• Title/Summary/Keyword: Carbon-fiber reinforced plastic

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Analysis of Characteristics of CFRP Composites Exposed Under High-Temperature and High-Humidity Environment for a Long Period (고온 다습한 환경에 장기간 노출된 CFRP 복합재료의 특성 분석)

  • Hong, Suk-Woo;Ahn, Sang-Soo;Koo, Jae-Mean;Seok, Chang-Sung
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.36 no.8
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    • pp.889-895
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    • 2012
  • Carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) composites have high specific stiffness and high specific strength. Therefore, they are increasingly being use, instead of conventional metallic materials in the aviation and automobile industries, where there is a strong demand for lightweight materials. In aircraft, the fuselage is exposed to severe conditions of high temperatures and high humidity. Therefore, it is necessary to estimate the strength of CFRP composites under real conditions from the viewpoint of aircraft safety. In this study, CFRP specimens were immersed in distilled water at $75^{\circ}C$ for a long time. Then, tensile tests were performed on these specimens, and the fracture characteristics of the fractured surfaces were analyzed using SEM. A fatigue test was performed on specimens immersed for 300 days with R=0.1, and it was confirmed that the fatigue life deteriorated in immersed specimens compared to specimens that were not immersed.

A Study of Bearing Strength on Composite Pinned-Joint at Low Temperature (저온환경에서 복합재료 핀 연결부의 Bearing 강도에 관한 연구)

  • Her, N.I.;Lee, S.Y.;Kim, J.H.;Lee, Y.S.;Sa, J.W.;Cho, S.;Im, K.H.;Oh, Y.K.;Choi, C.H.;Do, C.J.;Kwon, M.;Lee, G.S.
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2001.06a
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    • pp.413-418
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    • 2001
  • Fundamental failure mode in a laminated composite pinned-joint is proposed to assess damage resulting from stress concentration in the plate. The joint area is a region with stress concentrations thus a complicated stress state exists. The modeling of damage in a laminated composite pinned-joint presents many difficulties because of the complexity of the failure process. In order to model progressive from initial to final, finite element methods are used rather than closed form stress analyses. Failure analysis must be a logical combination of suitable failure criteria and appropriate material properties degradation rules. In this study, the material properties which were obtained in previous study, the preparing process of the bearing strength test for a pinned joint CFRP composite plate subjected to in-plane loading at low temperature, and the FEM result of progressive damage model using ANSYS program are summarized to assess the structural safety of CFRP plate used in the magnetic supporting post of KSTAR(Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research).

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Assessment of Fatigue Damage of Adhesively Bonded Composite -Metal Joints by Acousto-Ultrasonics and Acoustic Emission (음향초음파와 음향방출에 의한 복합재료-금속 접착접합부의 피로손상 평가)

  • Kwon, Oh-Yang;Lee, Kyung-Joo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.425-433
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    • 2001
  • A correlation between fatigue damage and acousto-ultrasonic (AU) parameters has been obtained from signals acquired during fatigue loading of the single-lap joints of a carbon-fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) laminates and A16061 plate. The correlation showed an analogy to those representing the stiffness reduction $(E/E_0)$ of polymer matrix composites by the accumulation of fatigue damage. This has been attributed to the transmission characteristics of acoustic wave energy through bonded joints with delamination-type defects and their influence on the change of spectral content of AU signals. Another correlation between fatigue cycles and the spectral magnitude of acoustic emission (AE) signals has also been found during the final stage of fatigue loading. Both AU and AE can be applied almost in real-time to monitor the evolution of damage during fatigue loading.

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Residual Deformation Analysis of Composite by 3-D Viscoelastic Model Considering Mold Effect (3-D 점탄성 모델을 이용한 복합재 성형후 잔류변형해석 및 몰드 효과 연구)

  • Lee, Hong-Jun;Kim, Wie-Dae
    • Composites Research
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.426-433
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    • 2021
  • The carbon fiber reinforced plastic manufacturing process has a problem in that a dimensional error occurs due to thermal deformation such as residual stress, spring-in, and warpage. The main causes of thermal deformation are various, including the shape of the product, the chemical shrinkage, thermal expansion of the resin, and the mold effect according to the material and surface condition of the mold. In this study, a viscoelastic model was applied to the plate model to predict the thermal deformation. The effects of chemical shrinkage and thermal expansion of the resin, which are the main causes of thermal deformation, were analyzed, and the analysis technique of the 3-D viscoelastic model with and without mold was also studied. Then, the L-shaped mold effect was analyzed using the verified 3D viscoelastic model analysis technique. The results show that different residual deformation occurs depending on the surface condition even when the same mold is used.

Characteristics of a CFRP Cruiser's Windage Area by Stability Assessment (탄소섬유강화복합재료(CFRP) 레저선박의 횡요저항력 평가에 의한 상부구조물 풍압면적 특성)

  • Kim, Do-Yun;Lee, Chang-Woo;Lee, Dong-Kun;Oh, Dae-Kyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.774-780
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    • 2014
  • This research aims to investigate the superstructure characteristics of the CFRP-yachts whose hulls are made of the light-weight material CFRP. CFRP-yachts, which belong to light-weight yachts, have a tendency of having very small superstructures compared to other vessels of the same length, and such a tendency is closely related to stability. In this research, a comparison of shape characteristics was made between common composite-plastic yachts and CFRP-yachts to find out the shape characteristics of CFRP-yacht. In the meantime, a case study was conducted concerning shape changes in superstructure to understand the effect of such changes on stability. For this purpose the shapes of a total of 10 GFRP-yachts and CFRP-yachts were comparatively analyzed, and the result showed the tendency of their hulls and superstructures. Whereas the case study on stability assessment involved various superstructure shapes of CFRP yachts, for assessment by superstructure size. Stability assessment was according to ISO 12217 (Small craft Stability and buoyancy assessment and categorization). A program was also developed based on stability assessment process due to rolling in beam waves and wind, and it was applied to the case study. The result of the case study showed that the windage area distribution tendency of the yachts whose hulls were made of the light-weight material CFRP was similar to that of the GFRP-yachts, but that the superstructure shapes of the CFRP-yachts were about 50% smaller than those of the GFRP-yachts. In addition, the stability assessment involving various superstructure areas of the CFRP-yachts showed that problems with stability occurred when their superstructure sizes were similar to, or larger by about 10% than, those of the GFRP-yachts.

Effect of Mechanical and Toughening Characteristics of Epoxy/Carbon Fiber Composite by Polyamide 6 Particles, CTBN Addition Technology (Polyamide 6 입자 및 CTBN 첨가 기술에 따른 에폭시/탄소섬유 복합재의 강인화 효과 및 기계적 특성)

  • Sung-Youl Bae;Kyo-Moon Lee;Sanjay Kumar;Ji-Hun Seok;Jae-Wan Choi;Woo-Hyuk Son;Yun-Hae Kim
    • Composites Research
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.355-360
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    • 2023
  • Epoxy-based carbon fibers reinforced plastic (CFRP) exhibit limitations in their suitability for industrial applications due to high brittleness characteristics. To address this challenge, extensive investigations are underway to enhance their toughness properties. This research focuses on evaluating the toughening mechanisms achieved by Polyamide 6 particles(p-PA6) and Carboxyl-Terminated Butadiene-Acrylonitrile (CTBN) elastomer, with a specific emphasis on utilizing minimal additive quantities. The study explores the impact of varying concentrations of p-PA6 and CTBN additives, namely 0.5, 1, 2.5, and 5 phr, through comprehensive Mode I fracture toughness and tensile strength analyses. The inclusion of p-PA6 demonstrated improvements in toughness when introduced at a relatively low content of 1phr. This improvement manifested as a sustained fracture behavior, contributing to enhanced toughness, while simultaneously maintaining the material's tensile strength. Furthermore, the investigation revealed that the incorporation of p-PA6 affected in particle aggregation, thus influencing the overall toughening mechanism. Incorporation of CTBN, an elastomeric modifier, exhibited a pronounced increase in fracture toughness at higher concentrations of 2.5 phr and beyond. However, this increase in toughness was accompanied by a reduction in tensile strength, resulting in fracture behavior similar to conventional CFRP exhibiting brittleness. The synergy between pPA6, CTBN and CFRP appeared to marginally enhance tensile strength under specific content conditions. As a result of this study, optimized conditions for the application of the p-PA6, CTBN toughening technology have been identified and established.

Acquisition and Verification of Dynamic Compression Properties for SHPB of Woven Type CFRP (Woven Type CFRP의 SHPB에 대한 동적 압축 물성 획득 및 검증)

  • Park, Ki-hwan;Kim, Yeon-bok;Kim, Jeong
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.48 no.5
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    • pp.363-372
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    • 2020
  • Dynamic compressive material properties at high strain rates is essential for improving the reliability of finite element analysis in dynamic environments, such as high-speed collisions and high-speed forming. In general, the dynamic compressive material properties for high strain rates can be obtained through SHPB equipment. In this study, SHPB equipment was used to acquire the dynamic compressive material properties to cope with the collision analysis of Woven tpye CFRP material, which is being recently applied to unmanned aerial vehicles. It is also used as a pulse shaper to secure a constant strain rate for materials with elastic-brittle properties and to improve the reliability of experimental data. In the case of CFRP material, since the anisotropic material has different mechanical properties for each direction, experiments were carried out by fabricating thickness and in-plane specimens. As a result of the SHPB test, in-plane specimens had difficulty in securing data reproducibility and reliability due to fracture of the specimens before reaching a constant strain rate region, whereas in the thickness specimens, the stress consistency of the specimens was excellent. The data reliability is high and a constant strain rate range can be obtained. Through finite element analysis using LS-dyna, it was confirmed that the data measured from the pressure rod were excessively predicted by the deformation of the specimen and the pressure rod.

Structural analysis of flexible wing using linear equivalent model (선형 등가모델을 이용한 유연날개 구조해석)

  • Kim, Sung Joon;Kim, Dong Hyun;Lim, Joosup;Lee, Sang Wook;Kim, Tae-Uk;Kim, Seungho
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.43 no.8
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    • pp.699-705
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    • 2015
  • Aircraft needs high lift-to-drag ratio and weight reduction of the structure for long endurance flight with a small power. Generally high aspect ratio wing is applied to HALE(High Altitude Long Endurance) aircraft. Also high modulus, and high strength CFRP(Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic) has been used in primary structures. and thin mylar(membrane material) film has been applied to skin of wing. As a result, wing is more flexible than the other structures. and the stiffness of thin mylar film has an affect on dynamic stability. In this study, the membrane characteristic of mylar film has been simulated using nonlinear gap elements. And equivalent modeling method using shell elements is presented using the nonlinear simulation result. The linear equivalent model has verified using the results of nonlinear membrane method. Proposed linear equivalent shell model has applied to mode analysis for estimate the effect of mylar mechanical properties on natural frequency.

Convergence Study on Damage and Static Fracture Characteristic of the Bonded CFRP structure with Laminate angle (적층 각도를 가진 CFRP 접착 구조물의 파손 및 정적 파괴 특성에 관한 융합 연구)

  • Lee, Jung-Ho;Kim, Eundo;Cho, Jae-Ung
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.155-161
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    • 2019
  • As composite is the light weight material whose durability and mechanical property are more superior than the existing general material. By taking notice of the composite with light weight, this study was about to investigate the static fracture characteristic of the bonded CFRP structure jointed with adhesive. Also, CFRP double cantilever beam with the variable of laminate angle was designed and the static fracture analysis was carried out. The laminate angles of CFRP double cantilever beam designed for this study were $30^{\circ}$, $45^{\circ}$ and $60^{\circ}$ individually. As the study result, the specimen with the laminate angle of $45^{\circ}$ was shown to have the durability better than those with the layer angles of $30^{\circ}$ and $45^{\circ}$. It was checked that the specimen with the laminate angle of $30^{\circ}$ had the weakest durability among all specimens. The damage data of the bonded CFRP structure by laminate angle could be secured through this study result. As the damage data of bonded interface obtained on the basis of this study result are utilized, the esthetic sense can be shown by being grafted onto the machine or structure at real life.

Convergence Study on Damage of the Bonded Part at TDCB Structure with the Laminate Angle Manufactured with CFRP (CFRP로 제작된 적층각도를 가진 TDCB 구조물에서의 접착부의 파손에 관한 융합 연구)

  • Lee, Dong-Hoon;Cho, Jae-Ung
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.9 no.12
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    • pp.175-180
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    • 2018
  • In this study, CFRP was manufactured with the laminate angle of $45^{\circ}$. The specimen of TDCB bonded with the adhesive for structure was designed by CATIA and the analysis was progressed by using the finite element analysis program of ANSYS. This study model was designed on the basis of British industry and ISO standard and the configuration factor(m) was established with variable according to the angle of model configuration. As the study result of this paper, the maximum deformations at the specimens with the tapered angles of $4^{\circ}$ and $8^{\circ}$ become most as 12.628 mm and least as 12.352mm respectively. Also, the maximum equivalent stresses at the specimens with the tapered angles of $6^{\circ}$ and $8^{\circ}$ become most as 9210.3 MPa and least as 4800.5 MPa respectively. The damage data of TDCB structure with the laminate angle which was manufactured with CFRP could be secured through this study result. As the damage data of TDCB structure bonded with CFRP obtained on the basis of this study result are utilized, the esthetic sense can be shown by being grafted onto the machine or structure at real life.