• Title/Summary/Keyword: Challenges

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Criminal Law Issues and Challenges Due to Changes in the Healthcare Paradigm (헬스케어 패러다임 변화에 따른 형사법적 쟁점과 과제)

  • Sun, JongSoo
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.43-65
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    • 2023
  • The healthcare industry is a digital healthcare that combines technology based on the 4th Industrial Revolution, dealing with information on individual health and medical care, and is a fusion of health care services and medical science and technology. It is questionable whether digital healthcare according to the paradigm change can be discussed by the concept of medical practice under the existing Medical Act. There is no clear definition of the concept of medical practice in the Medical Service Act, but the concept is established through precedents. In addition, under the Medical Service Act, the subject of medical practice is limited to medical personnel. However, digital healthcare sometimes diagnoses and treats diseases using digital technology by medical personnel. On the other hand, what is possible by non-medical personnel is digital healthcare. This is because digital healthcare is understood as a concept that includes health care such as exercise, eating habits, and weight control. For this reason, if the concept of medical practice under the "Medical Act" on digital healthcare is included, it is subject to criminal punishment for "unlicensed medical practice" prescribed in Article 27 of the "Medical Act". In the health and medical industry, digital transformation and convergence with information and communication technology are rapidly progressing. As a result, there is a need to newly define it as 'digitalized medical practice' or 'information and communication technology (ICT)-based medical practice' separately from existing medical practices. The concept of medical practice has variability, not a fixed and invariable concept. However, in response to this demand, it is not an infinite expansion of the concept of medical practice, but a request to reset its scope. Therefore, the concept of medical practice should be legislated by reflecting the demand of consumers for the medical service system.

Analysis of Regional Implementation Conditions and Industrial Strategies for Carbon Neutrality in China (중국 탄소중립 지역별 이행여건 및 산업전략 분석)

  • Yu-jeong Jeon;Su-han Kim
    • Analyses & Alternatives
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.179-207
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    • 2023
  • Carbon neutrality, the international community's practical challenge in response to climate change, is becoming a key industrial strategy for the future development of nations. Despite concerns that China, as an economic powerhouse in the G2, may face challenges leading global climate change efforts due to its high-carbon-emitting industrial structure, it is leveraging carbon neutrality to enhance its industrial competitiveness. The Chinese government has formulated national policies for achieving carbon neutrality and detailed sector-specific plans to implement them. In particular, it aims to leverage carbon neutrality industrial strategies as a lever for adjusting the domestic industrial structure and fostering new industries, at the same time responding to international climate norms and external pressures. However, the effectiveness of carbon-neutral industrial strategies is expected to vary based on regional conditions such as economic and industrial levels. This article analyzes the regional conditions for implementing carbon neutrality in China, as well as the contents and characteristics of major industrial policies. Due to differing levels of economic development and industrial structures, significant variations in carbon emissions, size, emission sources, and efficiency are inevitable across regions. These disparities introduce diverse initial conditions and endogenous factors in pursuing carbon-neutral goals, limiting the direction and implementation of carbon-neutral industrial strategies favoring certain regions. In particular, the extent of policy autonomy granted to local governments regarding carbon neutrality implementation will influence the regional dynamics of central-local environmental governance. Consequently, it is crucial to emphasize regional monitoring alongside comprehensive national research to accurately navigate the path towards carbon neutrality in China. In summary, the article underscores the importance of understanding regional variations in economic development, industrial structure, and policy autonomy for successful carbon neutrality implementation in China. It highlights the need for regional monitoring and comprehensive national research to determine a more precise direction for achieving carbon neutrality.

A Study on the Influence of the Balkan Conflict in the Outbreak of World War I: Focusing on Perspective of Patron-Client Relationship between states (제1차 세계대전 발발에서 발칸분쟁의 영향에 관한 연구 :국가 간 후견-피후견 관계의 관점을 중심으로)

  • Lee Young Soo;Park Sang Nam
    • Analyses & Alternatives
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.83-114
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    • 2023
  • Previous studies on international politics dealing with World War I mainly pointed to the balance of power and alliance issues as the causes of war. This view saw the assassination of Sarajevo, the direct cause of the war, as a simple opportunity. As a result, these studies can explain 'what made war inevitable' but still need to fully explain 'why the war started in the Balkans and how it spread throughout Europe.' To compensate for the limitations of these preceding studies, this study aim to find the origin of World War 1 in the context of the Balkan, which began with the conflict between Germany-Austria and Russia-Serbia. To this end, this study analyzed the historical background of the Balkan crisis and the development of the crisis through the concept of Shoemaker and Spanier's patron-client relationship between states and crisis manipulation. As a result, it confirmed that competition between Russia and Germany and crisis manipulation attempts by their client states did not necessarily lead to war. But crisis manipulation has instilled a competitive mindset in patron states that will potentially and cumulatively work. Since then, unexpected crises have occurred, and rival patrons have suspected that their opponents are planning grand strategic conspiracies and challenges. As a result, they have become vulnerable to crisis manipulation by the clients. This situation was the cause of the outbreak of World War I in the context of the Balkans' patron-client relationship.

Analyzing the Factors of Gentrification After Gradual Everyday Recovery

  • Yoon-Ah Song;Jeongeun Song;ZoonKy Lee
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.28 no.8
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    • pp.175-186
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    • 2023
  • In this paper, we aim to build a gentrification analysis model and examine its characteristics, focusing on the point at which rents rose sharply alongside the recovery of commercial districts after the gradual resumption of daily life. Recently, in Korea, the influence of social distancing measures after the pandemic has led to the formation of small-scale commercial districts, known as 'hot places', rather than large-scale ones. These hot places have gained popularity by leveraging various media and social networking services to attract customers effectively. As a result, with an increase in the floating population, commercial districts have become active, leading to a rapid surge in rents. However, for small business owners, coping with the sudden rise in rent even with increased sales can lead to gentrification, where they might be forced to leave the area. Therefore, in this study, we seek to analyze the periods before and after by identifying points where rents rise sharply as commercial districts experience revitalization. Firstly, we collect text data to explore topics related to gentrification, utilizing LDA topic modeling. Based on this, we gather data at the commercial district level and build a gentrification analysis model to examine its characteristics. We hope that the analysis of gentrification through this model during a time when commercial districts are being revitalized after facing challenges due to the pandemic can contribute to policies supporting small businesses.

Study on the Mechanism of Mechanical Property Enhancement in Carbon Fiber/Flax Fiber Hybrid Composite Materials (탄소섬유/아마섬유 하이브리드 복합재료의 기계적 물성 향상 기구에 관한 연구)

  • Jamil Abuzar;Dong-Woo Lee;Jung-Il Song
    • Composites Research
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.281-287
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    • 2023
  • Environmental pollution from waste and the climate crisis, due to rising global average temperatures, are reaching critical levels threatening human survival. Research is ongoing across various fields to solve this problem, with a key focus on developing eco-friendly, carbon-neutral materials. Our study aimed to integrate natural fibers, known for their environmentally friendly properties and lower carbon emissions, with carbon fibers. In general, combining high-strength and low-strength materials results in intermediate properties. However, we found that certain properties in our study exceeded those of typical carbon fiber composite materials. To validate this, we produced both carbon fiber composite materials and carbon fiber/natural fiber hybrid composite materials. We then compared their mechanical properties using a range of specific tests. Our results revealed that the hybrid composite material exhibited superior bending strength and fracture toughness compared to the carbon fiber composite material. We also identified the underlying mechanisms contributing to this strength enhancement. This breakthrough suggests that the use of hybrid composite materials may allow the production of stronger structures. Moreover, this can play a significant role in mitigating environmental pollution and the climate crisis by reducing carbon emissions, a major contributing factor to these global challenges.

Survey of Foodservice Management Status according to Welfare Facility Type for Disabled Persons (장애인 복지시설 유형에 따른 급식관리 실태 조사)

  • Dayoung Oh;Woori Na;Seohyeon Hwang;Jung Joo Lee;Yu Jin Yang;Hyeok, Lee;Ji Hyeon Bang;Hae-Young Lee;Cheongmin Sohn
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.173-189
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    • 2023
  • This study aimed to determine foodservice and hygiene management statuses at welfare facilities catering to disabled persons by facility type to provide basic data for foodservice management guidelines. An online survey was distributed to workers at 1,984 welfare facilities for disabled persons in Korea, and 531 facilities responded, which represented a response rate of 26.8%. The survey requested general information about the facilities, facility users, meals, hygiene, and management. Statistical analyses were performed, and frequency analysis and the chi-square test were used to investigate responses by facility type. The survey results revealed that daycare centers were most common and accounted for 27.4% of responses. Residential facilities for the severely disabled and sheltered workshops accounted for 16.9% and 16.4%, respectively, and residential facilities by disability type accounted for 13.0%. The presence of dietitians at welfare facilities varied by facility type. Welfare centers for the disabled (94.7%) had the highest percentage of dietitians, followed by residential facilities for the severely disabled (87.8%). On the other hand, sheltered workshops and daycare centers for disabled persons had the lowest percentages of dietitians (10.3% and 4.1%, respectively). This study highlights the variations that exist in foodservice management across different welfare facilities for disabled persons and emphasizes the challenges faced by those responsible for managing foodservices and maintaining hygiene, particularly in large facilities with no dietitians. Therefore, we recommend tailored meal management guidelines be developed for each type of welfare facility for disabled persons.

Reading Luces de Bohemia with Carnivalism (카니발리즘으로 읽는 『보헤미아의 빛』)

  • Kim, Seon-Uk
    • Iberoamérica
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.25-52
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    • 2019
  • Esperpento denotes a literary style in Spanish literature first established by Spanish author Ramón María del Valle Inclán that uses distorted descriptions of reality in order to criticize society. And esperpento's narrative strategy is similar in many ways to Mikhail Bakhtin's carnivalism. Especially Valle Inclán's first esperpentic theatre, Luces de Bohemia contained various carnivalistic elements of Bakhtin. The various techniques of Valle Inclán's esperpento used in Luces de Bohemia can be explained by Bachchin's carnivalist techniques. Therefore, this paper aims to re-examine the esperpentic techniques in Luces de Bohemia of Valle Inclán in terms of Bakhchin's carnivalism. Because the esperpentic tecniques of this play pursue the subversion of power or authority through the carnivalistic aspects such as polyphony, subversion of seriousness, parody, grotesque realism, plaza, ambivalence, anomalous structure of space, time and plot, etc. Esperpento and carnivalism serve as a tool to interpret the social reality, beyond criticism and satire of Spanish society. The characters act passively on all the external factors that determine human destiny, rather than actively carving their own destiny like the classic heroes. Modern man cannot defy or control the external situation of the modern civilization. So they are tragic. In this situation, the protagonist of the tragedy who challenges reality disappears and a puppet figure like Max Estrella, the protagonist of the Luces de Bohemia, takes his place on a satirical level. This is the satire and the true meaning of carnivalistic humor that Valle Inclán tried in his play.

A Case Study of 'Lesson Study' in an U.S. School: As an Alternative Model for Teacher-led School Reform (미국의 레슨 스터디 실행 사례 연구: 교사주도의 학교 교육개혁의 대안적 모델)

  • Yu, Sol-a
    • Korean Journal of Comparative Education
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.95-128
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    • 2010
  • This article presents a one and half-year process of Lesson Study conducted at a K-8 school in an urban district in the eastern U.S. Lesson Study, a Japanese form of professional development that centers on collaborative study of live classroom lessons, has spread rapidly in the U.S. since 1999 and has been argued as a promising alternative model for teacher-led school reform through professional development. The Lesson Study group described here was composed of five teachers, one administrator, and one instructional improvement coordinator belonging to the participant school and two instructional super-intendants from the school district. Data was collected from October 2007 to February 2009 and a qualitative case study method was employed for this study. Drawing a case of Lesson Study, this article intended to show how Lesson Study group members participated in planning, teaching, observing, discussing, and improving lessons collaboratively for student learning by enhancing teacher professional competence so that find directions for future implementation in Korea. This article investigates (1) process of Lesson Study, (2) issues Lesson Study group members mainly dealt with, and (3) changes have taken place in Lesson Study as it is conducted over time. (4) Finally, this article concludes with challenges to adopting Lesson Study successfully in Korea.

A Dilemma of Kyrgyzstan Goes Through the Process of Nation-Building: National Security Problems and Independent National Defense Capability (국가건설과정에서 키르기스스탄의 국가안보와 자주국방의 딜레마)

  • Kim, Seun Rae
    • Journal of International Area Studies (JIAS)
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.27-52
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    • 2011
  • The regions of Central Asia have each acquired an elevated strategic importance in the new security paradigm of post-September 1lth. Comprised of five states, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, Central Asia's newly enhanced strategic importance stems from several other factors, ranging from trans-national threats posed by Islamic extremism, drug production and trafficking, to the geopolitical threats inherent in the region's location as a crossroads between Russia, Southwest Asia and China. Although the U.S. military presence in the region began before September 11th, the region became an important platform for the projection of U.S. military power against the Taliban in neighboring Afghanistan. The analysis goes on to warn that 'with US troops already in place to varying extents in Central Asian states, it becomes particularly important to understand the faultlines, geography, and other challenges this part of the world presents'. The Kyrgyz military remains an embryonic force with a weak chain of command, the ground force built to Cold War standards, and an almost total lack of air capabilities. Training, discipline and desertion - at over 10 per cent, the highest among the Central Asian republics - continue to present major problems for the creation of combat-effective armed forces. Kyrgyzstan has a declared policy of national defence and independence without the use of non-conventional weapons. Kyrgyzstan participates in the regional security structures, such as the Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO) and the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation (SCO) but, in security matters at least, it is dependent upon Russian support. The armed forces are poorly trained and ill-equipped to fulfil an effective counter-insurgency or counter-terrorist role. The task of rebuilding is much bigger, and so are the stakes - the integrity and sovereignty of the Kyrgyz state. Only democratization, the fight against corruption, reforms in the military and educational sectors and strategic initiatives promoting internal economic integration and national cohesion hold the key to Kyrgyzstan's lasting future

Computer Vision-based Continuous Large-scale Site Monitoring System through Edge Computing and Small-Object Detection

  • Kim, Yeonjoo;Kim, Siyeon;Hwang, Sungjoo;Hong, Seok Hwan
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2022.06a
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    • pp.1243-1244
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    • 2022
  • In recent years, the growing interest in off-site construction has led to factories scaling up their manufacturing and production processes in the construction sector. Consequently, continuous large-scale site monitoring in low-variability environments, such as prefabricated components production plants (precast concrete production), has gained increasing importance. Although many studies on computer vision-based site monitoring have been conducted, challenges for deploying this technology for large-scale field applications still remain. One of the issues is collecting and transmitting vast amounts of video data. Continuous site monitoring systems are based on real-time video data collection and analysis, which requires excessive computational resources and network traffic. In addition, it is difficult to integrate various object information with different sizes and scales into a single scene. Various sizes and types of objects (e.g., workers, heavy equipment, and materials) exist in a plant production environment, and these objects should be detected simultaneously for effective site monitoring. However, with the existing object detection algorithms, it is difficult to simultaneously detect objects with significant differences in size because collecting and training massive amounts of object image data with various scales is necessary. This study thus developed a large-scale site monitoring system using edge computing and a small-object detection system to solve these problems. Edge computing is a distributed information technology architecture wherein the image or video data is processed near the originating source, not on a centralized server or cloud. By inferring information from the AI computing module equipped with CCTVs and communicating only the processed information with the server, it is possible to reduce excessive network traffic. Small-object detection is an innovative method to detect different-sized objects by cropping the raw image and setting the appropriate number of rows and columns for image splitting based on the target object size. This enables the detection of small objects from cropped and magnified images. The detected small objects can then be expressed in the original image. In the inference process, this study used the YOLO-v5 algorithm, known for its fast processing speed and widely used for real-time object detection. This method could effectively detect large and even small objects that were difficult to detect with the existing object detection algorithms. When the large-scale site monitoring system was tested, it performed well in detecting small objects, such as workers in a large-scale view of construction sites, which were inaccurately detected by the existing algorithms. Our next goal is to incorporate various safety monitoring and risk analysis algorithms into this system, such as collision risk estimation, based on the time-to-collision concept, enabling the optimization of safety routes by accumulating workers' paths and inferring the risky areas based on workers' trajectory patterns. Through such developments, this continuous large-scale site monitoring system can guide a construction plant's safety management system more effectively.

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