• Title/Summary/Keyword: City Wall

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The Characteristics of Traffic Noise and Its Effects on Inhabitants' Life at an Apartment Area in Taejon City (대전 신도시 일부 아파트지역 교통소음의 특성과 주민생활에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Chan-Ho;Chang, Seong-Sil
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.94-102
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    • 1999
  • To estimate the effects of environmental noise on inhabitants' life in an apartment area at Taejon, noise levels and traffic volume of major roads were measured. 203 housewives were surveyed by questionaires including general factors, noise related factors and three items of life effects: subjective evaluations on the general environment, annoyance, and life disturbance due to environmental noise. At the boundary adjacent to the road with more traffic volume, noise level was higher; according to the time, the amount of noise level was in the morning, in the evening, at noon, and at night in order. Most of boundary noise levels were higher than those of recommended standard environmental noise levels in a residential area. The boundary noise level showed a very significant linear relationship with traffic volume of near roads. Noise level difference in the apartments adjacent to three roads was ranged 2.4~6.7dB between in windows open and close state. The apartments adjacent to 9 lane or 6 lane-road, which were protected by noise prevention wall and 20m or more distance from the roads, showed higher noise level at middle floors and high floors than those of low floors; but the buildings adjacent to 4 lane-road, with no protection, showed higher noise level at low and middle floors than those of high floors. Among 203 housewives, 120(59.1%) participated in this study, and 86(73.2%) of them answered that the most serious environmental noise was traffic noise from near roads. Comparing traffic noise levels with those of before-migration, 67.0% participants found the environmental noise became louder. Fifty eight(49.5%) of the participants wanted noise protection wall and 15(25.9%) of them were willing to charge the fee. Less perception on the present noise comparing to those before-migration, less traffic volume, and lower noise levels in the apartments were related to higher scores of self-evaluation on the environment. Higher susceptibility on the present noise, areas with more traffic volume, higher boundary noise levels, and higher noise levels showed higher scores of annoyance on environmental noise and life disturbance. Considering above all things, it was suggested that traffic noise in this area was the major problem of environmental noise, and its' effect was so serious that inhabitants needed some preventive measures for better life quality.

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An Optimization Algorithm of Gypsum Board Loss for Wall Finishing in Modular Construction System (모듈러건축 벽체마감 석고보드 손실 최적화 알고리즘 개발)

  • Lee, Dong-Min;Chin, Sangyoon
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.101-110
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    • 2014
  • The ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport announced that they launched the pilot project to offer Happy House built with modular construction as part of the major projects of incumbent government in 2013. The market size of modular construction is getting increasingly enlarged together with strong will of government. The major challenges that current modular construction encounters can be summed up as lack of standardization of material on the stage of design and fabrication. The portion of material costs in modular construction marks 16 to 17% higher than the existing other construction method, and account for 60 % of total construction cost, which is why material management is the most important factor. However, the imperfect standardization and specification on design causes high loss of materials on fabrication, which makes the construction wastes and total construction cost increasing in accordance with the increase of material costs. This study has been conducted to verify major modules by developing optimization algorithm on gypsum board material among wall finishing materials. It is expected that this paper contributes not only to eco-friendly construction by minimizing the waste factors of materials through these efforts, but also to removing high cost issues which had been recognized as a setback of current modular construction.

Comparative analysis of ground settlement and tunnel displacement due to tunnel excavation considering topographic information based on GIS (GIS 기반 지형 정보를 고려한 터널 굴착에 따른 지반침하와 터널 변위 비교 분석)

  • Jae-Eun, Cho;Ye-Rim, Jung;Seong-Min, Song;Ji-Seok, Yun;Sang-Gui, Ha;Han-Kyu, Yoo
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.13-26
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    • 2023
  • Recently, as the development of underground spaces has become active due to rapid urbanization and population density, interest in the ground behavior according to the construction of underground spaces is increasing. In large cities with high population density and many buildings, ground subsidence has a great impact on structures and there may be a risk of collapse, so the analysis of ground behavior due to underground construction is essential. Previous studies have been conducted on the subsidence pattern of the surface and the deformation of the tunnel when constructing the tunnel, but analysis has rarely been conducted by using actual topographic information. Therefore, this study analyzed the difference in ground behavior between the actual topography and the flat topography. As a result, it was confirmed that ground settlement occurs at higher elevations, such as in mountainous topography, and when the numerical analysis is performed considering topographical information, the crown settlement of the tunnel is up to about approx. It showed a difference of 10 mm, and it was found that the sensitivity was less in the case of displacement of tunnel wall compared to the crown settlement and ground settlement. The numerical analysis considering the actual GIS-based topographic information presented in this study can be used to obtain more accurate surface subsidence data to understand the behavior of the upper structure due to tunnel excavation.

A Study on the Change Trend and Their Using Method of Vacant Houses in the Historic Conservation District - Focused on the Keumma Historic Conservation Area in Jeonbuk Province - (고도보존지구의 빈집 변화추이와 활용방안에 관한 연구 - 전라북도 금마고도보존지구 중심으로 -)

  • Nam, Hae-kyeong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.25-33
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    • 2017
  • This study aims to find out the change trend of the existing vacant houses in the small and medium sized farming city. And the using method of those houses is proposed in this paper. Especially to find out the change trend ratio of vacant houses in the case, the historic conservation area - Keumma village is selected as the research target area. To carry out this study, it was surveyed in 2013 when they were not designated as the special area first. And it is reviewed in 2017 when it is designated. The contents of the survey were their use, old age, structure, materials, color, roof of the main building and wall. they were surveyed by direct and interview survey. And thew were analyzed and synthesized. It is concluded that the 142 vacant houses in 2013 were declined 46houses in 2017. It is caused by the government support. And they will be declined continuously. The architectural statues of vacant houses between in 2013 and in 2017 are almost same in it's use, old age, structure, materials, color, roof of the main building and wall. In the use ratio of the vacant houses that of residence is most high, and that of warehouses, commerce are followed in turn. The reason of that statues is moving out is the first and the death of house holder, the difficulty of managing are followed. As the their re-use plan of owners, the selling is the first, constructing new buildings and the renovation them are followed. As the method of their use, re-use, community facilities, managing in the vacant houses bank are proposed. As the vacant houses are the reason of bad elements in the rural landscape in the farm village, the method of its improvement will be carried out.

The Alluvial Fan Surface Deformation of the Northern Part of the Ulsan(Bulguksa) Active Fault System in the Southeastern Korea

  • Yoon, Soon-Ock;Hwang, Sang-Il
    • The Korean Journal of Quaternary Research
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    • v.18 no.2 s.23
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    • pp.5-16
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    • 2004
  • The geomorphic deformation of the alluvial fans by tectonic movement was investigated along the lineaments of the northem part of the Ulsan(Bulguksa) fault system. Based on the aerial photographs interpretation and field surveys Ulsan fault system was identified as an active reverse fault which has displaced the Quatemary fan deposits. Buguksa fault system strikes for the direction of NW-SE and N-S. These two lineaments of active fault are crossing at Jinty village in Gyeongju city and the fault plane forms here almost vertical dip. The lateral pressures from the two directions have possibly influenced on the formation of the vertical dip at jinty villagy. It should be resulted from that the two pressures responsible for the active reverse fault at which the one with the NW-SE strike thrusts the hanging wall of Tohamsan block southwestward and the other pressure with the N-S strike thrusts it westward over the foot wall of the fan deposits. The marine oxygen isotope stage 8(0.30-0.25 Ma. BP) and stage 6(0.20-0.14 Ma. BP) are presumed to be the ages of high and middle surfaces of the alluvial fan, repectively. The vertical displacements on the high surfaces along the Bulguksa fault system are about 1.05 m at Ha-Dong, 9.5-10.5 m at Jinhyun-Dong, and about 10 m high at Jinty village. And the vertical displacement on the middle surface was measured about 6 m high at Ha-Dong. The average slip rate of vertical displacements is calculated about 0.03-0.43 mm/y.

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A Study of Control Efficiency for Odorous Pollutants in Various Emission Control Units in the Ban-Wall Industrial Complex (공단지역의 대기배출시설을 대상으로 한 악취성분의 처리효율에 관한 연구 - 반월공단 지역을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Y.J.;Jeon, E.C.;Kim, K.H.
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.110-124
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    • 2007
  • In this study, the control efficiency of odorous compounds was measured from diverse control process units of 14 individual companies located within the Ban-Wall industrial complex of Ansan city, Korea (January to July 2005), To quantify the control efficiency levels of major odorous compounds, we collected odor samples from both the front and rear side of 17 control process units ($N=17{\times}2=34$). If the control efficiency is compared for each of 32 compounds between different process units, wet scrubber (WS) was found to be the most effective unit in terms of the sum of pollutants showing the positive control signals. Although the WS system shows generally a good control pattern for VOC, it is not the case for most index odorous pollutants; only 3 out of 12 index compounds were found to show positive control efficiencies. The results of the study also indicated that the control efficiency differ greatly between different industrial sectors and/or control process types. In the case of leather industry, carbonyl compounds were found to exhibit the highest control efficiency with its values varying from 19 to 90%. On the other hand, in the case of metal production sector, VOC recorded the maximum control efficiency with values varying from 18 to 79%. According to this study, most air pollution control facilities operated in most companies show fairly poor control efficiencies for most malodor compounds. Hence, to obtain best control efficiency of odorous pollutant emission, acquisition of better information on source characteristics and establishment of effective control technologies are highly demanding.

Wind Engineering Study on the Surface-Pressure Characteristic of a Triangular Prism Located Behind a Porous Fence (다공성 방풍펜스 후방에 놓인 삼각프리즘의 표면압력특성에 관한 풍공학적 연구)

  • Park, Cheol-U;Lee, Sang-Jun
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.21 no.11
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    • pp.1496-1508
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    • 1997
  • The effects of porous wind fence on the pressure characteristics around a 2-dimensional prism model of triangular cross-section were investigated experimentally. The fence and prism model were embedded in a neutral atmospheric surface boundary layer over the city suburb. In this study, various fences of different porosity, back fence, inclination angle of prism and location of additional back prisms were tested to investigate their effects on the pressure and wall shear stress of the prism surface. The fence and prism had the same height of 40 mm and Reynolds number based on the model height was Re=3.9*10$^{4}$. The porous fence with porosity 40% was found to be the best wind fence for decreasing the mean and pressure fluctuations on the prism surface. By installing the fence of porosity 40%, the wall shear stress on the windward surface of prism was largely decreased up to 1/3 of that without the fence. This indicates that the porous fence is most effective to abate the wind erosion. Pressure fluctuations on the model surface were decreased more than half when a back fence was located behind the prism in addition to the front fence. With locating several back prisms and decreasing the inclination angle of triangular prism, the pressure fluctuations on the model surface were increased on the contrary.

A Study on Stress Assessment of Standing Gas Pipeline Subjected to Ground-Subsidence (지반 침하를 고려한 도시가스 입상배관의 응력평가)

  • Kil, Seong-Hee;Kim, Byung-Duk;Kwon, Jeong-Rock;Yoon, Kee-Bong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2013
  • In this study, 120 cases of damage due to ground subsidence of city gas pipeline which is hanging on apartment outer wall were investigated. From the survey results, it was determined to be approximately 100m~200mm ground subsidence occurred and at severe damage, pipeline was cut and the gap was about 50mm between two cut pipeline. Device for measuring the amount of deformation of standing gas pipeline was designed and fabricated. And installed it on apartment outer wall for measuring the deformation due to ground subsidence, after 5 months measurement the amount of ground subsidence was measured to 1.3mm. Stress assessment was conducted based on results of ground subsidence occurred on standing gas pipeline.

A Study on Detection and Resolving of Occlusion Area by Street Tree Object using ResNet Algorithm (ResNet 알고리즘을 이용한 가로수 객체의 폐색영역 검출 및 해결)

  • Park, Hong-Gi;Bae, Kyoung-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.10
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    • pp.77-83
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    • 2020
  • The technologies of 3D spatial information, such as Smart City and Digital Twins, are developing rapidly for managing land and solving urban problems scientifically. In this construction of 3D spatial information, an object using aerial photo images is built as a digital DB. Realistically, the task of extracting a texturing image, which is an actual image of the object wall, and attaching an image to the object wall are important. On the other hand, occluded areas occur in the texturing image. In this study, the ResNet algorithm in deep learning technologies was tested to solve these problems. A dataset was constructed, and the street tree was detected using the ResNet algorithm. The ability of the ResNet algorithm to detect the street tree was dependent on the brightness of the image. The ResNet algorithm can detect the street tree in an image with side and inclination angles.

A Study on the Building of Architectural Landscape Image in the Vulnerable Community - Focused on the villages of SaethulMaul Project - (취약지역 마을의 건축경관이미지형성에 관한 연구 - 새뜰마을사업 대상마을을 중심으로 -)

  • Chong, Geon-Chai
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.17-24
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    • 2016
  • The aim of this study is to build an architectural landscaping design ways of vulnerable community in rural area. I surveyed scenery structures, public buildings and single home forms, and fence types of house in twelve villages which have undertaken improving environment of rural community in four provinces. They all have an inferior surroundings to live in rural village, because they were isolated from the city, located on the mountain or island, and made a living under the slate materials of roof. The central government has been driving to reform the conditions with local office, so that they may increase their living qualities and village environment to get to the general level of rural area. There are three results of this study as follows: First, the scenery of the village surveyed has a remarkable views of locality and hierarchy of layers between field and mountain, which is very identified as a typical image of Korean rural topology. Second, the public buildings and single homes and outside wall of houses were personally designed or reformed as a various types like a flat slab style and different architectural structure, because they followed only to keep the architectural code rather than to make a harmony with other traditional style buildings. When they have to remodel it again through SaethulMaul project, they are needed to consider of both architectural code and design guideline for the local landscape design image. Third, to make a different landscape view of each village and improve housing conditions, it should be taken a people participation design way.