• Title/Summary/Keyword: CGWAVE 모형

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A Study on Analysis of Moored Ship Motion Considering Harbor Resonance (항만공진현상을 고려한 계류선박의 동요 해석에 관한 연구)

  • Kwak, Moon Su;Moon, Yong Ho;Pyun, Chong Kun
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.595-608
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    • 2013
  • This paper is proposed the computation method of moored ship motion considering harbor resonance, and estimated that the harbor resonance have an effect on moored ship motion. The computation of harbor resonance was used CGWAVE model and the computation of moored sip motion was used the Green function method expressed by three dimensions. This method was verified with the field observation data of moored ship motion, and the application of actual harbor was investigated with wave field data and down time record data in Pohang New Harbor. The resonance periods in Pohang New Harbor that obtained from wave field data were 80, 33, 23, 8 minute, which are the long waves, and 42, 54, 60 second, which are the infra-gravity waves inside harbor slip. The simulated results of harbor resonance were corresponded with the wave field data. This study was investigated on 5,000 ton, 10,000 ton and 30,000 ton ship sized in Pier 8 of Pohang New Harbor that the harbor resonance has effect on moored ship motion from simulated results of ship motion in case of included resonance and excluded resonance. In case of included resonance, the ship motion have increased by 12~400 percent when compared with results of excluded resonance. We could find that the harbor resonance have still more an effect on the surge and heave motions of a large size ship and the roll and yaw motions of a small size ship.

Shallow Water Spectral Wave Model : Application of SWAN-MAN Coupled Model for Coastal Area of Korean Peninsula (천해의 스펙트럼 해파 모형: SWAN-WAM 결합 모형의 한반도 해성에의 적용)

  • 최병호;김경옥;박상욱;엄현민;고진석;안성모
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers Conference
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    • 2002.08a
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    • pp.246-255
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    • 2002
  • 미육군 공병단이 해빈(근빈)의 해파예측을 위해 병렬적 CGWAVE(Pachang 과 Demirbilek, 1998) 및 STWAVE모형(Fahey와 Smith,2001)을 제시하는 반면 해군연구기금(Office of Naval Research)은 선진해파예측 연구를 쇄파대 외측의 해빈역 관측(SHOWEX)을 통해 수행하고 있는데 SWAN (Simulated Waves Nearshore) 모형을 중점적으로 적용하고 있다. (중략)

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