• 제목/요약/키워드: Collagen-II-induced Arthritis(CIA)

검색결과 80건 처리시간 0.027초

유근피 약침이 제2형 Collagen 관절염에서 MIF 활성 억제 및 T세포 분화 조절에 미치는 영향 (The Effect to Inhibiting MIF Activation and Controlling of T Cell Specialization of Ulmus Davidiana Planchon Herbal Acupuncture on TypeII Collagen-induced Arthritis in Mice)

  • 이창환;조재용;이승덕;김경호;박인식;김갑성
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • 제25권4호
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    • pp.81-94
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    • 2008
  • Rheumatoid arthritis(RA) is a general, chronic, inflammatory and auto-immune disease and it can lead to joint edema, pain, stiffness which are caused by an inflammation in synovium covering our joints. Ulmus davidiana Planchon is a traditional herb used for the treatment on various inflammations, gastrointestinal trouble, ENT(ear, nose, and throat) disease, edema, cancer etc. and it works effectively on arthritis as well. In these study to search for the treatment efficacy of Ulmus davidiana Planchon in RA, I measure manifestation of cytokine gene in synoviocyte treated with Ulmus davidiana Planchon herbal acupuncture and in EL-4 cell, manifestation of cytokine gene cell related to T-cell. And after Ulmus davidiana Planchon herbal acupuncture treatment in Collagen induced arthritis(CIA) which has been known by a general model of RA, DBA mice, I observed foot thickness, general shape of synovium, early cytokine induce CIA and, generation and mutation of cytokine related to the control of T-cell specialization. It comes to conclusion as belows. 1. In synovium treated with Ulmus davidiana Planchon herbal acupuncture, there was the decrease in MIF mRNA does-dependently. Incase of CIA mice treated with Ulmus davidiana Planchon herbal acupuncture, there were the decrease in the damage in synovium and generation of the MIF which is related to induction of the early RA cytokine and IL-6 proinflammatory cytokine. 2. In case of EL-4 treated with Ulmus davidiana Planchon herbal acupuncture, there were decrease in the manifestation of the IL-2 mRNA, but the increase in the manifestation of the IL-4 does-dependently. 3. In the synovium of CIA mice treated with Ulmus davidiana Planchon herbal acupuncture, there were the decrease in generation of IL-2, IL-12 and CD-28, but the increase in generation of IL-4. These result suggest that Ulmus davidiana Planchon can block the process of the early RA by Inhibiting MIF activation, and mitigate Rheumatoid Arthritis by controlling Tcell specialization.

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족삼리(足三里) 세신약침(細辛藥鍼)이 생쥐의 Collagen-induced arthritis에 미치는 영향 (A Study on the Effect of Herbal-acupuncture with Asari Herba Cum Radice solution at Joksamni(ST36) on Collagen-induced arthritis)

  • 황규정;김영일;이병렬
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • 제22권3호
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    • pp.227-241
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    • 2005
  • 세신약쇄(細辛藥鎖)이 Collagen-induced arthritis에 미치는 영향(影響)을 DBA/1J mouse를 이용한 실험(實驗)을 통하여 관찰(觀察)한 결과(結果), 다음과 같은 결론(結論)을 얻었다. 1. 세포독성(細胞毒性) 측정(測定) 및 TNF-${\alpha}$ 발현(發現) 억제효과(抑制效果) 1) 세신약침액(細辛藥鍼液) 1%의 농도(濃度)에서 가장 높은 세포생존률(細胞生存率)이 관찰(觀察)되었다. 2) 세행약침액(細幸藥鍼液) 1%의 농도(濃度)에서 TNF-${\alpha}$가 유의성(有意性)있게 감소(減少)하였다. 2. 관식염(關飾炎) 발병률(發病率)과 비장(脾臟)의 무게 관찰(觀察) 1) 세행약침(細幸藥鍼) I군과(群) 세행약침(細幸藥鍼) II군에(群)서 관절염(關節炎) 발병률(發病率)이 현저하게 감소(減少)하였다. 2) 세신약침(細辛藥鍼) I군과(群) 세졸약침(細卒藥鍼) II군의(群) 비장(脾臟) 무게가 대조체(對照諦)에 비하여 감소(減少)하였다. 3. 세신약침(細辛藥鍼)이 각종 싸이토카인, 면역 글로불린 및 Anti-collagen II에 미치는 영향(影響) 1) 혈청(血淸)내 IL-6, LNF-${\gamma}$, TNF-${\alpha}$는 세행약침(細幸藥鍼) I군과(群) 세행약침(細幸藥鍼)II군에(群)서 대조군(對照群)에 비하여 유의성(有意性)있게 감소(減少)하였다. 2) IgG, IgM은 세행약침(細幸藥鍼) I군과(群) 세행약침(細幸藥鍼)II군에(群)서 대조군(對照群)에 비하여 유의성(有意性)있게 감소(減少)하였다. 3) Anti-collagen II는 세행약침(細幸藥鍼) I군과(群) 세행약침(細幸藥鍼) II군에(群)서 대조군(對照群)에 비하여 유의성(有意性)있게 감소(減少)하였다 4. 세신약침(細辛藥鍼)이 관절(關節)의 조직학적(組織學的) 변화(變化)에 미치는 영향(影響) 1) Hematoxylin and eosin stain에서 세행약침(細幸藥鍼) I군과(群) 세행약침(細幸藥鍼)II군이(群) 연골(軟骨)의 파괴(破壞)와 활막(滑膜)의 증식(增殖)이 감소(減少)되고 정상군(正常群)에 류사(類似)한 구조(構造)로 회부(回復)되었다. 2) Masson's Tricho me stain에서 세행약침(細幸藥鍼) I군과(群) 세행약침(細幸藥鍼)II군의(群) 교원질섬유가 정상군(正常群)과 같이 유지(維持)되었다. 5. 세신약침(細辛藥鍼)이 면역세포(免疫細胞)의 발현(發現)에 미치는 영향(影響) 1) 림파절내(淋巴節內) 4CD3e^+$ 세포(細胞)와 $CDl9^+$ 세포(細胞)의 비율(比率), $CD4^+$ 세포(細胞)와 $CD8^+$ 세포(細胞)의 비율(比率)은 細幸藥鍼I군과(細幸藥鍼I群) 세행약침(細幸藥鍼)II군에(群)서 Control군에(群) 비하여 정상군(正常群)과 유사(類似)한 비율(比率)이 유지(維持)되었다. 2) 임파절내(淋巴節內) $CD69^+/CD3e^+$ 세포(細胞)와 $CDlla^+/CDl9^+$ 세포(細胞)는 세행약침(細幸藥鍼)I군과(群) 세행약침(細幸藥鍼)II군에(群)서 대조군(對照群)에 비하여 감소(減少)하였다. 3) 관절내(關節內) $CD11b^+/Gr-1^+$ 세포(細胞)는 세행약침(細幸藥鍼)I군과(群) 세행약침(細幸藥鍼)II군에(群)서 대조군(對照群)에 비하여 감소(減少)하였다. 이상(以上)의 모든 결과(結果)에 있어서, 세행약침(細幸藥鍼)II군보(群)다 예방(豫防)과 치료(治療)를 겸(兼)한 세행약침(細幸藥鍼)I군이(群) 싸이토카인 및 항체(沆體)의 감소(減少)와 면역세포(免疫細胞)의 발현(發現) 억제(抑制)에 있어서 탁월한 효과(效果)를 나타내었다.

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콜라겐 유도 관절염에서 콜라겐 항원 특이 $V{\beta}3$+CD4+T 세포의 선택적 증식 (Selective Expansion of TCR $V{\beta}3$+CD4+T Cells in Collagen-induced Arthritis in DBA/1 Mice)

  • 이재선;조미라;이정은;민소연;윤종현;김완욱;민준기;박성환;김호연
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.78-88
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    • 2005
  • Background: Collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) in mice is animal model of autoimmune disease known as rheumatic arthritis in human. We investigated CII-specific CD4+ T cell receptor usage in CIA mice. Methods: In CIA model, draining lymph node (dLN) CD4+ T cells and splenocytes at $3^{rd},\;5^{th},\;8^{th}$ week, we investigated CII-specific T cell proliferation, production of IL-17, IFN-${\gamma}$, TNF-${\alpha}$, IL-4 and IL-10. And we also performed anti-CII IgG Ab measurements in serum level, TCRV ${\beta}$ usage and T cell clonality with RT-PCR-SSCP analysis. Also, we performed proliferative response against CII when CII-specific T cell subset is deleted. Results: CIA mice showed more increase in the serum level of anti-CII IgG than normal mice after induction of arthritis. And the level of anti-CII IgG2a in CIA mice was increased after $3^{rd}$ week after primary immunization, while anti-CII IgG1 was decreased. Draining LN CD4+ T cells have proliferated against CII stimulation at $3^{rd}$ week after $1^{st}$immunization. CD4+T cells derived from dLN of CIA mice produced proinflammatory cytokine IFN-${\gamma}$, IL-17 etc. Draining LN CD4 T cells of CIA presented higher proportion of CD4+V ${\beta}3$+subset compared to those of normal mice at $3^{rd}$ week after $1^{st}$ immunization, and they were increased in proportion by CII stimulation. Draining LN CD4+ T cells without TCRV ${\beta}3+/V{\beta}8.1/8.2+/V{\beta}$10b+cells were not responsive against CII stimulation. But, CII-reactive response of TCRV ${\beta}3-/V{\beta}8.1/8.2-/V{\beta}$10b- T cells was recovered when $V{\beta}3+$ T cells were added in culture. Conclusion: Our results indicate that CD4+$V{\beta}3+$ T cells are selectively expanded in dLN of CIA mice, and their recovery upon CII re-stimulation in vitro, as well as the production Th1-type cytokines, may play pivotal role in CIA pathogenesis.

Effect of Ulmus davidiana Planch herbal acupuncture Solution on proinflammatory cytokine IL-$1{\beta}$ and $TF-{\alpha}$ a production in collagen-induced arthritis of rats

  • Jo, Young-Wook;Yoon, Jong-Hwa;Kim, Kyung-Ho;Lee, Seung-Deok;Kim, Kap-Sung
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • 제22권2호
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    • pp.93-101
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    • 2005
  • Objective: We have evaluated UDHA into the joint for its effectiveness on immune responses to CII in the rat CIA. In an attempt to gain further insight into the mode of action of UDHA, we also investigated the effects of UDHA on the incidence and development of arthritis in rat CIA with 2 different regimens: (1) started prior to a primary immunization, (2) started on the day of a primary immunization. Methods : Male rats were immunized with an emulsion of $200\;{\mu}g/100g$ of CII and complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA). The rats were then given intraperitoneal(i.p) stimulation of Ulmus davidiana Planch herbal acupuncture(UDHA) or saline during the experiment. Lymph node cells were obtained from rats 14 days after immunization and cultured in vitro with CII. When compared with rats treated with saline as control, UDHA at doses of more than $20\;{\mu}g/100\;g$ rat once a day for 7 days inhibited the ability of inguinal lymph node cells to produce T cell cytokines interleukin-$1{\beta}$, tumor necrosis $factor-{\alpha}$ $(TNF-{\alpha})$. When rats were injected intraperitoneally with SRBC, hemaglutination titers in UD-treated and control rats did not differ significantly when low doses of UD was given to rats. However, i.p injection of UD at doses of more than $10\;{\mu}g/100\;g/day$ for 7 days slightly suppressed antibody production. Results : The present results show that treatment with UDHA can inhibit the onset and development of arthritis and the immune responses to collagen. Conclusion: Therapeutic i.p injection with UD affect the clinical course of the disease and the immune responses to CII.

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녹용약침액이 생쥐의 Type II collagen 유발 관절염과 인산이온 유발 연골세포의 세포사에 있어 보호작용에 관한 연구 (Protective and Anti-arthritic Effects of Cervi Pantotrichum Cornu Herbal Acupuncture, Inhibiting Dihydroorotate Dehydrogenase, on Phosphate Ions-mediated Chondrocyte Apoptosis and Rat Collagen-induced Arthritis)

  • 최유행;최우식;송인광;박준성;이승덕;김갑성
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • 제19권5호
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    • pp.10-27
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    • 2002
  • 연구목적 : 면역억제와 활성 작용을 지닌 것으로 알려진 녹용약침(CPH)을 type II collagen 유발 관절염 (CIA) 백서와 인산이온 유발 연골세포의 세포사에 있어 보호활성 효과를 연구하였다. 연구방법 : 7주된 암컷 Sprague-Dawley 쥐를 collagen으로 관절염을 유발시킨 후 CPH의 효과를 관절염 점수, 체중감소 등의 평가기준으로 검정하였다. CPH는 일주일에 5번씩 각각 10, 20, 30 및 $100{\mu}g/kg/day$의 용량으로 양측 신수혈에 주입하였다. 연구결과 : 1. 300 mg/kg/day CPH처리로 관절염점수의 감소를 기초로 한 collagen 유발 관절염의 발생을 완전히 억제하였으며 관절염 점수상에서 CPH의 효과작인 용량은 64 mg/kg이었다. 2. CHP는 쥐의 간에 있는 DHO-DHase 활성을 $Ki=843{\pm}43{\mu}g/ml$의 비교적 높은 비활성으로 억제하였다. 3. 관절염관련 세포의 증식억제활성을 검정한 결과 CPH의 항 증식효과는 세포주기 S기에서 정지시키는 활성을 나타내었다. 4. 쥐의 늑연골로부터 완전히 최종 분화된 비대연골세포를 분리 배양하여 3~5mM/L Pi를 첨가함으로서 세포사멸을 측정하였다. $10{\mu}g/ml$ CPH 처리에 의한 보호(억제) 효과가 Pi-유발 연골세포의 세포사에 대한 Na-Pi cotransport의 경쟁적 저해제로 알려진 phosphonoformic acid(PFA)의 억제활성과 상응하는 수준으로 CPH의 활성을 확인하게 되었다.

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정통탕(定痛湯)이 콜라젠으로 유도한 관절염 동물 병태 모델에 미치는 효과 (Suppressive Effects of JTT on Collagen-Induced Arthritis in Mice)

  • 조종철;구영선;김동희
    • 동의생리병리학회지
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    • 제21권1호
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    • pp.39-49
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    • 2007
  • Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease involving multiple joint. In order to access the suppressive effects of JTT on rheumatoid arthritis and it's effects on immune system we investigated whether JTT could suppress the disease progression of collagen-induced arthritis. DBA/1 mice were immunized with bovine type II collagen. After a second collagen immunization, mice were treated with DW, JTT (200 or 400 mg/kg) or methotrexate (MTX, 30 mg/kg) as a positive control. Oral administration of JTT significantly suppressed the progression of CIA, which extend is comparable to that of MTX. Histological examination reveled that JTT inhibited infiltration of inflammatory cells into affected paw joint and bone erosion and cartilage destruction were greatly reduced compared with control. Total cell number of spleen, lymph node and peripheral blood were significantly reduced. The absolute number of CD19$^+$, CD3$^+$/CD69$^+$, CD4$^+$/CD25$^+$ cell in spleen from JTT treated mice were significantly decreased. The absolute number of CD19$^+$, CD3$^+$, CD3$^+$/CD69$^+$, CD4$^+$, CD4$^+$/CD25$^+$ CD8$^+$, CD49b, CD3/CD49b cells in draining lymph node were significantly increased compared with control. In peripheral blood mononuclear cells of JTT treated mice, the absolute number of CD4$^+$, CD4$^+$/CD25$^+$, CD3$^+$/CD69$^+$ cells were significantly decreased compared with control, while that of CD49b$^+$ was slightly increased. Infiltration of CD3$^+$ cells and CD11b$^+$/Gr-1$^+$ cells into paw joint was significantly reduced in JTT treated mice. The levels of pathologic cytokines including TNF-a and IL-6 in serum were significantly decreased by oral treatment with JTT The levels of IFN-g in the culture supernatant of splenocyte stimulated with CD3$^+$/CD28$^+$ or collagen were dramatically decreased, while the levels of IL-4 was increased under CD3$^+$/CD28$^+$ or collagen stimulation. Rheumatoid factors including IgG, IgM and collagen specific antibody were present much lower in the serum of JTT treated mice than control. Taken together, JTT has suppressive effects on rheumatoid arthritis by modulating immune system, and has potential to use anti-rheumatic arthritic agent in human.

콜라겐으로 경구 관용을 유도한 관절염 동물 모델의 세포 특이적 면역 반응 조사 (Studies on the Cellular Immune Response in Animal Model of Arthritis after the Induction of Oral Tolerance)

  • 민소연;황수연;이재선;김주영;이강은;김경운;김영훈;도주호;김호연
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    • 제3권2호
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    • pp.136-144
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    • 2003
  • Oral administration of antigen has long been considered as a promising alternative for the treatment of chronic autoimmune diseases including rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and oral application of type II collagen (CII) has been proven to improve pathogenic symptoms in RA patients without problematic side effects. To further current understandings about the immune suppression mechanisms mediated by orally administered antigens, we examined the changes in IgG subtypes, T-cell proliferative response, and proportion of interleukin (IL)-10 producing Th subsets in a time course study of collagen induced arthritis (CIA) animal models. We found that joint inflammation in CIA mouse peaked at 5 weeks after first immunization with CII, which was significantly subdued in mice pre-treated by repeated oral administration of CII. Orally tolerized mice also showed increase in their serum level of IgG1, while the level of IgG2a was decreased. T-cell proliferation upon CII stimulation was also suppressed in lymph nodes of mice given oral administration of CII compared to non-tolerized controls. When cultured in vitro in the presence of CII, T-cells isolated from orally tolerized mice presented higher proportion of $CD4^+IL-10^+$ subsets compared to non-tolerized controls. Interestingly, such increase in IL-10 producing cells were obvious first in Peyer's patch, then by 5 weeks after immunization, in mesenteric lymph node and spleen instead. This result indicates that a particular subset of T-cells with immune suppressive functions might have migrated from the original contact site with CII to inflamed joints via peripheral blood after 5 weeks post immunization.

녹용약침이 백서의 제2형 Collagen 유발 관절염에서 iNOS 발현과 NO 생성 억제에 미치는 영향 (Effect of Cervi Pantotrichum Cornu Pharmacopuncture on Suppressing the Expression of iNOS and Production of NO in Type II Collagen-induced Arthritis Mice)

  • 이현진;조현석;황민섭;정찬영;이동건;김은정;김갑성;김경호
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • 제25권5호
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    • pp.105-116
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    • 2008
  • Objectives : The objective of this study is to investigate the suppressing effect of the cervi pantotrichum cornu pharmacopuncture on the expression of iNOS mRNA and production of NO in synoviocytes from artificially arthritis-induced mice. Methods : In vitro test, synoviocytes extracted from a knee joint of a mouse were cultivated, and the herbal extract of cervi pantotrichum cornu($0.4mg/m{\ell}$, $0.6mg/m{\ell}$, $0.8mg/m{\ell}$, and $1.0mg/m{\ell}$) was added into the wells of synoviocytes to suppress the expression of iNOS mRNA and production of NO. In vivo test, each ten mice were allocated into three groups; Normal group, CIA-elicitated group(CIA), and group treated with cervi pantotrichum cornu pharmacopuncture after CIA elicitation(CCA). The extract of cervi pantotrichum cornu was injected into the acupoint of $SP_{10}$ to observe the changes of foot thickness in mice and the suppression of MIF, TNF-$\alpha$, NF-${\kappa}B$ p65, and iNOS. Results : In vitro test, the expression of iNOS mRNA and production of NO were dose-dependently decreased in the wells of synoviocytes treated with PMA. In vivo test, the suppression of MIF, TNF-$\alpha$, NF-${\kappa}B$ p65, and iNOS was clearly shown in the pieces of the synovial joint treated with the extract of cervi pantotrichum cornu. The foot thickness also decreased dose-dependently. Conclusions : It is speculated that the cervi pantotrichum cornu pharmacopuncture can be applicable to the therapy of rheumatoid arthritis by suppressing the expression of iNOS mRNA and production of NO.

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Feedback Control of Cyclooxygenase-2 Expression by Prostaglandin E2 in Rheumatoid Synoviocytes

  • Min, So-Youn;Jung, Young Ok;Do, Ju-Ho;Kim, So-Yang;Kim, Jeong-Pyo;Cho, Chul-Soo;Kim, Wan-Uk
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    • 제3권3호
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    • pp.201-210
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    • 2003
  • Objective: The role of prostaglandin $E_2$ (PGE2) in the etiopathogenesis of immune and inflammatory diseases has become the subject of recent debate. To determine the role of PGE2 in rheumatoid arthritis (RA), we tested the effect of exogenous PGE2 on the production of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) by rheumatoid synoviocytes. Methods: Fibroblast-like synoviocytes (FLS) were prepared from the synovial tissues of RA patients, and cultured in the presence of PGE2. The COX-2 mRNA and protein expression levels were determined by RT-PCR and Western blot analysis, respectively. The PGE2 receptor subtypes in the FLS were analyzed by RT-PCR. Electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) was used to measure the NF-${\kappa}B$ binding activity for COX-2 transcription. The in vivoeffect of PGE2 on the development of arthritis was also tested in collagen induced arthritis (CIA) animals. Results: PGE2 ($10^{-11}$ to $10^{-5}M$) dose-dependently inhibited the expression of COX-2 mRNA and the COX-2 protein stimulated with IL-$1{\beta}$, but not COX-1 mRNA. NS-398, a selective COX-2 inhibitor, displayed an additive effect on PGE2-induced COX-2 downregulation. The FLS predominantly expressed the PGE2 receptor (EP) 2 and EP4, which mediated the COX-2 suppression by PGE2. Treatment with anti-IL-10 monoclonal antibodies partially reversed the PGE2-induced suppression of COX-2 mRNA, suggesting that IL-10 may be involved in modulating COX-2 by PGE2. Experiments using an inducer and an inhibitor of cyclic AMP (cAMP) suggest that cAMP is the major intracellular signal that mediates the regulatory effect of PGE2 on COX-2 expression. EMSA revealed that PGE2 inhibited the binding of NF-${\kappa}B$ in the COX-2 promoter via a cAMP dependent pathway. In addition, a subcutaneous injection of PGE2 twice daily for 2 weeks significantly reduced the incidence and severity of CIA as well as the production of IgG antibodies to type II collagen. Conclusion: Our data suggest that overproduced PGE2 in the RA joints may function as an autocrine regulator of its own synthesis by inhibiting COX-2 production and may, in part, play an anti-inflammatory role in the arthritic joints.

방사선 육종 차조기와 백출 복합추출물의 항관절염 효과 (Anti-Arthritic Effect of Radiation Mutant Perilla frutescens var. crispa and Atractylodes macrophala koidz.)

  • 박미희;김철진;이진영;금창엽;김인선;진창현;지중구;김성규
    • 한국응용과학기술학회지
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    • 제37권1호
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    • pp.102-113
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    • 2020
  • 본 연구에서는 방사선 육종 차조기와 백출의 복합추출물의 항관절염 효능을 평가하였다. 방사선 육종 차조기와 백출 복합추출물이 세포에 미치는 독성을 확인하기 위해 RAW 264.7 세포에서 MTT 기법으로 세포 생존율을 평가하였다. 방사선 육종 차조기와 백출 복합추출물의 항염증 효능을 확인하기 위해 LPS로 염증을 유도한 RAW 264.7 세포에 방사선 육종 차조기와 백출 복합추출물을 5, 10, 25 ㎍/㎖ 농도로 처리한 후 ROS와 NO level, 염증성 사이토카인의 분비, 염증성 인자인 NF-κB, COX-2, iNOS 등의 발현을 측정하였다. 또한 type II collagen으로 유도한 관절염 모델 동물실험에서 방사선 육종 차조기와 백출 복합추출물을 33.5, 66, 133 mg/kg/day로 처리한 후 항관절염 효능을 확인하였다. 그 결과, 방사선 육종 차조기와 백출 복합추출물은 25 ㎍/㎖ 농도까지 세포독성이 없었으며, LPS로 유도된 RAW 264.7 세포에서 ROS 생성 및 NO의 생성을 5, 10, 25 ㎍/㎖ 농도에서 대조군 대비 유의성 있게 감소시켰으며, 사이토카인(IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α)의 생성을 유의성 있게 억제시키고, NF-κB, COX-2, iNOS의 발현을 유의성 있게 감소시켜 세포 내에서 뛰어난 항염증 효과를 보였다. 관절염 모델 동물실험에서는 방사선 육종 차조기와 백출 복합추출물이 66.5, 133mg/kg 농도에서 관절염을 유의성 있게 억제시키는 효능을 나타내었다. 본 연구는 방사선 육종 차조기와 백출 복합추출물이 뛰어난 항염증 효능을 나타내는 것을 제시하며, 관절염 질환을 개선하기 위한 건강기능식품 및 치료제의 원료로 개발될 수 있다는 것을 제시한다.