• 제목/요약/키워드: Chemical Quality Control

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Integrated Environment Impact Assessment of Brick Kiln using Environmental Performance Scores

  • Pokhrel, Rajib;Lee, Heekwan
    • Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.15-24
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    • 2014
  • The capital city of Himalayan Country Nepal, Kathmandu Valley is surrounded by consecutive high mountains, which limits the air distribution and mixing effects significantly. It in turn generates steady air flow pattern over a year except in monsoon season. The air shed in the Valley is easily trapped by the surrounded mountains and the inversion layer formulated as the cap. The $PM_{10}$ concentration was noticeably higher than the standard level (120 ${\mu}g/m^3$) in urban and suburban area of Kathmandu valley for all seasons except monsoon period. The Valley area experiences similar wind patterns (W, WWS, and S) for a year but the Easterly wind prevails only during the monsoon period. There was low and calm wind blows during the winter season. Because of this air flow structure, the air emission from various sources is accumulated within the valley air, high level of air pollution is frequently recorded with other air polluted cities over the world. In this Valley area, brick kilns are recognized as the major air pollution source followed by vehicles. Mostly Bull Trench Kiln (BKT), Hoffman Kiln and Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln (VSBK) are in operation for brick firing in Kathmandu valley where the fuels such as crushed coal, saw dust, and natural gas are used for processing bricks in this study. Tool for the Reduction and Assessment of Chemical and Other Environmental Impacts (TRACI) was used for screening and quantifying the potential impacts of air emission from firing fuels. The total Environmental Performance Score (EPS) was estimated and the EPS of coal was approximately 2.5 times higher than those of natural gas and saw dust. It is concluded that the crushed coal has more negative impact to the environment and human health than other fuel sources. Concerning the human health and environment point of view, alternative environment friendly firing fuel need to be used for brick industry in the kiln and the air pollution control devices also need to be applied for minimizing the air emissions from the kilns.

The Effect of Acidification on Membrane Distillation Process for Strong Nitrogenous Wastewater (산화 전처리가 고강도 질소폐수의 막증류 공정에 미치는 영향)

  • Tun, Lat Lat;Jeong, Dawoon;Bae, Hyokwan
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.137-147
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    • 2020
  • A direct contact membrane distillation (DCMD) was applied to treat strong nitrogenous wastewater of anaerobic digestion supernatant (ADS) and human urine (HU). The ammonia transfer was evaluated in terms of specific ammonia transfer (SAT) value, which is the ratio of total ammoniacal nitrogen divided by the amount of water transferred. The acidification resulted in low SAT values and high quality of produced water. The ammonia transfer control in the acidic condition was stronger for HU than ADS due to higher alkalinity (pH 8.8) and ammonia concentration (5700 mg-N/L) of HU. Acidified HU at pH 4 exhibited a SAT value of 1.64 × 10-5, which was significantly smaller than the SAT value of 3.00 × 10-3 for the original HU. The low pH enhanced the water flux for ADS, but HU showed a steep decrease in water flux due to enhanced fouling. It was considered that the fouling intensity in acidic conditions depends on the characteristics of the wastewater source. The major foulants on the MD membrane were NaCl, CaCO3 and CuSO4 as recognized by the SEM-EDS. Acidified ADS and HU at pH 4 showed relatively high N content of 8.18 % and 28.03 %, respectively, as organic fouling.

Ecotoxicity Assessment of Industrial Effluent in Gyeonggi-do (경기지역 산업시설 방류수 생태독성 영향 평가)

  • Cho, Won-Sil;Kim, Sang-Hoon;Yang, Hyoung-Jae
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.113-123
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    • 2011
  • Objectives: Industrial development in Korea results in a rapid increase in the number of chemicals, some of which may be responsible for toxicity to aquatic ecosystems. In addition, the types of hazardous chemicals included in industrial effluents have gradually increased. Therefore, chemical analysis alone is not enough to assess ecological effects of toxic chemicals in wastewater. Methods: In response to new regulations as whole effluent toxicity (WET) tests for effluent discharge of 15 publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) and 25 industrial effluent treatment plants in Gyeonggi-do, which will be effective from 2011, a necessity of studies emerges that investigates toxicity levels. Results: In case of the public treatment plants, none of them had exceeded the criteria for ecotoxicity. As for individual wastewater discharge facilities, on the other hand, two types were found to exceed the criteria: pulp and paper manufacturing facilities and pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities. For the pulp and paper manufacturing facilities, monitoring results could not help determine the exact toxicant identification. However, Daphnia magna inhibition effect or death was found to leave white plums, suggesting that suspended solids treated and the polymer used in coagulant dose. In case of pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities, the general water quality parameters cannot affect Daphia magna. However, conductivity and salinity can have an effect to be 14,000 ${\mu}s/cm$, 8.1‰ by salts, respectively. Toxicity Identification Evaluation (TIE) and Toxicity Reduction Evaluation (TRE) procedures results appeared to be effective for identifying toxic compounds in $Cl^{-}$ and $SO_4^{2-}$. Conclusions: It is necessary to develop control measures for water treatment chemicals and salts used for processes such as coagulation in individual wastewater discharge facilities in order to achieve the goal to protect aquatic ecosystems in public waters.

Solid State Cesium Ion Beam Sputter Deposition

  • Baik, Hong-Koo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Association of Crystal Growth Conference
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    • 1996.06a
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    • pp.5-18
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    • 1996
  • The solid state cesium ion source os alumino-silicate based zeolite which contains cerium. The material is an ionic conductor. Cesiums are stably stored in the material and one can extract the cesiums by applying electric field across the electrolyte. Cesium ion bombardment has the unique property of producing high negative ion yield. This ion source is used as the primary source for the production of a negative ion without any gas discharge or the need for a carrier gas. The deposition of materials as an ionic species in the energy range of 1.0 to 300eV is recently recognized as a very promising new thin film technique. This energetic non-thermal equilibrium deposition process produces films by “Kinetic Bonding / Energetic Condensation" mechansim not governed by the common place thermo-mechanical reaction. Under these highly non-equilibrium conditions meta-stable materials are realized and the negative ion is considered to be an optimum paeticle or tool for the purpose. This process differs fundamentally from the conventional ion beam assisted deposition (IBAD) technique such that the ion beam energy transfer to the deposition process is directly coupled the process. Since cesium ion beam sputter deposition process is forming materials with high kinetic energy of metal ion beams, the process provider following unique advantages:(1) to synthesize non thermal-equilibrium materials, (2) to form materials at lower processing temperature than used for conventional chemical of physical vapor deposition, (3) to deposit very uniform, dense, and good adhesive films (4) to make higher doposition rate, (5) to control the ion flux and ion energy independently. Solid state cesium ion beam sputter deposition system has been developed. This source is capable of producing variety of metal ion beams such as C, Si, W, Ta, Mo, Al, Au, Ag, Cr etc. Using this deposition system, several researches have been performed. (1) To produce superior quality amorphous diamond films (2) to produce carbon nitirde hard coatings(Carbon nitride is a new material whose hardness is comparable to the diamond and also has a very high thermal stability.) (3) to produce cesiated amorphous diamond thin film coated Si surface exhibiting negative electron affinity characteristics. In this presentation, the principles of solid state cesium ion beam sputter deposition and several applications of negative metal ion source will be introduced.

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Characteristics of Ash (Coal, Wood and Rice Hull) and Its Potential Use as an Additive in Poultry Manure for Protecting the Environment (재(석탄, 목재, 왕겨재)의 특성과 환경보호를 위하여 계분의 첨가 가능성에 관한 연구)

  • Nahm K.H.
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.65-80
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    • 2006
  • Ash amendment to manure holds potential as a method to neutralize manure for reducing odor and reduce phosphorus (P) solubility in runoff from fields where manure has been applied. This review focuses on the literature published about ash characteristics and their environmental uses. There is no uniform physico-chemical definition of the selected ashes (coal fly ash-CFA, wood ash-WA, and rice hull ash-RHA) used in various studies. These ashes vary greatly in their acidity (pH<6.0) or alkalinity (pH>12.5) based on the conditions at which they were farmed and the composition of the ash source. CFA amendment to manure reduced manure-P solubility and application of CFA amended manure to agricultural soils is a method to improve water quality WA may prove to be a valuable manure odor control amendment since WA contains a high level of carbon. A major biomass source is rice hull (husk) which provides an ash source (RHA). The .ice hull and RHA are sources of silica, compromising about 20% and 60%, respectively. So far research has been directed at the use of CFA, WA and RHA as soil amendments, but there is potential use of these materials as manure additives to sequester P and reduce odors.

Preparation of Jeung-Pyun Added with Ultrafiltred Powder of Sunmul (순물의 한외여과(ultrafiltration)막 분리농축분말을 이용한 증편의 제조)

  • Chung, Hai-Jung;Joo, Sin-Youn;Kim, Woo-Jung
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.647-654
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    • 2005
  • This study was conducted to investigate the quality characteristics of Jeung-Pyun prepared with the addition of ultrafiltered(UF) sunmul powder. Jeung-Pyun was prepared with five different levels of UF powder(0%, 0.5%, 1%, 2% and 3%) and the physico-chemical properties were examined. The pH of Jeung-Pyun batters decreased from $4.57{\sim}5.69$ to $4.38{\sim}5.03$ during 4 hours of fermentation at $35^{\circ}C$. The weight of Jeung-Pyun decreased, whereas the volume increased, with increasing UF powder content. Total isoflavone content was $0.41{\sim}2.39\;mg%$ before cooking and increased to $0.77 {\sim}3.80\;mg%$ after cooking. The increase of aglycones was particularly observed after cooking. The incorporation of UF powder in Jeung-Pyun lowered the lightness values but increased the redness and yellowness values. Rheology test showed that hardness was decreased with increasing UF powder amount. The values of gumminess and brittleness were the highest in the control group and decreased with increasing UF powder amount. Scanning electron microscope showed that the size of the air cells decreased with increasing UF powder levels. The results of sensory evaluation showed that there were no significant differences in scores of sweetness and moistness among the samples. Therefore, Jeung-Pyun prepared with UF to 3% addition of UF powder was considered to be as acceptable as Jeung-Pyun prepared without UF power.

Detection of Gelation in Ultra-high Temperature Treated Milks During Storage (초고온 멸균유의 저장중 겔 형성의 추적)

  • Park, In-Duck;Hong, Youn-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.404-406
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    • 1993
  • In order to detect the gelation of ultrahigh temperature (UHT) treated market milks during storage at 20+1C, the free amino groups were quantified with 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid, and the measurement of pH values and the alcohol test were monthly carried out. The average tree amino groups were $0.94{\sim}1.11{\mu}M$ at 1 month, $1.95{\sim}2.17{\mu}M\;at\;5{\sim}6$ month and $4.95{\sim}6.36{\mu}M$ at 12 month. The pH values at the same time as above were $6.72,\;6.49{\sim}6.55\;and\;6.14{\sim}6.16$, respectively. The alcohol test showed positive results at $5{\sim}6$ month, which could indicate the casein instability and beginning of gelation. These results suggest that the gelation of UHT market milks could he predicted through checking some chemical parameters weekly and be helpful for quality control.

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Development of Tteokgalbi Added with Pig Skin Gelatine Powder (돈피 젤라틴 분말을 첨가한 떡갈비 개발)

  • Jeong, Han-Gyul;Kim, Hack-Youn
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.45 no.8
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    • pp.1147-1152
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    • 2016
  • This study evaluated the effect of the addition of pig skin gelatine powder with different levels on the chemical compositions, cooking characteristics, and sensory properties of tteokgalbi. Tteokgalbi was produced from products containing 0% (control), 1%, 2%, 3%, and 4% pig skin gelatine powder. The protein and moisture contents of samples increased with an increase of pig skin gelatin powder levels. In addition, the pH value and CIE $b^*$ values of uncooked and cooked samples increased with increasing amount of pig skin gelatin powder. However, cooking loss, diameter reduction, and thickness reduction of samples decreased with an increase of gelatin powder contents. The hardness, gumminess, and chewiness of samples increased with an increase of gelatin powder contents, and sensory evaluation of tteokgalbi containing 2~3% pig skin gelatin powder was the highest. Therefore, usages of pig skin gelatin powder can improve quality characteristics of tteokgalbi.

Determination of isoquinoline alkaloids by UPLC-ESI-Q-TOF MS: Application to Chelidonium majus L.

  • Jeong, Won Tae;Lim, Heung Bin
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.379-389
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    • 2017
  • In this study, we set up an analytical method that can be used for rapid and accurate determination of representative isoquinoline alkaloids in medicinal plants using UPLC-ESI-Q-TOF MS (ultra pressure liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometry). The compounds were eluted on a C18 column with 0.1 % formic acid and acetonitrile, and separated with good resolution within 13 min. Each of the separated components was characterized by precursor ions (generated by ESI-Q-TOF) and fragment ions (produced by collision-induced dissociation, CID), which were used as a reliable database. We also performed method validation: analytes showed excellent linearity ($R^2$, 0.9971-0.9996), LOD (5-25 ng/mL), LOQ (17-82 ng/mL), accuracy (91.6-97.4 %) as well as intra- and inter-day precisions (RSD, 1.8-3.2 %). In the analysis of Chelidonium majus L., magnoflorine, coptisine, sanguinarine, berberine and palmatine were detected by matching retention times and characteristic fragment ion patterns of reference standards. We also confirmed that, among the quantified components, coptisine was present in the highest quantity. Furthermore, alkaloid profiling was carried out by analyzing the fragment ion patterns corresponding to peaks of unknown components. In this manner, protopine, chelidonine, stylopine, dihydroberberine, canadine, and nitidine were tentatively identified. We also proposed the molecular structure of the fragment ions that appear in the mass spectrum. Therefore, we concluded that our suggested method for the determination of major isoquinoline alkaloids by UPLC-Q-TOF can be useful not only for quality control, but also for rapid and accurate investigation of phytochemical constituents of medicinal plants.

Source Identification and Quantification of Coarse and Fine Particles by TTFA and PMF

  • Hwang, In-Jo;Bong, Choon-Keun;Lee, Tae-Jung;Kim, Dong-Sool
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.18 no.E4
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    • pp.203-213
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    • 2002
  • Receptor modeling is one of statistical methods to achieve reasonable air pollution strategies. In order to maintain and manage ambient air quality, it is necessary to identify sources and to apportion its sources for ambient particulate matters. The main purpose of the study was to survey seasonal trends of inorganic elements in the coarse and fine particles. Second, this study has attempted emission sources qualitatively by a receptor method, the PMF mo-del. After that. both PMF (positive matrix factorization) model and TTFA (target transformation factor analysis) model were applied to compare and to estimate mass contribution of coarse and fine particle sources at the receptor. A total of 138 sets of samples was collected from 1989 to 1996 by a low volume cascade impactor with 9 size fraction stages at Kyung Hee University in Korea. Sixteen chemical species (Si, Ca, Fe, K, Pb, Na, Zn, Mg, Ba, Ni, V, Mn, Cr, Br, Cu. Co) were characterized by XRF. The study result showed that the weighted arithmetic mean of coarse and fine particles were 51.3 and 54.4 $\mu\textrm{g}$/㎥, respectively. Contribution of both particle fractions were esti-mated using TTFA and PMF models. The number of estimated sources was seven according to TTFA model and 8 according to PMF model. Comparison of TTFA and PMF revealed that both methodologies exhibited similar trends in their contribution pattern. However, large differences between contributions were observed in some sour-ces. The results of this study may help to suggest control strategies in local countries where known source profiles do not exist.