• Title/Summary/Keyword: Coal worker's pneumoconiosis

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The analysis of α-quartz in the worker's lung died of coal workers' pneumoconiosis by FT-IR (푸리에 변환 적외선 분광기에 의한 사망한 탄광부 진폐증자의 폐조직내 석영농도)

  • Kim, Hae-Jeong;Choi, Ho-Chun;Chung, Ho-Keun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.238-245
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    • 1991
  • This study was analysis of ${\alpha}$-quartz in the 37 worker's lung died of coal workers' pneumoconiosis(CWP) and in the 9 normal's lung by Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometer. The results were as follows : 1. The dried lung weight percents in wet lung weight were 24.4%, 25.4%, coal workers' pneumoconiosis and normal lungs, respectively. Ash weight percents in dried lung weight were 7.7%, 5.0%, coal workers' pneumoconiosis and normal lungs, respectively. 2. The presision (as of coefficient of variation) for the ${\alpha}$-quartz determination were 2.6% in standard quartz (ranged from 9.9 to $198.0{\mu}g$) and 3.7% in ashed lung samples. 3. The characterstic ${\alpha}$-quartz absorption spectra in lungs of CWP were only shawn by LTA ashing. 4. Geometric mean of ${\alpha}$-quartz concentration in CWP lung was 173mg/100g dried lung. 5. The concentrations of ${\alpha}$-quartz in Korean CWP lungs were similar to those of foreign coal miner's lungs.

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Cardiopulmonary Symptoms, Quality of Sleep, and Depression in the Hospitalized Patient with Pneumoconiosis (요양병원 진폐 환자의 심폐증상, 수면의 질 및 우울에 관한 연구)

  • Jang, Ju-Yeon;Lee, Young-Hee;Choi, Mi-Kyoung
    • Korean Journal of Adult Nursing
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.135-145
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: This study was to examine the cardiopulmonary symptoms, quality of sleep, and depression, and to identify the influencing factors in the hospitalized coal worker's pneumoconiosis patient. Methods: 137 hospitalized patients who received pneumoconiosis treatment were conveniently selected. A descriptive correlational study was conducted. Data were collected using structured questionnaires and were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficients and multiple regression analysis. Results: The mean score of cardiopulmonary symptoms was relatively high ($3.97{\pm}0.56$, out of 5). The 5 and over score of quality of sleep, sleep disturbance was 94.2%, and the reported depression was 95.6%. The levels of depression depended on the oxygen therapy and family/acquaintance visiting. The depression was significantly correlated with the cardiopulmonary symptoms and quality of sleep. The influential factors affecting depression were cardiopulmonary symptoms and quality of sleep, which explained about 34.1% of the variance. Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that nursing interventions are needed to reduce depression, and to improve cardiopulmonary symptoms and quality of sleep in the hospitalized pneumoconiosis patient. These results can provide for nursing intervention to facilitate reduction of depression.

Caplan Syndrome Mimicking Progressive Massive Fibrosis on CT: A Case Report (CT에서 가속화된 진행성거대섬유증으로 오인된 카플란 증후군: 증례 보고)

  • Jinwook Baek;Ji-Yeon Han
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.85 no.4
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    • pp.789-794
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    • 2024
  • This report presents a unique case of Caplan syndrome that mimicked accelerated progressive massive fibrosis. The patient, a former coal miner, had been diagnosed with coal worker's pneumoconiosis 15 years prior and had been treated for rheumatoid arthritis for over 20 years. Accelerated progressive massive fibrosis and the development of multiple nodules with cavitation in the basal lungs were subsequently observed on serial CT scans. Here, the CT manifestations of Caplan syndrome are highlighted in a case in which Caplan syndrome mimicked accelerated progressive massive fibrosis.

Life Satisfaction, Social Support, Perceived Health Status, and Loneliness of the Hospitalized Patients with Pneumoconiosis (입원 진폐증 환자의 삶의 만족도, 사회적 지지, 지각된 건강상태 및 고독감에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Young-Mee
    • Korean Journal of Adult Nursing
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.605-614
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among loneliness, life satisfaction, social support and perceived health status, and further to identify factors affecting loneliness among hospitalized patients with pneumoconiosis. Methods: This study was a cross-sectional descriptive survey. A sample of 205 hospitalized patients with pneumoconiosis was recruited from August 10 to 27, 2011. The data were collected using structured questionnaire and were analyzed with SPSS/WIN 17.0 program. Results: The mean score of loneliness was very high (46.5). The levels of loneliness depended on several factors including the duration of coalworker caregiver, personality, exercise, hobbies and reported complications. The reported loneliness was significantly correlated with life satisfaction (r=-.204, p=.003). family support (r=-.220, p=.002), professional medical team support (r=-.303, p<.001) and perceived health status (r=-.175, p=.012). The influential factors affecting loneliness were professional medical team support, life satisfaction, and personality, perceived health status, complication and family support, which explained about 21.8% of the variance. Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that nursing intervention is needed to reduce loneliness, and to improve the perceived health status, social support and life satisfaction in the hospitalized patient with pneumoconiosis. These results can provide for evidence of nursing intervention to facilitate reduction of loneliness.

Serum Immunoglobulin levels in Coal Worker's Pneumoconiosis Patients (진폐증 환자에서의 혈청 면역 글로불린의 변화)

  • Yoo, Kwang-Ha;Ahn, Chul-Min;Kim, Hyung-Joong;Kim, Young-Ho;Lee, Yong-Kyoo;Kim, Sung-Kyu;Lee, Won-Young
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.165-174
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    • 1999
  • Background: Coal-worker's pneumoconiosis(CWP) is radiologically divided into two major groups: simple pneumoconiosis (SP), in which small, rounded or irregular opacities smaller than 1cm are observed, and progressive massive fibrosis(PMF), which is characterized by opacities larger than 1cm. SP has a life expectancy equivalent to miners with no radiographic evidence of CWP, but PMF is associated with more obvious impairments of ventilatory capacity and premature death. But only minority of workers develop PMF when exposed to dust concentrations similar to those experienced by workers who develop only SP. In this study, immune status in patients with CWP were evaluated by measurement of the serum immunoglobulin levels between control, SP and PMF groups. Method: Coal workers selected for this study were emplyees of the Tae-Baek and Dong-Hae Hospital. All the patients were men of 45-76 years old and the mean duration of exposure to coal dust were 23.2 years. By X-ray examination, 51 patients were classified in SP, 59 in PMF category. The normal controls examined were 58 men of 26-70 years old. Serum Ig levels were estimated by using Nephelometer(Behring Nephelometer : Germany) and serum were collected 51 in SP, 49 in PMF and 57 cases in control group. Results: The levels of IgG were increased but the levels of IgM were decreased with increasing age in control groups. There were no statistical difference of immunoglobulin levels between smokers and nonsmokers in control groups. There were no statistical difference of immunoglobulin levels between Control, SP and PMF groups. Multiple regression analysis were undertaken to determine the statistical significance of the apparent trends and estimate the effects associated with age, smoking habit and radiological category of CWP. According to this analysis, the levels of IgG were decreased significantly in SP group and had decreasing tendancy, but not statistically significant in PMF group. Conclusion : From the observations described, CWP patients had decreased IgG concentration compared to control gorup. Therefore, there was some relation between CWP and immunoglobulin concentration.

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Clinical Year-in-Review of Occupational Lung Disease (호흡기내과의사를 위한 직업성 폐질환 리뷰)

  • Lee, Won-Yeon
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.71 no.5
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    • pp.317-321
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    • 2011
  • Occupational lung disease (OLD) is a group of lung diseases caused and/or aggravated by organic and inorganic inhaled dust, fumes, and mist. OLD can develop under various occupational situations. Therefore, occupational history should be considered when evaluating respiratory symptoms. Once OLD is developed, it may not be treated and may even progress after exposure to the causative agents has stopped. The best ways to treat OLD are prevention and early detection by controlling the working environment and conducting regular surveillance of workers. Common OLDs in Korea are coal worker's pneumoconiosis, asbestos-related diseases, and occupational asthma. Recent aspects of these common OLDs in Korea will be described based on recently published studies.

The Role of Lymphocyte Compartment and Cytokine in Coal Workers Pneumoconiosis (진폐증환자에서의 임파구 분획 및 싸이토카인의 역할)

  • Lee, Jung-Yeon;Yoo, Kwang-Ha;Ahn, Hae-Ryon;Kim, Sung-Ryul;Lee, Hae-Woon;Ahn, Cheol-Min;Kim, Hyung-Joong
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.52 no.3
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    • pp.241-250
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    • 2002
  • Background : Coal-worker's pneumoconiosis(CWP) is characterized by a chronic inflammatory lung reaction associated with macrophage accumulation in the alveolar spaces. CWP is usually divided into two stage : simple pneumoconiosis(SP) where there are a limited number of fibrotic lesions remain limited, with radiological opacities smaller than 1cm and progressive massive fibrosis(PMF), which is characterized by the development of a perifocal extensive fibrotic response of the lung and severe alterations in pulmonary function. In this study, the lymphocyte compartment and cytokine were evaluated by measuring the serum levels in the control, SP and PMF groups. Materials and Methods : The coal workers selected for this study were employees(patients?) of the Tae-Baek and Dong-Hae hospital. All were men, 45-76 years old and the mean duration of their exposure to coal dust was 23.2 years in the lymphocyte compartment and 24.3 years in the cytokine checked group. According to X-ray examination results, the patients were classified into either one of the SP, PMF categories. The normal controls examined were 26-70 years old men. The serum cytokine levels were estimated by using an end point enzyme immunoassay technique. Results : T lymphocyte, helper and suppressor T cells were highly related to pneumoconiosis in this study. A statistically significant decrease in the number of suppressor T lymphocytes was observed in the simple pneumoconiosis patients and at the same time, there was an increase in the lymphocyte index. Howevere, there was no statistically difference in the serum cytokines levels among the SP, PMF and control groups. Conclusion : T lymphocyte, helper T, and suppressor T cells may be highly related to the development of CWP compared to the control group particularly in the early stage of pneumoconiosis. The changes observed in the immunological system in patients with pneumoconiosis may lie at the bottom of the pathogenesis of fibrosis. Further study is needed to evaluate the lymphocyte compartment as a marker for pneumoconiosis development in the early stage.

Serum Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Levels in Coal Worker's Pneumoconiosis (탄광부 진폐증환자의 Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 활성치)

  • Kim, Kyung-Dong;Choi, Myung-Sook;Lee, Chae-Hoon;Kim, Chung-Sook;Bae, Eun-Kyung
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.109-119
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    • 1989
  • We measured fasting serum angiotensin -converting enzyme (SACE) in 100 healthy controls and 75 coal worker's pneumoconiosis (CWP) patients by a commercial kits($ACEcolor^{(R)}$, Fujirio Inc., Japan) and evaluated this manual method. The linear range extends to an activity of 80U/L. Precision on a commercial control serum (ACE control-$N^{(R)}$, Sigma Co.)with a mean value, of 9.47U/L yielded a within-run and between-run CVs are 5.6% (N=15) and 6.9% (N=14) respectively. SAVE in 75 CWP was $20.3{\pm}5.7U/L$ ($mean{\pm}s.d.$) ; higher than in healthy controls ($13.4{\pm}3.9U/L$, P<0.01). No correlation was found between SACE, sex, and age. The results suggest that the measurement of SACE and follow-up SACE in coal workers may be a useful diagnostic fools for CWP.

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Occupational Lung Diseases: Spectrum of Common Imaging Manifestations

  • Alexander W. Matyga;Lydia Chelala;Jonathan H. Chung
    • Korean Journal of Radiology
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    • v.24 no.8
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    • pp.795-806
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    • 2023
  • Occupational lung diseases (OLD) are a group of preventable conditions caused by noxious inhalation exposure in the workplace. Workers in various industries are at a higher risk of developing OLD. Despite regulations contributing to a decreased incidence, OLD remain among the most frequently diagnosed work-related conditions, contributing to significant morbidity and mortality. A multidisciplinary discussion (MDD) is necessary for a timely diagnosis. Imaging, particularly computed tomography, plays a central role in diagnosing OLD and excluding other inhalational lung diseases. OLD can be broadly classified into fibrotic and non-fibrotic forms. Imaging reflects variable degrees of inflammation and fibrosis involving the airways, parenchyma, and pleura. Common manifestations include classical pneumoconioses, chronic granulomatous diseases (CGD), and small and large airway diseases. Imaging is influenced by the type of inciting exposure. The findings of airway disease may be subtle or solely uncovered upon expiration. High-resolution chest CT, including expiratory-phase imaging, should be performed in all patients with suspected OLD. Radiologists should familiarize themselves with these imaging features to improve diagnostic accuracy.