• Title/Summary/Keyword: Chilled storage

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Effect of Storage Period and Rechilling Process on Tenderness of Myofibrillar Protein of Chilled or Frozen Beef (냉장 또는 동결우유의 저장기간과 재냉장이 근원섬유단백질의 연도에 미치는 영향)

  • 김미숙;문윤희
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.536-541
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    • 1998
  • This study was carried out to investigate the changes of characteristics of myofibrillar protein for the vacuum chilled, the air frozen or the rechilled Holstein beef loin. The vacuum chilled beef was stored at 1$^{\circ}C$ and the air frozen beef was stored at -20$^{\circ}C$ for 60 days. The rechilled beef was restored for 3 days at 1$^{\circ}C$ by using the vacuum chilled or the air frozen beef. Myofibrillar protein extractability, 30,000 dalton component content and Mg-ATP ase activity for the vacuum chilled beef were higher than those of the air frozen beef. Each parameters increased significantly for the vacuum chilled beef after the 20 days storage, but there was no significant difference for the vacuum chilled beef after the 20 days storage, but there was no significant difference for the air frozen beef during the 60 days storage. By the rechilling process, myofibrillar protein extractability of the vacuum chilled and the frozen beef were not significant difference. The 30,000 dalton component of the vacuum chilled beef was showed not significant increment by rechilling, but the frozen beef was showed significant increment by rechilling. The Mg-ATPase activity of myofibrillar protein of the vacuum chilled beef was not changes by rechilling, but the frozen beef after the 20 days storage was significant increment by rechilling.

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Effects of Storage Period and Rechilling Process on Tenderness of Chilled or Frozen Beef (냉장 또는 동결우육에 있어서 저장기간과 재냉장이 연도에 미치는 영향)

  • 김미숙;문윤희
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.216-223
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    • 1998
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effects of the tenderness for the vacuum chilled, the air-frozen or the rechilled Holstein beef loin. The vacuum packaged beef was stored at 1$^{\circ}C$ and the air-packaged beef was stored at -20$^{\circ}C$ for 60 days. The rechilled beef was restored for 3 days at 1$^{\circ}C$ by using the vacuum chilled or the air-frozen beef. Hardness and chewiness of the vacuum chilled beef were better than those of the air-frozen beef. Hardness and chewiness were improved significantly(p<0.05) after the 40 days storage for the vacuum chilled beef, but there was no significant improvement for the air-frozen beef during the 60 days storage. By the rechilling process, tenderness and myofibrillar fragmentation index of the vacuum chilled and air-frozen beef improved. Especially those were improved significantly(p<0.05) in the vacuum chilled beef after the 20 days storage, and in the air-frozen beef after the 40 and 60 days storage.

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Effects of Chilling and Packing Methods on Physico-chemical Properties of Cold-stored Chicken Breast and Thigh Meats (냉각방법과 포장방법에 따른 냉장계육의 이화학적 특성 변화)

  • 박구부;하정기;진상근;박태선;신택순;이정일
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.17-28
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    • 1997
  • This experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of different chilling and packing methods on physico-chernical properties of cold-stored chicken breast and thigh meats. Dehoned chicken breast and thigh meats were chilled either air spray or ice-water immersion method. The chilled meats were either vacuum packed or atmosphere packed, and stored at -2˚C for 1, 3, 7, 11, 15, and 20 days. The pH of both immersion chilled meats and vacuum packed meats were higher than those of their counterparts(P<0.05). The pH of atmosphere packed meats increased as the storage period extended. The moisture contents of vacuum packed meats were remarkably higher than those of atmosphere packed meats. The pH of all treatments decreased as the storage period extended. The shear values of air spray chilled and vacuum packed breast meats were significantly higher than immersion chilled and vacuum packed ones. However, immersion chilled and atmosphere packed breast meats were significantly higher than those of air spray chilled and atmosphere packed breast meats. The shear values of immersion chilled and vacuum packed thigh meats were significantly higher than those of immersion chilled and vacuum packed thigh meats. In atmosphere packed thigh meats, air spray chilling method showed higher shear values than those of immersion chilled thigh meats. In thigh muscle, tenderness values tended to decrease as the storage period extended(P<0.05). Contents of water soluble proteins of vacuum packed and air spray chilled breast and thigh meats were higher than those of their counterparts as the storage period extended(P<0.05). The contents of water soluble proteins significantly decreased as the storage period extended. Salt soluble proteins of atmosphere packed breast and thigh meats were remarkably higher than those of vacuum packed ones(P<0.05). Total lipid contents of atmosphere packed and air spray chilled breast and thigh meats were higher than those of atmosphere packed and immersion chilled meats as the storage period extended. The vacuum packed meats were significantly higher in total lipid contents than those of atmosphere packed meats. The storage period decreased the total lipid contents of cold chicken, Major fatty acids in cold-stored chicken were oleic, palmitic, linoleic and stearic acids, regardless of chilling method. Unsaturated fatty acids of all treatments decreased, but saturated fatty acids increased as the storage period extended.

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Changes of Physical and Sensory Quality in Home-delivered meals for elderly as affected by Packaging methods and Storage conditions 3 (노인을 위한 가정배달급식의 포장방법 및 저장조건에 따른 물성ㆍ관능적 품질 변화 3)

  • 김혜영;류시현
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.374-389
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    • 2003
  • The Purpose of this study was to propose the most effective packaging method and storage conditions to apply to home-delivered meals for the elderly Changes in the physical and sensory qualities of pan fried oak mushroom and meat, soy sauce glazed hair tail and roasted dodok, in wrap packaging, top sealing and vacuum packaging were evaluated during storage at 25, 4 and -18$^{\circ}C$, for 5 days. The speed of falling-off in the foods qualities, under chilled and frozen storage conditions did not differ much as the 5 day storage period was too short for a proper assessment. The sensory characteristics of taste and texture were better evaluated in the chilled than in the frozen storage. The most effective packaging method at all the storage temperatures was the vacuum packaging, which assured the safety of the foods by the removal of oxygen. The lightness, springiness and hardness were significantly influenced by the storage temperature, period and packaging method, while the sensory characters were affected by storage temperature and the period. In conclusion, the quality of the vacuum packed pan fried oak mushroom and meat and soy sauce glazed hair tail, in frozen storage, were still fresh after the five days of the experiment. The shelf-life of those foods with wrap packaging, in chilled storage, were suggested to be three days. The quality of the roasted dodok, with vacuum packaging in chilled storage, was preserved for five days.

Effect of Diffuser Shape on the Performance of Water-Chilled Heat Storage (축열조 성능에 미치는 디퓨저 형상의 영향)

  • 정재동;박주혁;조성환
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.374-382
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    • 2004
  • Diffuser design is crucial for water-chilled heat storage. Its impact on the system performance is more significant for the underground tank due to inherent limit on the aspect ratio and tank shape. The effect of diffuser shape on the performance of the water-chilled heat storage is numerically investigated. Three dimensional simulation has been conducted for fully incorporating the complex diffuser shape and the non-symmetric tank shape. Mixing at the inlet of the diffuser depends on the inlet Reynolds number, Froude number and the diffuser shape. Three types of the diffuser shape and the broad range of Reynolds number (Re=400, 800, 1200) and Froude number (Fr=0.5, 1.0, 2.0) are examined. The performance of the heat storage tank is evaluated by the thermocline thickness which is reverse to the degree of stratification. The radial regulated plate diffuser, which is the suggested diffuser shape in this study, shows the lowest thermocline thickness in the condition considered.

A Quality Assurance Study for the Application of Cook/Chill System in School Foodservice Operation (II) - Pork Bulgogi (Broiled Sliced Pork with Sauces) - (학교급식에 Cook/Chill System 적용을 위한 품질보증연구(II) - 돼지불고기 -)

  • Kwak, Tong-Kyung;Moon, Hye-Kyung;Park, Hye-Won;Hong, Wan-Soo;Ryu, Kyung;Chang, Hye-Ja;Kim, Sung-Hee;Choi, Eun-Jung
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.319-331
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    • 1998
  • The purposes of this study were to develop Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point plan applicable to cook/chilled Pork Bulkogi (broiled sliced pork with sauces) in school foodservice operations and to establish reasonable shelf-life limits by assessing food quality during chilled storage period of 5 days. During the product flow, time-temperature profile was recorded and microbiological analyses including mesophilic and psychrotrophic total plate counts, coliform, and fecal coliform and qualitative analyses of Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes were done. Chemical analyses (pH, acid value, total volatile basic nitrogen), sensory evaluation, and quantitative analysis of thiamin were conducted for 5 days of chilled storage. The number of mesophiles in raw pork ($4.26{\pm}0.11\;Log\;CFU/g$), seasoning mixture ($5.97{\pm}O.04\;Log\;CFU/g$) and marinated pork ($5.56{\pm}0.21\;Log\;CFU/g$) were below the microbial standards for "requires further cooking" food items. Listeria monocytogenes was detected in seasoning mixture. After heating, the number of mesophiles ($5.17{\pm}0.04\;Log\;CFU/g$) were slightly reduced but it did not meet the microbial guidelines of $5\;Log\;CFU/g$ for "ready-to-eat" foods. No other microbes including pathogens were detected. By reheating the menu item after chilled storage, the number of mesophiles were reduced in every phase of 1st day ($4.62{\pm}0.22\;Log\;CFU/g$), 3rd day ($4.55{\pm}0.20\;Log\;CFU/g$) and 5th day ($4.25{\pm}0.16\;Log\;CFU/g$) of chilled storage, and the number of microbes was below the standard limits for "ready-to-eat" foods. At the fifth day of chilled storage, pH (p<0.05), acid value (p<0.01) and TVBN (p<0.05) showed significant increases. Sensory evaluation results did not show any significant change for 5 days of chilled storage. Thiamin content showed a decrease for 5 days of chilled storage. Consequently, the ideal shelflife recommended for Pork Bulkogi was within 3 days of chilled storage. CCPs for Pork Bulkogi were purchasing and receiving of raw meat and some seasoning ingredients, heating, chilling, chilled storage, reheating, and distribution.

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Effect of Persimmon Peel (Diospyros kaki Thumb.) Extracts on Lipid and Protein Oxidation of Raw Ground Pork During Refrigerated Storage

  • Choe, Ju-Hui;Kim, Hack-Youn;Kim, Cheon-Jei
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.254-263
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    • 2017
  • The inhibition effect of persimmon peel extracts (PPE) (0.05(PPE-0.05), 0.1(PPE-0.1), and 0.2 g(PPE-0.2) per meat sample) on lipid and protein oxidation of pork patties during chilled storage for 12 days were investigated and compared to ascorbic acid (As-0.05) and butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) (BHT-0.01). The meat samples treated with PPE had greater (p<0.05) $a^*$ values comparing control in raw pork patties meat from day 4 of storage. The addition of PPE at all concentrations on meat samples effectively inhibited the formation of oxidation products as shown by decreasing conjugated dienes (CD), peroxide values (POVs), thiobarbituric acid reaction substances (TBARS), and carbonyl content during chilled storage for 12 d. The PPE-0.2 and BHT-0.01 had the lowest in decrease rate of free thiol content (0.24 and 0.22 times) during chilled storage. Therefore, results of this study suggest that PPE can be considered a potential antioxidant against lipid and protein oxidation of raw meat products.

Changes of Chemical and Microbiological Quality of Home-delivered meals for elderly as affected by Packaging methods and Storage conditions 2 (노인을 위한 가정배달급식의 포장방법 및 저장조건에 따른 이화학적ㆍ미생물학적 품질 변화 2)

  • 김혜영;류시현
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.241-253
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    • 2003
  • Changes in chemical, microbiological quality of pan fried oak mushroom and meat, soy sauce glazed hair tail and roasted dodok in wrap packaging, top sealing, vacuum packaging were evaluated during storage 25$^{\circ}C$, 4$^{\circ}C$, -18$^{\circ}C$ for 5 days. The results were as follows: 1) The cases of chilled and frozen storage, there were small increases in the pH from the first day, with no differences between the different packaging methods, with the exception of the vacuum packaging, which was lower. The pH and Aw of the roasted dodok were lower than those of the other foods. The Aw for all three foods at room temperature significantly decreased in the wrap packaging and top sealing on day one, but the rate of reduction was lower when in chilled storage. The VBN increased with increasing length of storage, and temperatures, but the rate of increase was lower in the top sealing and vacuum packaging. The VBN of roasted dodok was considerably lower than with the other foods. The POV increased significantly on the first day or room temperature storage and the rate or increase was low in chilled End frozen storages, and in the vacuum packaging. 2) SPC of the roasted dodok at room temperature increased significantly within five days of storage. but was inhibited within five days in the vacuum packaging with chilled storage. The SPC of the soy sauce glazed hair tail was low in the top sealing and vacuum packaging when in chilled storage. The coliform of the pan fried oak mushroom and meat. on the fifth day of room temperature storage, was close to hazardous conditions for the wrap packaging. From the third day of chilled storage, few coliform were detected in the pan fried oak mushroom and meat, or the soy sauce glazed hair tail, but not in the vacuum packaging, within five days, for all three foods in frozen storage. The S. spp. had exceeded the standard in the wrap packaging and top sealing with the pan fried oak mushroom and meat on the third day at room temperature, but was not detected in the vacuum packaging within five days, and exceeded the standard in the wrap packaging on the fifth day of chilled storage. S. spp. was not detected in the soy sauce glazed hair tail within five days at all storage temperatures. S. spp. was not detected in the roasted dodok within five days of chilled and frozen storage, but was detected from the third day in the wrap packaging. and the fifth in the top sealing, at room temperature, which exceeded the standard. Sal. spp., V parahaemolyticus, E. coli O157:H7, L. monocytogenes were not detected. 3) The Aw was found to be influenced by storage temperature, period and packaging method, while the VBN was significantly influenced by the storage temperature and period. Regarding the SPC, the pan fried oak mushroom and meat was affected by the storage temperature and period, while the soy sauce glazed hair tail was influenced by the packaging method and storage period. The roasted dodok's microbiological quality was influenced by the method of packaging. The chemical, microbiological quality of home-delivered meals were preserved to be five days in the vacuum packaging, at. chilled and frozen storage.

A study on performance test of water heat storage type heat-pump system using cooling tower heat source (냉각탑을 이용한 축열식 히트펌프시스템의 성능측정에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Hoon;Park, Hyo-Sik;Han, Woo-Yong;Kim, Uk-Jung
    • Proceedings of the SAREK Conference
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    • 2008.06a
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    • pp.1099-1104
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    • 2008
  • Recent year, mean energy consumptions of a people are higher than other country. And international oil price became over 120 dollar. This energy environment as well as energy war. Maybe, the Meteorological Administration is going to enforce scorching heatwave special report system from that come summer. Besides, 2008 summer, maximum demand power is expected by 64,240,000kW. The electric power equipment reserve rate appeared in to keep 12.5% level. Chilled water storage system witch is one of electric load administration system. Heat pump system used cooling tower heat recovery is advantage that use is possible to summer in small a public bath building. In this paper, we suggest that heat pump system by heat recovery using cooling tower when it is heating operation of ambient air temperature. To apply cooling tower heat recovery heat pump to chilled water heat storage type and achieved performance evaluation about operation. As a result, performance of heat pump system that about 121% in cooling mode, 138% in heating mode higher than KEPCO standard. And heating operation possible to ambient air temperature about $23^{\circ}C$, which of appear cooling tower outlet temperature about $13^{\circ}C$.

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Effect of chitosan coating combined with hypotaurine on the quality of shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) during storage

  • Chen, Meiyu;Hu, Lingping;Hu, Zhiheng;Zhou, Yaqi;Li, Gaoshang;Chin, Yaoxian;Hu, Yaqin
    • Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.64-75
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    • 2022
  • This study aimed to investigate the effect of different coating materials on the quality of shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) during chilled storage for 10 days. Fresh shrimp were randomly divided into five groups: the control group, the hypotaurine treatment group (2%), the chitosan group (1%), the hypotaurine + chitosan group (2% hypotaurine solution with 1% of chitosan), and the sodium metabisulfite treatment group (1.25%). Compared with other treatments, the lower accumulation of total visible counts (TVC, 5.25 Log10 CFU/g), total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N, 22.5 mg/100 g) and thiobarbituric acid values (TBA, 0.58 mg MDA/kg) suggested that coating of chitosan-hypotaurine could retard the microbial activity, protein degradation and lipid oxidation of shrimp. Meanwhile, results demonstrated that the chitosan coating combined with hypotaurine showed an excellent performance in inhibiting quality deterioration (pH 7.5, ∆E 7.0, hardness 393 g, and elasticity 0.69). Furthermore, the melanosis degree of shrimp was alleviated, and the sensory parameters, including appearance, odor and texture, were maintained to the acceptable level by chitosan based hypotaurine treatment during the chilled storage.