We investigated the changes of fibrinolytic and antioxidative activities of wild or cultivated Codonopsis lanceolata, which were packed in woven polypropylene (WP) film or low density polyethylene (LDPE) film and stored for 0, 15, and 30 days at refrigerated (2\~4∘C) or room (l8\~20∘C) temperature (So we have 16 samples, and wrote them as the abbreviated words such as W-WP-RE-15, W-WP-RO-15, W-LDPE-RE-15, W-LDPE-RO-15, W-WP-RE-30, W-WP-RO-30, W-LDPE-RE-30, W-LDPE-RO-30, C-WP-RE-15, C-WP-RO-15, C-LDPE-RE-15, C-LDPE-RO-15, C-WP-RE-30, C-WP-RO-30, C-LDPE-RE-30, C-LDPE-RO-30). Fibrinolytic activity of fresh Codonopsis lanceolata cultivated in the mountain or field were 0.8 unit (plasmin unit/ml) or 7.3 units, respectively. In descending order, the activities of wild Codonopsis lanceolata stored for 15 days were as followed; LDPE-RE (0.70 unit), WP-RO (0.52 unit), WP-RE (0.45 unit), and LDPE-RO (0.30 unit). After 30 days, fibrinolytic activities of them decreased to 0.47 unit (LDPE-RE), 0.28 unit (WP-RO), 0.21 unit (WP-RE), and 0.30 unit (LDPE-RO). Considering from the point of fibrinolytic activity, the optimal storage condition of wild Codonopsis lanceolata was packing with LDPE film and storing at 4∘C. The change of fibrinolytic activities of Codonopsis lanceolata cultivated in the field revealed the similar trend as wild samples, but the fibrinolytic activities of 30 days-stored samples were maintained better than the wild Codonopsis lanceolata. Fibinolytic activity of wild Codonopsis lancealata was increased by heating for 5 min at 100∘C and decreased by addition of NaCl. Antioxidative activities of Codonopsis lanceolata were also compared from the electron donating activity. Fresh Codonopsis lanceolata had about 70% of electron donating activity. Independent of cultivation area, electron donating activity dropped to 19\~74% (wild Codonopsis lanceolata) and 27\~59% (cultivated Codonopsis lanceolata) during 15 days storage. But after 30 days storage, we obtained the unexpected results, which meant that the activities were higher activities than 15 days-stored samples or even though the fresh samples. In general, Codonopsis lanceolata could maintain antioxidative activities most strongly with LDPE film and chilled condition.