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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: Chilled storage

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Effects of Procyanidin on Meat Quality and Shelf-Life for Preserving Pork Patties during Chilled Storage

  • Jeong, Jin Young;Seol, Kuk-Hwan;Seong, Pil-Nam;Park, Beom-Young;Kim, Hyoun Wook
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.564-571
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    • 2015
  • Grape seeds and pericarp are rich in procyanidins, a class of natural antioxidants and antimicrobials that can provide phytonutrients for healthy eating and extend food shelf life. The objective of this study was to assess the effect of procyanidins as preservatives in pork meat patties for 14 d. Pork patties were treated with 0, 0.1, or 0.3% procyanidin, and meat color, pH, volatile basic nitrogen (VBN), 2-thiobarbituric acid reactive substance (TBARS) values, and microbial populations were determined during storage at 4℃ for 14 d. The color of pork patties treated with procyanidin showed lower lightness and higher redness values than untreated controls, and procyanidin treatment reduced pH values significantly (p<0.05). VBN values decreased significantly (p<0.05) with the 0.3% procyanidin treatment and increased significantly (p<0.05) during storage. TBARS values were markedly lower in procyanidin-treated meat than in the untreated control. In addition, procyanidin suppressed total bacterial colony and Escherichia coli counts significantly (p<0.05) relative to the control samples. Our findings suggest that procyanidin could be used as a food preservative in pork patties due to its natural antioxidation and antimicrobial activities, and that it may contribute to an improved healthy diet.

Fresh Produce Container Operated with a Routine of Hypobaric Application, CO2 Injection and Diffusion Tube Opening for Keeping Beneficial Modified Atmosphere

  • Park, Su Yeon;An, Duck Soon;Lee, Dong Sun
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.53-60
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    • 2020
  • A concept of household container to create and keep the modified atmosphere (MA) beneficial for fresh produce mix was devised and tested under typical chilled storage conditions of 3℃. The container system containing mixed products is initialized by applying weak hypobaric condition (0.9 atm) and subsequently injecting CO2 gas at an appropriate low level (0.03 atm). The passive atmosphere modification by produce respiration is then induced to reach a target until gas diffusion tube of proper dimension starts to open. The design was made to attain quasi-steady state mass balance of O2, CO2 and N2 to maintain the desired MA through the storage. Interrupted opening for taking out or placing some products was to reinitialize the loop of control logic. The developed concept was tested by the container which held commodities of spinach, pak choi, oyster mushroom, peeled onion, strawberry and cut carrot. The target optimum MA of 11% O2 and 10% CO2 (0.11 and 0.10 atm, respectively) was set to avoid injurious range of O2 and CO2 concentrations for any commodities. The developed container system could work to reach and maintain beneficial MA of 0.10-0.12 atm O2 and 0.07-0.10 atm CO2 close to the target during the storage contributing to quality retention of products measured in weight loss, chlorophyll content of spinach, ascorbic acid content of pak choi, color of onion, texture of oyster mushroom, bacterial count of strawberry and carotenoids of carrot. The container system shows potential to improve current preservation practice of fresh produce mix on consumers' level.

Prefeasibility Study on the Construction and the Operation of the Underground Cold Storage in Lam Dong Province, Vietnam (베트남 렁동성 지하냉장창고 건설 및 운영에 관한 예비타당성 조사)

  • Kim, Ho Yeong;Shin, Yong Hoon;An, Ji Hyun;Vinh, Bui Trong;Dung, Ta Quoc
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.184-197
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    • 2021
  • The agricultural industry in Lam Dong Province has been growing in volume and kinds of produces. Various vegetables, fruits, flowers and coffee are the characteristics of the agriculture industry in Lam Dong. This situation makes the necessity of chilled and cold storages with commercial capacity. Another factor in Lam Dong is that there are more than 70 quarries under operation or abandoned. Upon the MOU between Lam Dong Government, BCMP and RIGPE, BCMP and RIGPE carried out the prefeasibility study on the construction of the underground cold storages using abandoned quarries in the Lam Dong area. They submitted the final report of the prefeasibility to the Lam Dong Government in August, 2018. In this report, the overall summary of the prefeasibility of the underground cold storage in Lam Dong is presented.

Quality Changes and Shelf-life of Seasoned Pork with Soy Sauce or Kochujang during Chilled Storage (간장과 고추장 양념 돈육의 냉장 중 품질 변화와 저장 수명)

  • 최원선;이근택
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.240-246
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    • 2002
  • The seasoned pork with soy sauce(SS) or Kochujang(SK) was manufactured using hind and fore leg as main raw material and the quality characteristics and shelf-life were investigated during storage at 5\^C and 10\^C after having packaged with air. The initial total aerobic plate counts(APC) of SS and SK were 5.24 and 5.75 log10 CFU/㎠, respectively. APC exceeded 7 log10CFU/cm2 after 10 days at 5\^C and 6 days at 10\^C far SS, and after 6 days at 5\^C and 4 days at 10\^C for SK, respectively. In the sensory test, the SS samples stored at 5\^C and 10\^C were assessed as lower than 3.0 points, the criterium of consumer acceptability, after 10 and 8 days, respectively. In the case of SK samples, the point of this time was at day 10 and 6, respectively when they were stored at 5\^C and 10\^C. As storage time extended, pH and water content tended to decrease. Contrarily, the increase of TBA and VBN values was observed during storage and this was more pronounced at 10\^C than at 5\^C . The oxygen concentration in the package was 19.8 and 19.9% each for 55 and SK samples at the beginning but it was gradually decreased thereafter. On the other hand, the concentration of carbon dioxide was increased with the extension of storage. Based on the above results, the shelf-lives of seasoned pork were estimated to be 8 days for SS and SK stored at 5\^C and 6 days for SS and 4 days for SK stored at 10\^C.

Effect of Dietary Lutein and Apocarotenoic Acid Ethyl Ester Supplementation on the Lipid Oxidation of Broiler Meat during Storage (Lutein과 Apocarotenoic Acid Ethyl Ester 급여가 계육의 저장중 지질 산화에 미치는 영향)

  • 민병진;김혜정;강창기;이성기
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.209-214
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    • 2003
  • This study was carried out to investigate the influence of dietary xanthophylls(lutein and apocarotenoic acid ethyl ester) supplementation on the antioxidation of broiler meat. The broilers fed with 10 ppm or 20 ppm xanthophylls were raised for 6 weeks and then slaughtered. The broiler meats were stored at 3C for 9 days and frozen at -18C for 4 months until analysis, respectively. The pH of all treatments significantly(p<0.05) increased during the storage periods. The pH of the thigh was higher than that of the breast. TBARS (thiobarbituric acid reactive substance) and POV(peroxide value) were higher in thigh than breast. All meats from broiler fed with lutein and apocarotenoic acid ethyl ester(apo-ester) had greater antioxidant properties during the storage period than control meat(p<0.05). Antioxidant activity of dietary xanthophylls supplementation was more effective in thigh than breast, and in broiler meats during frozen storage than chilled storage. The higher concentration of xanthophylls in feed, the more inhibition of lipid oxidation in meat during storage. The meat from broiler fed with 20 ppm of lutein showed the highest antioxidant property during both refrigerated and frozen storage although there was no significant difference between lutein and apo-ester(p>0.05). Consequently, this results indicated that the antioxidant activity of dietary xanthophylls(lutein and apocarotenoic acid ethyl ester) supplementation was more effective.

Quality changes in ready-to-eat hamburg steak depending on the packaging methods during chilled storage (포장 방법에 따른 즉석섭취형 함박스테이크의 냉장저장 중 품질 변화)

  • Lim, Ji Hoon;Lee, Sung Ki;Cheong, Sung Hee;Lee, Keun Taik
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.775-783
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    • 2013
  • Changes in the various quality characteristics of hamburg steak depending on the packaging methods were investigated during storage at 5±1C for up to 15 days. Three packaging treatments including vacuum packaging (VAP), air-containing packaging (AC), and oxygen scavenger packaging (OS) were applied in this experiment. The initial total aerobe bacteria counts were identical at 2.3 log CFU/g in all treatments, but the growth rate of total aerobe bacteria in the AC samples was significantly faster than the VAP and OS samples during storage. The changes in the TBA and VBN values over the storage time showed that lipid oxidation and protein spoilage developed fastest in the AC sample, followed by OS and then VAP samples. The instrumental color and texture profiles were not significantly differ between treatments during storage (p>0.05). After 12 days of storage at 5C, evaluation of the samples' sensory attributes showed that the AC samples had become unmarketable with a score of less than 5.0 points for all sensory properties, whereas the VAP and OS samples were still marketable.

Effects of Feeding Citrus Byproducts on Pork Quality during Cold Storage (냉장 중 돼지고기의 품질 변화에 미치는 감귤 부산물의 급여 효과)

  • Moon, Yoon-Hee
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.633-640
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    • 2008
  • In this study, the effects of feeding citrus byproducts on various qualities of pork during cold storage were investigated, such as water holding capacity, drip loss, meat color, storage stability, rancidity, and antioxidant activity. Pork samples (195 days old, 115±3kg, female) used for the experiment was divided into three groups: T0(pigs not fed citrus byproducts), T1(pigs fed 3% and 5% citrus byproducts during growth and the finishing period, respectively), and T2(pigs fed 6% and 10% citrus byproducts). The loin used for the experiment was obtained from 5 pigs of each group, vacuum packaged, and then stored at 3C for 4 weeks. There was no difference among T0, T1, and T2 for pH, water holding capacity, or drip loss. As for the meat color of the loin, T1 and T2 showed higher redness(a value) during early chilling but showed higher yellowness(b value) during late chilling. T1 and T2 showed higher electron donating ability and lower volatile basic nitrogen, total plate count, and TBA values than T0, regardless of the chilling period. Thus, feeding citrus byproducts improves the storage stability of chilled pork in terms of rancidity and antioxidant activity.

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Change of Fibrinolytic and Antioxidative Activities of Codonopsis lanceolata According to Various Storage Conditions, and Heat or Salt Treatments

  • Oh Hae-Sook;Choi Moo Young;Kim Jun-Ho
    • Biomedical Science Letters
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.63-69
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    • 2005
  • We investigated the changes of fibrinolytic and antioxidative activities of wild or cultivated Codonopsis lanceolata, which were packed in woven polypropylene (WP) film or low density polyethylene (LDPE) film and stored for 0, 15, and 30 days at refrigerated (2\~4C) or room (l8\~20C) temperature (So we have 16 samples, and wrote them as the abbreviated words such as W-WP-RE-15, W-WP-RO-15, W-LDPE-RE-15, W-LDPE-RO-15, W-WP-RE-30, W-WP-RO-30, W-LDPE-RE-30, W-LDPE-RO-30, C-WP-RE-15, C-WP-RO-15, C-LDPE-RE-15, C-LDPE-RO-15, C-WP-RE-30, C-WP-RO-30, C-LDPE-RE-30, C-LDPE-RO-30). Fibrinolytic activity of fresh Codonopsis lanceolata cultivated in the mountain or field were 0.8 unit (plasmin unit/ml) or 7.3 units, respectively. In descending order, the activities of wild Codonopsis lanceolata stored for 15 days were as followed; LDPE-RE (0.70 unit), WP-RO (0.52 unit), WP-RE (0.45 unit), and LDPE-RO (0.30 unit). After 30 days, fibrinolytic activities of them decreased to 0.47 unit (LDPE-RE), 0.28 unit (WP-RO), 0.21 unit (WP-RE), and 0.30 unit (LDPE-RO). Considering from the point of fibrinolytic activity, the optimal storage condition of wild Codonopsis lanceolata was packing with LDPE film and storing at 4C. The change of fibrinolytic activities of Codonopsis lanceolata cultivated in the field revealed the similar trend as wild samples, but the fibrinolytic activities of 30 days-stored samples were maintained better than the wild Codonopsis lanceolata. Fibinolytic activity of wild Codonopsis lancealata was increased by heating for 5 min at 100C and decreased by addition of NaCl. Antioxidative activities of Codonopsis lanceolata were also compared from the electron donating activity. Fresh Codonopsis lanceolata had about 70% of electron donating activity. Independent of cultivation area, electron donating activity dropped to 19\~74% (wild Codonopsis lanceolata) and 27\~59% (cultivated Codonopsis lanceolata) during 15 days storage. But after 30 days storage, we obtained the unexpected results, which meant that the activities were higher activities than 15 days-stored samples or even though the fresh samples. In general, Codonopsis lanceolata could maintain antioxidative activities most strongly with LDPE film and chilled condition.

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Container System Actively Maintaining High CO2 Concentration for Improved Sensory Quality of Kimchi

  • Lee, Hye Lim;An, Duck Soon;Jung, Yong Bae;Lee, Dong Sun
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.79-84
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    • 2016
  • A kimchi container actively controlling CO2 concentration by timely flushing of CO2 gas was structured and tested in its capability and effectiveness because high CO2 concentration enhances the sensory flavor of the product. The inlet and outlet valves of CO2 gas were programmed to open and close allowing synchronous vent/CO2 flush according to the requirements of its dissolution in the contained kimchi. During the chilled storage, the headspace of container could be maintained at desired high CO2 concentration providing the preferred kimchi in sensory quality compared to control of the conventional container. However, there was no significant difference between the high CO2 container and control (container simply closed with air) in kimchi quality attributes of pH, titratable acidity, total viable bacterial count, Lactobacillus sp. count and Leuconostoc sp. count. The flow rate and time interval of CO2 flushing need to be adjusted considering the kimchi amount, headspace volume and ripening time. The designed system has potential to be applied in refrigerator appliances in homes and food service industry.

Comparison of preservation in poultry carcasses processed by different chilling systems (도계육 냉각공정 방식에 따른 보존성 비교)

  • Kim, Kyeong-Taek;Kim, Ji-Hyun;Park, Young-Min;Myung, Keun-Sik;Park, Tae-Wook
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Service
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.245-251
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    • 2017
  • Cold air or ice water are used to chill poultry carcasses after slaughter. In order to compare the microbial reduction effect of two different chilling systems in poultry carcasses, Pre-and post-chilled carcass samples were tested for contamination agents such as aerobic bacteria counts, E. coli counts and Salmonella spp. counts. Water chilling system showed higher reduction ratio of bacteria than air chilling system during the three seasons. Also, aging of slaughter facility was related with bacterial contamination of pre-chilld carcasses. And additional volatile basic nitrogen (VBN) test were conducted in poultry packing meats and it increased steadily during 15 days. VBN at 8~9 days were over 13 mg% with putrid smell. Poultry packing meats by water chilling system were fresher than air chilling system during early storage time. But those decayed faster after 9 days.