• 제목/요약/키워드: Catheter emboli

검색결과 8건 처리시간 0.018초

Efficacy of Balloon-Guiding Catheter for Mechanical Thrombectomy in Patients with Anterior Circulation Ischemic Stroke

  • Oh, Jae-Sang;Yoon, Seok-Mann;Shim, Jai-Joon;Doh, Jae-Won;Bae, Hack-Gun;Lee, Kyeong-Seok
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • 제60권2호
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    • pp.155-164
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    • 2017
  • Objective : To evaluate the efficacy of balloon guiding catheter (BGC) during thrombectomy in anterior circulation ischemic stroke. Methods : Sixty-two patients with acute anterior circulation ischemic stroke were treated with thrombectomy using a Solitaire stent from 2011 to 2016. Patients were divided into the BGC group (n=24, 39%) and the non-BGC group (n=38, 61%). The number of retrievals, procedure time, thrombolysis in cerebral infarction (TICI) grade, presence of distal emboli, and clinical outcomes at 3 months were evaluated. Results : Successful recanalization was more frequent in BGC than in non-BGC (83% vs. 66%, p=0.13). Distal emboli occurred less in BGC than in non-BGC (23.1% vs. 57.1%, p=0.02). Good clinical outcome was more frequent in BGC than in non-BGC (50% vs. 16%, p=0.03). The multivariate analysis showed that use of BGC was the only independent predictor of good clinical outcome (odds ratio, 5.19 : 95% confidence interval, 1.07-25.11). More patients in BGC were successfully recanalized in internal carotid artery (ICA) occlusion with small retrieval numbers (<3) than those in non-BGC (70% vs. 24%, p=0.005). In successfully recanalized ICA occlusion, distal emboli did not occur in BGC, whereas nine patients had distal emboli in non-BGC (0% vs. 75%, p=0.001) and good clinical outcome was superior in BGC than in non-BGC (55.6% vs. 8.3%, p=0.01). Conclusion : A BGC significantly reduces the number of retrievals and the occurrence of distal emboli, thereby resulting in better clinical outcomes in patients with anterior circulation ischemic stroke, particularly with ICA occlusion.

승모판막질환에 병발한 동맥색전증의 치험 1례

  • 허용;김병열;이홍섭;김주이;이정호;유회성
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.77-81
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    • 1980
  • We present one case of 26-year-old male having saddle block combined with mitral valvular disease [NYHA Class IV] with auricular fibrillation. The most common cause of emboli is atrial fibrillation. The clinical manifestations of saddle emboli are relatively slow due to development of collateral circulation and large size of lumen of the aorta. The 5month duration of saddle emboli in this case led to severe atrophic changes, coldness, peripheral cyanosis on the both lower extremities, and flexion deformity on the knee and ankle joint of the left lower extremity. We planned staged operation for the saddle block and for mitral stenoinsufficiency and tricuspid insufficiency, because of poor general condition of the patient. The thromboembolectomy of aortic bifurcation was performed through the transabdominal approach without trial of Fogarthy catheter embolectomy, because of expectation of the secondary inflammatory changes of the vessel wall and thrombi which was 3 cm X 1 cm X 0.5 cm in size with irregular surfaced solid in consistency. 1 month later, after thromboembolectomy, mitral valve replacement and tricuspid annuloplasty were performed, with successful early operative result. During operation organized thrombi [1 cm X 0.5 cm] in the left auricle was removed. We wonder if simple management using Fogarthy catheter might be possible to remove the thromboemboli instead of thromboembolectomy by aortotomy in this case.

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급성 폐동맥 색전증의 치험 1례 (Acute Massive Pulmonary Embolism - A Case Report -)

  • 전태국;안혁
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제23권4호
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    • pp.811-815
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    • 1990
  • Successful emergency pulmonary embolectomy with the cardiopulmonary bypass was performed in a 41 \ulcorneryear old male who suffered massive pulmonary embolism after longterm bed rest due to the injury of left knee. Temporary cardiopulmonary bypass provided 120 minutes of circulatory support while complete removal of bilateral pulmonary emboli accomplished using Forgarty catheter and Gall stone forceps. Also, manual compression of the lungs was necessary to remove distal branching emboli. The patient had smooth and uneventful hospital course without complications and discharged from hospital taking coumadine on the 13th day after the operation.

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안장 색전증을 유발한 좌심방 점액종 -수술 치험 1례- (Saddle Embolism Caused by Left Atrial Myxoma -A Case Report-)

  • 송정근
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제28권3호
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    • pp.316-319
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    • 1995
  • Systemic emboli occur in approximately one-third of patients with cardiac myxoma. Embolization is common because of the friability of the tumor and intracardiac location. Embolic episodes in young patients with normal sinus rhythm should arouse suspicions of cardiac myxoma in the absence of active endocarditis. We present one case of 17 years old girl having saddle embolism combined with left atrial myxoma. We planned staged operation. First, the emergency thromboembolectomy of aortic bifurcation was performed through bilateral transfemoral approach with use of Forgaty catheter. One week later, the extirpation of myxoma was successfully done with ECC.

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대동맥하단부-장골동맥의 급,만성 폐쇄성 동맥질환 2례 (Surgical Treatment of Aortoiliac Arterial Occlusion: Report of 2 Cases)

  • 마중성
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.19-24
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    • 1972
  • The recent development of cardiovascular surgery as well as aortoarteriogaphy has been established excellent operative result with great aid of limb-salvage. However, less consideration or less experience still exists on the regard of vascular accident and vascular disease, as well as vascular surgery in Korea. During the last 13 years, we experienced only two cases of aorto-iliac occlusion,acute and chronic, regardless of having had more than 300 cases of mitral valvotomy and gradual increasing tendency of arteriosclerosis and hypertension in Korea. Therefore it is noteworthy to report the cases in order to promote the consideration for vascular surgery. Case 1; 52 year old female who had 20 years history of mitral stenosis with uricular fibrillation and received medical treatment for recent 1 year in the medical department. 10 days before admission, acute saddle emboli developed and 15 days after the onset, embolectomy through both common femoral arteries on the groin and abdominal approach was made. The progression of emboll to the right popliteal bifurcation was found by arteriography on operating table and retrograde flushing with heparin solution by the polyethylene catheter inserted through posterior tibial artery. The operation was successful, but 9 hours after operation sudden death occurred. Considering this case, first, mitral valvotomy already before might prevent peripheral embolizatlon, secondarily, the more early detection and surgery might also prevent the progression of emboli. Thirdly, although preoperative or postoperatlve heparinization is controversial for mitraI stenosis, heparinization might prevent additional emboli to vital organs in this case Cases 2; 66 year old female who had 4 years history of left hip and calf intermittent claudication and has had rest pain, inability to walk and ischemic necrosis on the the left leg since last 3 months prior to admission to the orthopedic department under the suspicion of herniated disc. Absence of pulsation on the groin and aortography evidenced aortoillac occlusion predominantly on the left side. Thromboendarterectomy was made and the operative result was successful with absence of claudication, healing of ulcer and aortographic patency of occlusive site. This chronic occlusion is considered to result from arteriosclerosis in origin with the evidence of moderate hypertension, x-ray evidence of calcified plaque on the aortic knob and operative finding of palpable plaques.

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Role of Balloon Guide Catheter in Modern Endovascular Thrombectomy

  • Chueh, Ju-Yu;Kang, Dong-Hun;Kim, Byung Moon;Gounis, Matthew J.
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • 제63권1호
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    • pp.14-25
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    • 2020
  • Proximal flow control achieved with a balloon guide catheter (BGC) during endovascular treatment of acute ischemic stroke is reviewed in this article. In clinical practice, BGCs offer a multi-faceted approach for clot retrieval by creating proximal flow arrest, reducing embolic burden, and shortening procedure time. Evaluation of frontline thrombectomy procedures with BGCs revealed advantages of combined use over the conventional guide catheter (CGC), notably in the significant reduction of distal emboli to both the affected and previously unaffected territories. Recently, new measures of early and complete reperfusion at first thrombectomy pass have been identified as independent predictors of improved outcomes, which were consistently demonstrated with use of BGC as a safe and effective option to minimize number of passes during intervention. Prior randomized controlled trials reported the positive correlation between BGC-treated patients and a lower risk of mortality as well as shortened procedure time. While BGC use is more common in stent retriever-mediated mechanical thrombectomy, preliminary data has shown the potential benefit of device application during contact aspiration thrombectomy to achieve successful recanalization. However, the question of which major endovascular strategy reigns superior as a frontline remains to be answered. Along with clinical case assessments, BGC performance during in-vitro simulation was analyzed to further understand mechanisms for optimization of thrombectomy technique.

말기신부전환자에서 우심방 우종을 동반한 심내막염 환자의 수술 1례 (Active Infective Endocarditis with Vegetation of Right Atrium in Patient with End-stage Renal Disease)

  • 김창영;안혁
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제35권9호
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    • pp.680-683
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    • 2002
  • 우측 심장에 발생한 감염성 심내막염은 전체 감염성 심내막염의 5%를 차지하며 이중 70%이상에서 선천성 심기형이나 후천성 판막질환 등에 동반되어 발생한다. 환자들은 약물 남용의 과거력을 갖는 경우가 많으며, 혈액투석 등 의인성 감염성 심내막염이 발생하는 경우도 있다. 우측 심장에 발생한 감염성 심내막염은 항생제 치료에 대한 반응이 우수하고, 내과적 치료에 반응하지 않더라도 판막손상이나 색전에 의한 합병증이 상대적으로 적게 발생하기 때문에 수술이 필요하지 않은 경우가 많다. 만성신부전으로 혈액투석을 받는 환자들은 관혈적 투석경로를 통해 균혈증에 노출되고 이로 인해 감염성 심내막염이 속발된다. 본 교실에서는 혈액투석을 받던 말기신부전 환자에서 정맥내 도관과 관련하여 삼첨판막이나 폐동맥판막의 침범없이 우심방내 우종을 동반한 심내막염이 발생하였으며, 항생제 치료를 시행하였으나 반응이 없어 수술을 시행하였다. 속목정맥도관과 관련된 우측 심장의 감염성 심내막염은 혈액투석환자에서 매우 드물게 발생하지만 진단이 지연되고 이로 인해 적절한 시기에 치료를 받지 못하여 병원내 사망률을 높이므로 적극적인 진단과 처치가 필요함을 확인할 수 있었기에 이를 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다.

단순 Fogarty 혈전색전 제거술의 효과 (The Effect of the Simple Fogarty Thromboembolectomy)

  • 오중환;박일환;이종국
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제42권4호
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    • pp.480-486
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    • 2009
  • 배경: Fogarty 카테터는 원위부 동맥 색전을 제거하기 위하여 고안되었으며 1960년대 이래로 급성혈전색전의 치료에 획기적인 치료법이 되었다. 그러나 지난 30년동안 동맥폐쇄의 주원인이 심장에서 비롯하는 색전으로부터 죽상동맥경화증으로 변화하였으며 이런 맥락에서 단순 Fogarty 혈전색전제거술이 여전히 효과가 있는지 의문점이 생긴다. 대상 및 방법: 1990년 3월부터 2008년 8월까지 본원에서 Fogarty 혈전제거술을 시행한 156명을 대상으로 하였다. 환자를 혈전제거술만 시행한 79명(제 1 군)과 혈관우회수술을 같이 시행한 77명(제 2 군)으로 나누어 증상의 기간, 혈전의 원인, 응급실 내원 여부, 한방치료 및 오진경험, 동반질환, 주발생부위, 사망원인 등을 후향적으로 T 검증, 교차분석, 카이제곱 및 Kaplan-Meier을 이용하여 비교분석 비교하였다. 결과: 두군 모두 환자의 나이는 평균 64$\pm$10세로 비슷하였다. 제1군과 2군의 다리 통증 기간은 평균 12$\pm$4일 vs 71$\pm$14일(p=0.001), 응급실 내원한 경우는 50명(63%) vs 18명(23%) (p=0.005), 디스크로 오인하여 치료를 받거나 침을 맞은 경우가 20명(25%) vs 30명(39%), 내원전 항응고제 치료 받은 경우는 22명(28%) vs 11명(14%), 혈전원인은 심장질환 24명(30%) vs 6명(8%) (p=0.001), 동맥경화증 46예(58%) vs 67명(87%) (p=0.001), 외상 9명(11%) vs 6명(8%)이었다. 동반질환으로는 뇌졸증, 고혈압 당뇨가 주를 이루었으며(22$\sim$37%), 막힌 부위는 대부분 장골 및 대퇴동맥이었다 우회수술은 58명(75%)에서 대퇴-대퇴 및 대퇴-슬와동맥간 우회수술을 시행했다. 내막절제술은 각각 7명(9%) vs 18명(23%)에서 동반시술이 이루어졌다(p=0.012). 수술의 성공율은 27명(34%) vs 40명(52%) (p=0.019), 다시 막힌 경우는 37명(47%) vs 20명(26%) (p=0.000), 하지절단 4명(5%) vs 12명(16%) (p=0.012), 사망 10명(13%) vs 3명(4%) (p=0.044)으로 의의있는 차이를 보였다. 결론: 최근 급성동맥폐쇄증의 원인이 류마티스 심장질환에서 동맥경화성 질환으로 변화함으로서 단순한 Fogarty 혈전색전 제거술의 효과가 줄어들고 있어 이러한 단순 시술 대신에 부가적인 우회수술법이 고려되어야 할 것이다.