• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cell-to-Cell Deviation

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Anatomical study of the zygomaticofacial foramen and zygomatic canals communicating with the zygomaticofacial foramen for zygomatic implant treatment: a cadaver study with micro-computed tomography analysis

  • Kouhei Kawata;Yoshiaki Ide;Masataka Sunohara
    • Anatomy and Cell Biology
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    • v.57 no.2
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    • pp.204-212
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    • 2024
  • In the present study, anatomical assessment of zygomaticofacial foramina (ZFFs) and zygomatic canals communicating with ZFFs were performed using cadaver micro-computed tomography images. It was suggested that all ZFFs were located above the jugale (Ju)-zygomaxillare (Zm) line, which is the reference line connecting the Ju and Zm, and most were located in the zygomatic body area (ZBA). The anteroposterior position of the ZFF in the ZBA was within a middle to posterior region and was most often located slightly posteriorly in males and closer to the middle of the region in females. The mean distance from the Ju-Zm line to the ZFF in the ZBA was 12.36 mm (standard deviation [SD] 1.52 mm) in males and 11.48 mm (SD 1.61 mm) in females. In zygomatic canals communicating with ZFFs, most zygomatic canals were type I canals, communicating from the zygomaticoorbital foramen and harboring the zygomaticofacial nerve, and the others were type II canals, communicating from the zygomaticotemporal foramen and located near the posterior margin of the frontal process. These results provide useful anatomical information for preventing nerve injury during surgical procedures for zygomatic implant treatment.

Effect of Treatment with Desmopressin Acetate to Reduce Blood Loss after Cardiac Surgery (개심술후 Desmopressin Acetate 가 출혈에 미치는 영향)

  • Yu, Jae-Hyeon;Lee, Young
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.268-274
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    • 1990
  • Bleeding after cardiopulmonary bypass remains a cause for concern, requiring reexploration of the chest in approximately 3 percent of patients who have had operations on the heart. We examined the possibility that this problem might be alleviated by desmopressin acetate [DDAVP], synthetic vasopressin analogue that lacks vasoconstrictor activity. In a prospective, randomized trial, we studied the effect of intraoperative desmopressin acetate in 20 patients [the treated group 10 patients and the control group 10 patients] undergoing various cardiac operations requiring cardiopulmonary bypass. The result showed that the early postoperative [during first 24hrs] and mean postoperative blood loss [first 3 days] of the treated group were significantly reduced than the control group[447\ulcorner199ml in the treated group versus 746\ulcorner199ml in the treated group versus 746\ulcorner295 ml in the control group, p=0.014; mean\ulcornerstandard deviation and 675\ulcorner276 ml in the treated group versus 1006\ulcorner303 ml in control group, p=0.019]. The mean red-cell transfusion in first 3days were reduced in the treated group than the control group [3.3\ulcorner1.7 units vs 4.9\ulcorner1.7units, P=0.051]. There were no untoward side effects of desmopressin acetate. We conclude that the administration of desmopressin acetate can be recommended to reduce blood loss and blood conservation in patients undergoing cardiac operations.

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Vision-based Automatic System for Non-contact Measurement of Morphometric Characteristics of Flatfish

  • Jeong, Seong-Jae;Yang, Yong-Su;Lee, Kyounghoon;Kang, Jun-Gu;Lee, Dong-Gil
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.1194-1201
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    • 2013
  • This paper introduces a vision-based automatic system (VAMS) for non-contact measurement of morphometric characteristics of flatfish, such as total length (TL), body width (BW), height (H), and weight (W). The H and W are simply measured by a laser displacement and a load cell, respectively. The TL and BW are measured by a proposed morphological image processing algorithm. The proposed algorithm cans measurement, when the tail of flatfish is deformed, and when it is randomly oriented. In the experiment, the average and maximum measurement errors were recorded, and standard deviations and coefficients of variation (CVs) for the measurements were calculated. From those results, when flatfish the TL measurements had an average of 266.844 mm, a standard deviation of 0.351 mm, a CV of 0.131%, and a maximum error of 0.87 mm with straightened flatfish ($TL_A$ : 267 mm, $BW_A$ : 141 mm), and when flatfish of different sizes were measured, the errors in the TL and BW measurements were both about 0.2 %. Using a single conveyor, the VAMS can process up to 900 fishes per hour. Moreover, it can measure morphometric characteristics of flatfish with a TL of up to 500 mm.

Development of Ultrasonic Machine with Force Controlled Position Servo System (가공력 제어 위치 서보 시스템을 이용한 초음파 가공기의 개발)

  • 장인배;이승범;전병희
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.253-261
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    • 2004
  • The machining technology for the brittle materials such as ceramics are applied to the fields of MEMS(micro electromechanical system) by the progress of new machining technologies such as Etching, Diamond machining, Micro drilling, EDM(Electro discharge machining), ECDM(Electro discharge machining), USM(Ultrasonic machining), LBM(Laser beam machining), EBM(Electron beam machining). Especially, the USM technology can be applied to the dieletric brittle materials such as silicon, borosilicate glass, silicon nitride, quartz and ceramics with high aspect ratio. The micro machining system with machining force controlled position servo is developed in this paper and the optimized ultrasonic machining algorithm is constructed by the force controlled position servo control. The load cell is adapted in the force measuring and the servo control algorithm, suit for the ultrasonic machining characteristics, is estabilished with using the PID auto-tunning functions at the PMAC system which is generally adapted in the field of robot industries. The precision force signal amplifier is constructed with high precision operational amplifier AD524. The vacuum adsorption chuck which is made of titanum and internal flow line is engraved, is used in the workpiece fixing. The mahining results by USM shows that there are some deviation between the force command and the actual machining force that the servo control algorithm should be applied in the machining procedures. Therefore, the constant force controlled position servo system is developed for the micro USM system and by the examination machining process in USM, the stable USM system is realized by tracking the average value of machining force.

A Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation for the Efficient Transmission of VBR Video Sources in ATM Networks (ATM 망에서 VBR 비디오 소스의 효율적인 전송을 위한 동적 대역 할당)

  • 이팔진;최대규;김병옥;김영선;김영천
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics A
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    • v.32A no.9
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    • pp.1219-1228
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    • 1995
  • In this paper, we propose a dynamic bandwidth allocation scheme for the transmission of VBR video source through ATM based BISDN. In order to efficiently evaluate the required bandwidth, the characteristics of the VBR video sources generated by the MPEG coder are analyzed with variations in the number of GOP and quantizer scale. The required bandwidth for VBR video source is estimated by a prediction algorithm using scene and frame correlations as well as the statistical properties of the VBR video source. Scene correlation represents a strong correlation among the adjacent slices in a frame, and frame correlation represents a strong correlation among the frames. The statistical properties based on the traffic parameters of video sources such as peak rate, average rate, and standard deviation of source are determined through simulation. The performance of the proposed bandwidth allocation scheme is evaluated in terms of the over-allocated bandwidth, bandwidth utilization, and cell loss rate with variations in the quantizer scale and the number of GOP. It is shown that the results of simulation based on the proposed scheme are superior to those of the conventional methods.

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A Study on the Contamination of Photovoltaic Cells by Fine Dust in the Air (공기 중의 미세먼지에 의한 태양전지의 오염에 관한 연구)

    • Journal of Hydrogen and New Energy
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.292-298
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    • 2018
  • The contamination of photovoltaic (PV) cells reduces the incidence of sunlight and reduces the power generation output of PV cells. The main factor influencing the contamination of PV cells installed outdoors is the fine dust in the air, but the influence of temperature, humidity, rain and wind can be considered. In this paper, experiments on the contamination of PV cells according to the fine dust density, the temperature and humidity of air were investigated. As results of this study, the contamination area of PV cells increases with contamination time and cumulative fine dust density in the air. The contamination of PV cells increases when the temperature is low and the humidity is high. Also, as the contamination of PV cells is affected to the wind, the deviation of contamination area is happened.

An Unbalanced A.C. Bridge with High Voltage Source for the Conductometric Determination of Sulfur in Iron Ores (일정전류 비평행교류브릿지에 의한 전도도측정과 황의 정량)

  • Czae, Myung-Zoon;Choe, Gyu-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.327-332
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    • 1970
  • A simple and convenient device for deflection-type direct reading the variations in electrolytic conductance is described and applied to the analysis of sulfur by combustion-$H_2O_2$ oxidation method. The apparatus consisted of a high resistance-ratio bridge in which the other adjacent arms are the differential cells. By adopting unusually high a-c voltage source for the bridge excitation, the a-c method for unbalanced bridge is established, decreased sensitivity owing to reduced bridge factor, 0.01, is overcome and also the absolute sensitivity and linearity are greatly improved. Over 50% variations in impedance of the balanced cell, within 1% deviation from the linearity can be attained with a volt (rms)order of output which was detected directly with VTVM without further amplification. Analysis of the bridge shows that these useful features are natural result of the constant current character of the high source impedance generator and the performance of the device agreed with the theoretical predictions. A standard procedure for the rapid analysis of sulfur using the bridge is also given, the analytical accuracy was approximately 1%. A determination takes not more than 5 minutes.

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Neutronics modeling of bubbles in bubbly flow regime in boiling water reactors

  • Turkmen, Mehmet;Tiftikci, Ali
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.51 no.5
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    • pp.1241-1250
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    • 2019
  • This study mainly focused on the neutronics modeling of bubbles in bubbly flow in boiling water reactors. The bubble, ring and homogenous models were used for radial void fraction distribution. Effect of the bubble and ring models on the infinite multiplication factor and two-group flux distribution was investigated by comparing with the homogenous model. Square pitch unit cell geometry was used in the calculations. In the bubble model, spherical and non-spherical bubbles at random positions, sizes and shapes were produced by Monte Carlo method. The results show that there are significant differences among the proposed models from the viewpoint of physical interaction mechanism. For the fully-developed bubbly flow, $k_{inf}$ is overestimated in the ring model by about $720{\pm}6pcm$ with respect to homogeneous model whereas underestimated in the bubble model by about $-65{\pm}9pcm$ with a standard deviation of 15 pcm. In addition, the ring model shows that the coolant must be separated into regions to properly represent the radial void distribution. Deviations in flux distributions principally occur in certain regions, such as corners. As a result, the bubble model in modeling the void fraction can be used in nuclear engineering calculations.

Uncertainty analysis of UAM TMI-1 benchmark by STREAM/RAST-K

  • Jaerim Jang;Yunki Jo;Deokjung Lee
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.56 no.5
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    • pp.1562-1573
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    • 2024
  • This study rigorously examined uncertainty in the TMI-1 benchmark within the Uncertainty Analysis in Modeling (UAM) benchmark suite using the STREAM/RAST-K two-step method. It presents two pivotal advancements in computational techniques: (1) Development of an uncertainty quantification (UQ) module and a specialized library for the pin-based pointwise energy slowing-down method (PSM), and (2) Application of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for UQ. To evaluate the new computational framework, we conducted verification tests using SCALE 6.2.2. Results demonstrated that STREAM's performance closely matched SCALE 6.2.2, with a negligible uncertainty discrepancy of ±0.0078% in TMI-1 pin cell calculations. To assess the reliability of the PSM covariance library, we performed verification tests, comparing calculations with Calvik's two-term rational approximation (EQ 2-term) covariance library. These calculations included both pin-based and fuel assembly (FA-wise) computations, encompassing hot zero-power and hot full-power operational conditions. The uncertainties calculated using both the EQ 2-term and PSM resonance treatments were consistent, showing a deviation within ±0.054%. Additionally, the data compression process yielded compression ratios of 88.210% and 92.926% for on-the-fly and data-saving approaches, respectively, in TMI fuel assembly calculations. In summary, this study provides a comprehensive explanation of the PCA process used for UQ calculations and offers valuable insights into the robustness and reliability of newly developed computational methods, supported by rigorous verification tests.

The Comparison of Field Uniformity and SAR between TEM, Loop and Combined Elemented 16 Channel Transmit Arrays (TEM 형과 Loop 형의 전송소자를 이용한 16채널 3T Body 전송코일의 자장 균일도와 안전도 비교)

  • Ryu, Yeunchul;Kim, Young Beom
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.63 no.3
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    • pp.404-408
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    • 2014
  • In this research we evaluate the excitation homogeneity and SAR of three different Tx arrays after B1+ Shimming in the human body at 3T. Through the simulations, we compared the field properties that are standard deviation and mean value of transverse magnetization for 1) strip line TEM array, 2) rectangular loop array, 3) combined array of strip line element and rectangular loop and shown the utilities of B1+ shimming in human body model. After B1+ shimming, it is evaluated four different types of SAR for body mesh through whole body simulation; those are average, maximum 1-cell, maximum 1-gram, and maximum 10-gram SAR. It appears that in this particular comparison an array based on strip line elements can produce better homogeneity and lower SAR than an array of rectangular loops or an array of combined elements (strip line and loop). While many factors are considered in designing coils for production, it is hoped that methods and results like these will be used in the future to guide decisions and maximize benefit.