• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cancer cases

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$^{99m}Tc-MDP$ Bone Scan Findings in Various Clinical Stages of Malignancies (악성종양의 임상적 병기에 따른 $^{99m}Tc-MDP$ 골주사의 비교관찰)

  • Yoon, Hwi-Joong;Lee, Myung-Chul;Cho, Bo-Yeon;Kim, Noe-Kyeong;Koh, Chang-Soon
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 1981
  • Bone scans with $^{99m}Tc-MDP$ (methylene diphosphonate) were obtained and analysed in 574 patients with biopsy-proven malignancy, who visited Seoul National University Hospital from April, 1979 to June, 1931. Clinical staging was done in all patients without bone scan information and compared with bone scan to determine the predictive value of bone scanning. 1. Primary site of the maligancies were lung in 152, breast in 97, stomach in 43, colon in 15, esophagus in 9, liver and pancreas in 11, kidney in 14, bladder in 27, prostate in 22, thyroid in 20, skin in 11, bone in 9, head and neck in 36, ovary and uterus in 17, hematopoietic and lymphoretic ular system in 33, nervous system in 10, and others in 9 cases. Primary site was not defined in 39 cases. 2. Bone scans were positive in 186 cases (32.4%), which, included 48 cases (31.6%) of lung cancer, 27 cases (27.8%) of breast cancer, 12 cases(28%) of stomach cancer, 6 cases(40%) of colon cancer, 6 cases(43%) of kidney tumor, 4 cases(15%) of bladder cancer, 14 cases(64%) of prostate cancer, 3 cases(15%) of thyroid cancer and 66 other cases. 3. Bone scans were suspicious in 64 cases (11.2%) which included 29 cases (19.1%) of lung cancer, 10 cases (10.3%) of breast cancer, 4 cases (9.3%) of stomach cancer, one case (7%) of colon cancer, 3 cases(11%) of bladder cancer, 2 cases(10%) of thyroid cancer and 15 other cases. 4. Out of 121 cases with early stage of malignancy (which included 20 cases of lung cancer in stage I, II, 38 cases of breast cancer, 13 cases of stomach cancer, 8 cases of kidney tumor, 14 cases of thyroid cancer in stage $I{\sim}III$, and 6 cases of colon cancer, 14 cases of bladder cancer, 8 cases of prostate cancer in stage $A{\sim}C$, bone scans were positive in 5 cases (4.1%) which included 3 cases of lung cancer one case of breast cancer and one case of prostate cancer, and considered as further advanced stage. Out of 121 cases with early stage of malgnancy, bone scans were suspicious in 21 cases (17.4%) which inlcuded 9 cases of lung cancer, 4 cases of breast cancer, 2 cases of stomach cancer, one case of colon cancer, 3 cases of bladder cancer, and 2 cases of thyroid cancer. From these results, we concluded bone scan was useful in detecting bone metastasis in patients of early stage of malignancy, determining prognosis and establishing therapentic plan.

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Emerging Role of Robot-assisted Gastrectomy: Analysis of Consecutive 200 Cases

  • Park, Ji Yeon;Kim, Young-Woo;Ryu, Keun Won;Eom, Bang Wool;Yoon, Hong Man;Reim, Daniel
    • Journal of Gastric Cancer
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.255-262
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: Robotic surgery for gastric cancer is a promising alternative to laparoscopic surgery, but the data are limited. We aimed to evaluate whether gaining experience in robotic gastrectomy could improve surgical outcomes in the treatment of gastric cancer. Materials and Methods: Two hundred and seven consecutive cases of patients with clinical stage I gastric cancer who underwent robotic surgery at the National Cancer Center of Korea between February 2009 and February 2012 were retrospectively reviewed. Surgical outcomes were analyzed and compared between the initial 100 and later 100 cases. Results: Seven patients required conversion to open surgery and were excluded from further analysis. The mean operating time for all patients was 248.8 minutes, and mean length of hospitalization was 8.0 days. Twenty patients developed postoperative complications. Thirteen were managed conservatively, while 6 had major complications requiring invasive procedures. One mortality occurred owing to myocardial infarction. Operating time was significantly shorter in the latter 100 cases than in the initial 100 cases (269.9 versus 233.5 minutes, P<0.001). The number of retrieved lymph nodes was significantly greater in the latter cases (35.9 versus 39.9, P=0.032). The hospital stay of patients with complications was significantly longer in the initial cases than in the latter cases (16 versus 7 days, P=0.005). Conclusions: Increased experience with the robotic procedure for gastric cancer was associated with improved outcomes, especially in operating time, lymph node retrieval, and shortened hospital stay of complicated patients. Further development of surgical techniques and technology might enhance the role of robotic surgery for gastric cancer.

Evaluation of Depression in Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer Cases in Hatay Province of Turkey in 2011

  • Nazlican, Ersin;Akbaba, Muhsin;Okyay, R. Azim
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.2557-2561
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    • 2012
  • Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer and the leading cause of cancer death in females in Turkey. The main problems experienced by women with breast cancer are physical losses, emotional distress and degradation in family, work and social roles. The purpose of this cross-sectional retrospective study was to investigate the socio-demographical characteristics and depressive symptoms of 125 newly diagnosed cases with breast cancer reported to cancer control department of Hatay provincial health directorate in 2011. To evaluate the depressive symptoms the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) was used. All 125 cases who participated in the study were female. The mean age was $49.2{\pm}11.9$. The mean BDI score of the cases was $17.5{\pm}10.6$. The number of cases whose BDI scores were 17 and above was 65 (52.0%), and the number of cases whose BDI scores were under 17 was 60 (48.0%). The most striking finding in our study was that only 4 of the cases were receiving psychological help and support. The rate of depression was found high in our study and psychological support is a must for patients with a life threatening disease such as cancer.

Discrepancy between Clinical and Final Pathological Evaluation Findings in Early Gastric Cancer Patients Treated with Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection

  • Kim, Young-Il;Kim, Hyoung Sang;Kook, Myeong-Cherl;Cho, Soo-Jeong;Lee, Jong Yeul;Kim, Chan Gyoo;Ryu, Keun Won;Kim, Young-Woo;Choi, Il Ju
    • Journal of Gastric Cancer
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.34-42
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: Early gastric cancer cases that are estimated to meet indications for treatment before endoscopic submucosal resection are often revealed to be out-of-indication after the treatment. We investigated the short-term treatment outcomes in patients with early gastric cancer according to the pretreatment clinical endoscopic submucosal resection indications. Materials and Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of patients with early gastric cancer that met the pretreatment endoscopic submucosal resection indications, from 2004 to 2011. Curative resection rate and proportion of out-of-indication cases were compared according to the pre-endoscopic submucosal resection indications. Pre-endoscopic submucosal resection factors associated with out-of-indication in the final pathological examination were analyzed. Results: Of 756 cases, 660 had absolute and 96 had expanded pre-endoscopic submucosal resection indications. The curative resection rate was significantly lower in the patients with expanded indications (64.6%) than in those with absolute indications (81.7%; P<0.001). The cases with expanded indications (30.2%) were revealed to be out-of-indication more frequently than the cases with absolute indications (13.8%; P<0.001). Age of >65 years, tumor size of >2 cm, tumor location in the upper-third segment of the stomach, and undifferentiated histological type in pre-endoscopic submucosal resection evaluations were significant risk factors for out-of-indication after endoscopic submucosal resection. Conclusions: Non-curative resection due to out-of-indication occurred in approximately one-third of the early gastric cancer cases that clinically met the expanded indications before endoscopic submucosal resection. The possibility of additional surgery should be empha-sized for patients with early gastric cancers that clinically meet the expanded indications.

Detection of Human Cytomegalovirus in patients with Colorectal Cancer by Nested-PCR

  • Tafvizi, Farzaneh;Fard, Zahra Tahmasebi
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.1453-1457
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    • 2014
  • Background: The association of colorectal cancer with human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is a controversial issue in cancer research. This study aimed to identify the HCMV virus in colorectal cancer tissues and to investigate the association of HCMV with colorectal cancer. In this study, 50 cancer tissue samples and 50 samples without colon cancer were studied in order to identify the HCMV virus through nested-polymerase chain reaction. The virus was identified in 15 cases of colorectal cancer tissues (15/50) and in 5 cases of normal tissues (5/50). Eight cases of adenocarcinoma tissues were in a moderately differentiated stage, and 7 cases had well-differentiated stage tissues that were positive for viral DNA. The findings were statistically evaluated at a significance level of p<0.05. The HCMV virus could playa role in creating malignancy and the progress of cancer through the process of oncomodulation.

Lung Cancer in Malabar Cancer Center in Kerala - A Descriptive Analysis

  • Bhaskarapillai, Binukumar;Kumar, Saina Sunil;Balasubramanian, Satheesan
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.13 no.9
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    • pp.4639-4643
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    • 2012
  • The burden of lung cancer in terms of mortality is the highest among all types of cancers globally. The present study aimed to evaluate lifestyle related habits, clinico-pathological profile and treatment details of lung cancer patients who were registered at Malabar Cancer Centre (MCC), Kerala, during the calendar year 2010. A retrospective evaluation was made from medical records to gather data from 281 registered lung cancer cases in 241 males and 40 females, with a male to female ratio of 6.03: 1. Approximately 89% of the cases were above 50 years of age. Among males about 91% of the cases were smokers and 62% of them had a chronic smoking habit. Adenocarcinomas, squamous cell carcinomas, non-small cell carcinomas and small cell cancers accounted for 10.7, 13.9, 17.0 and 5.7% respectively. Out of 281 cases around 67% were diagnosed with distant metastasis and the remainder had regional lymph node involvement. However, no statistically significant difference was observed for secondary site of tumor according to gender. As majority of the cases reported at MCC were in an advanced stage of the disease, histology of the secondary site from supraclavicular lymph nodes or liver was taken for diagnosis. Initiation of population based screening for early detection of cancer, and primary and secondary prevention strategies for reducing the prevalence of tobacco consumption are high priorities to reduce the lung cancer burden in Kerala.

Numbers of New Cases and Trends of Cancer 1993-2012: Srinagarind Hospital Based Population, Khon Kaen, North-East Thailand

  • Wirasorn, Kosin;Suwanrungruag, Krittika;Wiangnon, Surapon;Punjaruk, Wiyada
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.15 no.19
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    • pp.8423-8427
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    • 2014
  • Background: Cancer is the most common cause of death in Thailand, where treatment outcomes and prognosis are poor and mortality rates remain high. This study reports new cancer cases and trends of all cancers registered in Srinagarind Hospital from 1993 to 2012 and also provides a picture of the cancer situation in Northeast Thailand. Materials and Methods: All new cases of cancer registered in the hospital-based cancer registry at Faculty of Medicine, Srinagarind Hospital, Khon Kaen University during 1993-2012 were included in the study. Results and Conclusions: The number of new cancer cases has gradually increased each year during the last 20 years. The three most common cancers at present in males are liver and bile duct cancer, lung cancer and colorectal cancer, respectively. In females, liver and bile duct, breast and thyroid cancers are now the most frequent. Interestingly, the number of cases of both liver and bile duct cancer and colorectal cancer in males noticeably increased during the second decade of the study. Additionally, breast cancer greatly increased in the same decade and lung cancer in females climbed into the top five most common cancers. Thyroid cancer has also risen steadily in the last decade. Trends of common cancers are similar to those throughout Thailand.

Cancer Prevalence in Easter Island Population - 2006-2010

  • Rius, Eduardo Bravo;Armaroli, Pabla Yaikin;Contreras, Gustavo Saint-Pierre
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.3101-3103
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    • 2013
  • In Easter Island, population is composed by original habitants, the Rapa Nui culture and introduced people, mainly from continental Chile, who have a different ethnic origin. The aim of this research was to describe cancer frequency in resident population in Easter Island, and secondarily compare the findings with other islands of Polynesia and continental Chile. We reviewed the statistics of patients treated in Hanga Roa Hospital during the period 2006-2010, finding a total of 49 patients with cancer during the study. The most frequent cancers in Easter Island's people were breast cancer (8 cases), skin (8 cases), cervical (8 cases), lung (5 cases) and gastric (4 cases). According to gender, in females the most frequent cancer was breast, followed by skin and cervical, while in men, lung, prostate and hematopoietic cancers were the most frequent. Most cases of cervical cancer occurred in women of Rapa Nui ethnicity, while most skin cancers were found in non-Rapa Nui people. In case of the most common cancer in Easter Island, education (e.g. Papanicolaou and mammography screening) and prevention in the community (e.g. use sun block, avoid cigarettes) should be useful tools to reduce incidence.

Cytologic examination sputum and bronchial secretion bronchofiberscopic sampling procedures in lung cancer (기관지경검사에서 객담세포검사의 암양성률에 대한 연구)

  • 김송명
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.138-145
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    • 1983
  • The value of exfoliative sputum cytology in diagnosis of lung cancer has been accepted with bronchoscopic technique and results has been much improved by foreign investigators, but there was not presented accurate reports for sputum cytologic evaluation in Korea. We tried to find indicators of cytologic tests result in our hospital. During the period between May, 1980 and August, 1982, 400 patients, tested at Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery of Kosin Medical College, had diagnostic bronchofiberscopic examination, and the cytologic study of sputum and bronchial secretions were performed. The sputum or bronchial secretion during bronchofiberscopic examination were obtained with various methods and the name of specimen were labeled as I, ASPIRATION SPUTUM, which was collected initially endobronchial sputum as introducing of scope, II, WASHING SPUTUM, which was collected washing bronchial secretion, III, BRUSHING SPUTUM, which was washing solution of brushing instrument and endobronchial sputum after brushing of lesions, IV, POST-SCOPIC SPUTUM, which was expectorated sputum as soon as removing of scopic instrument, V, ALL SPUTUM CYTOLOGY & CELL BLOCK, which was collected all specimen of above procedures. The diagnostic results of bronchofiberscopic examination was disclosed 174 cases [43.5%] of proved lung cancer, 47 cases [11.8%] of suspected lung cancer in grossly, and 179 cases [44.8%] of others finding except cancer. Patient with bronchofiberscopically grossly evidence of lung cancer which were not confirmed histologically or cytologically were excluded from this cytologic study. Histologic and cytologic correlation in proven lung cancer, 174 cases was revealed that number of cytologic positive patients were 45 cases [38.7%] among the 117 cases of proved squamous cell carcinoma, 12 cases [38.7%] among hislogically unknown cancer 34 cases and 6 cases [33.3%] among small cell undifferentiated carcinoma 18 Gases. Total cytologic positive result was presented as 67 cases [38.3%]. The other type of lung cancer, histologically, could not comparison because of small cases. The sequence of positive cytologic result in I-V specimen were disclosed as II, WASHING SPUTUM 57.6%, and V, ALL SPUTUM & CELL BLOCK 41.4%. The I, III & IV result were 28.6%, 22.2% and 26.1% respectively.

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Clinical Evaluation of Lung Cancer in Patients Younger Than 40 Years (약년자 [40세 미만] 폐암 수술증례의 임상적인 검토)

  • 문준호
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.26 no.11
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    • pp.861-865
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    • 1993
  • The lung cancer in patients under 40 years old is rare and reported to be more rapidly fatal than in older persons. We reviewed the records of 18 cases who younger than 40 years with histologically proven lung cancer between 1959 and 1992 at department of Thoracic Surgery in National Medical Center. There were 12 male and 6 female patients. Two male and all female patients had never smoked. The 17 cases had respiratory symptoms for a mean duration of 3 months. The squamous carcinoma was found in 7 cases[38.9%], small cell carcinoma in 4 cases[22.2%], mixed cell carcinoma in 4 cases[22.2%], adenocarcinoma in 2 cases[11.1%] and bronchoalveolar cell carcinoma in 1 case. Among the 6 resected tumors, one case was stage I, two cases were stage II and three cases were stage IIIa. The operation was considered complete and curative in 6 patients and noncurative in 6 pations because of an exploratory thoracotomy. We conclude that lung cancer in young persons is virulent and that diagnosis is frequently delayed.

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