• Title/Summary/Keyword: Child Abused

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  • Lee, Soo-Kyung;Hong, Kang-E
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.145-157
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    • 1999
  • This study was performed by the children and adolescents who were abused or neglected physically, emotionally that were selected in child & adolescents psychiatric ward. We investigated the number of these case in admitted children & adolescents, and also observed characteristics of symptoms, developmental history, characteristics of abuse style, characteristics of abusers, family dynamics and psychopathology. We hypothesized that all kinds of abuse will influnced to emotional, behavioral problems, developmental courses on victims, interactive effects on family dynamics and psychopathology. That subjects were 22 persons of victims who be determined by clinical observation and clinical note. The results of the study were as follows:1) Demographic characteristics of victims:ratio of sex was 1:6.3(male:female), mean age was $11.1{\pm}2.5$. According to birth order, lst was 12(54.5%), 2nd was 5(23%), 3rd was 2(9%) and only child was 3(13.5%). 2) Characteristics of family:According to socioeconomic status, middle to high class was 3(13.5%), middle one was 9(41.% ), middle to low one was 9(41%), low one was 1(0.5%). according to number of family, under the 3 person was 3(13.5%), 4-5 was 17(77.5%), 6-7 was 2(9%). according to marital status of parents, divorce or seperation were 5(23%), remarriage 2(9%), severe marital discord was 19(86.5%). In father, antisocial behavior was 7(32%), alcohol dependence was 10(45.5%). In mother, alcohol abuse was 5(23%), depression was 17(77.3%), history of psychiatric management was 6(27%). 3) Characteristics of abuse:Physical abuse was 18(81.8%), physical and emotional abuse and neglect were 4(18.2%). according to onset of abuse, before 3 years was 15(54.5%), 3-6 years was 5(27.5%), schooler was 1(15%). Only father offender was 2(19%), only mother offender was 8(35.4%), both offender was 8(35.4%), accompaning with spouse abuse was 7(27%), and accompaning with other sibling abuse was 4(18.2%). 4) General characteristics and developmental history of victims:Unwanted baby was 12(54.5%), developmental delay before abuse was9(41%), comorbid developmental disorder was 15(68%). there were 6(27.5%) who didn‘t show definite sign of developmental delay before abuse. 5) Main diagnosis and comorbid diagnosis:According to main diagnosis, conduct disorder 6(27.3%), borderline child 5(23%), depression4(18%), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder(ADHD) 4(18%), pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified 2(9%), selective mutism 1(5%). According to comorbid diagnosis, ADHD, borderline intelligence, mental retardation, learning disorder, developmental language disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, chronic tic disorder, functional enuresis and encoporesis, anxiety disorder, dissociative disorder, personality disorder due to medical condition. 5) Course of treatment:A mean duration of admission was $2.4{\pm}1.5$ months. 11(15%) showed improvement of symtoms, however 11(50%) was not changed of symtoms.

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  • Chung, Sun-Ju;Hong, Kang-E
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.74-89
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    • 1995
  • Selective mutism is a childhood condition defined by persisten failure to speak in specific social situation when speaking is expected, dispite preserved ability to comprehend spoken language and speak. Present study is to investigate clinical characteristics, treatment method and outcome of 23 children who were diagnosed as selective mutism by DSM-IV criteria at the child psychiatry ouptatient department of SNUH. The results were as follows : 1) The Sex ratio was 1: 4.8, female dominant Mear age of onset was 33 years old and mean age of first referral was 7.7 years old. 2) 22% of subjects had perinatal problem such as low birth weight, preterm birth, 26% of the subjects have history of delayed language development. There are subjects who had been separated with mam caretaker before 3 years old(26%) and who experienced physical or psychological trauma before 3 years old(26%). A few subjects had enurests(30%) and encoprests(4%). 3) Many subjects(65%) had symbiotic relationship with their mother. These families consist of dominant, verbally aggressive mother and passive father. Parents of 39% of all subjects were judged to have definite psychopathology(social phobic, depression, hysterical trait or alcohol problem) 26% of all subject, were reported physically abused. 4) The personality trait of the subjects were frequently described as follows(in order of frequency) ; Shy(100%), anxious(83%), stubborn(83%)m rigid and tense posture(78%), immature(65%) overdependent(65%), irritable(52%), manipulative(39%), depressive(39%). 5) The mean performance IQ of 16 subjects by KEDI-WISC was 88.3 Among them, the subjects with IQ below 69 were seven and those with IQ above 70 were nine. When comparing these two group(Mental retardation group vs Normal IQ group), we could find some difference in language development, personality trait, family dynamics and treatment outcome. 6) Among several treatment methods for selective mutism, play therapy was the most frequently used method(65%). Other commonly used treatment methods were pharmacotherapy(21%), behavioral therapy(8%), combined therapy(play therapy+pharmacotherapy+family therapy+behavioral therapy)(12%), 7) Regarding the outcome of treatment 8.6% was evaluated as Excellent, 30.4% as Good, 52% as Fair, 8.7% as Poor at the tinic of treatment. At follow up interview 21.7% was evaluated Excellent, 13% as Good, 21.7% as Fair, 34.8% as Poor. 8) We classified all subjects by Havden's 4 subtype. Symbiotic mutism was most common(65%) and other subtypes are Speech phobic mutism(8.6), Reactive mutism(13%) and Passive-aggressive mutism(30%).

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Factors Affecting the Adjustment of Children from Maritally Violent Homes : An Exploratory Analysis Focusing on Children Living in Shelters for Battered Women (아내폭력가정 자녀의 적응에 영향을 미치는 요인들 : 쉼터 거주 아동을 중심으로)

  • Chang, Hee-Suk
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.55
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    • pp.255-281
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    • 2003
  • This study sought to explore factors affecting the adjustment of children living in shelters for battered women. Specifically, the impact of domestic violence on children's internal and external adjustment was examined using data from two samples: children who were exposed to marital violence and those who did not have violent experience. Likewise, this study identified the variables that distinguished the "resilient" children from the maladjusted group. The pathways by which protective factors considerably affected children's adjustment were also investigated. A total of 72 children in a women's shelter and their mothers and 76 children in nonviolent homes and their mothers were considered. ANOVA, logistic regression models, and path analysis were employed to process the data. Results revealed that children of battered women demonstrated a high frequency of aggressive and delinquent behaviors and had poor academic achievement and depressive mood compared to children coming from nonviolent homes. Likewise, children who were exposed to marital violence and were physically abused themselves were more likely show aggressive or delinquent behaviors compared to those who only witnessed marital violence. In addition, social support was found to be a protective factor in academic achievement. Predictors of delinquent behavior included the mother's education and income as well as the children's age and social support. Factors related to children's self-esteem included the social support and the mother's self-esteem. Moreover, woman battering has a direct effect on children's adjustment as well as indirect effect through children's academic achievement and self-esteem. Finally, woman battering indirectly affected children's academic achievement through the mother's depression or the child's social support. Based on these findings, practical implications of enhancing children's adjustment were discussed.

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Investigating Research on the Degree of Frequency and Importance of Tasks for Framing the EMTs Occupational Description (응급구조사 직무기술서 작성에 따른 일의 요소별 빈도 및 중요도 조사 연구)

  • Kim, Tae Min;Kim, Hyo Sik;Yoou, Soon Kyu
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.199-212
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    • 2001
  • This research, aiming at analyzing the Emergency Medical Technicians' duties prior to establishing a baseline for question development in the national exams to qualify for the EMTs, investigated the importance and frequency per unit specified in the description with the EMTs to be subjects working on the task spot by means of questionnaires. The EMT duties were classified into 9 items like 1) the notification and response, 2) the scene size-up, 3) the patient assessment, 4) the emergency care, 5) the patient transport, 6) the duties at hospital clinics, 7) the operational management, 8) the receiving and responding to a call, 9) the self-development, and put the functional tasks into 52 items, describing the task elements into 177 items, and then questioned 112 EMTs working on the spot from July 21 through August 30, 2000, which showed the following results. 1) The distribution of subjects' career showed the highest rate with 33.9% for those who careered "less than a year", only 13.4% for those with more than 4 years and the highest rate with 43.8% for those who aged at 20-25. And 70.5% of all those who were questioned was the junior college graduates, 58.9% for those working at fire station and 29.5% working at hospital clinics. 2) Looking at the distribution of frequency and importance for each task element, questioning 'the patients main symptoms', 'accidental type', 'place of the patients identification' showed the highest rate in both frequency and importance in the field of "notification and response". 3) In the "scene size-up", identifying the patients showed the highest rate of frequency and importance, compared to other field of tasks, among which "identifying the patients' state" showed the highest rate of frequency (2.66) and importance (2.81). 4) In the "patient assessment", "identifying the patients" showed the high rate of frequency and importance in most elements of task, especially the importance showed the highest rate with 2.83 for the task of airway management and the cervical immobilization during "the primary assessment", and the frequency showed the highest rate for questioning the past case of the task of grasping the patients' history. 5) In the "emergency care", "the management of the heart attacked patients" and "the advanced cardiac life support" showed a high rate in the importance, whereas the frequency showed a very low rate. The high rate of frequency during the emergent task was the management of "musculoskeletal system injury patients" and of "the gastro-intestinal and urinary genital system injury patient support." In care of the patients with heart attack, the management of the airway showed the highest rate with 2.95, whereas the management of alcoholic abused patients and of dying patients, showed comparatively lower rate of assessment in the importance. The frequency of tasks showed the highest rate with 2.69 in the control of bleeding and the lowest with 0.47 in the management of abnormal delivery of child. 6) As to the patient transport, "the emergency transport" showed the highest rate with 2.74 and the unemergent transport with 2.55 in the importance, and the task importance at hospital showed the highest rate with 2.89 in managing the cardio-pulmonary resuscitation and with 2.60 in identifying the patient state. 7) Of all the tasks related with "operational task", the high importance was to "educate for the management of the first responder", but the frequency of tasks mostly showed a low rate and "receiving and responding to a call" showed relatively a high rate of importance and frequency. And related with "the self-development", "the health care management" and "the stress control" on working spot showed a high rate, but the frequency mostly showed a low rate.

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