• Title/Summary/Keyword: Clothing lifestyle

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Difference in Perception of Customer Experience Based on Fashion Lifestyle Using Strategic Experiential Modules (전략적 고객 경험 모듈을 이용한 패션 라이프 스타일에 따른 고객 경험 인식 차이)

  • Yoo, Hwa-Sook
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.770-780
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to classify customer experience components using Bernd H. Schmitt's Strategic Experiential Modules and explore the relevance between fashion lifestyle and customer experience components. A survey was conducted on 400 adults between the ages of 20s to 50s who had experience in sportswear stores. The results obtained are as follows. First, according to fashion lifestyle, the respondents were divided into an individuality-valued pragmatic group, a trend-oriented brand-seeking group, a fashion-interested group, and a conservative pragmatic group. Second, customer experience components were divided into sensory experience, emotional experience, cognitive experience, behavioral experience, and relational experience. Third, on analyzing the relationship between customer experience and fashion lifestyle, it was found that a fashion-interested group has the highest value in all experiences; therefore, it can be considered that the higher the interest in fashion, the more important is the customer experience. On the other hand, the conservative pragmatic group represented generally smaller values than the other three groups in all customer experiences. Fourth, there were significant differences in the customer experience components that were considered to be important depending on the fashion lifestyle type. An individuality-valued pragmatic group valued cognitive experiences, a fashion-interested group valued all experiences, and a conservative pragmatic group showed low scores in all customer experiences. The results of this study will allow companies to build more customer-friendly experiences and enable consumers to engage in satisfactory purchasing activities through better customer experiences.

조선시대 여자복식에 나타난 배색 연구

  • 김양희;소황옥
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.25
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    • pp.157-169
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    • 1995
  • The confucianism, the Taoism, the Budd-hism and the Folk-Faith actually coexisted and all of them had also widespread infuluence on the Chosun Society. This thesis is designed to study symbol of Color Scheme expressed in the clothing of Chosun dynasty. For this thesis I examined records of Royal archives, books containing lifestyle of Chosun dynasty, genre paintings, documantary pain-tings, excorcist clothing and existing remains. And I synthetically studied symbol of the Clothing Color Schemes in Chosun dynasty on the bases of theoretical researches. The result were as follows. There were many cases of 1. Upper·lowergarments : Red-Blue, White-Blue, White-Blue Color Schemes. 3. Exorcist clothing : Red-Red, Blue-Yellow, Blue-Blue Color Schemes. 4. Multy-colored stripes : Same color arrange-ments were avoided in Color Schemes. In the case of Green Wonsam, Blue-Red-Yellow-White Clothing Color Scheme was obvious. 5. Dance wear : Red-Blue, Yellow-Red Color Schemes. Generally more than anything else Blue-red Clothing Color Scheme was widely used. Be-sides Blue-Red Color Scheme, there were also many cases of Red-Yellow, White-Blue Cloth-ing Color Schemes. As a whole, compatible Color Schemes were more often used than in-compatible Color Schemes were used with various symbols that were based on color concept of Yin-Yang O-haeng, Tae-il theory Folk-Faith and so forth in Chosun dynasty.

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Comparison of Mens' Denim Fashion in Eastern and Western Cities (세계 대도시 남성들의 데님패션 비교연구)

  • Kim, Chan-Ju;Ro, Mi-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.31 no.7
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    • pp.997-1007
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    • 2007
  • The denim fashion is a style of clothing showing trends towards globalization in that it is most favored and most frequently purchased and worn by youngsters throughout the world. However, it differs from region to region in its shapes, colors, silhouettes and coordination, reflecting a feature of regionalism. Male denim fashion data were collected from large cities of the East and the West for an analysis in terms of design and coordination. It was found that a common point originated from the features of the clothing itself as well as from a common culture shared among those of similar ages while differences came from various factors such as aesthetic sentiments and lifestyle of each ethnic group, willingness to accept the fashion trends, and the ways of expressing oneself by means of clothing and their attitude towards clothing. It was noteworthy that the denim fashion in Europe and America, Beijing and Seoul differed largely owing to their different tastes for expressing themselves. A comparison study of the regional denim styles may lead to a better understanding of a worldwide phenomenon of the common fashion trends and regional differences in aesthetic appeal and the fashion preference.

The Influence of New Seniors' Lifestyle and Apparel Purchase Criteria on Design Preference of Outdoor Apparel Products (뉴시니어 라이프스타일과 의복구매기준이 아웃도어 의류제품 디자인 선호도에 미치는 영향)

  • Ji, Kyoungha;Kim, Hanna
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.73-89
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    • 2017
  • This research aimed to identify the characteristics of outdoor apparel market for new seniors. To achieve this goal, influence of new seniors' lifestyle and apparel purchase criteria of design preferences of outdoor apparel products were investigated. An online-survey was conducted targeting fifties who have bought outdoor apparel within one year. The collected data were carried out for factor analysis, independent sample T-test, and regression analysis by using SPSS 22.0. Results showed that new seniors' lifestyles were composed of appearance-orientation, well-being diet, well-being exercise, self-development, and challenge-orientation. Purchase criteria of outdoor apparels were factored out as practical, aesthetic, and social. Appearance -orientation and self-development affect aesthetic and social factors. Well-being diet influences all factors of purchase criteria. Challenge -orientation has effect only on social factor. Women favored round-and V-neckline more than men did as well as preferred half and 3/4 long for sleeve. Customers who value practical purchase criteria preferred half-sleeve, zipper, and button-closure designs. In contrast, customers who have aesthetic purchase criteria like round/V-neckline and cap sleeve. Social factor affected high neckline and vivid-tone color preference significantly. As outdoor design for new senior it is critical to introduce differentiation of outdoor brand with various designs combining functionalities of outdoor activities and style looking young and dandy, which is highlighted as trendy and casual, over current outdoor apparels' unified design.

Differences Between Wearing Styles and Preferring Styles and the Sensibility According to Men's Fashion Style (남성복의 감성 및 선호 스타일과 실제 착용간의 차이)

  • Rim, Byungmook;Lee, Janghyung;Kim, Jisu;Na, Youngjoo
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.71-82
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    • 2016
  • As times change rapidly the lifestyle, personality, and values of men have changed diversely. Not only have preferences for men's clothing changed, men's fashion market has also grown, and novel, non-preexisting styles have come into place. Also, there are many studies on sensibility of women's fashion while studies on sensibility of men's fashion are insufficient. This study categorized common styles for men in their 20s into 7 different representative samples and investigated consumers' sensibility evaluations for each representative sample. Style 1 (suit), style 2 (rider jacket + skinny pants), style 3 (blouson + straight pants), style 4 (cardigan + half pants), style 5 (military jacket + straight pants), style 6 (loose fit jacket + skinny pants), and style 7 (baseball jumper + straight pants) were prepared in the evaluation questionnaire. The study compared male and female interest and knowledge of men's fashion, evaluated the sensibility difference depending on the men's fashion, analyzed whether there is a difference between preferred men's clothing and actual wearing of the clothing, and examined the preferred style in relation with the lifestyle. The results are as follows: First, men's fashion was diversified and subdivided, and interest and knowledge about men's fashion was greater for males than females. Second, sensibility of men's fashion had significant differences depending on the style, and it did not depend on genders. Third, there was a clear difference between the most favored style by the 20s and the actual style they commonly wear; the favored style and the actual worn style were consistent 66.1% of all the cases, inconsistent 33.9% of those. Style 3 had the highest preference and the actual wearing rate, and style 5 was the least preferred and worn. Fourth, the more extroverted lifestyle rather than introverted one, the more it was likely to prefer diverse styles.

A Study on Intertextuality Expressed in Modern Fashion - Focus on 1999~2005 Paris Collections - (현대패션에 표현된 해체주의의 상호텍스트성에 관한 연구 - 1999~2005 파리 컬렉션을 중심으로 -)

  • Seo, Kyung-Hee;Choo, Tae-Gue
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.361-370
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    • 2005
  • This study was intended to investigate intertextuality expressed in fashion; intertextuality within fashion as sex, T.P.O., texture, and coordination and intertextuality between fashion and other genre like animation, music, film and technology. Intertextuality obtained by mixing the masculine and feminine text, coordinating various element without regarding T.P.O., texture has contributed to expending aesthetic realm and redefining the aesthetic value of traditional fashion design. The influence of animation, music, film on fashion and the interaction between these genre and fashion integrated high-class fashion and street-fashion, created the multicultural hybrid. Moreover according to the change of lifestyle the fashionable technical clothing was needed and developed. The intertextual tendency in the 21st-century fashion has given the new possibility of fashion design.

A Study on the Relationship between Clothing Evaluative Criteria of Hanbok and the Life Style Characteristics of University Students (남녀대학생의 라이프 스타일과 한복의 평가기준에 관한 연구)

  • 곽태기;남미우
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.52 no.4
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    • pp.25-38
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between lifestyle and the evaluative criteria of the Korean traditional costume, Hanbok and saenghwal hanbok. The questionnaires were administered to 291(men:.102,Women:189) university students in Seoul. Data were analysed by factor analysis, correlation coefficient, t-test. The results were as follows : 1) Factor analysis was used to determine the dimensions of the evaluative criteria of Hanbok, Saenghwal Hanbok and life style characteristics. The evaluative criteria dimensions were found to be different according to Hanbok. Saenghwal Hanbok. 2) In Hanbok, evaluative criteria were classified into comfort & easy care, prestige, design, fashion, suitability to yourself. 3) In Saenghwal Hanbok. evaluative criteria were classified into prestige, ease of care, design., appropriateness, brand. 4) The life style characteristics were classified into independence, activism. conservatism, and materialism. 5) There were the significant relationships between life style factor and clothing evaluative criteria. Especially for design in Hanbok and Saenghwal Hanbok was negative relationship with conservatism and positive relationship with activism. materialism. and Independence.

The Clothing Attitude and Preference of the Gay Men According to Gender Role (남성동성애자의 성 역할에 따른 의복태도 및 선호)

  • 이정욱;신혜원;김희라;하오선
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.696-704
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    • 2003
  • The main purpose of this study is to examine the gay men's clothing attitude and preference according to gender role, for reviewing their clothing culture. Specifically, this study focuses on 1) investigating gay men's clothing attitude(brand orientation, conformity, fashion leadership, sexual attractiveness), 2) identifying their clothing preference, 3) comparing the difference of lifestyle, and 4) comparing the difference of their preference color and wearing the accessary, according to their gender role. Futhermore, this study compares those factors between gay men and heterosexual men. The data was collected from 168 persons(76 gay men and 92 heterosexual men) in LGHRF(Lesbian & Gay Human Rights Federation), Korea Gaymen's Coalition and adult men living in Seoul. To analyze data, the methodology adopted in this study is frequency, t-test, and ANOVA. The results found in this study are as followings: First, sexual attractiveness was significant factor for the gay men's clothing attitude and not concern about conformity. According to the gender role, bottom, who have much of the woman in composition, was more higher for the fashion leadership than top, who have a propensity for masculine. Second, gay men prefer to masculine, simple and casual style. According to the gender role, 'top' was more likely to masculine, simple and formal style rather than 'Bottom'. Third, Gay men were much more concern about a cultural life style. Furthermore, a preference color for both group was blue. Especially, gay men tended to prefer a chromatic color. The implication getting from conclusion in this study was to study Gay men's taste for a fashion, clothing attitude and their preference to purchase, etc., in considering their buying power for clothing in a fashion market.

Effects of fashion product image preference on brand image importance and advertising factor evaluation of working women (직장여성의 패션제품이미지 선호도가 브랜드이미지 중요도 및 광고요소 평가에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Hyun-Jung;Lee, Kyu-Hye
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.324-335
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    • 2016
  • The fashion product image preference changes depending on one's lifestyle and personal inclination. Women want to show the fashion product image preference, often through their clothing and makeup choices. Brand image includes those elements related to the brand. Advertising is the primary method for introducing brands. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of fashion product image preference on emphasis of brand image and advertising factor evaluation targeting working women in their 20s and 30s. The fashion product image preference was s sophisticated image. Preference for a sophisticated image has a significant effect on emphasis of brand image when selecting fashion products. Emphasis of brand image has a notable effect on the brand direct advertising factor evaluation. Fashion product image preference has a significant effect on both brand's direct and indirect advertising factor evaluation. When selecting a fashion product (clothing and cosmetics), brand image importance was found to have a positive effect on a brand's direct advertising factor evaluation. Therefore, fashion companies should take advantage of their brand logo. Companies should also pay attention to clothing and product containers used in advertising to show the brand. In addition, every company should create an advertising image that represents their overall brand, by using a combination of detailed advertising factor evaluation.

Factors Affecting Outshopping Behavior of Female Consumers in Seoul and Satellite Cities (신도시와 영등포 거주 소비자의 비거주지 쇼핑행동에 관한 연구)

  • Go, Ae-Ran;Park, Gwang-Hui;Lee, Yeong-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.442-454
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study was 1) to identify the effects of lifestyle activities and decision -making related variables (shopping orientations, use of information sources and importance of store attributes) on the outshopping behavior of female consumers in Seoul and satellite cities, and 2) to investigate the differences in the effects of those variables on the outshopping behavior among 4 clothing categories (formal wear, separates, casual wear, underwear). The data were collected via a questionnaires from 508 adult females of ages over 20's living in Seoul and satellite cities around Seoul and were analyzed by factor analysis and discriminant analysis. The results of this study were as follows: 1) Some of the factors of 4 decision-making related variables significantly discriminated the outshoppers and inshoppers. The most influential factors were attitude toward imported products, time-oriented and price-oriented attitude of shopping orientations. 2) There were significant differences in the effects of 4 variables on outshopping behaviors among 4 clothing categories. More factors were effective in discriminating the outshopping behavior for formal wear or separates purchase.

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