• Title/Summary/Keyword: Collaborative Work

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The Expected Role and Competency of Graduates Majored in Health Services Management (의료경영 전공자의 의료산업내 역할과 역량)

  • Chang, Hye-Jung;Kwon, Young-Dae;Han, Bo-Ra;Kim, Han-Hae
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.128-148
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    • 2004
  • Both undergraduate and graduate programs in health services management(HSM) are recently established in colleges and universities in Korea, and the programs train their students for diverse sectors within the field of healthcare management, including hospitals, nursing facilities, consulting firms, health industries such as pharmaceutical, insurance companies, etc. This study investigates many of the managerial roles expected to graduates from academic curricula in HSM, and required competencies to be successful in their positions. The information of roles and competencies for HSM graduates were collected, and their importances were evaluated by healthcare management experts through a Delphi method. As the result, 11 items for present roles and 13 items for future roles were derived, and 15 and 16 items were derived for present and future competencies respectively. Utilizing the classification of work roles by Timmreck and that of managerial competencies by Robbins, the importance of roles and competencies of healthcare managers was analyzed and interpreted. The major domains of roles at present turned out to be 'organizer', 'planner', 'problem solver', and 'coordinator' in order according to importance. On the other hand, as graduates develop their careers, the domains of future roles would be changed to 'director' and 'planner'. For competencies, the most important domain at present was 'technical skill', but the future important domain was 'interpersonal and emotional intelligence'. The result of this study can be seen as an initial step toward improving the academic curricula of HSM in college and universities and promoting collaborative efforts between academic programs and on-site practices in healthcare industries.

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Strengthening Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Tuberculosis Prevention Capacity among South African Healthcare Workers: A Mixed Methods Study of a Collaborative Occupational Health Program

  • Liautaud, Alexandre;Adu, Prince A.;Yassi, Annalee;Zungu, Muzimkhulu;Spiegel, Jerry M.;Rawat, Angeli;Bryce, Elizabeth A.;Engelbrecht, Michelle C.
    • Safety and Health at Work
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.172-179
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    • 2018
  • Background: Insufficient training in infection control and occupational health among healthcare workers (HCWs) in countries with high human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and tuberculosis (TB) burdens requires attention. We examined the effectiveness of a 1-year Certificate Program in Occupational Health and Infection Control conducted in Free State Province, South Africa in an international partnership to empower HCWs to become change agents to promote workplace-based HIV and TB prevention. Methods: Questionnaires assessing reactions to the program and Knowledge, Attitudes, Skills, and Practices were collected pre-, mid-, and postprogram. Individual interviews, group project evaluations, and participant observation were also conducted. Quantitative data were analyzed using Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Qualitative data were thematically coded and analyzed using the Kirkpatrick framework. Results: Participants recruited (n = 32) were mostly female (81%) and nurses (56%). Pre-to-post-program mean scores improved in knowledge (+12%, p = 0.002) and skills/practices (+14%, p = 0.002). Preprogram attitude scores were high but did not change. Participants felt empowered and demonstrated attitudinal improvements regarding HIV, TB, infection control, and occupational health. Successful projects were indeed implemented. However, participants encountered considerable difficulties in trying to sustain improvement, due largely to lack of pre-existing knowledge and experience, combined with inadequate staffing and insufficient management support. Conclusion: Training is essential to strengthen HCWs' occupational health and infection control knowledge, attitudes, skills, and practices, and workplace-based training programs such as this can yield impressive results. However, the considerable mentorship resources required for such programs and the substantial infrastructural supports needed for implementation and sustainability of improvements in settings without pre-existing experience in such endeavors should not be underestimated.

Database Model for Korea Plant Name Index (데이터베이스 모델링 기법을 이용한 국가표준식물목록 전산화 연구)

  • Lee, You-Mi;Kim, Hui
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.309-321
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    • 2007
  • Korea national arboretum has worked with the plant taxonomic society of Korea to make the first fully electronic floristic checklist in Korea. The result is an ever-expanding online plant name index containing scientifically authorative, up-to-date information on the approximately 7,000 taxa including cultivars. With 37 contributing taxonomists, KPNI is the largest collaborative research projects ever assembled in Korea. A comprehensive database model for the taxonomic data from literature and other sources is presented, which was devised for the Korea National Plant Index database project (KPNI). Gwangreung database model is based on an approach using entity-relationsip diagram. It encompasses taxa of all ranks, nothotaxa and hybrid formulae, cultivars, full synonymy, basionyms, Korean name, and other nomenclatural information. Ths paper presents an analysis of KPNI work processes and an overview how we are approaching the construction of Gwangreung databaese model. It can help the system engineers of other biological information systems to develop their database based on the accurate and integrative taxonomic database.

Student Teachers and Beginning Teachers' Understandings of Scientific Inquiry

  • Flick, Larry;Morrell, Patricia-D.;Wainwright, Camille;Park, Young-Shin
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.160-175
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    • 2004
  • This study examined the knowledge and practices of scientific inquiry displayed by three student teachers and two beginning teachers at secondary levels. Observations using the instrument of OTOP designed by the research team of OCEPT (Oregon Collaborative for Excellent in the Preparation of Teachers) generalized similar teaching strategies of scientific inquiry between student and beginning teachers, such as using group work for students' first hand experience, using concrete materials for experimentation or visual tools for demonstration, using questions for factual knowledge mainly without opportunities to understand how scientific knowledge is constructed. Those scientific inquiry activities were very confirmative ones to follow the steps without opportunities of understanding nature of science or nature of scientific inquiry. However, all participants in this study hold knowledge of scientific inquiry envisioned by the National Science Education Standards [NSES] (NRC, 1996), where students identify their hypothesis, use critical and logical thinking, and consider alternative explanations through argumentation as well as experimentation. An inconsistent relationship between participating teachers knowledge and practices about scientific inquiry resulted from their lack of pedagogy skills of implementing it in the classroom. Providing opportunities for these teachers to reflect on their beliefs and practices about scientific inquiry was recommended for the future study. Furthermore, increasing college faculty interest in new teaching approaches for upgrading the content knowledge of student teachers and beginning teachers was recommended as a solution, since those teachers showed evidence of influence by college faculties at universities in their pedagogy skills.

Prospects for e-Science In Korea : The role and impacts ol Korea-UK collaboration

  • Kim, Cha-Young;Suh, Jee-Hyun;Tomlinson, Mark
    • Korea Information Processing Society Review
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.15-28
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    • 2008
  • The Korea UK e-Science Collaboration project has been aimed at supporting research and collaboration between Korean and UK researchers. Its goal is to benefit the nation by reducing cost and time in constructing the National e-Science Research Environment' by studying and benchmarking the cases in countries that have already procured advanced technologies in the area. Two joint workshops were held in a year where researchers from the two countries had the opportunities to share their research results with each other. Also, the project has supported exchanges of researchers fostering expertise in the field. In the course of the project, the e-Science Centre in the UK and KISTI have signed MoU(Memorandum of Understanding) in 2006. Moreover, there have been active research collaboration between Korea and the UK. The University of Southampton will share the BioSimGrid data with the Korean counterpart, and the University of York has provided the AURA software. In the future, KISTI and the UK NGS(National Grid Service) will organize a working group at OGF that will work mainly on the standardization of Parameter Sweep and bring it to lead the global standard. KISTI will include its own AURORA system into OMI-UK software stack, which will enable access to NGS resources through AURORA user application. The collaboration with the UK has opened up more opportunities for collaboration with other countries as well. KISTI and HLRS in Germany have agreed to share the COVISE and will have research exchanges. As such, it is expected that Korea will play a major role in e-Science research by building strategic and systematic collaborative relations with its International partners.

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The General Plan of Reconstruction of Pyongyang and the Role of Kim Jung-hee: Myths and History (건축가 김정희와 평양시 복구 총 계획도: 신화와 역사)

  • Park, Dongmin
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.125-138
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    • 2018
  • During the 1950s, the North Koreans rebuilt their capital-Pyongyang-as a modern city under the principle of Soviet urban design. One North Korean architect, Kim Jung-hee, has been widely credited since the late 1980s as the master architect of the General Plan of the city's reconstruction. While Kim Jung-hee played a crucial role in its reconstruction, his heroic image as the founding architect of Pyongyang is considerably attributed to North Korea's mythical narratives rather than his historical activities. This paper argues that Pyongyang's postwar urban design was not a work made by a single actor, Kim Jung-hee; rather, it was a long-term collaborative project in which a team of North Korean architects and Soviet technical advisors took their respective roles. Beginning in the late 1980s, North Korea, which had been struggling with economic decline and an increasing sense of lagging behind in its rivalry with its Southern counterpart, used heroic narratives during the 1950s' postwar reconstruction period as an important propaganda tool for their regime. In this mythical narrative of Pyongyang's reconstruction, massive economic and technical aid from other communist countries has often disappeared, and the memory of the architects who contributed greatly to the reconstruction but later purged in North Korea have also completely vanished. Kim Jung-hee, meanwhile, remained in this epic as the founding architect who rebuilt the city in faithful accordance with the leadership of Kim Il Sung.

An Integrated Approach to Realize Multi-resolution of B-rep Model (B-rep의 다중해상도를 구현하는 통합 시스템 개발)

  • Kim, S.C.;Lee, K.W.;Hong, T.S.;Kim, M.C.;Jung, M.K.;Song, Y.J.
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.289-302
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    • 2006
  • It is becoming a common trend that many designers work on a very complex assembly together in a collaborative environment. In this environment, every designer should be able to see the whole assembly in a full detail or in a rough shape at least. Even though the hardware technology is being improved very rapidly, it is very difficult to display a very complex assembly at a speed to allow smooth interactions for designers. This problem could be solved if a designer could manipulate his portion of the assembly in a full resolution while the remaining portion of the assembly is displayed in a rough resolution. It is also desired that the remaining portion is converted to the full resolution when needed. To realize this environment, the capabilities to simplify the portions of an assembly and to reset to the original resolution should be added to the current CAD systems. Thus operators realizing multi-resolution on B-rep are proposed in this paper. They are: wrap-around, smooth-out, and thinning operator. Through appropriately applying these operators sequentially, an assembly model of any desired resolution can be easily generated. Of course, the assembly can go back to the finer resolution. In this paper, the data structures and the processes to realize these operators are described and a prototype modeling system with these operators is also demonstrated.

Climate Change Scenario Generation and Uncertainty Assessment: Multiple variables and potential hydrological impacts

  • Kwon, Hyun-Han;Park, Rae-Gun;Choi, Byung-Kyu;Park, Se-Hoon
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2010.05a
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    • pp.268-272
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    • 2010
  • The research presented here represents a collaborative effort with the SFWMD on developing scenarios for future climate for the SFWMD area. The project focuses on developing methodology for simulating precipitation representing both natural quasi-oscillatory modes of variability in these climate variables and also the secular trends projected by the IPCC scenarios that are publicly available. This study specifically provides the results for precipitation modeling. The starting point for the modeling was the work of Tebaldi et al that is considered one of the benchmarks for bias correction and model combination in this context. This model was extended in the framework of a Hierarchical Bayesian Model (HBM) to formally and simultaneously consider biases between the models and observations over the historical period and trends in the observations and models out to the end of the 21st century in line with the different ensemble model simulations from the IPCC scenarios. The low frequency variability is modeled using the previously developed Wavelet Autoregressive Model (WARM), with a correction to preserve the variance associated with the full series from the HBM projections. The assumption here is that there is no useful information in the IPCC models as to the change in the low frequency variability of the regional, seasonal precipitation. This assumption is based on a preliminary analysis of these models historical and future output. Thus, preserving the low frequency structure from the historical series into the future emerges as a pragmatic goal. We find that there are significant biases between the observations and the base case scenarios for precipitation. The biases vary across models, and are shrunk using posterior maximum likelihood to allow some models to depart from the central tendency while allowing others to cluster and reduce biases by averaging. The projected changes in the future precipitation are small compared to the bias between model base run and observations and also relative to the inter-annual and decadal variability in the precipitation.

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Supporting Group Workspaces Based on WebDAV (웹데브 기반의 그룹 작업공간 지원)

  • Kim Dong-Ho;Shin Won-Joon;Park Jin-Ho;Lee Myung-Joon
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.13C no.4 s.107
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    • pp.521-532
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    • 2006
  • WebDAV is an IETF standard protocol which support asynchronous collaborative authoring on the Web. The recently published WebDAV Access Control Protocol provides various methods of controlling the resources on a WebDAV server and their properties, helping high-level group activities to be performed through the WebDAV server. Based on the WebDAV access control protocol, we developed Group Workspaces which support exchanging and/or sharing data among the group members. Any member of a Group Workspace can create and share resources among the members. Also, any member can add, change or delete the resources. To support the Group Workspaces, we developed a client application named GroupExplorer, which solely supports Group Workspaces. We constructed the server for Group Workspaces using Jakarta Slide - a WebDAV server supporting the WebDAV Access Control Protocol.

The RTP Payload Format for Telepointing (원격지정을 위한 RTP 페이로드 형식)

  • Jeon, Jae-U;Baek, Hui-Suk;O, Sam-Gwon;Im, Gi-Uk
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartA
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    • v.9A no.1
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    • pp.29-36
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    • 2002
  • For the efficient collaboration awareness, the CSCW (Computer-Supported Cooperative Work) systems provide functions such as telepointing, snap-shot, and document/project tracking. Among these, telepointing allows an event occurrence on the shared window of a local computing system to be presented in remote computing systems. Although telepointing has been mentioned in the literature, few research papers deal with the functional requirements and protocols for telepointing. This parer describes the functional requirements and payload format for RTP (Real-Time Transport Protocol)-based telepointing. In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed RTP-barred telepointing, we have implemented a whiteboard and compared it with that of the Microsoft Netmeeting. The evaluation results show that the proposed telepointing performs better in terms of CPU usage and the amount of network traffic.