• 제목/요약/키워드: CASE Tools

검색결과 1,370건 처리시간 0.026초

효율적 S/W 개발을 위한 CASE 도구 활용의 실증적 연구 (An Empirical Study on the Use of CASE Tools for Efficient Software Development)

  • 전응섭;남상조
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.31-53
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    • 1993
  • Computer Aided Software Engineering(CASE) tools are suggested as an automated method for the efficient development of softwares. This study are intended to measure the use level of CASE tools and to provide the meaningful information on the whole software development environment supported by CASE tools. Therefore, the results of a survey on CASE environment in Korea are empirically reported and analyzed. The use of CASE tools is measured; purposes purchasing CASE tools and achievement levels are investigated. Implications from the comparative analysis of the utilization of software engineering methodologies between the CASE user group and the non-user group are described. A proposition is suggested to check the request frequency for program change. Further studies on the reverse engineering, program reuse and the use of CASE tools under distributed processing systems such as client-server environments are suggested.

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DEA와 AHP를 혼용한 소프트웨어공학 지원도구 평가 모형 연구 (A Study on an Evaluation Model of Computer Aided Software Engineering Tools by Combining Data Envelopment Analysis With Analytic Hierarchy Process)

  • 이정숙;김우제
    • 한국IT서비스학회지
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    • 제8권2호
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    • pp.173-187
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    • 2009
  • CASE tools are complex software products offering many different features. Systems professionals have evaluated various CASE products from a feature and attribute basis. Each product has a different mix of strengths and weaknesses as perceived by the end user. Specific CASE tools support different steps of the applications development process as well as varying methodologies. In this paper we develop a method for evaluating CASE tools. The model has an analytic hierarchy process for evaluating CASE tools in terms of functionality, management efficiency, and support ability of provider, and a data envelopment analysis for overall evaluation considering cost and AHP results. We applied the developed model to a real world case study.

효과적인 수업 운영을 위한 디지털 학습 도구 적용 사례 연구 (A Case Study on the Use of Digital Learning Tools for Effective Class Operation)

  • 김성림;권준희
    • 디지털산업정보학회논문지
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2023
  • Digital transformation is accelerating in all industries due to COVID-19 and rapidly developing ICT technology. In the field of education, teaching methods that combine various IT devices and software technologies are being applied. The education requires a future learning environment using EduTech such as digital learning tools. We perform a case study on the use of digital learning tools for effective class. In this study, digital learning tools were applied to an university class. The class was held in the second semester of 2022 at A university, with 67 students participating. In our case, QuizN, Mentimeter, and Google Forms were applied as digital learning tools. In order to evaluate our case, a survey was conducted using the Google Questionnaire. From the results of the survey evaluation, more than 85% of all survey questions answered that they were satisfied. From it, digital learning tools were shown to be effective in class operation.

컴포넌트 기반 개발을 위한 CASE 도구의 기능적 요구사항 및 개발관리 도구 (Functional Requirements about CASE Tools for Component Based Development and a Development Management Tool)

  • 김영희;정기원
    • 한국전자거래학회지
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    • 제9권3호
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    • pp.129-144
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    • 2004
  • 컴포넌트 기반 개발에 사용되는 CASE 도구는 기본적으로 모델링 기능, 프로젝트 관리 기능, 그리고 구현 및 테스트 지원 기능 등이 필요하다. 본 논문에서는 컴포넌트 기반 개발 시에 사용되는 CASE 도구의 기능적 요구사항을 제시한다. 기 존재하는 컴포넌트 기반 개발 도구들로부터 도구의 기능적 요구사항을 도출하여 분석/설계, 프로젝트 관리, 구현 및 테스트, 기타 기능 지원 등으로 분류하여 제시하고, 개발관리 기능을 추가하여 컴포넌트 기반 개발을 위한 CASE 도구를 제안한다.

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Design Implications for Teachers' Tools in Differentiated Instruction through Case Studies

  • CHA, Hyunjin
    • Educational Technology International
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.55-74
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    • 2013
  • The diversity of students is getting increased in the contemporary classroom. To deal with the diversity, differentiated instruction (DI) should be considered as a way of providing alternative approaches to content, process and product according to the students' readiness, interest, and learning needs. Teachers have problems and difficulties in supporting different student's needs. In fact, teachers need proven tools including framework, guidelines or computing systems to help to practice DI in real context. According to the activity theory, tools influence on how people act and think and even their social practice, playing a crucial role in mediating the activities with people. In DI practice, there are also some studies about physical and abstract tools, but they have been not widely utilized by teachers in real schools. It means that more innovative tool to promote DI might be required. Therefore, to design a better tool to mediate the DI activities with teacher, case studies were conducted. In order to elicit the design implications, two physical and two abstract tools for DI practice were analyzed as case studies. Through the analysis of the case studies, eight design implications better to facilitate DI practice were suggested. This study has implications in suggesting design guidelines for teachers' tools to facilitate their DI practice by analyzing case studies in DI practices for an innovative tool in the educational practice.

Requirement-Oriented Entity Relationship Modeling

  • Lee, Sang-Won;Shin, Kyung-Shik
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • 제17권3호
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    • pp.1-24
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    • 2010
  • Most of enterprises depend on a data modeler during developing their management information systems. In formulating business requirements for information systems, they widely and naturally use the interview method between a data modeler and a field worker. But, the discrepancy between both parties would certainly cause information loss and distortion that lead to let the systems not faithful to real business works. To improve or avoid modeler-dependant data modeling process, many automated data design CASE tools have been introduced. However, since most of traditional CASE tools just support drawing works for conceptual data design, a data modeler could not generate an ERD faithful to real business works and a user could not use them without any knowledge on database. Although some CASE tools supported conceptual data design, they still required too much preliminary database knowledge for a user. Against these traditional CASE tools, we proposed a Requirement-Oriented Entity Relationship Model for automated data design tool, called ROERM. Based on Non-Stop Methodology, ROERM adopts inner systematic modules for complete and sound ERD that is faithful to real field works, where modules are composed of interaction modules with a user, rules of schema operations and sentence translations. In addition to structure design of ROERM, we also devise detailed algorithms and perform an experiment for a case study.

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An International Comparison of Technological Systems : The Case of CNC Machine Tools in Korea, Sweden, and U.S.A.

  • Sung, Tae-Kyung;Carlsson, Bo
    • 기술혁신연구
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    • 제12권2호
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    • pp.21-46
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    • 2004
  • Focusing on a product, this paper reconstructs the concept of technological systems first introduced by Carlsson and Stankiewicz (1991). Based on the model and our earlier works, we compare the salient features of technological systems for computer numerically controlled (CNC) machine tools in Korea, Sweden, and the United States.. We also try to measure the performance of the systems in an international comparison. Major findings are as follows: (1) The length of 'learning period' for local (national) technological system is substantial, even though it is a catching-up case. (2) The key success factor of the technological system appears to be the connectivity among various actors or infrastructures, rather than just the existence or formation of those. (3) In three countries' experience, the government played an important role in the formation of each own technological system. (4) The performance of Korea's technological system for CNC machine tools during the past two decades(1981-97) seems to be better than that of Sweden and the U.S. Lastly, many policy implication are presented.

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웹 데이터베이스 연결도구의 비교 분석 (Comparative Analysis of Web Database Connectivity Tools)

  • 박성헌;박지헌
    • 정보기술과데이타베이스저널
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.101-115
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    • 2000
  • Since web has been used as the front-end of database, many web database connectivity tools have been developed and being developed now. For web developers and educators, it has been a difficult problem to select one tool out of so many alternatives. This paper compares web database connectivity tools available on PC Windows environment in the viewpoint of developers and educators. This comparative analysis focuses on the functions and programming techniques provided by these tools through implementing a simple case study using these software solutions. The performance analysis of these tools was not done in this reason.

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ICF 모델을 적용한 소뇌손상환자의 재활관리 사례보고 (Using ICF model Rehabilitation Management Case Report on Patients with Cerebellum Disorder)

  • 공선웅;김지선;배시절;황기경
    • PNF and Movement
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.79-88
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    • 2013
  • Purpose : Currently, ICF to describe the functions and disability in the world has been used as a universal language. ICF tools based on ICF, the rehabilitation management of clients have been developed to be efficient. This study was designed to describe clinical decision for functional goal of clients to used ICF tools. Methods : In the following the utilization of all developed ICF tools will be described within a case example of a 53-year-old women, suffering from cerebellum disorder. As problems in the subject's functional activities was difficulties in changes sitting postures, standing postures and maintaining standing postures. Activity limitation was determined change sitting, standing posture as a goal through discussion with the patient. Results : After setting the identified problems as the purpose of intervention through the assessment, we find out the outcomes using the ICF evaluation display. Consequently, with functional activities limitation that discovered from assessment(categorical profile, assessment sheet), sitting postures to standing postures and maintaining standing postures were improved. Conclusion : This study was showed ICF tools based on Rehab-cycle for the patient's functional goals clinical practice. The future study, the ICF in clinical practical tools for effective use will require more attempt.

CASE 자료 형식으로부터 CDIF 형식으로 변환하는 프로그램 자동 생성기의 구현 (Implementation of An Automatic Program Generator for Transforming CASE Data Format into CDIF Format)

  • 배상현;남영광;신규상
    • 한국정보처리학회논문지
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    • 제7권12호
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    • pp.3840-3847
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    • 2000
  • 미국의 전자산업협회(Electronic Industries Association)에서는 1991년부터 CASE 도구간의 정보교환을 용이하게 하기 위하여 CDIF (CASE Data Interchange Format) 이라는 표준 형식을 제정해 오고 있다. 각 CASE 도구에서 사용된 데이터를 CDIF 형식으로 변환만 해주면 다른 CASE 도구에서 이를 자신에 맞는 형식으로 변환하여 사용할 수 있다. 이때 각 CASE 도구 공급자는 CDIF 형식으로 변환 혹은 CDIF 형식을 자신에 적합한 형식으로 변환하는 프로그램을 작성하여야 한다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 불편을 해소하기 위해서 CASE 도구 공급자가 각 CASE 도구에서 사용된 자료의 저장형식을 지정하여 주면 CDIF 형식을 지원하는 변환기의 소스코드를 자동으로 생성하는 생성기를 개발하였다. 이 자동 생성기는 CASE 도구에서 사용된 자료의 저장형식, 저장형식에 대한 메타정보, CDIF 메타정보를 입력받아서 CDIF 문장을 생성한다. 본 연구에서 개발한 자동 생성기는 정보저장소에 관계없이 단일화된 인터페이스를 제공하는 JDBC 및 Oracle과 Sun O/S 환경하에서 구현하였다.

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