipid was fractionated into three lipid classes neutral, glyco and phospholipid by column chromatography. The fatty acid composition of each lipid class and sterols were determined by gas liquid chromatography. The lipid components of total lipid and neutral lipid were estimated by thin layer chromatography and TLC scanner. The results were as follows: Total lipid contents of shellfish were 1.8% in oyster, 0.4% in top shell and 4.0% in corb shell. The contents of total fatty acid in total lipid were 80.7, 71.2 and 73.2%; and the contents of unsaponifiable matters were 15.4, 18.1 and 23.1% respectively. Total lipids were mainly composed of triglycerides, polar lipid-pigments and sterols as major component, and hydrocarbon-esterified sterols were determined in each sample. The major fatty acids in total lipid were palmitic(37.0%), eicosapentaenoic(13.5%) and linoleic acid(11.2%) in oyster, Octadecatetraenoic(15.8%), palmitic(11.2%), oleic(8.6%) and linoleic acid(8.1%) in top shell, but palmitic(34.0%), linoleic(12.3%) and paimitoleic acid(9.8%) in corb shell. Particularly, the contents of eicosapentaenoic acid of oyster and top shell were higher than those of corb shell. Sterol composition from three species of shellfish were mainly consisted of cholesterol (42.7~64.0%), brassicasterol(15.6~24.7%) and 24-methylenecholesterol (4.7~21.9%). But sitosterol (5.3%) was detected only in oyster and 22-dehydrocholesterol(12.9%) was only in top shell. The contents of fractionated neutral lipid was commonly higher than that of polar lipid in each sample. Glycolipid and phospholipid in polar lipid showed similar in quantity. The neutral lipids were composed of triglycerides(33.0~36.7%), free sterols(25.7~31.2%), esterified sterol(12.4~23.7%) and free fatty acids(5.1~11.7%). The contents of triglycerides and free sterols were higher than those of free fatty acids and esterified sterols. The major fatty acids in neutral lipid were palmitic(28.4~26.4%) eicosapentaenoic(18.6~21.9%) and linoleic acid(9.0~5.4%) in oyster and corb shell but octadecatetraenoic(14.5%), eicosapentaenoic (13.5%) and palmitic acid(12.3%) in top shell. The major fatty acids in glycolipid were eicosenoic(10.2%), palmitic(12.1%) and linolenic acid (10.2%) in oyster, Eicosenoic(26.0%), octadecatetraenoic(14.6.%) and eicosadienoic acid(12.9%) in top shell. But eicosadienoic(21.4%) stearic(14.6%), octadecatetraenoic(8.5%) and eicosenoic acid(8.5%) in corb shell. The major fatty acids in phospholipid were myristic(16.0%), stearic(10.6%), eicosenoic(10.5%) and palmitic acid(10.3%) in oyster, Oleic(22.2%), stearic(20.7%) and linolenic acid (11.8%) in top shell but eicosapentaenoic(25.1%), myristic(8.7%) and arachidonic acid(8.3%) in corb shell.

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Pipetting Stability and Improvement Test of the Robotic Liquid Handling System Depending on Types of Liquid (용액에 따른 자동분주기의 분주능력 평가와 분주력 향상 실험)

  • Back, Hyangmi;Kim, Youngsan;Yun, Sunhee;Heo, Uisung;Kim, Hosin;Ryu, Hyeonggi;Lee, Guiwon
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.62-68
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    • 2016
  • Purpose In a cyclosporine experiment using a robotic liquid handing system has found a deviation of its standard curve and low reproducibility of patients's results. The difference of the test is that methanol is mixed with samples and the extractions are used for the test. Therefore, we assumed that the abnormal test results came from using methanol and conducted this test. In a manual of a robotic liquid handling system mentions that we can choose several setting parameters depending on the viscosity of the liquids being used, the size of the sampling tips and the motor speeds that you elect to use but there's no exact order. This study was undertaken to confirm pipetting ability depending on types of liquids and investigate proper setting parameters for the optimum dispensing ability. Materials and Methods 4types of liquids(water, serum, methanol, PEG 6000(25%)) and $TSH^{125}I$ tracer(515 kBq) are used to confirm pipetting ability. 29 specimens for Cyclosporine test are used to compare results. Prepare 8 plastic tubes for each of the liquids and with multi pipette $400{\mu}l$ of each liquid is dispensed to 8 tubes and $100{\mu}l$ of $TSH^{125}I$ tracer are dispensed to all of the tubes. From the prepared samples, $100{\mu}l$ of liquids are dispensed using a robotic liquid handing system, counted and calculated its CV(%) depending on types of liquids. And then by adjusting several setting parameters(air gap, dispense time, delay time) the change of the CV(%)are calcutated and finds optimum setting parameters. 29 specimens are tested with 3 methods. The first(A) is manual method and the second(B) is used robotic liquid handling system with existing parameters. The third(C) is used robotic liquid handling system with adjusted parameters. Pipetting ability depending on types of liquids is assessed with CV(%). On the basis of (A), patients's test results are compared (A)and(B), (A)and(C) and they are assessed with %RE(%Relative error) and %Diff(%Difference). Results The CV(%) of the CPM depending on liquid types were water 0.88, serum 0.95, methanol 10.22 and PEG 0.68. As expected dispensing of methanol using a liquid handling system was the problem and others were good. The methanol's dispensing were conducted by adjusting several setting parameters. When transport air gap 0 was adjusted to 2 and 5, CV(%) were 20.16, 12.54 and when system air gap 0 was adjusted to 2 and 5, CV(%) were 8.94, 1.36. When adjusted to system air gap 2, transport air gap 2 was 12.96 and adjusted to system air gap 5, Transport air gap 5 was 1.33. When dispense speed was adjusted 300 to 100, CV(%) was 13.32 and when dispense delay was adjusted 200 to 100 was 13.55. When compared (B) to (A), the result increased 99.44% and %RE was 93.59%. When compared (C-system air gap was adjusted 0 to 5) to (A), the result increased 6.75% and %RE was 5.10%. Conclusion Adjusting speed and delay time of aspiration and dispense was meaningless but changing system air gap was effective. By adjusting several parameters proper value was found and it affected the practical result of the experiment. To optimize the system active efforts are needed through the test and in case of dispensing new types of liquids proper test is required to check the liquid is suitable for using the equipment.

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A Study of Equipment Accuracy and Test Precision in Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (골밀도검사의 올바른 질 관리에 따른 임상적용과 해석 -이중 에너지 방사선 흡수법을 중심으로-)

  • Dong, Kyung-Rae;Kim, Ho-Sung;Jung, Woon-Kwan
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • 제31권1호
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    • pp.17-23
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    • 2008
  • Purpose : Because there is a difference depending on the environment as for an inspection equipment the important part of bone density scan and the precision/accuracy of a tester, the management of quality must be made systematically. The equipment failure caused by overload effect due to the aged equipment and the increase of a patient was made frequently. Thus, the replacement of equipment and additional purchases of new bonedensity equipment caused a compatibility problem in tracking patients. This study wants to know whether the clinical changes of patient's bonedensity can be accurately and precisely reflected when used it compatiblly like the existing equipment after equipment replacement and expansion. Materials and methods : Two equipments of GE Lunar Prodigy Advance(P1 and P2) and the Phantom HOLOGIC Spine Road(HSP) were used to measure equipment precision. Each device scans 20 times so that precision data was acquired from the phantom(Group 1). The precision of a tester was measured by shooting twice the same patient, every 15 members from each of the target equipment in 120 women(average age 48.78, 20-60 years old)(Group 2). In addition, the measurement of the precision of a tester and the cross-calibration data were made by scanning 20 times in each of the equipment using HSP, based on the data obtained from the management of quality using phantom(ASP) every morning (Group 3). The same patient was shot only once in one equipment alternately to make the measurement of the precision of a tester and the cross-calibration data in 120 women(average age 48.78, 20-60 years old)(Group 4). Results : It is steady equipment according to daily Q.C Data with $0.996\;g/cm^2$, change value(%CV) 0.08. The mean${\pm}$SD and a %CV price are ALP in Group 1(P1 : $1.064{\pm}0.002\;g/cm^2$, $%CV=0.190\;g/cm^2$, P2 : $1.061{\pm}0.003\;g/cm^2$, %CV=0.192). The mean${\pm}$SD and a %CV price are P1 : $1.187{\pm}0.002\;g/cm^2$, $%CV=0.164\;g/cm^2$, P2 : $1.198{\pm}0.002\;g/cm^2$, %CV=0.163 in Group 2. The average error${\pm}$2SD and %CV are P1 - (spine: $0.001{\pm}0.03\;g/cm^2$, %CV=0.94, Femur: $0.001{\pm}0.019\;g/cm^2$, %CV=0.96), P2 - (spine: $0.002{\pm}0.018\;g/cm^2$, %CV=0.55, Femur: $0.001{\pm}0.013\;g/cm^2$, %CV=0.48) in Group 3. The average error${\pm}2SD$, %CV, and r value was spine : $0.006{\pm}0.024\;g/cm^2$, %CV=0.86, r=0.995, Femur: $0{\pm}0.014\;g/cm^2$, %CV=0.54, r=0.998 in Group 4. Conclusion: Both LUNAR ASP CV% and HOLOGIC Spine Phantom are included in the normal range of error of ${\pm}2%$ defined in ISCD. BMD measurement keeps a relatively constant value, so showing excellent repeatability. The Phantom has homogeneous characteristics, but it has limitations to reflect the clinical part including variations in patient's body weight or body fat. As a result, it is believed that quality control using Phantom will be useful to check mis-calibration of the equipment used. A value measured a patient two times with one equipment, and that of double-crossed two equipment are all included within 2SD Value in the Bland - Altman Graph compared results of Group 3 with Group 4. The r value of 0.99 or higher in Linear regression analysis(Regression Analysis) indicated high precision and correlation. Therefore, it revealed that two compatible equipment did not affect in tracking the patients. Regular testing equipment and capabilities of a tester, then appropriate calibration will have to be achieved in order to calculate confidential BMD.

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Consideration on Shielding Effect Based on Apron Wearing During Low-dose I-131 Administration (저용량 I-131 투여시 Apron 착용여부에 따른 차폐효과에 대한 고찰)

  • Kim, Ilsu;Kim, Hosin;Ryu, Hyeonggi;Kang, Yeongjik;Park, Suyoung;Kim, Seungchan;Lee, Guiwon
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.32-36
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    • 2016
  • Purpose In nuclear medicine examination, $^{131}I$ is widely used in nuclear medicine examination such as diagnosis, treatment, and others of thyroid cancer and other diseases. $^{131}I$ conducts examination and treatment through emission of ${\gamma}$ ray and ${\beta}^-$ ray. Since $^{131}I$ (364 keV) contains more energy compared to $^{99m}Tc$ (140 keV) although it displays high integrated rate and enables quick discharge through kidney, the objective of this study lies in comparing the difference in exposure dose of $^{131}I$ before and after wearing apron when handling $^{131}I$ with focus on 3 elements of external exposure protection that are distance, time, and shield in order to reduce the exposure to technicians in comparison with $^{99m}Tc$ during the handling and administration process. When wearing apron (in general, Pb 0.5 mm), $^{99m}Tc$ presents shield of over 90% but shielding effect of $^{131}I$ is relatively low as it is of high energy and there may be even more exposure due to influence of scattered ray (secondary) and bremsstrahlung in case of high dose. However, there is no special report or guideline for low dose (74 MBq) high energy thus quantitative analysis on exposure dose of technicians will be conducted based on apron wearing during the handling of $^{131}I$. Materials and Methods With patients who visited Department of Nuclear Medicine of our hospital for low dose $^{131}I$ administration for thyroid cancer and diagnosis for 7 months from Jun 2014 to Dec 2014 as its subject, total 6 pieces of TLD was attached to interior and exterior of apron placed on thyroid, chest, and testicle from preparation to administration. Then, radiation exposure dose from $^{131}I$ examination to administration was measured. Total procedure time was set as within 5 min per person including 3 min of explanation, 1 min of distribution, and 1 min of administration. In regards to TLD location selection, chest at which exposure dose is generally measured and thyroid and testicle with high sensitivity were selected. For preparation, 74 MBq of $^{131}I$ shall be distributed with the use of $2m{\ell}$ syringe and then it shall be distributed after making it into dose of $2m{\ell}$ though dilution with normal saline. When distributing $^{131}I$ and administering it to the patient, $100m{\ell}$ of water shall be put into a cup, distributed $^{131}I$ shall be diluted, and then oral administration to patients shall be conducted with the distance of 1m from the patient. The process of withdrawing $2m{\ell}$ syringe and cup used for oral administration was conducted while wearing apron and TLD. Apron and TLD were stored at storage room without influence of radiation exposure and the exposure dose was measured with request to Seoul Radiology Services. Results With the result of monthly accumulated exposure dose of TLD worn inside and outside of apron placed on thyroid, chest, and testicle during low dose $^{131}I$ examination during the research period divided by number of people, statistics processing was conducted with Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test using SPSS Version. 12.0K. As a result, it was revealed that there was no significant difference since all of thyroid (p = 0.345), chest (p = 0.686), and testicle (p = 0.715) were presented to be p > 0.05. Also, when converting the change in total exposure dose during research period into percentage, it was revealed to be -23.5%, -8.3%, and 19.0% for thyroid, chest, and testicle respectively. Conclusion As a result of conducting Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test, it was revealed that there is no statistically significant difference (p > 0.05). Also, in case of calculating shielding rate with accumulate exposure dose during 7 months, it was revealed that there is irregular change in exposure dose for inside and outside of apron. Although the degree of change seems to be high when it is expressed in percentage, it cannot be considered a big change since the unit of accumulated exposure dose is in decimal points. Therefore, regardless of wearing apron during high energy low dose $^{131}I$ administration, placing certain distance and terminating the administration as soon as possible would be of great assistance in reducing the exposure dose. Although this study restricted $^{131}I$ administration time to be within 5 min per person and distance for oral administration to be 1m, there was a shortcoming to acquire accurate result as there was insufficient number of N for statistics and it could be processed only through non-parametric method. Also, exposure dose per person during lose dose $^{131}I$ administration was measured with accumulated exposure dose using TLD rather than through direct-reading exposure dose thus more accurate result could be acquired when measurement is conducted using electronic dosimeter and pocket dosimeter.

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A Study on the Effective Independent Study of Nursing Student (간호학생의 효과적인 자율학습을 위한 조사연구)

  • 김광주;이향련
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.16-42
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    • 1978
  • This survey was made for a month starting from November 15 to December 15, 1977 covering 711 students taking the junior. (3rd-yea.) and the senior. (4th-year) at nine college of nursing in Seoul concerning their perception and Attitude toward the profession of nursing, motive for the necessity of learning, environment of study, attitude of study and particulars relevant with study performance, particulars of library, references and reading, assignments and particulars of the degree of confidence for the learning achievement. Through the survey of the above Particulars, the following results were obtained by classifying all subject matters and by analysing motive of the selection of their course, awarding or not awarding of scholarships. 1. General characteristics: it was revealed that 406 students (57.1%) were attending at the junior. while 305 students (42.9%) were taking the senior. Thus, the total number was 711 and their average age was 21.4 years. Their dwelling category was; 73.9 percent of them resided at their parent's home, 214 students (30.1%) were awarded with scholarships. The reason to be attracted by nursing science was the possibility of continuing social life after graduation (43.5%). 2. Their perception and attitude toward the profession of nursing: According to the perception of profession by the students of each grade, students of the 4th grade showed comparatively strong conception. Also, students of the 4th grade showed more positive attitude in the purchase and reading of magazines relative with the science of nursing, in the reading of Code for Nurses and in their interest in the activity of nursing field. For the necessity of mission of nurse, 97.7 percent of the entire number of students covered responded to necessity. For the necessity of the particular humanity and particularity in the character of nurses, 95.8 percent of those students responded to necessity. By the each grade, students of the 4th grade showed more response. 3. As to professional field desired after completing the professional course: 57 percent of those students desired for clinician nurse while 55 percents desired for community health-nurse. 4. As to the environment of study: they were mostly satisfied with their present residential environment. However, they complained of inconvenience at their lecture-halls. Students of the 3rd grade showed more complain. As to their attitude toward the adjustment of environment of study, they showed a affirmative response. As to the opinion of factors which interfere with their study, comparatively strong response was showed in their scepticism in the science of nursing, insufficient comprehension in general learning, relation with professors n4 discrepancy in the method of study. According to opinions of students at each grade, students of the 4th grade showed more scepticism. 5. Particulars relative with their attitude and performance of study : As to their knowledge of the objectives of their study of subject, the majority was to study with a partial knowledge of the objectives of their study. As to the plan of study, a low percentage indicated management of routine life under regular scheduling. Students of the 4th grade responded to rather planned life. As to time spent in independent study, response to concentrated study when necessary was stronger than that to regular daily study. Students of the 4th grade showed stronger response to regular study than that of the 3rd grade. As to the contents of their note-taking, 67.4 percents of those students responded to such regulatory procedure performing in the lecture-hall as they listen to lectures. 17.3 percents of those students showed response to adding supplementary informations from references to what was entered in choir note-taking at their lecture-halls. 6. Particulars of library, references and reading books: As to receiving of instruction for the utilization of library and time of receiving such instruction 64.7 percents of those students had received such instruction. 66.7 percents of the those responded received such instruction at orientation conducted for freshmen. As to the convenience of the utilization of library, 49.9 percents of those students responded to convenience. However, students of the 3rd grade showed a much stronger response to inconvenience. As to the time of the utilization of library,92.5 percents of those students showed a response to occasional utilization for particular purpose than regular utilization. 53.2 percents of those students responded to ordinary in quantity that library have references. 34.2 percents of those students responded to insufficient. As to the particular relative with the method and field of reading: 53.5 percents of those students responded to intensive reading and was the majority. As to the reading field, fiction u as the majority. When read any books for their major, they usually rend Korean text-b, oks. 7. Particular relative with giving assignment: All respondents were well aware of the objectives of giving home tasks. As to the attitude toward assignments and performing home tasks, 54.8 percents of those students to making ostentatious study because of an excessive quantity of assignments imposed. For performing assignment, they showed comparatively positive response. Also, 52.2 percents of those students responded that they usually submitted complected assignment with references. 8. As to motive to realize the necessity of study : 55.6 percents of those students responded that they realized such necessity in communication with patients when they were engaged in clinical practice. Also, 8.6, the lowest percents of those students responded that they realized such necessity in the course of conversation with nurses when they were engaged in clinical practice. 9. As to the determination of their confidence in the performance of study relative with clinical experience: They showed a general inclination of having in nursing. The major response was that they came to well comprehend the patients families. the lowest response was that they could apply what was learned at lecture-hall to practice. This response incidentally showed the distance the lecture-hall and practical study. In general items, students of the 4th grade showed more favorable response than students of the 3rd grade and there was a significant difference. 10. As to the perception and attitude toward profession according to the motive of selecting the nursing science : Those who selected the nursing voluntarily showed stronger conception than those who selected the nursing through indirect influence. However, there was no significant difference on this point. Only there was a remarkable difference in the reading of Code for Nurses. 11. Those who showed a stronger conception in the profession of nursing according to the motives of attractive nursing science indicated a strong will and ability to manage stable life and comparatively strong response was shown in the management of good home life because of the good adaptability of the science to their character. This group showed a strong conception of the profession than those who responded that they prefer this profession out of a longing for the work of a hospital and for the easy obtaining of opportunity to immigrate to over seas and for economic cause and for high school grade. There was significant difference between these two groups, 12. As to the conception and attitude toward the profession of nursing according to benefits by scholarships, those who were benefitted by scholarship showed stronger conception of profession than those who did not receive scholarship and there was a remarkable difference between these two categories. However, there was no remarkable difference between these two categories in the extent of interest of the activities of nursing fields and in the reading of Code for Nurses. 13. As activation for study according to the benefits of scholarships, those who were benefitted by scholarships showed stronger response to the motive for study comparing with those who receive. 14. As to tile field of reading according to the benefits by scholarships, those who received scholarships tended to read autobiographies and essayers to a considerable extent. Those who did not receive scholarships tended to read novels. Those who received scholarships more read nursing boots than those who did not receive scholarships. 15. As to the attitude of study and doing of assignment according to benefits of scholarships, those who received scholarships managed a favorable life with schedules for study, More students of receiving scholarship showed a regular study for more than one hour per day. Also, in the method of doing home tasks, more students of receiving scholarship showed reference to relative books frequently for the submission of completed assignments.

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Studies on the Antibiotic Residues in Milk of Cows, Goats and Dogs (유우(乳牛), 산양(山羊) 및 견(犬)의 유즙내(乳汁內) 잔류항생물질(殘留抗生物質)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Kyo Jun
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.199-231
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    • 1975
  • It is well known fact that antibiotic residues in milk of cows create significant problem for the fermented dairy industry and public health because of inhibition of starter activity and of creation of allergic disease. It can be assumed that antibiotic residues in milk of other aniimals also can create some problems for their infants as in the case of humen. For the above mentioned reasons, present studies were undertaken to determine concentration and duration of antibiotic residues in milk of cows, goats and dogs following intramuscular or intravenous injection and intramammary infusion of penicillin, streptomycin and oxytetracycline at usual dosage. The cylinder-plate method was used for their assay. The results obtained were summerized as follows: 1) Following the intramuscular injection of penicillin, the antibiotic was detected in milk of cows up to 72 hours, in milk of goats 48 hours and in milk of dogs 60 hours of postinjection. The mean peak concentrations were recorded at 12 hours as 0.136 I.U./ml in cows. 6 hours as 0.773 I.U./ml in goats and 3 hours as 1.192 I.U./ml in dogs. 2) Following the intramuscular injection of streptomycin, the antibiotic was detected in milk of cows and goats up to 36 hours and in milk of dogs 24 hours of post-injection. The mean peak concentration were recorded at 6 hours as $0.26{\mu}g/ml$ in cows and at 3 hours in goats and dogs $0.45{\mu}g/ml$ and $0.36{\mu}g/ml$ respectively. 3) Following the intra venous injection of oxytetracycline, the antibiotic was detectable in milk of all the test animals up to 48 hours of postinjection. The mean peak concentrations were recorded at 6 hours as $3.5{\mu}g/ml$ in cows $2.4{\mu}g/ml$ in goats and $2.0{\mu}g/ml$ in dogs respectively. 4) Following intrarnammary infusion of penicillin in amounts of 100,000 I.U. for cows, 20.000 I.U. for goats and 10,000 I.U. for dogs, the penicillin residues in milk of the infused quarter perssisted to 72 hours in cows and 84 hours in goats and dogs. 5) Following intramammary infusion of streptomycin in amount of 500mg for cows, 100mg for goats and 25mg for dogs, the streptomycin residues in milk of the infused quarter persisted to 72 hours in cows and goats and 60 hours in dogs. 6) Following intramammary infusion of oxytetracycline in amount of 500mg for cows, 100mg for goats and 25mg for dogs, the oxytetracycline residues in milk of the infused quarter persisted to 72 hours in cows and 60 hours in goats and dogs. 7) A corelation between the residual antibiotic concentration and milk yield in cows and goats was observed; That is, the lower in the milk production showed a higher the concentration of an antibiotic residues and a longer the time in persistance. 8) Intramammary transfer of the antibiotic from an infused to non infused quarters, in dogs, was observed following the intramammary infusion of penicillin. streptomycin and oxytetracyclne in amounts of 10.000 I.U. 25mg and 25mg respectively. However, no transfer by 100.000 I.U. or 20.000 I.U. of penicillin. 500mg of streptomycin and 100mg of oxytetracyline was observed in cows and goats. 9) In dogs, minimum dosage of antibiotics for transfer fro in treated to untreated quarters following intramammary infusion were 2,500 I.U. of penicillin and 5mg each of streptomycin and oxytetracycline.

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