• 제목/요약/키워드: Coastlines

검색결과 69건 처리시간 0.022초

Coastline Change Analysis using Geospatial Information (지형공간정보를 이용한 해안선 변화량 분석)

  • Kim, Yong-Suk;Lee, Jae-One;Hong, Soon-Hyun;Lee, Kang-Won
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 한국측량학회 2007년도 춘계학술발표회 논문집
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    • pp.225-230
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    • 2007
  • Currently, looking at the field of producing national coastlines, the lengths of coastlines are inaccurate due to the vague definition of dividing coastline boundaries and insufficient observation data. The level of accuracy and reliability of previous data are also in the very low. This paper used aerial photographs with certain intervals to monitor the change in coastal areas of Songjeong, Haeundae, Kwanganri, Songdo and Dadaepo. The local area subjected for this research was limited to areas near Busan. Launching quantitative/time series analyses on the change of coastal areas using aortal photographs, satellite image data and RTK-GPS surveys. And developing an automatic edge detection program to extract coastlines, suggesting the performance of the program and analyzing the efficiency of the program.

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Assessment of Coastal Ground Water Discharge for Complex Coastlines (해안선의 형태를 고려한 지하수 해안 유출량 평가 기법)

  • Han, Su-Young;Hong, Sung-Hoon;Park, Nam-Sik
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • 제37권11호
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    • pp.939-947
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    • 2004
  • Amount of ground water discharging through coastline(CGD) is small compared to the amount of river discharges. However, CGD is important for gound water development in coastal areas and for contamination of coastal waters by nutrients transported by ground water. In the previous study, a method was proposed to estimate CGD from simple data such as ground water levels at observation wells and hydraulic conductivities. In this study, the method is enhanced by taking into account complexity of coastlines. A new method is proposed to estimate average hydraulic gradient, length of coastline, and average thickness of freshwater The new method is verified against numerical solutions. It is shown that the method is able to estimate CGD from complex coastlines more accurately than the previous method.

Time Series Analysis by Coastline Change Using Aerial Photographs (항공사진을 이용한 해안선 변화에 대한 시계열 분석)

  • Kim, Yong-Suk;Hong, Soon-Heon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • 제7권3호
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    • pp.160-167
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    • 2007
  • Due to the drastic growth of national economy and the development of overall territory, the shapes of national land and coastal areas are changing from day to day. To detect such changes in lands and coasts efficiently, as well as to establish an appropriate usage plan, it is necessary to secure a monitoring system for coastal areas based on the observation and analysis of the change in coastlines. Currently, looking at the field of producing national coastlines, the lengths of coastlines are inaccurate due to the vague definition of dividing coastline boundaries and insufficient observation data. The level of accuracy and reliability of previous data are also in the very low. This paper used aerial photographs with certain intervals to monitor the change in coastal areas of Songjeong, Haeundae, Kwanganri, Songdo and Dadaepo. The local area subjected for this research was limited to areas near Busan.

Coastline Extraction from Airborne LiDAR Data (항공라이다데이터를 이용한 해안선 추출)

  • Kim Seong-Joon;Lee Im-Pyeong;Kim Yong-Cheol;Cheong Hyun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 한국측량학회 2006년도 춘계학술발표회 논문집
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    • pp.457-462
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    • 2006
  • Coastline has been considered as fundamental geographic information of a nation. Recently, the coastlines of higher resolution and accuracy with less update period ever than before are increasingly required. This requirement cannot be easily satisfied with the most traditional methods based on field survey such as leveling or GPS measurements. The newly developed airborne LIDAR system can be used as a promising alternative since it rapidly acquire numerous three-dimensional points densely sampled from the terrain around the coastline. Hence, in this study we developed a nearly automatic method to extract the coastline from LIDAR data and applied it to real data to verify its performance. From the comparison of the extracted coastlines with those from a digital map, we conclude that the proposed method can provide more accurate and precise lines.

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How does Land respond to Sea-level Changes\ulcorner

  • Jeon, Dongchull
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers Conference
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    • 한국해안해양공학회 1995년도 정기학술강연회 발표논문 초록집
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    • pp.101-103
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    • 1995
  • Beaches and low-tying coastal areas have been seriously eroding at many places along the global coastlines during the past century. The coastal erosion problem during the next century is said to be potentially worse due to the sea-level rise by global warming. Coastal erosion, whatever the time scale is, is the result as a response of land to oceanic, atmospheric, and human impacts. (omitted)

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Zoogeography of Taiwanese Fishes

  • Nakabo, Tetsuji
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • 제21권4호
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    • pp.311-321
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    • 2009
  • Three categories (freshwater, amphidromous, and marine fishes) of Taiwanese fishes are analyzed on the basis of zoogeographic elements, viz. China element, Indo-China element, Indo-West Pacific element, Indo-Pacific element, North-Pacific element, Japan-Oregon element, and circumtropical element. Freshwater fishes, which include the China and Indo-China elements, are distributed on part of the boundary area between the Palaearctic and Oriental regions of Wallace (1876). Diadromous fishes include the North-Pacific, Indo-China and Indo-West Pacific elements. Taiwanese salmon, a landlocked (initially diadromous) species that became established in Taiwan between 0.5 my B.P. and the early Pleistocene, is recognized as a distinct taxon included within the Oncorhynchus masou complex, which comprises here three species and two subspecies, viz. Oncorhynchus masou masou (Sancheoneo, Songeo, Sakura-masu or Yamame), O. masou ishikawae (Satsuki-masu or Amago), O. sp. (Biwa-masu), and O. formosanus (Taiwanese salmon), based on molecular, morphological and biological studies. Marine fishes are discussed under the following headings, brackish-water fishes (fishes of brackish waters and seas adjacent to continental coastlines, North Pacific and Indo-West Pacific elements; fishes of brackish waters and seas primarily around islands, Indo-West Pacific element), reef fishes (fishes of inshore reefs along continental coastlines from 0 to ca.100 m depth, Indo-West Pacific element; fishes of inshore reefs primarily around islands from 0 to ca.100 m depth, Indo-West Pacific element; fishes of offshore reefs along continental shelf edges from ca.150 to 300 m depth, circumtropical and Indo-Pacific elements; fishes of offshore reefs primarily around islands from ca.150 to 300 m depth, Indo-Pacific element), demersal fishes (fishes on continental shelves shallower than ca.150 m depth, Indo-West Pacific and Japan-Oregon elements; fishes on edges and upper continental slopes from ca.150 m to 500 m depth, Indo-West Pacific, Indo-Pacific, and circumtropical elements; fishes on lower continental slopes to abyssal plains from ca.500 m to 6,000 m depth, circumtropical element and rarely Indo-Pacific element), pelagic fishes (epipelagic fishes from 0 to ca.150 m depth, Indo-West Pacific, Indo-Pacific or circumtropical elements; meso- and bathypelagic fishes from ca.150 to 3,000 m depth, circumtropical element). The distribution of Taiwanese marine fishes are influenced by the Kuroshio Current, low-salinity and low-temperature waters from mainland China, and sea-bottom topography.

Qualitative Analysis of Coast Topographic Using RTK-GPS (RTK-GPS 측량을 이용한 해안지형의 정성적 분석)

  • Kim, Yong-Suk;Lee, Jae-One
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • 제15권2호통권40호
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    • pp.77-85
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    • 2007
  • According to the survey data during the Japanese Occupation Period, the length of South Korea's coastline is about 11,542 km, including the coastlines of land and islands. It will be very expensive and time-consuming to revise/renew accurately this coastline data through site survey, it will cost great money and time. Also, various development projects such as reclamation works on public waters, constructions of ports/harbors, etc. are frequently changing the coastal areas and coastlines, causing many renewal projects on coastal maps. For such reason, appropriate alternatives for site survey are necessary. This paper demonstrate the utilization of RTK-GPS survey data, qualitative analysis and 3D topographic analysis for extracting the change in five coastal areas (Songjeong, Haeundae, Kwanganri, Songdo and Dadaepo). The local experimental areas subjected for this research were limited to five coastal areas near Busan.

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Distribution of Coastal Ground Water Discharge from Surficial Aquifers of Major River Districts (권역별 충적층 지하수의 해안 유출량 분포)

  • Han, Soo Young;Hong, Sung Hun;Park, Namsik
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • 제26권1B호
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2006
  • Amount of coastal ground water discharge(CGD) of surficial aquifer via coastlines of Nakdong River watershed, Seomjin River watershed, Youngsan River watershed and Keum River watershed is estimated. Compared to other major hydrological components, such as evapo-transpiration and river discharge, CGD is not so large in the amount. However, it is important since coastal ground water can be developed relatively free of environmental impact on downstream area and since most of coastal areas currently suffers water shortage. Regional groundwater investigation data and assessment based on Darcy's law are used for estimating coastal groundwater discharge. In this work the amount of CGD across the coastlines of the four rivers is estimated as 1.8 billion cubic meter per year and that is about 2.3 percentage of total amount of annual precipitation. Nakdong River watershed is most appropriate region in view of developing groundwater.

Evaluatinon of the Surface Water in Southwest Area of Vietnam

  • Thai, Thanh Luom
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • 제18권6호
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    • pp.445-452
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    • 2009
  • This study surveys the surface water environment in Southwest sea areas of Vietnam in order to evaluate the current environment. It collects and analyzes experimental results of programs, scientific subjects, and international projects relevant to ecological areas and coastlines of Kien Giang province. The methods analyzed and discussed by specialists are evaluated according to pollution coefficients established by the World Health Organization (WHO), sampling methods, and case study analyses. Comparison between the scale of pollution levels and the surface water quality in experimental areas of Long Xuyen Quadrangle shows a light-moderate pollution level. In Ca Mau Peninsula, the surface water source is only slightly polluted. Sea areas and islands are also light-moderately polluted. Computing results from water quality indices (WQI) show the level of pollution in experimental sites. Activities such as constructing infrastructures for tourism, exploiting minerals, and increasing population accelerate environmental pollution by deteriorating inherently sensitive ecosystems like corals, sea grass, mangrove swamps, and Melaleuca forests. Surveying and evaluating the present situation of surface water are fundamental solutions for environmental protection in the Southwest sea areas of Vietnam.

Studies on the Chemical composition of Zostera marina ("거머리 말"의 화학성분에 관한 연구)

  • 박명삼
    • Journal of Plant Biology
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    • 제12권1호
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 1969
  • General components, free sugars, and free amino acids about Zostera marina which is much distributing and producing along the coastlines of Korea have been separated and identified through Ion exchange resin and Paper chromatography method. So distrigushed are sugars contained that this was quantitated by Bertrand method. 1) The result of the general component analysis of Zostera marina shows that there are much free sugars. 2) According to Bertrand method sugar containment quantitated from terrestrial stem and subterranean stem on Po-hang and Ko-hung areas is much more in terrestrial stem than subterranean stem. 3) Seven kinds of sugars are used in experiments(Table 2) among there glucose, fructose and sucrose which keep the sweetness are very much contained. 4) Shown in Fig. 3 ten kinds of free amino acids inspected from experimental liquid by Paper chromatography are separated, which are known, and one spot which in unknown is additionally separated, and in which four kinds of essential amino acid to nutrient are contained.

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