• Title/Summary/Keyword: Carbon stocks

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Use of a Bootstrap Method for Estimating Basic Wood Density for Pinus densiflora in Korea (부트스트랩을 이용한 소나무의 목재기본밀도 추정 및 평가)

  • Pyo, Jung Kee;Son, Yeong Mo;Kim, Yeong Hwan;Kim, Rae Hyun;Lee, Kyeong Hak;Lee, Young Jin
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.100 no.3
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    • pp.392-396
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to develop the basic wood density (Abbreviated BWD) for Pinus densiflora and to evaluate the applicability of bootstrap simulation method. The data sets were divided into two groups based on eco-types in Korea, one from Gangwon type and the other from Jungbu type. The estimated BWDs derived from bootstrap simulation, which is one of the non-parametric statistics, were 0.418 ($g/cm^3$) in the Pinus densiflora in Gangwon while 0.464 ($g/cm^3$) in the Pinus densiflora in Jungbu. To evaluate the bootstrap simulation, the mean BWD, standard error and 95% confidence interval of probability density were estimated. The number of replication were 100, 500, 1,000, and 5,000 times that showed constant 95% confidence interval, while tended to decrease in terms of standard errors. The results of this study could be very useful to apply basic wood density values to calculate reliable carbon stocks for Pinus densiflora in Korea.

A study on the status of octopus pot fishery in the coastal seas of Gyeongbuk, Korea (우리나라 경북 연안해역 문어통발 어업실태에 관한 연구)

  • YANG, Jae-Hyeong;LEE, Soo-Jeong;KIM, Pyungkwan;JUNG, Jung-mo;KIM, Seonghun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.58 no.2
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    • pp.95-105
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    • 2022
  • In this study, the fishery status of the octopus pot fishery in the east coastal sea were investigated, and the fishing performance of each pot shape was compared and analyzed. The fishery status survey was conducted through listening surveys at Jukbyeon Port, Uljin Port and Pohang Daebo Port in Gyeongbuk Province, and the amount of fishing gear used, fishing method, size and loss of octopus pot fishery was investigated. On the east coastal sea, octopus is one of the commercially important fish stocks and is caught in inshore pots, inshore combos, inshore gillnets and offshore pots. Among these fishing methods, pot fishing yields the highest catch. The shape of the pot differs depending on the region. In Uljin (Jukbyeon Port and Hupo Port), Gyeongbuk, rectangular type net pots are mainly used, and in Pohang (Daebo Port) in Gyeongbuk, drum-type pots are mostly used. Enteroctopus dofleini accounts for more than 90% of the catch of octopus. For the octopus fishing performance test by trap type, three types of traps (rectangular pot, drum pot and cylinder pot) were used on the coastal sea of Pohang Daebo. As a result, the total catch by pot shape was shown in the order of rectangular-type pot > drum-type pot > cylinder-type pot. The catch of octopus, the target species, was in the following order: rectangular-type pot > drum-type pot > cylinder-type pot. Such result shows a significant difference (Mann-Whitney test, p<0.05).

Application of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System in Forest Sector (원격탐사와 지리정보시스템의 산림분야 활용)

  • Lee, Woo-Kyun;Kim, Moonil;Song, Cholho;Lee, Sle-gee;Cha, Sungeun;Kim, GangSun
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.27-42
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    • 2016
  • Forest accounts for almost 64 percents of total land cover in South Korea. For inventorying, monitoring, and managing such large area of forest, application of remote sensing and geographic information system (RS/GIS) technology is essential. On the basis of spectral characteristics of satellite imagery, forest cover and tree species can be classified, and forest cover map can be prepared. Using three dimensional data of LiDAR(Light Detection and Ranging), tree location and tree height can be measured, and biomass and carbon stocks can be also estimated. In addition, many indices can be extracted using reflection characteristics of land cover. For example, the level of vegetation vitality and forest degradation can be analyzed with VI (vegetation Index) and TGSI (Top Grain Soil Index), respectively. Also, pine wilt disease and o ak w ilt d isease c an b e e arly detected and controled through understanding of change in vegetation indices. RS and GIS take an important role in assessing carbon storage in climate change related projects such as A/R CDM, REDD+ as well. In the field of climate change adaptation, impact and vulnerability can be spatio-temporally assessed for national and local level with the help of spatio-temporal data of GIS. Forest growth, tree mortality, land slide, forest fire can be spatio-temporally estimated using the models in which spatio-temporal data of GIS are added as influence variables.

Climate Change Impact on Korean Forest and Forest Management Strategies (기후변화가 한국 산림에 미치는 영향과 관리 전략)

  • Kim, Moonil;Yoo, Somin;Kim, Nahui;Lee, Wona;Ham, Boyoung;Song, Cholho;Lee, Woo-Kyun
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.413-425
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    • 2017
  • This manuscript describes the relationship between climate change and forest growth, forest species, carbon stocks, and tree mortality. 1) In the aspect of forest growth, the growth of major coniferous species, including Pinus densiflora, had a negative correlation with temperature. On the other hand, major deciduous oak species, including Quercus variabilis and Quercus mongolica, had a positive correlation with temperature. 2) When considered in the aspect of the forest species distribution, various models commonly showed a decrease in the distribution of coniferous species and an increase in oak species due to climate change in the medium to long term. 3) From the carbon stock perspective, there was a difference in the estimation according to the status of forest management. Most of Korean forests will mature to become over-matured forest after year 2030 and are estimated to produce approximately 410 million ton forest biomass until 2090 with the current cutting regulations for sustainable forest management announced by the Korean Forest Service. 4) In the forest mortality, the mortality rate of the major coniferous species showed a clear tendency to increase higher temperatures while it decreased for the oak species with no verification of statistical significance. Moreover, the mortality of the subalpine coniferous species was projected to progress rapidly. considering the overall impacts described above, there should be a management strategy for coniferous species that are relatively vulnerable to climate change. Moreover, a sustainable forest plan in the aspect of ecosystem services, carbon sequestration and storage, which is linked to global issues such as Sustainable Development Goals, ecosystem services and negative emission.

Allometric Equations and Biomass Expansion Factors in an Age-sequence of Black Pine (Pinus thunbergii) Stands (곰솔임분의 임분연령별 상대생장식 및 현존량 확장계수)

  • Kim, Choonsig;Lee, Kwang-Soo;Son, Young-Mo;Cho, Hyun-Seo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.102 no.4
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    • pp.543-549
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    • 2013
  • This study was conducted to evaluate age-specific and generalized allometric equations and biomass expansion factors (BEFs) for each tree component across three age-sequence stands (35-year-old, 51-year-old, 62-year-old) of black pine (Pinus thunbergii Parl.) in Jinju, located in the western part of Gyeongnam province, Korea. Biomass in each tree component, i.e. foliage, branch, and stem, was quantified by destructive tree harvesting. Allometric regression equations were significant (P<0.05) with diameter at breast height (DBH) or combination of DBH and height ($DBH^2H$) accounting for 55-98% of the variation (as indicated by coefficients of determination, $R^2$) in aboveground biomass except for foliage biomass of the 62-year-old stand. Generalized allometric equations can be used to estimate the biomass of black pine stands because the slopes of age-specific equations over 35-year-old stands were not significantly different by the age-sequence. The stem density and biomass expansion factor (BEFs) were not significantly different (P>0.05) from different stand ages and ranged from 0.45 to $0.51gcm^{-3}$, and from 1.32 to 1.38, respectively. The results indicate that allometric equations, stem density and aboveground BEFs in the matured black pine over 35-year-old are little influenced by different stand ages.

Allometric Equations and Biomass Expansion Factors by Stand Density in Cryptomeria japonica Plantations (삼나무 조림지의 임분밀도에 따른 상대생장식과 현존량 확장계수)

  • Gwon, Jung-Hwa;Seo, Huiyeong;Lee, Kwang-Soo;You, Byung-Oh;Park, Yong-Bae;Jeong, Jaeyeob;Kim, Choonsig
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.103 no.2
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    • pp.175-181
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    • 2014
  • This study was conducted to evaluate stand density-specific and generalized allometric equations, and biomass expansion factors (BEFs) for two stand densities (high density of 47-year-old: $667tree{\cdot}ha^{-1}$; low density of 49-year-old: $267tree{\cdot}ha^{-1}$) of Cryptomeria japonica plantations in Namhae-gun, located in the southern Korea. Biomass in each tree component, i.e. foliage, branch, and stem, was quantified by destructive tree harvesting. Allometric regression equations of each tree component were significant (P<0.05) with diameter at breast height (DBH) accounting for 80-96% of the variation except for branch biomass in high density or foliage and cone biomass in low density. Generalized allometric equations can be used to estimate the biomass of C. japonica plantations because the slopes of allometric equations were not significantly different by the stand density. The biomass expansion factors (BEFs) were significantly lower in the high stand density (1.33) than in the low stand density (1.50). The results indicate that BEFs were affected by different stand density, while allometric equations were little related to the stand density.

Above-ground Biomass and Crown Fuel Characteristics of Pinus densiflora in Yangyang, Gangwon Province (강원도 양양지역 소나무림의 지상부 바이오매스와 수관층 연료특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sungyong;Lee, Youngjin;Jang, Mina;Seo, Yeonok;Koo, Kyosang;Jung, Sungcheol;Kim, Kyungha
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.101 no.2
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    • pp.244-250
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    • 2012
  • The objective of this study was to analyze the above-ground biomass and crown fuel characteristics of Pinus densiflora stands in Yangyang, Gangwon province. A total of thirteen representative trees were destructively sampled in Yangyang region. The results showed that the stem density ($g{\cdot}cm^{-3}$) was 0.347~0.409, whereas the above-ground biomass expansion factors ranged from 1.251~1.419. In terms of crown fuel biomass, the above-ground biomass was $161.6Mg{\cdot}ha^{-1}$ while the stem biomass, branch biomass and needle biomass were $126.4Mg{\cdot}ha^{-1}$, $29.3Mg{\cdot}ha^{-1}$ and $5.9Mg{\cdot}ha^{-1}$, respectively. Needles and twigs with less than 1 cm diameter accounted 45.2% of the total crown fuel load. The available crown bulk density, which was calculated by dividing the crown fuel load to the crown volume, was $0.178kg{\cdot}m^{-3}$. The results of this study on the biomass and carbon stocks estimation of the Pinus densiflora together with the crown fire hazard assessment based on crown fuel loads are very significant information for the forest managers.

Mapping and Assessment of Forest Biomass Resources in Korea (우리나라 산림 바이오매스 자원량 평가 및 지도화)

  • Son, Yeong Mo;Lee, Sun Jeoung;Kim, Sowon;Hwang, Jeong Sun;Kim, Raehyun;Park, Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.103 no.3
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    • pp.431-438
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    • 2014
  • This study was conducted to assess forest biomass resource which is a carbon sink and a renewable resource in Korea. The total forest biomass resource potential was 804 million tons, and conifers, broadleaved forest and mixed forest accounted for 265 million tons, 282 million tons, and 257 million tons, respectively. Proportionately to regional forest stocks, biomass potential of Gangwon-do had most biomass potential, followed by Gyeongsangbuk-do and Gyeongsangnam-do. The woody biomass from the byproduct of sawn timber in commercial harvesting was 707 thousand ton/year, and that from the byproduct of forest tending was 592 thousand ton/year. The amount resulted in about 1,300 thousand ton/year of potential supplies from forest biomass resource into the energy market. It's tonnage of oil equivalent(toe) was 585 thousand ton/year. In this study, we developed a program (BiomassMap V2.0) for forest biomass resource mapping. Used system to develop this program was Microsoft Office Excel, Microsoft Office Access ArcGIS and Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0. Additionally, This program made use of tool such as ESRI MapObjects2.1 in order to take advantage of spatial information. This program shows the map of total biomass stock, annual biomass growth at forest land in Korea, and biomass production from forest tending and commercial harvesting. The information can also be managed by the program. The biomass resource map can be identified by regional and forest type for the purpose of utilization. So, we expect the map and program to be very useful for forest managers in the near future.