• Title/Summary/Keyword: Chinese-cabbage Kimchi

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Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from Fermenting Kimchi and Their Fermentation of Chinese Cabbage Juice (김치에서 젖산균의 분리 및 이 세균들의 배추즙액 발효)

  • Shim, Sun-Taek;Kyung, Kyu-Hang;Yoo, Yang-Ja
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.373-379
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    • 1990
  • Lactic acid bacteria(LAB) were isolated from fermenting Kimchi and were cultivated in filter-sterilized Chinese cabbage juice individually or in combination. LAB isolated were Lactobacillus leichimannii, Lac. fermentum, in addition to the already known Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Lac. plantarum, lac. brevis and pediococcus pentosaceus. Lac. leichimannii, Lac. fermentum and Lac. sake, the early lactobacilli, were high in number exceeding $10^4cells/ml$ at 0 time and multiplied up to $10^9cells/ml$ altogether at the 3rd day of kimchi fermentation. When the representative LAB were cultivated singly in Chinese cabbage juice with or without 3.0% NaCl, one strain of Leu. mesenteroides and La. leichmannii were not different in acid producing ability while the other strain of Leu. mesenteroides and Lac. fermentum Lac. plantarum, produced less acid when NaCl was present. When the bacteria in combination were cultivated in Chinese cabbage juice with 3.0% NaCl, the presence of Leu. mesenteroides was essential to eliminate the lag phase in acid production with higher amounts of acid produced than without. The total number of lactobacilli in the mixture of kimchi ingredients was about $2.9{\times}10^4 cells/ml$ while the number of Lac. plantarum was 7.3 cells/ml. The number of Lac. plantarum in individual ingredients were normally in the range between $0.0{\sim}240cells/g$ except garlic sold in ready-to-use form with $9.0{\times}10^3 cells/g$.

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Hepatoprotective Effect of the Methanol Fraction of Chinese Cabbage on Liver Injury in Rats Treated by bromobenzene (Chinese Cabbage 잎과 뿌리가 메탄올층의 Bromobenzene 간손상에 대한 보호효과)

  • Lee Hyo Jung;Kim Kwan Hyun;Lee Eun Ok;Choi Jong Won;Kang Kyung Sun;Yoon Byong Su;Kim Sung Hoon
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.1177-1181
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    • 2003
  • Chinese cabbage is a vegetable of Cruciferous family. It was usually consumed as Kimchi. It was known to have amount of vitamin c. Recently the trend for the development of functional food combined with oriental herbs. For this aim the study was performed to evaluate the hepatoprotective effect via antioxidant activity of leaf and root of Sanchon Chinese cabbage(Brassica campetris L.) comparatively. The methanol extracts of Chinese cabbage were tested for investigating the effects on the formation of lipid peroxide and the activities of free radical generating enzyme in vitro in bromobenzene-treated rats. The methanol extracts of chinese cabbage reduced bromobenzene-induced hepatic lipid peroxidation and inhibited the activity of xanthine oxidase. The methanol extracts of chinese cabbage did not activate amionopyrine N-demethylase, aniline hydroxylase and glutathione S-transferase. Epoxide hydrolase activity was decreased by bromobenzene, which was restored by pretreatment of the methanol extracts of chinese cabbage. The results suggest that the methanol extracts of Chinese cabbage is reduced by enhancing the activity of epoxide hydrolase.

Effect of Washing Conditions in Salted Chinese Cabbage on the Quality of Kimchi (절임 배추의 세척 조건에 따른 김치의 숙성중 품질 변화)

  • 박우포;박규동;김종현;조용범;이미정
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.30-34
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    • 2000
  • Salted Chinese cabbage was washed in 1,000 ppm solutions of grapefruit seed extract(GFSE) or citric acid, and used to make kimchi for the retentio of quality characteristics during fermentation at $10^{\circ}C$. Kimchi treated with GFSE or citric acid showed a retarded increase in titratable acidity and decrease in pH and reducing sugar content. Total microbial count and lactic acid bacteria of GFSE treated kimchi were about 1.1 log(CFU/g) lower than those of control and citric acid treated kimchi after making, but the difference was gradually reduced during fermentation.

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Salting Storage Method of Highland Chinese Cabbage for Kimchi (김치제조용 고냉지 배추의 염장 저장방법)

  • Han, Eung-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.118-122
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    • 1993
  • Average water loss of chinese cabbage during salting storage was 44.62% after 2 weeks and salt concentration after 3 weeks storage were 3.46%, 7.27%, 9.04%, 10.59%, 14.82% in 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 30% treatments respectively, and salt concentration after 4 hour desalting in water were changed to 2.72%, 4.67%, 5.38%, 6.84%, 9.43% respectively, and during the salting storage pH was lowered more rapidly in low salt treatment than in high salt treatment and it was judged by overall evaluation that salting storaged chinese cabbage of 5% and 10% were adeguate to Kimchi processing.

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Changes of Index Microorganisms and Lactic Acid Bacteria of Korean Fermented Vegetables (Kimchi) During the Ripening and Fermentation-Part 2

  • Kim, Jong-Gyu;Yoon, Joon-Sik
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.70-75
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    • 2008
  • The Chinese cabbage kimchi, baechoo-kimchi, is the most popular type of kimchi in Korea. This study was performed to investigate the changes of index microorganisms (aerobic bacteria, psychrotrophilic bacteria, coliforms, and Escherichia coli), lactic acid bacteria, pH, and acidity of kimchi during the long-term fermentation and ripening. A homemade-style traditional Korean baechoo-kimchi, was prepared from Chinese cabbage, red pepper, green onion, garlic, ginger, and salt-fermented anchovy sauce, and then incubated at $10^{\circ}C$ for 28 days. In the baechoo-kimchi, the number of aerobic bacteria increased with time. The number of psychrotrophilic bacteria maintained their numbers $(10^4CFU/g)$ in the kimchi during the fermentation. Coliforms and E. coli were not detected in the kimchi. The pH of kimchi decreased and the acidity of kimchi increased over time. Lactic acid bacteria, which are representative of fermentative microorganisms in the kimchi process showed rapid growth in the earlier stage of fermentation and increased steadily after 7 days. The counts of lactic acid bacteria were at a level of $10^4CFU/g$ early in the fermentation stage, reaching a level of $10^8CFU/g$ after 14 days, and at this point pH was 4.18 and acidity reached 0.63, indicating that the optimal state of kimchi fermentation. This study suggests that the lactic acid bacteria which were proliferated in kimchi during the ripening and fermentation could contribute to improving the taste and flavor of kimchi and inhibit the growth of pathogenic microorganisms that might exist in kimchi.

Comparison of Quality Characteristics of Whole and Sliced Kimchi at Different Fermentation Temperatures (포기김치와 맛김치의 온도별 품질특성 비교)

  • Park, Woo-Po;Ahn, Duck-Soon;Lee, Dong-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.784-789
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    • 1997
  • The difference of quality characteristics between whole Chinese cabbage kimchi (pogi kimchi) and sliced Chinese cabbage kimchi (mat kimchi) was examined during fermentation at $20^{\circ}C\;and\;5^{\circ}C$. Pogi kimchi showed a delayed fermentation about 2 days at $20^{\circ}C$ and 10 days at $5^{\circ}C$. L (lightness), a (redness) and b (yellowness) of pogi and mat kimchi gradually increased during fermentation. These values were revealed slightly higher for mat kimchi at $20^{\circ}C\;than\;at\;5^{\circ}C$. $CO_{2}$ concentration within package steeply increased for both types of kimchi in 3 days, but $O_{2}$ concentration was decreased until that time. The number of lactic acid bacteria of mat kimchi was generally higher than that of pogi kimchi at $20^{\circ}C$, but pogi kimchi showed higher lactic acid bacteria at $5^{\circ}C$. Smell, color and taste of kimchi fermented at $20^{\circ}C$ was better than those of kimchi fermented at $5^{\circ}C$, but there were no great differences between pogi kimchi and mat kimchi.

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A Survey of the preference of the Turk for Korean Kimchi (한국전통 김치의 다양화 및 세계화를 위한 터키인의 기호도 조사연구)

  • Lee, Myung-Ki;Jang, Dai-Ja;Rhee, Kyoung-Kae;Kim, Dong-Soo;Moon, Sung-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.690-695
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    • 2007
  • This research aimed to Kimchi to be well known in the World, which to be international food on the each nation and each people, each religion cultural area, with having done Kimchi adaptation plan for localization. Among the plan, Kimchi utilization ways with the localization strategy in Turkish dietary life were investigated to the Kimchi preference, improvement points on Turkish view, for the Turkey person it would be able to apply in Turkish food culture, and the results are as follows. 1. According to sex of Chinese cabbage Kimchi preference, men ($M=3.75\;{\pm}\;0.89$) appeared higher than women ($M=3.62\;{\pm}\;0.88$). Color or appearance preference after Chinese cabbage Kimchi taste was investigated in order that red > burnish felt > transparent > yellow, and the smell preference which was hot($M=4.64\;{\pm}\;1.37$) appeared highest. A hot taste felt most intensely, and it was investigated in order that aftertaste> salty taste > sourness > off flavor taste > fermented fish source taste > sweetness> carbonic acid by the followings. For the feeling of texture of Kimchi, the crunch was higher than durable tough(it was visible the consider difference of the sex 2. That the Korean Kimchi hit to a palatable taste, against 109 people (72.2%) answered suitable appetite to this taste, and the reason which was in order of that hot tasty > appearance > chewing texture > red > fermented flavor was investigated. Did not hit to a taste 42 people (27.8%) answer back, with the reason that was investigated in order of hot tasty > appearance > red > fermented flavor > chewing texture. The hot tasty of Kimchi was commonly presented that hit and did not hit to appetite taste against people. 3. Among the Turkish food, similar foods for Kimchi were answered in order of Lahana Tursu (44.2 %) > Kapuska (25.9 %) > Lahana Prasa (11.1%), and similar food category were that Chinese cabbage or various vegetables to be pickling food and to be dressing salad with salt and vinegar. The accompanied or garnished Turkich food category for Kimchi were answered in order of cooking meat (34.1%)> steamed cooking rice (22.7%)> cooking fish (17.0%)> cooking soybean (14.2%). This result was same tendency with steamed cooking rice accompaniment for Kimchi in Korea and Turkey, and could be applied a new main menu like meat cooking and fish cooking dish which matched and accompanied with Kimchi.

The Effects of Kimchi on Hematological and Immunological Parameters in vivo and in vitro (In vivo와 in vitro에서 김치가 혈액성상과 면역세포배양에 미치는 영향)

  • 송영선;김미정;권명자;송영옥;이은경;윤현주
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.1208-1214
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    • 1997
  • This study was designed to know the effect of kimchi on the hematological and immunological parameters in vivo and in vitro, respectively. To study the effects of kimchi on the hematological parameters, rats(S.D., male) were divided into 4 groups and fed diets containing of 3%, 5% and 10% kimchi or kimchi free diet(control) for 6 weeks. The results of CBC(complete blood cell) tests obtained from the bloods of rates were as follows ; In 10% kimchi group, the level of WBC(white blood cells), RBC(red blood cells), Hgb(hemoglobin), Hct(hematocrit) were increased significantly than those of control group(p<0.05). MCV(mean corpuscular volume), one of the red cell indices, was also increased significantly in the animals fed 10% kimchi(p<0.05). RDW(Red cell distritution width) and PCT(plateletcrit) was lowest in 10% kimchi group(p<0.05). To examine the effects of kimchi on immune cell growth in vitro, three types of mouse immune cells-spleen cells, bone marrow cells, thymus cells-were cultured with extracts of salted Chinese cabbage, fresh kimchi and fermented kimchi(for 1 week) for 12 or 20 days. Control was supplemented with PBS(phosphate buffer saline) excluding kimchi extract. The results of spleen cell, bone marrow cell, and thymus cell cultures showed similar tendency: control medium accelerated death of cells, extracts of salted Chinese cabbage reduced the rate of cell death, and extracts of fresh kimchi and fermented kimchi promoted cell growth. From these results, it could be suggested that kimchi possibly has an effect on the hematopoietic ability and increases immune cell development and growth in vivo.

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Effect of Various Ingredients of Kimchi on the Kimchi Fermentation (김치의 부재료가 김치 숙성에 미치는 효과)

  • Lee, Shin-Ho;Kim, Soon-Dong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.249-254
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    • 1988
  • This studies were carried out to investigate the effect of ing redients of Kimchi such as garlic, ginger and leek on the fermentation of Kimchi. The effect of ingredients on the growth of lactic acid bacteria isolated from Kimchi and on the fermentation of salted chinese cabbbage and Kimchi were also investigated. The lactic acid bacteria isolated from Kimchi were identified as Lactosaciffeg plantaruut, Lactobacillus brevis, Leuconostoc mesenteroides and Pediococus cerevisiae. The growth of these oreanismg was inhibited by garlic or ginger. Inhibitory effect of ginger or was more significant than that of garlic in the broth medium extracted from chinese cabbage at $37^{\circ}C$. The fermentation of salted chinese cabbage was inhibited by addition of garlic or ginger at $25^{\circ}C$. The fermentation of salted chinese cabbage inhibited during only first days and accerlated thereafter by addition of garlic. The fermentation of mixed in gredients added Kimchi was inhibitedduring 1 to 2 days compared with that of ingredients not added Kimchi. The inhibitory effect of ingredients on fermentation was due to growth inhibition of the lactic acid bacteria at initial period of fermentation.

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Effect of Freezing Methods for Kimchi Storage Stability on Physical Properties of Chinese Cabbage (김치저장성 향상을 위한 동결방법이 배추조직의 물성변화에 미치는 영향)

  • Yang, Jin-Han;Park, So-Hee;Yoo, Jin-Hyun;Lim, Ho-Soo;Hwang, Sung-Yeon;Jo, Jae-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.105-110
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    • 2003
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effect of freezing methods, slow freezing at $-20^{\circ}C$ and rapid freezing at $-70^{\circ}C$, on physical properties of Chinese cabbage in frozen Kimchi during storage at $-20^{\circ}C$. Elasticity of midrib of Chinese cabbage in frozen Kimchi was decreased until 15 days and did not changed thereafter during storage at $-20^{\circ}C$. Hardness of that was not changed during storage. Those results of elasticity and hardness of slow frozen sample are similar to rapid frozen sample. By the morphological observation through transmission electron microscope, more of cellular structure of Chinese cabbage in slow frozen was destructed than that of rapid frozen sample. Drip loss was more in slow frozen sample than that in rapid one.