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원전 제어실의 인간공학 실험평가연구현황

  • 이현철;오인석;차경호;심봉식
    • Proceedings of the ESK Conference
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    • 1994.04a
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    • pp.157-157
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    • 1994
  • 원자력발전소 운영의 중추적 역할을 담당하고 있는 운전원과 발전소시스템 사이에서 발생하는 인간공학적 요인(인적요인)은 다중방호벽의 존재와 자동화 기술의 확대에도 불구하고 원전의 가동 성 및 안전성을 위협하는 최대의 요인이다. 최근 원자력발전소 시스템에 고도화된 전자공학 및 인공 지능기술 등이 반영되고 있는 추세이나 이러한 기술의 도입이 운전원과의 복합적 상호작용관점에서 원전의 안전성과 효율성에 적합한가를 실험적으로 평가할 수 있는 실험평가기술의 확보가 필요한 실정이다. 한국원자력연구소에서는 차세대 주제어실의 설계 및 평가를 위한 실험적 자료의 생성 및 설계 대안의 평가를 위한 기술확보라는 목적을 가지고 1992년도부터 수행하고 있다. 1992년도(1차년 도)에는 새로운 주제어실에서 실험적으로 평가해야 할 평가항목을 구체화하였고, 4년간의 연구추진 내용을 설정하였다. 기존의 원자력산업계에서 요구하고 있는 인가/허가 요건, 사업자요건서, 인간 공학분야에서 제기하고 있는 문제점 등을 분석하여 10개의 실험평가항목을 도출하였으며, 실험평가 항목을 실제로 실험을 통하여 연구하기 위한 장비 및 설비 그리고 소요기술 등을 고려하여 연구방향을 설정하였다. 1993년도(2차년도)에는 차세대 주제어실의 특징을 규명하고 실험연구의 대상시스템을 설정하였다. 설정된 대상시스템을 기능별로 분석하여 설계변수를 도출하였으며, 인간공학 실험실의 구축에 필수적인 원자력발전소 시뮬레이터의 기능요건 및 실험실의 구성요건 등을 개발하고 있다. 3차년도부터는 인간공학실험을 수행하면서 자료분석체계의 개발, 원전직무 시나리오의 개발, 측정방법의 개발, 인간공학 실험실의 설계, 구축 및 검증, 평가기법 연구, 실시간 자료수집체계의 개발 등을 수행할 예정이며, 연구종료시점인 1996년도(5차년도)에는 원자력발전소 주제어실의 인간공학적 평가를 위한 실험 환경의 구축 및 실험평가기술의 확립이라는 목표가 달성된다.하는 것으로 간주된다. 2. KR 53234 10mg/kg 정맥투여후의 최고혈중농도는 1.14ug/ml, 반감기는 0.50hr, 분포용적은 2.2L이었다. 20mg/kg 경구 투여시의 최소 혈중 농도는 0.33 ug/ml, 소실반감기는 1.5시간, AUC는 0.942ug.hr/ml, 분포용적 11L, Ka는 3.05 $hr^{-1}$ 그리고 Cl는 5.3L/hr/kg이었다. 이는 KR 53170에서와 같이 매우 적은량이 흡수되고 배설되었다. 3. KR 53170의 혈청단백 결합율은 5-500 ug/ml 범위에서 78.7-86.2%이었고 KR 53234의 혈청단백결합율은 5-100 ug/ml 범위에서 79.6-71.2%이었다.이었다.tic techniques, and we have recently cloned two of the major subunits; some of the data will be presented.LIFO, 우선 순위 방식등을 선택할 수 있도록 확장하였다. SIMPLE는 자료구조 및 프로그램이 공개되어 있으므로 프로그래머가 원하는 기능을 쉽게 추가할 수 있는 장점도 있다. 아울러 SMPLE에서 새로이 추가된 자료구조와 함수 및 설비제어 방식등을 활용하여 실제 중형급 시스템에 대한 시뮬레이션 구현과 시스템 분석의 예를 보인다._3$", chain segment, with the activation energy of carriers from the shallow trap with 0.4[eV], in he amorphous regions.의 증발산율은 우기의 기상자료를 이용하여 구한 결과 0.05 - 0.10 mm/hr 의 범위로서 이로 인한 강우손실량은 큰 의미가 없음을 알았다.재발이 나타난 3례의 환자를 제외한 9례 (75%)에서는 현재까지 재발소견을 보이지 않고 있다. 이러한 결과는 다른 보고자들과 유사한 결과를 보이고 있

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Properties of Single $K^{+}$ Channels of Skeletal Muscle Incorporated into Planar Lipid Bilayer

  • Park, Jin-Bong;Kim, Hee-Jeong;Cho, Myung-Haing;Lee, Hang;Park, Hong-Ki;Lee, Mun-Han;Ryu, Pan-Dong
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.13-27
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    • 1995
  • single $K^{+}$ channels of skeletal muscle from the rat and frog were into planar lipid bilayers and their properties were studied. Fusion was induced by an osmotic gradient. Of the four types of $K^{+}$ channels recorded, the two most frequently observed were a voltage and $Ca^{2+}-activated$ $K^{+}$ channel and a $K^{+}$ channel with a prominent conductance substate. The first $K^{+}$ channel was identified as the large $Ca^{2+}-activated$ $K^{+}$ (BK) channel because the open-state probability was increased with depolarization (e-fold change per $10.6{\pm}3.5$ mV, n=8) and internal $Ca^{2+}$ (half-activation at $16.7{\pm}3.8$ mV, n=8, pCa 4) and its conductance was large ($247{\pm}4.9$ pS, n=24 in 0.1 M KCI). Lifetime distributions of open- and closed-states could be fitted with single exponentials of several milliseconds. The mean open- and closed-lifetimes were linearly dependent on the intracellular $[Ca^{2+}]$ and $1/[Ca^{2+}]$, respectively. The second $K^{+}$ channel showed a conductance substate at $30{\sim}60%$ of the open state. Its current-voltage relation was linear in the range of $-80\;{\sim}\;+80\;mV$. The slope conductance of the substate and open-state were 40 and 144 pS in 0.2 M KCl, respectively. The channel was highly selective for $K^{+}$ over Cl. The open-state probability was weakly voltage-dependent (e-fold change per 35 mV. The lifetime distributions of open- and closed-states were fitted with two exponentials and the major gating occurred slowly at several hundred milliseconds. Based on the above results, we think the second type of $K^{+}$ channel is the sarcoplasmic reticulum $K^{+}$ (SRK) channel. In addition, both types of channel were also incorporated into the lipids extracted from the skeletal muscle. The channel properties recorded in the bilayers termed from synthetic and extracted lipids were qualitatively similar. Our data indicate that BK and SRK channels are rich in the skeletal muscle and their properties and regulation could be effectively studied in planar lipid bilayer.

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Molecular Cloning of nifH, D from Frankia EuIK1 Strain, A Symbiont of Elaeagnus umbellata Root Nodules (보리수나무 뿌리혹 공생균주인 Frankia EuIK1의 nifH, D클로닝)

  • Kim, Ho-Bang;Kim, Chun-Ho;Song, Seun-Dal;An, Chung-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.258-263
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    • 1994
  • Genomic Southern hybridization of Frankia EuIKl strain, a nitrogen fixing symbiont of Elaeagnus umbellate root nodules, with nifH,D of K. pneumoniae as a probe, showed that 3.2 Kb and 5.5 Kb of BamHI fragments and 15 Kb PstI fragment were strongly hybridized with the probe, indicating nifH,D are located on these fragments. Using the same probe, one clone(pEuNIF) was isolated from the genomic library constructed into pWE15 cosmid vector by colony hybridization. The 3.2 Kb and 5.5 Kb BamHI fragments of this clone were hybridized with the same probe and this result corresponds to the genomic Southern hybridization data. However, using nifH of Frankia FaCl strain as a probe, only the 3.2 Kb BamHI fragment showed hybridization signal. Amino acid sequence deduced from nucleotide sequence of 3' terminus of the 3.2 Kb and 5' terminus of the 5.5 Kb fragments showed that the former was highly homologous with that of ArI3 nifD from 182nd to 240th amino acids, while the latter was from 241st to 282nd amino acids. These results show that nifH and partial nifD sequences are located on the 3.2 Kb fragment and residual sequences of nifH on the 5.5 Kb fragment which is contiguous to the 3.2 Kb fragment.

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Pharmacokinetics of Paclitaxel in Rabbits with Renal Failure Induced by Folic Acid (신장장애 가토에서 파크리탁셀의 약물동태)

  • Jung, Eun Jung;Gwak, Hye Sun;Choi, Jun Shik;Lee, Jin Hwan;Li, Xiuguo
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.91-95
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    • 2002
  • The pharmacokinetics of intravenous paclitaxel (1 mg/kg) were investigated in rabbits with renal failure induced by folic acid. The area under the plasma concentration-time curve from time zero to time infinity (AUC) of paclitaxel was significantly (p<0.05) greater in rabbits with severe renal failure induced by folic acid $(1030\pm382)$ compared to that in rabbits with in moderate renal failure induced by folic acid $(780\pm209\;ng/ml{\cdot}hr)$. The apparent volume of distribution (Vd) $(0.008\pm0.002\;L/kg)$ and the elimination rate constant $(\beta)\;(0.09\pm0.025\;hr^{-1})$ of paclitaxel in rabbits with severe renal failure were significantly (p<0.05) smaller and slower respectively than those of control rabbits $(0.016\pm0.004\;L/kg,\;0.12\pm0.03\;hr^{-1})$, but not significantly different compared with that in rabbits with moderate renal failure $(0.010\pm0.003\;L/kg,\;0.10\pm0.026\;hr^{-1})$. total body clearance (CL) of paclitaxel in rabbits with severe renal failure $(0.97\pm0.183\;L/hr/kg)$ was significantly (p<0.05) slower than that in control rabbits $(1.68\pm0.440\;L/hr/kg)$, but not significantly different compared with that in rabbits with in moderate renal failure $(1.28\pm0.311\;L/hr/kg)$. The terminal half-life ($t_{1/2}$) of paclitaxel in rabbits with severe renal failure $(7.46\pm2.16\;hr)$ was significantly (p<0.05) longer than that in control rabbits $(5.75\pm1.44\;hr)$, but not significantly different compared to that in rabbits with moderate renal failure rabbits $(6.67\pm1.76\;hr)$. The above data could be at least partly decrease in due to paclitaxel excretion in rabbits with renal failure, since $7-15\%$ of interavenous paclitaxel was excreted via kidney as unchanged forms plus its metablites.

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Failure Analysis of Corroded Coating Materials by Acoustic Emission (음향방출법에 의한 용사코팅 피막부식재의 파손 해석)

    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.19 no.5 s.66
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    • pp.43-49
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    • 2005
  • This paper is to investigate the effect of corrosion by acoustic emission method in tensile loading and the adhesiveness between substrate and coating layer. The powders used are Zn and Amdry625, respectively. They are coated on brass alloy substrate. AE signals of Zn and Amdry625 coating layer increase drastically in strain $2\%$. However, those of Zn specimen have more than those of Amdry625 specimen. When the specimens executed the corrosion test under $3.5\%$ NaCl solution for 500, 1000 hours, the salt solution penetrated into the surface of the substrate through the pores of the coating layer. As a result, corrosion production formed on the surface of the substrate. The adhesiveness between coating layers is weakened by the polarization and corrosion itself. The AE event, count, and energy of corroded coating specimens decrease, compared to specimens without corrosion. The results are summarized as follows : 1. In the tensile tests, the time that it took to start and develop the cracks and exfoliations between the surface of the substrates and the plasma spray coatings were different according to the type of plasma sprayed material, which are Zn and Amdry625. These phenomena were obvious at the strain rate 1 to $5\%$, and few available data were found after that stage. 2. The specimens with Zn coating showed the characteristics of crack, according to the changes of the tensile strength applied on the substrates while those with Amdry625 showed exfoliation as a result of low adaptation to the tensile strength. 3. The anti-corrosion specimens showed that the adhesive properties between the substrate and the plasma spray coating were strong in the order of Zn, Amdry. It showed that Corroded specimens cracked or exfoliated easily, even with the small energy, because those had a comparatively weakened adhesive property, due to corrosion. 4. Zn specimen showed no corrosion phenomena on the surface of the substrates, because they had the function of sacrifice anode however, Amdry625 specimen showed the corrosion, because it did not have that function.

국가전자도서관 DL 사례

  • 공봉석
    • Proceedings of the Korea Database Society Conference
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    • 1998.09a
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    • pp.293-312
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    • 1998
  • $\square$ 정보화 혁명의 대국민 인식수단과 초고속정보통신망의 주요 응용 서비스로서 부각 $\square$ 전통적인 정보이용방법에 대한 이용자들의 인식의 변화로 도서관 활성화 방안으로써 정보통신기술의 도입 $\square$ 선진 각국의 전자도서관 구축의 국가적 추진 $\square$ 국내 초고속정보통신망의 구축과 보급 확대 $\square$ 모든 국민이 지역, 시간의 제약없이 도서관에 접근하여 필요한 자료를 획득 $\square$ 정보획득시간 단축으로 국내연구자들의 연구력 증진 $\square$ 정보화의 지역격차 해소 $\square$ 국내 도서관의 전자도서관 사업 촉진 $\square$ 주요 전자도서관의 통합연동체제를 마련 $\square$ 주요 도서관별 대상분야 조정으로 중복투자 방지 $\square$ 초고속정보통신망의 주요한 응용서비스로 가시화 - 초고속정보통신망의 선도적 대국민 가시화 - 이에 따른 민간부문의 참여 및 투자 촉진 $\square$ 국가, 산업, 국민생활 정보화의 주요한 기반 구축 $\square$ 지역적 정보불균형 해소 - 일부지역에 편중되어 있는 정보를 인터넷을 이용하여 시.공간 제약없이 제공함으로써 정보의 불균형 해소 $\square$ 전자도서관의 기본모델 제시 -전자도서관의 주요기능인 타기관간 자료연동 및 검색시스템을 구현함으로써 향후 구축되는 전자도서관의 기본모델 제시 $\square$ 전자도서관간 자료공유체제 구축 -시범사업 참여도서관간 분산 관리하고 있는 정보의 공유를 위한 표준체제 구축(중략) 것으로 나타났다.까지 증가율을 보여 주었다. 것으로 나타났다.대표하는 압밀계수의 추정이 가능할 것으로 사료된다. $O_3$/라는 결정학적 관계를 가지며 에피탁샬 성장했음을 알 수 있었다.있었다.다(p<0.05)..8800-0.6800로 각각 표시되었다.~$\pm$10 V의 측정범위에서 memory window가 계속 증가하는 것을 보여주었다./$^{\circ}C$의 고주파 유전특성을 얻었다. 얻었다.끼쳤다.보였다.다. 싸이클링 성능을 보였다.다.보였다.다.고 입력 반사손실을 그림 I, 2, 3에 각각 나타내었다. 대책을 요구하고 있다.하는 경향을 보였다. 생존율은 48시간째부터 폐사하기 시작하여 144시간째에는 전량폐사하였다. 삼투압 조절 능력을 위한 여러가지 파라메타에서 15 $\textperthousand$구는 이상이 없는 것으로 추측되나, 0 $\textperthousand$구에서는 코티졸, Na$^{+}$, K$^{+}$, Cl ̄, 총단백질 및 AST에서 시간경과에 따른 삼투압 조절 능력에 문제가 있는 것으로 보여진다.c}C$에서 5시간 가열조리 후 잔존율은 각각 84.7% 및 73.3%였고, 질소가스 통기하에서는 잔존율이 88.9% 및 81.8%로 더욱 안정하였다.8% 및 12.44%, 201일 이상의 경우 13.17% 및 11.30%로 201일 이상의 유기의 경우에만 대조구와 삭제 구간에 유의적인(p<0.05) 차이를 나타내었다.는 담수(淡水)에서 10%o의 해수(海水)로 이주된지 14일(日) 이후에 신장(腎臟)에서 수축된 것으로 나타났다. 30%o의 해수(海水)에 적응(適應)된 틸라피아의 평균 신사구체(腎絲球體)의 면적은 담수(淡水)에 적응된 개체의 면적보다 유의성

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Geochemical Environments of Copper-bearing Ore Mineralization in the Haman Mineralized Area (함안지역 함 동 광화작용의 지화학적 환경)

  • Choi, Sang-Hoon
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2009
  • The Haman mineralized area is located within the Cretaceous Gyeongsang Basin along the southeastern part of the Korean peninsula. Almost all occurrences in the Haman area are representative of copper-bearing polymetallic hydrothermal vein-type mineralization. Within the area are a number of fissure-filling hydrothermal veins which contain tourmaline, quartz and carbonates with Fe-oxide, base-metal sulfide and sulfosalt minerals. The Gunbuk, Jeilgunbuk and Haman mines are each located on such veins. The ore and gangue mineral paragenesis can be divided into three distinct stages: Stage I, tourmaline + quartz + Fe-Cu ore mineralization; Stage II, quartz + sulfides + sulfosalts + carbonates; Stage III, barren calcite. Equilibrium thermodynamic data combined with mineral paragenesis indicate that copper minerals precipitated mainly within a temperature range of $350^{\circ}C$ to $250^{\circ}C$. During early mineralization at $350^{\circ}C$, significant amounts of copper ($10^3$ to $10^2\;ppm$) could be dissolved in weakly acid NaCl solutions. For late mineralization at $250^{\circ}C$, about $10^0$ to $10^{-1}\;ppm$ copper could be dissolved. Equilibrium thermodynamic interpretation indicates that the copper in the Haman-Gunbuk systems could have been transported as a chloride complex and the copper precipitation occurred as a result of cooling accompanied by changes in the geochemical environments ($fs_2$, $fo_2$, pH, etc.) resulting in decrease of solubility of copper chloride complexes.

Effect of Fermentation Temperature and Salt Concentration on the Fermentation Rate of Dongchimi (발효온도와 소금농도가 동치미 발효속도에 미치는 영향)

  • Chang, Sang-Keun;Ko, Soon-Nam;Choi, Hee-Sook;Kim, Jong-Goon;Kim, Woo-Jung
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.39 no.5
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    • pp.398-402
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    • 1996
  • This study was carried out to compare the fermentation rates of Dongchimi as affected by fermentation temperature and salt concentration of brining solution. The Dongchimi was prepared by fermentation of the radish in salt solutions of 2.0, 3.2 and 5.1% NaCl respectively with addition of garlic, green onion, ginger at $4^{\circ}C,\;10^{\circ}C,\;20^{\circ}C$. The fermentation was classified into 3 steps of initial, intermediate and final stages according to pH changes and the rates of fermentation and color change were calculated from intermediate stage. The time reached equilibrium in hardness of radish and salt concentration and their equilibrated values were also compared. Fermentation rate became more rapid as fermentation temperature and salt concentration increased. The rates of Hunter color change of Dongchimi liquid were increased as the temperature increased. The 'L' values decreased slowly, and 'a' and 'b' values increased rapidly to maximum at the intermediate stage. The time required to reach equilibrium was reduced for both salt concentration and hardness of radish as the fermentation temperature increased. The equilibrated values of salt concentration were increased while those of hardness of radish were decreased as the temperature and salt concentration increased. The data obtained can be used for prediction of some of the major characteristics of Dongchimi during fermentation.

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A study on the Effect of Calcium Chloride Admixture on strengths of Concrete (혼화제인 염화칼슘이 콘크리트 강도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Jun, Hyun-Woo;Lim, Chong-Kook
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.2419-2425
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    • 1971
  • In many cold weather concrete constructison jobs calcium chloride $CaCl_2$ can be used safely as an accelerating admixture. For producing satisfactory concrete during cold weather calcium chloride is used to develop the level of strength required in a shorter period by obtaining higher early strength, the resulting in crease in heat of hydration. In this paper, to get adequated data and information of the effect on strength of concrete in using calcium chloride as an accelerating admixture, Portland cement (Type I), High-early-strength cement(Type II) and Pozzolans cement with certain 1.5 percentage of calcium chloride by weight of the cement were tested. As the result of this experiment, followings were founded: 1. At the 1.5 percent of calcium chloride cement ratio, the early strength was accelerated to the highest level, and some 1.5 percent of calcium chloride cement ratio was suitable for the stabilization of the concrete structures. 2. For Some 50 percent of Water Cement ratio was suitable, making good Concrete in the Cold weather by admixture of Calicum Chloide. 3. The concrete of Pozzorans cement in early strength was weak but that in later rised by degree. 4. As abtaining higher early strength the curing period can be reduced, but the finishing work should be done as early as possible.

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Estimation of the Relative Risk of the Elderly with Different Evacuation Velocity in a Toxic Gas Leakage Accident (독성물질 누출 시 대피 속도 차이에 따른 고령자의 상대적 위험도 산정)

  • Lee, H.T.;Kwak, J.;Park, J.;Ryu, J.;Lee, J.;Jung, Seungho
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.13-21
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    • 2019
  • Leakage accidents in businesses dealing with hazardous chemicals can have a great impact on the workers inside the workplace, as well as residents outside the workplace. In fact, there were cases where hazardous chemicals leaked from many businesses. As a result, the Chemicals Control Act(CCA) was enacted in 2015, the Ministry of Environment introduced an Off-site Risk Assessment(ORA). The purpose of the ORA is to secure safety from the installation of the design of the workplace facilities so that chemical accidents of hazardous chemical handling facilities do not cause human or physical damage outside the workplace. In general, the ORA qualitatively determines where a protected facility is within the scope of the accident scenario. However, elderly who belong to the sensitive group is more sensitive than the general group under the same chemical accident effect, and the extent of the damage is serious. According to data from the Korea National Statistic Office, the number of elderly people is expected to increase steadily. Therefore, a quantitative risk analysis considering the elderly is necessary as a result of a chemical accident. In this study, accident scenarios for 14 locations were set up to perform emergency evacuation due to toxic gas leakage of Cl2(Chlorine) and HF(Hydrogen Fluoride), and the effects of exposure were analyzed based on the evacuation velocity difference of age 20s and 60s. The ALOHA(Areal Locations of Hazardous Atmospheres) program was used to calculate the concentration for assessing the effects. The time of exposure to toxic gas was calculated based on the time it took for the evacuation to run from the start point to the desired point and a methodology was devised that could be applied to the risk calculation. As a result of the study, the relative risk of the elderly, the sensitive group, needs to be determined.